991 resultados para JAD file


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If the Internet could be used as a method of transmitting ultrasound images taken in the field quickly and effectively, it would bring tertiary consultation to even extremely remote centres. The aim of the study was to evaluate the maximum degree of compression of fetal ultrasound video-recordings that would not compromise signal quality. A digital fetal ultrasound videorecording of 90 s was produced, resulting in a file size of 512 MByte. The file was compressed to 2, 5 and 10 MByte. The recordings were viewed by a panel of four experienced observers who were blinded to the compression ratio used. Using a simple seven-point scoring system, the observers rated the quality of the clip on 17 items. The maximum compression ratio that was considered clinically acceptable was found to be 1:50-1:100. This produced final file sizes of 5-10 MByte, corresponding to a screen size of 320 x 240 pixels, running at 15 frames/s. This study expands the possibilities for providing tertiary perinatal services to the wider community.


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The personal computer revolution has resulted in the widespread availability of low-cost image analysis hardware. At the same time, new graphic file formats have made it possible to handle and display images at resolutions beyond the capability of the human eye. Consequently, there has been a significant research effort in recent years aimed at making use of these hardware and software technologies for flotation plant monitoring. Computer-based vision technology is now moving out of the research laboratory and into the plant to become a useful means of monitoring and controlling flotation performance at the cell level. This paper discusses the metallurgical parameters that influence surface froth appearance and examines the progress that has been made in image analysis of flotation froths. The texture spectrum and pixel tracing techniques developed at the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre are described in detail. The commercial implementation, JKFrothCam, is one of a number of froth image analysis systems now reaching maturity. In plants where it is installed, JKFrothCam has shown a number of performance benefits. Flotation runs more consistently, meeting product specifications while maintaining high recoveries. The system has also shown secondary benefits in that reagent costs have been significantly reduced as a result of improved flotation control. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Did rank-and-file members of the German Social Democratic party before 1914 bother to read Marx? A number of studies of borrowing from trade union and other workers' libraries since the 1970s have indicated that workers who read Marx were rare, although this does not mean that workers' reading habits were not influenced by socialist ideas. However, for a broader understanding of the reception of Marx's writings among rank-and-file German socialists, it is necessary to consider not only books, but the pamphlet literature produced by the SPD in huge quantities, serialisations and other treatments in the party press, and oral communication. When the full range of sources is considered, the extent of the reception of Marx's writings, albeit often in very simplified forms, can be more fully appreciated.


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The moth larva, Doratifera stenosa (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae), was observed feeding voraciously in great numbers on mature leaves of Rhizophora stylosa in mangroves at Port Curtis in Central Queensland, NE Australia. This behaviour was considered unusual since mangroves, and the Rhizophora species in particular, reportedly harbour few herbivores and have relatively low levels of herbivory, less than 10%. During a two year period (1996-1998), larvae were observed consuming around 30-40% of leaves in the canopy each year, and the mangroves appeared able to sustain these high levels of herbivory. The impact on trees was assessed in conjunction with a study of the herbivore, its behaviour and life history, in an attempt to explain the occurrence. Larvae were 1-2 cm in length, bright green and gregarious, with numerous small, stinging hairs along their upper bodies. Feeding was in small cohort groups of 5-70 individuals that broke up immediately prior to each moult after which they regrouped in much larger numbers of mixed cohorts to form single-file processions across branches, stems and prop roots. In this way, they moved to neighbouring trees with less affected foliage. One of the outstanding characteristics of this herbivore was its ability to desist from killing host trees although it appeared quite capable of doing so had it remained on individual trees. By moving from tree to tree, the herbivore was able to heavily crop Rhizophora foliage in an apparently sustainable manner. These findings demonstrate the role and importance of foliar herbivory in severely affected forests and how such instances best not be ignored or treated as curiosities in future assessments of herbivory and forest turnover in mangrove ecosystems.


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We present a theory for the transport of molecules adsorbed in slit and cylindrical nanopores at low density, considering the axial momentum gain of molecules oscillating between diffuse wall reflections. Good agreement with molecular dynamics simulations is obtained over a wide range of pore sizes, including the regime of single-file diffusion where fluid-fluid interactions are shown to have a negligible effect on the collective transport coefficient. We show that dispersive fluid-wall interactions considerably attenuate transport compared to classical hard sphere theory.


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No Brasil, a Constitui????o de 1988 institucionalizou a participa????o social em conselhos a serem compostos por representantes de diferentes setores da sociedade, do Estado e, em alguns casos, dos trabalhadores. A partir dos anos 2000, a realiza????o de confer??ncias passou a ser disseminada como mais uma forma de participa????o, que auxilia no mapeamento das demandas e na constru????o de consensos entre os movimentos sociais nos momentos que antecedem a formula????o de pol??ticas pelo poder executivo. Seja qual for a forma de participa????o social institucionalizada, regras e procedimentos regulamentados pelo Estado regem as intera????es com a Sociedade. Esse ensaio se dedica a problematizar a efetividade dos espa??os e mecanismos do ponto de vista do processamento de pol??ticas p??blicas dentro do aparato burocr??tico a partir de conceitos derivados das teorias de complexidade, participa????o e burocracia com a inten????o de contribuir para o debate sobre o aperfei??oamento desse campo


