335 resultados para Kitchen


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The floor plan details all three floors of Harvard Hall, including its cellars, kitchen, chapel, and library. The items in this folder were reproduced from "The Burning of Harvard Hall, 1764, and its consequences," presented by F. Apthorp Foster at the April 1911 meeting of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, and published in the Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Volume XIV. The floor plan and exterior views were created by Pierre Eugène du Simitière in circa 1764. The original drawings are held in the Pierre Eugène du Simitière collection in the Ridgeway Branch of the Library Company of Philadelphia.


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Drawing by Charles Bulfinch of proposed plans for University Hall which were later rejected. Includes sketches of the front exterior view of the University Hall, and separate floor plans for the ground and second floors. Bulfinch designed a ground floor with a chapel and four dining halls each holding 100 students, a second floor with a gallery in the chapel and three rooms over the dining halls for public examinations and meetings of the Corporation and Overseers; and a basement under the halls intended for a kitchen under the dining halls and recitation rooms under the chapel.


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This journal contains entries about various student "disorders" which occurred during Eliphalet Pearson’s tenure at Harvard. Daily entries describe a wide range of students’ rebellious conduct, which included: hissing at speakers in chapel, throwing snowballs and stones at College buildings and people (including tutors and then-President Joseph Willard), disrupting lectures by scraping chairs and feet, breaking windows, intoxication, moving and breaking furniture, stealing firewood, firing pistols, building bonfires, stealing supplies (food, cider and candles), throwing food and utensils during meals, stealing Bibles, wearing hats indoors, filling door locks with stones, drawing on lecture room walls with gravel, and silencing the morning chapel bell by filling it with molten pewter plates (stolen from the kitchen). There are also entries pertaining to more malicious offenses, including the drowning of a dog in a well. Several entries describe meetings of the College government to determine the appropriate punishments for each offense. Students were often fined, expelled, or suspended ("rusticated") for their unruly behavior.


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Eleven-page handwritten list of items sold from the estate of Caleb Gannett, dated May 29, 1818. Items are arranged by house location (such as "in the kitchen") and entries consist of the item name, the purchaser, and the price. The list includes a substantial section of "books in Office sold June 3, 1818." The verso of the last page includes the note: "Account of Sales at auction of the personal estate of C. Gannett- copied from auctioneer's book."


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This collection contains two handwritten committee reports that provide a brief financial overview of the Harvard College Steward's accounts for the quarters ending February 27, 1800 and May 29, 1800. The February 27th statement is dated March 4, 1800, and the May 29th statement is dated June 2, 1800.


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It was Christmas day when an intriguing news piece about a kitchen technology was published in the Wall Street Journal in 2013 (Kowsmann, 2013). Immediately after, the piece went viral in the Portuguese (social) media (TV, blogs, press). It reported an odd 'obsession' of Portuguese consumers with a pricey German-made kitchen appliance - the Bimby (Figure 7.1) - during a difficult period of 'painful budget slashing in return for an international bailout'. The news piece served to unveil the irony: how come ''Western Europe's poorest country' could afford such an expensive technology 'that outsells high-end iPads [...] and is more popular on Facebook than the country's best-known rock band?' The journalistic piece advanced explanations for this technology craze: 'But the Portuguese love gadgets and seem determined, despite hard times, to maintain their tradition of regularly getting together for dinner. In this explanatory attempt, Bimby is portrayed as an intermediary that opens up the possibility for thinking about meal practices in a particular way, in this case, linking nation and meals through ideas around commensality.


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Monte Molião fica situado na margem esquerda do estuário da Ribeira de Bensafrim, em Lagos. Teve uma ocupação pré-romana, tendo sido densamente povoado durante toda a época romana. Neste trabalho, analisam-se os fragmentos de cerâmica de cozinha africana recolhidos no sítio, em escavações arqueológicas. O conjunto engloba 2005 fragmentos classificaveis, no entanto, apenas 1767 foram passíveis de tipificação (de acordo com as propostas de Tortorella, Hayes e M. Bonifay), tendo sido analisados também de acordo com a sua posição estratigráfica, o que permitiu retirar informação sobre a sua cronologia absoluta e integração nas diferentes fases de ocupação romana do sítio. Todos foram também abordados do ponto de vista do fabrico, concretamente no que se refere à cor e à estrutura física da pasta, numa tentativa de aproximação aos centros produtores. 161 exemplares, considerados representativos do conjunto, foram desenhados e tintados. O circuito da cerâmica de cozinha africana no sul de Portugal foi proposto com base nos dados do sítio de Lagos, mas também com outros provenientes de distintos locais algarvios, tendo-se concluído que aqueles em que esta cerâmica se tinha registado eram litorais ou facilmente acessíveis por rio.


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This work aimed to make a study for the implementation of an industrial unit for production of olive oil powder. For obtaining this product, which is designed for the gourmet kitchen market, is used the maltodextrin, which allows obtaining the small spheres (micro-droplets) of olive oil. To fulfil the proposed objective, were evaluated all steps that constitute the production process, including the olive oil production and then the transformation into the final product, i.e., in the form of powder. In this way, it will allow establishing all the steps necessary for the final project, which involve: definition of premises and equipment, layout and also some brief considerations regarding the effluents and wastes generated.


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Title from spine.


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Green cloth binding, with gilt spine titles.


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Front Row: swimming coach Jon Urbanchek, Rob Silverman, Mike Bayerl, Bill Hayes, Lee Michaud, Alec Campbell, Jan-Erick Olsen, Tim Petsche, Eric Kitchen, Martin Moran, Mike Barrowman, diving coach Dick Kimball

2nd Row: trainer Dave Tomchek, Eric Wise, D, Mott, Rick Reising, M. Smith, Alex Alvizuri, Zeb Esselstyn, Tato Ceresa, D. McNear, M. Curry, E. Gotting

3rd Row: David Parrish, Dan Dewhirst, Sean Gallagher, Steve Pancratz, Scott Van Appledorn, Dave Goch, Bill Kopas, G. Williams, Ron Howard, Rick Wilkening, A. DeLuca

Back Row: assistant coach Joe Parker, Scott Ryan, Bjoern Warland, Jarret Winter, Ron Melnyk, L. Aspenwall, Jeff Heydanek, Mats Nygren, Mike Creaser, graduate assistant Dan Kerska


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes household hints; samples of menus; some recipes include wine or liquor as an ingredient. Sample recipes: Stuffed artichokes, Macaroni à la Milanaise, Apricot and wine jelly, Cream sponge cake.


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Samples of menus on p. 348-352.