279 resultados para Jomsvikinga saga.
1. Bd. En polsk Familie.--2. Bd. Vilhelm Zabern. Fortælling om Haldor.--3. Bd. Guldmageren.--4. Bd. Slottet ved Rhinen.--5. Bd. Saga om Thorvald Vidførle.--6. Bd. Robert Fulton.--7. Bd. Charles de la Bussière. Et Martyrium i nutiden. Bellman.
Translation of Frithjofs saga.
Kavanagh.--Driftwood: Ancient French romances. Frithiof's saga. Twice told tales. The great metropolis. Anglo-Saxon literature. Paris in the seventeenth century. Table talk.
Edited by Vald. Ásmundarson, except vol. [3] and [5] which are edited by þórleifr Jónsson.
Edited by Þorsteinn Helgason, Þorgeir Guðmundsson, R. K. Rask and C. C. Rafn.
Kong Magnus Barfods saga.--Kong Sigurd Jorsalafarers og hans brødre Eistens og Olafs saga.--Kong Harald Gilles og Magnus den Blindes saga.--Kong Inge Haraldsøns og hans brødres saga.--Kong Hakon Haerdebreds saga.--Kong Magnus Erlingsøns saga. Om Einar Skulesøn.--Gregorii forste faerd.
Title from caption.
Consists of a short history of the Spanish-American War by Peterson, a poem by Runeberg historically concerned with the Russian conquest of Finland, and a poem by Tegner based on a Norwegian story.
"Sketch of the life and career of the author of Fridthjof's saga, by F. M. Franzén": p. [119]-145.
Na história da humanidade, a realidade de conflitos e de guerras entre povos vizinhos têm sido comum. O que mais assusta é o fato que, o discurso religioso, ao invés de desencorajar tais realidades pode incentivar e justificar os projetos de poder dessas nações. O estudo da Bíblia Hebraica pode lançar luzes para o entendimento das realidades de conflito entre nações e para o papel do discurso religioso nestes. Para isto, essa pesquisa propôs-se a estudar narrativas que abordam a origem e o desenvolvimento de rivalidades e de conflitos internacionais. Especialmente, estudou as narrativas familiares e os oráculos proféticos que abordaram a rivalidade, os conflitos e o ódio entre Israel/Judá e Edom para propor uma releitura capaz de encorajar projetos de paz. Os exercícios exegéticos nas narrativas familiares (Gn 35-36) e nos oráculos proféticos contra Edom (nas coleções de oráculos contra as nações, no livro de Obadias, e em perícopes de Is 63,1-6 e de Ml 1,2-5) abordaram o material literário da Bíblia Hebraica para investigar sobre a origem e o desenvolvimento dos conflitos entre Israel/Judá e Edom. Especial atenção foi dada ao estudo da construção histórica do ódio e o papel da literatura religiosa no crescente desenvolvimento das rivalidades, animosidades e conflitos. O primeiro capítulo estudou a saga de Isaque como documento histórico e teológico que abordou a origem familiar da rivalidade entre os irmãos gêmeos, com diferenças significativas na construção de suas vidas e identidades. O segundo capítulo estudou, na literatura profética, os Oráculos contra as Nações e, mais especificamente, os oráculos contra Edom. Nesta fase estudou a importância desse gênero literário na construção de uma teologia mais universal que atribuía a Deus o controle da história, visando maior cuidado com Israel. O terceiro capítulo também avaliou outro material profético que abordou o conflito e, até mesmo, o ódio divino contra os edomitas (Is 63,1-6 e Ml 1,2-5). Nestes, percebeu-se o acirramento dos conflitos e a construção de um discurso religioso mais animoso contra Edom. Os estudos nas narrativas de rivalidade e de conflitos entre Israel/Judá e Edom na Bíblia Hebraica procuraram destacar, na dinâmica história de conflitos, as esperanças de paz para as relações internacionais. Sobretudo, propôs reler esses textos para a construção de um discurso religioso-teológico que estimule a tolerância e a ética da paz.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the various episodes in the Malaysian auditing saga, covering the period of the first 40 years post-independence in 1957 to just before the onset of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. Design/methodology/approach – Based on documentary analysis, the paper offers a historical account of the development of the auditing profession with reference to the dynamic changes in its political and socio-economic environment. Findings – The paper concludes that the function of auditing in Malaysian society responded to political-economic pressures over time viz. changing from maintaining the economic policy to serve Western investors to accommodating ethnic relations, and to strengthening the bond between local and global corporate elites and the political leaders. Originality/value – Since, little is known of the professionalisation process in Malaysia, our analysis of the structural conditions during the 40 years from the achievement of independence from the British in 1957 to just before the onset of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and our assessment of their implications for auditing contributes to knowledge in this area