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No Estado do Paran??, o movimento de forma????o e desenvolvimento dos servidores p??blicos ?? difundido a partir da cria????o da Escola de Governo, em 2004. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a experi??ncia da constru????o de uma rede de capacita????o em pol??ticas p??blicas voltada ?? qualifica????o dos quadros de carreira de n??vel superior, analisando os desdobramentos e os fatores limitadores da rede. Apresenta a rede de capacita????o constru??da em parceria entre a Escola de Governo do Paran?? e seis Institui????es P??blicas de Ensino Superior (Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Universidade Estadual de Maring??, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Universidade do Centro-Oeste do Paran??, Universidade do Oeste do Paran??, e a Universidade Federal do Paran??). A metodologia utilizada neste paper ?? o estudo de caso que relatar?? a constru????o da rede de capacita????o com as seguintes etapas: identifica????o dos diversos atores e a institui????o de c??mara t??cnica para a discuss??o e formata????o de curso de especializa????o que atendesse ??s necessidades e especificidades da Escola de Governo do Paran??; o processo seletivo; o desenvolvimento do Curso de P??s-Gradua????o, pelas Universidades p??blicas parceiras; o acompanhamento do Curso pela equipe da Escola de Governo do Paran??; os projetos de interven????o feitos pelos alunos; a dissemina????o do conhecimento produzido. O ponto alto do trabalho em rede se deu com as discuss??es do Curso na C??mara T??cnica: tem??tica do curso, fontes de recursos, projeto do curso, o p??blico-alvo, o ambiente de aprendizagem, o acesso ?? tecnologia, o suporte acad??mico e administrativo, o acompanhamento e avalia????o, a difus??o/dissemina????o do conhecimento. Dos resultados obtidos a partir da intera????o entre os integrantes da rede destacam-se: 19 turmas de um curso de P??s-Gradua????o em Formula????o e Gest??o de Pol??ticas P??blicas num total de 572 especialistas, al??m da realiza????o de um Semin??rio de Gest??o P??blica no Paran??, da cria????o do Reposit??rio Institucional SabeRES em Gest??o P??blica de acesso livre e da publica????o de livros sobre Gest??o de Pol??ticas P??blicas no Paran??, contendo artigos publicados pelos alunos sobre tem??ticas relacionadas ?? gest??o p??blica. Com isso, o Estado do Paran?? iniciou um processo de constru????o de saberes em gest??o p??blica a partir da reflex??o de suas pr??prias viv??ncias e experi??ncias, e de uma rela????o harmoniosa e inovadora entre produtores de saberes ??? a institui????o acad??mica e a administra????o p??blica ??? os quais criaram condi????es para a constru????o do conhecimento, o que n??o teria sido poss??vel de maneira isolada. Essa rede de conhecimento em pol??ticas p??blicas, por ter sido coletivamente constru??da, revelou que mais importante que o conhecimento em si e o processo da sua constru????o, foi a transposi????o desses resultados para a realidade n??o apenas dos produtores desse conhecimento, mas para todos os que atuam e s??o beneficiados pela gest??o p??blica


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O paper estuda o caso da recente reforma da Previd??ncia na It??lia, ilustrando a possibilidade de uma participa????o positiva dos sindicatos ??? tradicionalmente contr??rios ??s reformas ??? no processo de transforma????o do setor p??blico. Ap??s uma revis??o do sistema previdenci??rio italiano, altamente fragmentado e particularista na opini??o dos autores, e o apontamento de suas principais defici??ncias, o estudo concentra-se na an??lise de tr??s propostas de reforma ligadas aos governos de Amato (1992-93), Berlusconi (1994) e Dini (1995), respectivamente. O texto aborda tanto as propostas concretas de mudan??a, trazendo contribui????es sobre uma variedade consider??vel de medidas, seu impacto e aceita????o sociais e por categoria, como os objetivos visados e o processo pol??tico relacionado ?? sua discuss??o e tramita????o. Uma preocupa????o constante dos autores ?? a correla????o entre a postura e a participa????o dos sindicatos em mat??ria de reforma previdenci??ria, por um lado, e o avan??o das propostas governamentais, por outro. Segundo o estudo, a ampla participa????o da for??a sindical na negocia????o do projeto de reforma previdenci??ria do governo Dini representou um fator decisivo para sua aprova????o e implementa????o bem-sucedidas. Ao mesmo tempo, a delibera????o democr??tica para concilia????o de prefer??ncias e interesses (m??ltiplos no caso de assuntos norteados pela dicotomia bem comum/interesse particular) ??? objeto da ??ltima sess??o do estudo ??? ?? vista como uma forma de ampliar a participa????o sindical al??m das lideran??as, passando a incluir os rank-and-file trabalhadores, um procedimento que traz, igualmente, a for??a de uma decis??o majorit??ria. A an??lise da reforma da Previd??ncia italiana ?? ilustrada no paper com tabelas que trazem e comparam dados referentes ?? contribui????o previdenci??ria, ??s categorias de beneficiados e ??s diferentes propostas de reforma formuladas por sucessivos governos italianos.


