752 resultados para Legged locomotion


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder marked by the loss of dopaminergic neurons (in particular in the substantia nigra) causing severe impairment of movement coordination and locomotion, associated with the accumulation of aggregated α-synuclein (α-Syn) into proteinaceous inclusions named Lewy bodies. Various early forms of misfolded α-Syn oligomers are cytotoxic. Their formation is favored by mutations and external factors, such as heavy metals, pesticides, trauma-related oxidative stress and heat shock. Here, we discuss the role of several complementing cellular defense mechanisms that may counteract PD pathogenesis, especially in youth, and whose effectiveness decreases with age. Particular emphasis is given to the 'holdase' and 'unfoldase' molecular chaperones that provide cells with potent means to neutralize and scavenge toxic protein conformers. Because chaperones can specifically recognize misfolded proteins, they are key specificity factors for other cellular defenses, such as proteolysis by the proteasome and autophagy. The efficiency of the cellular defenses decreases in stressed or aging neurons, leading to neuroinflammation, apoptosis and tissue loss. Thus, drugs that can upregulate the molecular chaperones, the ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy in brain tissues are promising avenues for therapies against PD and other mutation-, stress- or age-dependent protein-misfolding diseases.


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Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la University of British Columbia, Canada, entre 2010 i 2012. Primerament es va desenvolupar una escala per mesurar coixeses (amb valors de l’1 al 5). Aquesta escala es va utilitzar per estudiar l’associació entre factors de risc a nivell de granja (disseny de le instal.lacions i maneig) i la prevalencia de coixeses a Nord America. Les dades es van recollir en un total de 40 granges al Nord Est dels E.E.U.U (NE) i 39 a California (CA) . Totes les vaques del group mes productiu es van categoritzar segons la severitat de les coixeses: sanes, coixes i severament coixes. La prevalencia de coixeses en general fou del 55 % a NE i del 31% a CA. La prevalencia de coixeses severes fou del 8% a NE i del 4% a Ca. A NE, les coixeses en general increntaren amb la presencia de serradura als llits i disminuiren en granjes grans, amb major quantitat de llit i acces a pastura. Les coixeses mes severes incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene als llit i amb la presencia de serradura als llits, i disminuiren amb la quantitat de llit proveit, l’us de sorra als llits i amb la mida de la granja. A CA, les coixeses en general incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene al llit, i disminuiren amb la mida de la granja, la presencia de terres de goma, l’increment d’espai als cubicles , l’espai a l’abeuredor i la desinfeccio de les peulles. Les coixeses severes incrementaren amb la falta d’higiene al llit i disminuixen amb la frequencia de neteja del corral. En conclusio, canvis en el maneig i el disseny de les instal.lacions poden ajudar a disminuir la prevalencia de coixeses, tot i que les estrategies a seguir variaran segons la regio.


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El present projecte s'ha dut a terme a l'American Museum of Natural History (AMNH, New York) entre el 31 de Desembre de 2010 i el 30 de Desembre de 2012. L'objectiu del projecte era elucidar la història evolutiva de la mà humana: traçar els canvis evolutius en la seva forma i proporcions que van propiciar la seva estructura moderna que permet als humans manipular amb precisió. El treball realitzat ha inclòs recol•lecció de dades i anàlisis, redacció de resultats i formació en mètodes analítics específics. Durant aquest temps, l'autor a completat la seva de base de dades existent en mesures lineals de la mà a hominoides. També s'han agafat dades del peu; d'aquesta forma ara mateix es compta amb una base de dades amb més de 500 individus, amb més de 200 mesures per cada un. També s'han agafat dades en tres imensions utilitzant un làser escàner. S'han après tècniques de morfometria geomètrica 3D directament dels pioners al camp a l'AMNH. Com a resultat d'aquesta feina s'han produït 10 resums (publicats a congressos internacionals) i 9 manuscrits (molts d'ells ja publicats a revistes internacionals) amb resultats de gran rellevància: La mà humana posseeix unes proporcions relativament primitives, que són més similars a les proporciones que tenien els hominoides fòssils del Miocè que no pas a la dels grans antropomorfs actuals. Els darrers tenen unes mans allargades amb un polzes molt curts que reflexen l'ús de la mà com a eina de suspensió sota les branques. En canvi, els hominoides del Miocè tenien unes mans relativament curtes amb un polze llarg que feien servir per estabilitzar el seu pes quan caminaven per sobre de les branques. Una vegada els primers homínids van aparèixer al final del Miocè (fa uns 6 Ma) i van començar a fer servir el bipedisme com a mitjà més comú de locomoció, les seves mans van ser "alliberades" de les seves funcions locomotores. La selecció natural—ara només treballant en la manipulació—va convertir les proporcions ja existents de la mà d'aquests primats en l'òrgan manipulatori que representa la mà humana avui dia.