« L’identité régionale […] repose sur une réalité concrète : la mer est aussi réelle que vous et moi […]. Je ne fais que constater qu’elle forge le caractère de cette planète, qu’elle est une source majeure de notre subsistance et que nous l’avons tous en partage, où que nous soyons en Océanie. Mais au-delà des épreuves quotidiennes, la mer nous lie les uns aux autres. Elle est source de sagesse infinie. La mer est notre métaphore la plus puissante. L’océan est en nous. » (Hau’Ofa, 2015 [1997] : 55-56). Souvent présentés de manière séparée, les territoires français dans le Pacifique Sud, objets de ce dossier, possèdent cependant des horizons régionaux intéressants qui mettent en exergue la variété des écosystèmes politiques de l’espace océanien1. Les facettes multidimensionnelles des évolutions humaines montrent une « mer d’îles » océaniennes en mouvement, selon l’intellectuel tongien Epeli Hau’Ofa (2008 [1993]). Sa pensée alimente la formation d’une identité régionale océanienne, à p... « Regional identity […] has been constructed on a foundation of concrete reality. That the sea is as real as you and I […], that it shapes the character of this planet, that it is a major source of our sustenance, that it is something that we all share in common wherever we are in Oceania – all of these are statements of fact. Yet beyond that level of everyday experience, the sea is our pathway to each other and to everyone else, the sea is our endless saga, the sea is our most powerful metaphor, the ocean is in us. » (Hau’Ofa, 2015 [1997]: 55-56). Often conceived of as separate entities, French overseas territories in the South Pacific, as the subject of this special issue, nevertheless possess interesting regional horizons, which highlight the variety of political ecosystems of Oceania. The multidimensional facets of human evolution show an Oceanian “Sea of Islands” in constant movement, according to the Tongan intellectual Epeli Hau’Ofa (2008 [1993]). His philosophy contributes to...
The purpose of this dissertation is to demonstrate that sexual repression is a recurring theme throughout a selection of works by Federico García Lorca. The introductory chapter focuses on the sexual theories of Sigmund Freud and Michel Foucault in setting the foundation for an analysis of sexually frustrated characters. In chapter two, an analysis of Lorca's rural trilogy reveals how marginalized female characters struggle to preserve societal customs that subjugate them to the patriarchal hegemony by limiting their free will and their sexual freedom. The subsequent chapter elaborates on the theme of repression in poems where the oppressed voice expresses and denounces the intolerance and persecution of those who condemn homosexuality through metaphors of darkness, impurity, and barren love. Chapter four analyzes two avant-garde plays where the underlying message is that of a society that hampers the expression of homosexual love by silencing desire and forcing individuals to mask their identities. The conclusion demonstrates once more the effects of society on sexual freedom, as well as explaining that the recurrence of repressed women is not a pretext in portraying the homosexual saga, but a pre-text in presenting them as an equally marginalized group.
The general knowledge of the hydrographic structure of the Southern Ocean is still rather incomplete since observations particularly in the ice covered regions are cumbersome to be carried out. But we know from the available information that thermohaline processes have large amplitudes and cover a wide range of scales in this part of the world ocean. The modification of water masses around Antarctica have indeed a worldwide impact, these processes ultimately determine the cold state of the present climate in the world ocean. We have converted efforts of the German and Russian polar research institutions to collect and validate the presently available temperature, salinity and oxygen data of the ocean south of 30°S latitude. We have carried out this work in spite of the fact that the hydrographic programme of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) will provide more new information in due time, but its contribution to the high latitudes of the Southern Ocean is quite sparse. The modified picture of the hydrographic structure of the Southern Ocean presented in this atlas may serve the oceanographic community in many ways and help to unravel the role of this ocean in the global climate system. This atlas could only be prepared with the altruistic assistance of many colleagues from various institutions worldwide who have provided us with their data and their advice. Their generous help is gratefully acknowledged. During two years scientists from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute in St. Petersburg and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven have cooperated in a fruitful way to establish the atlas and the archive of about 38749 validated hydrographic stations. We hope that both sources of information will be widely applied for future ocean studies and will serve as a reference state for global change considerations.
Este estudo analiza como Manuel Rivas aproveita a ambigüidade do concepto de estereotipo para crear una identidade cultural galega. En Unha espía no Reino de Galicia (2004), Rivas propón que a imaxe paródica do galego e o conxunto de trazos estereotipados que se lle asignan non son un elemento alleo a cultura galega, senón que é un trazo integral da dialéctica da súa identidade nacional. Desta maneira, ó feito diferencial galego, ademais da lingua, a unidade territorial, o celtismo, ou a emigración, habería que engadir a capacidade do galego de parodiar o seu propio discurso nacional.