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Quality Management System has been implemented at the René Rachou Research Center since 2003. This study investigated its importance for collaborators (Cs) in laboratories. This was a quantitative and descriptive study performed in a group of 113 collaborators. It was based on the World Health Organization handbook: Quality Practices in Basic Biomedical Research. The questionnaires evaluated the parameters using the Likert scale. Biosafety, training and ethics were considered to be the most important parameters. Supervision and quality assurance, data recording, study plan, SOPs and file storage achieved intermediate evaluation. The lower frequency of responses was obtained for result report, result verification, personnel and publishing practices. Understanding the perception of the collaborators allows the development of improvement actions aiming the construction of a training program directing strategies for disseminating quality.


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INTRODUCTION: The correct identification of the underlying cause of death and its precise assignment to a code from the International Classification of Diseases are important issues to achieve accurate and universally comparable mortality statistics These factors, among other ones, led to the development of computer software programs in order to automatically identify the underlying cause of death. OBJECTIVE: This work was conceived to compare the underlying causes of death processed respectively by the Automated Classification of Medical Entities (ACME) and the "Sistema de Seleção de Causa Básica de Morte" (SCB) programs. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The comparative evaluation of the underlying causes of death processed respectively by ACME and SCB systems was performed using the input data file for the ACME system that included deaths which occurred in the State of S. Paulo from June to December 1993, totalling 129,104 records of the corresponding death certificates. The differences between underlying causes selected by ACME and SCB systems verified in the month of June, when considered as SCB errors, were used to correct and improve SCB processing logic and its decision tables. RESULTS: The processing of the underlying causes of death by the ACME and SCB systems resulted in 3,278 differences, that were analysed and ascribed to lack of answer to dialogue boxes during processing, to deaths due to human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease for which there was no specific provision in any of the systems, to coding and/or keying errors and to actual problems. The detailed analysis of these latter disclosed that the majority of the underlying causes of death processed by the SCB system were correct and that different interpretations were given to the mortality coding rules by each system, that some particular problems could not be explained with the available documentation and that a smaller proportion of problems were identified as SCB errors. CONCLUSION: These results, disclosing a very low and insignificant number of actual problems, guarantees the use of the version of the SCB system for the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and assures the continuity of the work which is being undertaken for the Tenth Revision version.


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This paper presents an algorithm to efficiently generate the state-space of systems specified using the IOPT Petri-net modeling formalism. IOPT nets are a non-autonomous Petri-net class, based on Place-Transition nets with an extended set of features designed to allow the rapid prototyping and synthesis of system controllers through an existing hardware-software co-design framework. To obtain coherent and deterministic operation, IOPT nets use a maximal-step execution semantics where, in a single execution step, all enabled transitions will fire simultaneously. This fact increases the resulting state-space complexity and can cause an arc "explosion" effect. Real-world applications, with several million states, will reach a higher order of magnitude number of arcs, leading to the need for high performance state-space generator algorithms. The proposed algorithm applies a compilation approach to read a PNML file containing one IOPT model and automatically generate an optimized C program to calculate the corresponding state-space.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientada por: Professor Doutor José António Baptista da Costa Coorientada por: Dr. Lourenço Fernando Gomes Pinheiro


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A literatura descreve que as ações de endomarketing contribuem para a aproximação, interação e o bom relacionamento entre a empresa e os colaboradores. Sendo caracterizada como uma relação de troca, na qual a empresa fornece instrumentos capazes de promover o interesse dos colaboradores a participarem mais ativamente em toda a envolvente organizacional - através de ações que favoreçam o diálogo, sugestões, partilha de conhecimentos e informações, bem como relatos de situações corriqueiras ocorridas no dia-a-dia da empresa. Em contrapartida, à medida que o colaborador se sente valorizado pela empresa e pelos colegas, passa a perceber a importância do seu trabalho dentro da organização, permitindo que identifique o trabalho como algo prazeroso. Esta troca contribui para a produtividade e desenvolvimento da empresa, bem como a satisfação e empenhamento dos colaboradores no trabalho. Neste sentido, visando averiguar como esta situação é vivenciada na prática decidiu-se pela realização de um estágio, tendo como questão de estudo qual o impacto das ações de endomarketing no empenhamento e na satisfação dos clientes internos da PT PRO? Para responder a tal indagação foi realizado um estágio na empresa PT PRO, nomeadamente na Direção de Desenvolvimento de Mercado, Marketing e Formação. Apresentam-se ao longo do presente relatório a descrição das especificidades do estágio, tal como as principais ilações daí retiradas tendo através de pesquisas documentais (arquivo e documentos internos e Intranet), reuniões com a Direção de Marketing e com a tutora do estágio, tal como pela aplicação e análise de um inquérito por questionário aplicado aos colaboradores, chegando-se à conclusão que, de facto, as ações de endomarketing levadas a cabo pela empresa contribuem para o empenhamento e satisfação dos colaboradores.