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The functional interactions between the endogenous cannabinoid and opioid systems were evaluated in pre-proenkephalin-deficient mice. Antinociception induced in the tail-immersion test by acute Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol was reduced in mutant mice, whereas no difference between genotypes was observed in the effects induced on body temperature, locomotion, or ring catalepsy. During a chronic treatment with Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the development of tolerance to the analgesic responses induced by this compound was slower in mice lacking enkephalin. In addition, cannabinoid withdrawal syndrome, precipitated in Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-dependent mice by the injection of SR141716A, was significantly attenuated in mutant mice. These results indicate that the endogenous enkephalinergic system is involved in the antinociceptive responses of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and participates in the expression of cannabinoid abstinence.


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Background: 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a popular recreational drug widely abused by young people. The endocannabinoid system is involved in the addictive processes induced by different drugs of abuse. However, the role of this system in the pharmacological effects of MDMA has not been yet clarified.Methods: Locomotion, body temperature and anxiogenic-like responses were evaluated after acute MDMA administration in CB1 knockout mice. Additionally, MDMA rewarding properties were investigated in the place conditioning and the intravenous self-administration paradigms. Extracellular levels of DA in the nucleus accumbens were also analyzed after a single administration of MDMA by in vivo microdialysis. Results: Acute MDMA administration increased locomotor activity, body temperature and anxiogenic-like responses in wild type mice, but these responses were lower or abolished in knockout animals. MDMA produced similar conditioned place preference and increased dopamine extracellular levels in the nucleus accumbens in both genotypes. Nevertheless, CB1 knockout mice failed to self-administer MDMA at any of the doses used. Conclusions: These results indicate that CB1 cannabinoid receptors play an important role in the acute prototypical effects of MDMA, and are essential in the acquisition of an operant behavior to self-administer this drug.


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In a biophysical approach to the study of swimming performance (blending biomechanics and bioenergetics), inter-limb coordination is typically considered and analysed to improve propulsion and propelling efficiency. In this approach, 'opposition' or 'continuous' patterns of inter-limb coordination, where continuity between propulsive actions occurs, are promoted in the acquisition of expertise. Indeed a 'continuous' pattern theoretically minimizes intra-cyclic speed variations of the centre of mass. Consequently, it may also minimize the energy cost of locomotion. However, in skilled swimming performance there is a need to strike a delicate balance between inter-limb coordination pattern stability and variability, suggesting the absence of an 'ideal' pattern of coordination toward which all swimmers must converge or seek to imitate. Instead, an ecological dynamics framework advocates that there is an intertwined relationship between the specific intentions, perceptions and actions of individual swimmers, which constrains this relationship between coordination pattern stability and variability. This perspective explains how behaviours emerge from a set of interacting constraints, which each swimmer has to satisfy in order to achieve specific task performance goals and produce particular task outcomes. This overview updates understanding on inter-limb coordination in swimming to analyse the relationship between coordination variability and stability in relation to interacting constraints (related to task, environment and organism) that swimmers may encounter during training and performance.


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Abstract Fundamental research in psychiatric neurosciences assumes that psychiatric disorders are associated with neurobiological factors. Identification of these factors would provide therapeutic targets as well as a better understanding of the relationship between- brain and behaviour in pathological processes. We conducted experiments in an animal model of schizophrenia. Several behavioural tasks were used to evaluate spatial and working memory in these animals. The model is based on glutathione deficit during cerebral development. Indeed, a 50% decrease of glutathione has been reported in prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia. Glutathione is a major antioxidant in the brain and its deficit could lead to abnormal brain connectivity. The glutathione deficit was induced in rats by perinatal (PS-P16) subcutaneous injections with Lbuthionine-(S,R)-sullfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis. This treatment leads to a transitory 50% glutathione levels during brain development. In parallel, we conducted behavioural testing in rats with a medial prefrontal cortex lesion. This allowed us to compare early damage induced by BSO treatment with a focal lesion in adults of a brain area known to present anomalies in schizophrenia. Finally, we conducted a series of experiments in senescent rats to evaluate if cognitive deficits could be related to neurobiological changes. Our results show that an early glutathione deficit provokes cognitive deficits in adulthood. These spatial and working memory deficits resemble the cognitive deficits observed in schizophrenia. The comparison with prefrontal rats revealed that the early brain glutathione deficit provoked more severe cognitive deficits than the prefrontal lesion in adult rats. Moreover, in both cases, we observed a dissociation in memory deficits depending on the type of locomotion that was used in behavioural experiments. Indeed, BSO treated rats as well as prefrontal rats showed place learning or working memory deficits in tasks conducted on dry surfaces where they had to walk. In contrast, they showed no deficit when the same cognitive functions were tested in the water maze. This dissociation might be sustained by a difference in requirement of sensory integration between walking and swimming tasks. Résumé La recherche fondamentale en neurosciences psychiatriques repose sur le présupposé selon lequel les symptômes manifestés dans les troubles psychiatriques auraient des concomitants neurobiologiques. Ceux-ci, une fois identifiés, offriraient des cibles pour une démarche thérapeutique ainsi que des modèles permettant de mieux comprendre les soubassements biologiques du comportement et des activités mentales. Nos expériences s'articulent autour de la question de la modélisation de la schizophrénie chez l'animal. Nous avons recherché chez ces animaux des troubles cognitifs et sensoriels associés à la schizophrénie. En effet, chez l'homme comme chez l'animal, la mémoire spatiale et la mémoire de travail dépendent fortement de la capacité d'intégration et d'organisation des informations sensorielles. Les premières expériences ont été menées suite à une perturbation périnatale du développement cérébral. Celle-ci visait à reproduire une diminution du taux de glutathion dans le cerveau, des recherches précédentes ayant observé une diminution de 50% du taux de glutathion dans le cortex préfrontal de patients schizophrènes. Le glutathion étant un antioxydant majeur dans le cerveau, son déficit pourrait conduire à des perturbations de la circuiterie cérébrale. Nous avons reproduit ce déficit chez le rat, par injection de Lbuthionine-(S,R)-sullfoximine (BSO), un inhibiteur de la synthèse du glutathion... Ce traitement a été administré pendant la période périnatale (du jour postnatal 5 au jour 16) provoquant une diminution de 50% du taux de glutathion. Nous avons ensuite évalué lës répercussions de cette atteinte précoce sur le comportement des rats à l'âge adulte. Ce modèle s'inscrit donc dans l'hypothèse neurodéveloppementale qui associe la schizophrénie à une atteinte du développement cérébral normal. Nous avons ensuite conduit des expériences similaires chez des rats ayant subi une lésion du cortex préfrontal pour comparer les répercussions du traitement périnatal avec une lésion, à l'âge adulte, d'une aire cérébrale connue pour présenter des anomalies chez les patients. Finalement, nous avons évalué si les processus sensoriels et cognitifs précédemment étudiés pouvaient également être affectés lors du vieillissement normal en recherchant des corrélats biologiques des déficits de mémoire liés à l'âge avancé. Nos résultats montrent que ce déficit précoce en glutathion peut avoir des répercussions surale comportement à l'âge adulte. On a relevé une similarité avec les déficits cognitifs associés.à la schizophrénie, incluant des déficits de mémoire de travail ainsi que des déficits de mémoire spatiale. Ces déficits étaient fortement liés au type de locomotion utilisée et n'ont été observés que dans les tâches où les animaux devaient rejoindre un but en marchant mais pas dans lés tests dans lesquels ils devaient localiser une cible en nageant. Les déficits induits par la lésion préfrontale chez l'adulte étaient beaucoup plus légers que ceux découlant de l'atteinte périnatale mais présentaient une dissociation analogue en fonction du type de locomotion. De plus, des tests similaires menés au cours du vieillissement confirment que la mémoire de travail peut être affectée sélectivement par le vieillissement dans une tâche où les animaux doivent marcher, tout en restant intacte dans le bassin de Morris. Les déficits cognitifs liés au vieillissement étaient significativement corrélés à des différences de niveaux des protéines post-synaptiques PSD95 (postsynaptic density 95). L'ensemble des résultats montre que les tests qui sont fréquemment utilisés pour évaluer la mémoire chez l'animal pourraient faire appel à des processus différents. Cette différence pourrait notamment tenir au niveau d'intégration sensorielle requis pour résoudre la tâche, qui est particulièrement sollicitée au cours d'une locomotion intermittente.


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1. The "general activity" of Apodemus Sylvaticus L. has been recorded and analysed using two techniques: a) in an actograph, several components of the "general activity" have been recorded and quantified over 24 hours, including wheel running, locomotion in various areas of the enclosure, nest occupancy, drinking, eating and hoarding; b) in a breeding cage, ten times smaller than the actograph and where the possibilities of locomotion are considerably reduced, the wheel running only has been recorded. In these two situations, we have compared the effects of a food deprivation for 24 hours. 2. In the actograph, starvation increases the general locomotion in the enclosure without detectable changes in wheel running. On the other hand, in the breeding cage, wheel running is somewhat increased. 3. Refeeding results in decreased wheel running under both experimental conditions, and restores general locomotion in the actograph to the predeprivation level. 4. These results are discussed in view of the current literature. The apparent disagreement between our results and those of other workers is attributed to the fact that the latter used experimental conditions where the measured response was predetermined by the lack of choice in expressed responses which were offered to the animal. Consequently, we suggest that the interpretation of such experiments can be improved by allowing a choice of possible behavioural response and that each of them should be recorded separately.


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The human brainstem is a densely packed, complex but highly organised structure. It not only serves as a conduit for long projecting axons conveying motor and sensory information, but also is the location of multiple primary nuclei that control or modulate a vast array of functions, including homeostasis, consciousness, locomotion, and reflexive and emotive behaviours. Despite its importance, both in understanding normal brain function as well as neurodegenerative processes, it remains a sparsely studied structure in the neuroimaging literature. In part, this is due to the difficulties in imaging the internal architecture of the brainstem in vivo in a reliable and repeatable fashion. A modified multivariate mixture of Gaussians (mmMoG) was applied to the problem of multichannel tissue segmentation. By using quantitative magnetisation transfer and proton density maps acquired at 3 T with 0.8 mm isotropic resolution, tissue probability maps for four distinct tissue classes within the human brainstem were created. These were compared against an ex vivo fixated human brain, imaged at 0.5 mm, with excellent anatomical correspondence. These probability maps were used within SPM8 to create accurate individual subject segmentations, which were then used for further quantitative analysis. As an example, brainstem asymmetries were assessed across 34 right-handed individuals using voxel based morphometry (VBM) and tensor based morphometry (TBM), demonstrating highly significant differences within localised regions that corresponded to motor and vocalisation networks. This method may have important implications for future research into MRI biomarkers of pre-clinical neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.


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This study describes a task that combines random searching with goal directed navigation. The testing was conducted on a circular elevated open field (80 cm in diameter), with an unmarked target area (20 cm in diameter) in the center of 1 of the 4 quadrants. Whenever the rat entered the target area, the computerized tracking system released a pellet to a random point on the open field. Rats were able to learn the task under light and in total darkness, and on a stable or a rotating arena. Visual information was important in light, but idiothetic information became crucial in darkness. Learning of a new position was quicker under light than in total darkness on a rotating arena. The place preference task should make it possible to study place cells (PCs) when the rats use an allothetic (room frame) or idiothetic (arena frame) representation of space and to compare the behavioral response with the PCs' activity.


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INTRODUCTION: The presence of a pre-existing narrow spinal canal may have an important place in the ethiopathogenesis of lumbar spinal stenosis. By consequence the study of the development of the spinal canal is crucial. The first goal of this work is to do a comprehensive literature search and to give an essential view on the development of spinal canal and its depending factors studied until now. The second goal is to give some considerations and hypothesize new leads for clinically useful researches. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A bibliographical research was executed using different search engines: PubMed, Google Schoolar ©, Ovid ® and Web Of Science ©. Free sources and avaible from the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) were used. At the end of the bibliographic researches 114 references were found, 85 were free access and just 41 were cited in this work. Most of the found references are in English or in French. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The spinal canal is principally limited by the vertebrae which have a mesodermal origin. The nervous (ectodermal) tissue significantly influences the growth of the canal. The most important structure participating in the spinal canal growth is the neurocentral synchondrosis in almost the entire vertebral column. The fusion of the half posterior arches seems to have less importance for the canal size. The growth is not homogeneous but, depends on the vertebral level. Timing, rate and growth potentials differ by regions. Especially in the case of the lumbar segment, there is a craniocaudal tendency which entails a greater post-natal catch-up growth for distal vertebrae. Trefoil-shape of the L5 canal is the consequence of a sagittal growth deficiency. The spinal canal shares some developmental characteristics with different structures and systems, especially with the central nervous system. It may be the consequence of the embryological origin. It is supposed that not all the related structures would be affected by a growth impairment because of the different catch-up potentials. Studies found that narrower spinal canals might be related with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal symptoms, lower thymic function, bone mineral content, dental hypoplasia and Harris' lines. Anthropometric correlations found at birth disappear during the pediatric age. All factors which can affect bone and nervous growth might be relevant. Genetic predispositions are the only factors that can never be changed but the real impact is to ascertain. During the antenatal period, all the elements determining a good supply of blood and oxygen may influence the vertebral canal development, for example smoking during pregnancy. Diet is a crucial factor having an impact on both antenatal and postnatal growth. Proteins intake is the only proved dietetic relationship found in the bibliographic research of this work. The mechanical effects due to locomotion changes are unknown. Socioeconomic situation has an impact on several influencing factors and it is difficult to study it owing to numerous bias. CONCLUSIONS: A correct growth of spinal canal is evidently relevant to prevent not-degenerative stenotic conditions. But a "congenital" narrower canal may aggravate degenerative stenosis. This concerns specific groups of patient. If the size of the canal is highly involved in the pathogenesis of common back pains, a hypothetical measure to prevent developmental impairments could have a not- negligible impact on the society. It would be interesting to study more about dietetic necessities for a good spinal canal development. Understanding the relationship between nervous tissues and vertebra it might be useful in identifying what is needed for the ideal development. Genetic importance and the post-natal influences of upright standing on the canal growth remain unsolved questions. All these tracks may have a double purpose: knowing if it is possible to decrease the incidence of narrower spinal canal and consequently finding possible preventive measures. The development of vertebral canal is a complex subject which ranges over a wide variety of fields. The knowledge of this subject is an indispensable tool to understand and hypothesize the influencing factors that might lead to stenotic conditions. Unfortunately, a lack of information makes difficult to have a complete and satisfactory interdisciplinary vision.


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A pictorial key and diagnosis of the Brazilian genera of Micropezidae (Diptera, Nerioidea). This paper provides the first pictorial key and diagnosis for the Brazilian genera of the Micropezidae, based on external morphological characters illustrated with photographs. The key includes 13 genera: Cardiacephala Macquart, Cliobata Enderlein, Grallipeza Rondani, Metasphen Frey, Micropeza Meigen, Parasphen Enderlein, Planipeza Marshall, Plocoscelus Enderlein, Poecilotylus Hennig, Ptilosphen Enderlein, Rainieria Rondani, Scipopus Enderlein and Taeniaptera Macquart. For each genus, the species known to occur in Brazil are listed and their distribution records, including new ones, are provided.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the relative importance of flooding- and confinement-related environmentalfeatures in explaining macroinvertebrate trait structure and diversity in a pool of wetlands located in a Mediterranean riverfloodplain. To test hypothesized trait-environment relationships, we employed a recently implemented statistical procedure, thefourth-corner method. We found that flooding-related variables, mainly pH and turbidity, were related to traits that confer an abilityof the organism to resist flooding (e.g., small body-shape, protection of eggs) or recuperate faster after flooding (e.g., short life-span, asexual reproduction). In contrast, confinement-related variables, mainly temperature and organic matter, enhanced traits that allow organisms to interact and compete with other organisms (e.g., large size, sexual reproduction) and to efficiently use habitat and resources (e.g., diverse locomotion and feeding strategies). These results are in agreement with predictions made under the River Habitat Templet for lotic ecosystems, and demonstrate the ability of the fourth-corner method to test hypothesis that posit traitenvironment relationships. Trait diversity was slightly higher in flooded than in confined sites, whereas trait richness was not significantly different. This suggests that although trait structure may change in response to the main environmental factors, as evidenced by the fourth-corner method, the number of life-history strategies needed to persist in the face of such constraints remains more or less constant; only their relative dominance differs


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Over the last century, numerous techniques have been developed to analyze the movement of humans while walking and running. The combined use of kinematics and kinetics methods, mainly based on high speed video analysis and forceplate, have permitted a comprehensive description of locomotion process in terms of energetics and biomechanics. While the different phases of a single gait cycle are well understood, there is an increasing interest to know how the neuro-motor system controls gait form stride to stride. Indeed, it was observed that neurodegenerative diseases and aging could impact gait stability and gait parameters steadiness. From both clinical and fundamental research perspectives, there is therefore a need to develop techniques to accurately track gait parameters stride-by-stride over a long period with minimal constraints to patients. In this context, high accuracy satellite positioning can provide an alternative tool to monitor outdoor walking. Indeed, the high-end GPS receivers provide centimeter accuracy positioning with 5-20 Hz sampling rate: this allows the stride-by-stride assessment of a number of basic gait parameters--such as walking speed, step length and step frequency--that can be tracked over several thousand consecutive strides in free-living conditions. Furthermore, long-range correlations and fractal-like pattern was observed in those time series. As compared to other classical methods, GPS seems a promising technology in the field of gait variability analysis. However, relative high complexity and expensiveness--combined with a usability which requires further improvement--remain obstacles to the full development of the GPS technology in human applications.


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Monitoring the performance is a crucial task for elite sports during both training and competition. Velocity is the key parameter of performance in swimming, but swimming performance evaluation remains immature due to the complexities of measurements in water. The purpose of this study is to use a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) to estimate front crawl velocity. Thirty swimmers, equipped with an IMU on the sacrum, each performed four different velocity trials of 25 m in ascending order. A tethered speedometer was used as the velocity measurement reference. Deployment of biomechanical constraints of front crawl locomotion and change detection framework on acceleration signal paved the way for a drift-free integration of forward acceleration using IMU to estimate the swimmers velocity. A difference of 0.6 ± 5.4 cm · s(-1) on mean cycle velocity and an RMS difference of 11.3 cm · s(-1) in instantaneous velocity estimation were observed between IMU and the reference. The most important contribution of the study is a new practical tool for objective evaluation of swimming performance. A single body-worn IMU provides timely feedback for coaches and sport scientists without any complicated setup or restraining the swimmer's natural technique.