871 resultados para Interest operators
Étude de cas / Case study
Étude de cas / Case study
Continuous exact non-atomic games are naturally associated to certain operators between Banach spaces. It thus makes sense to study games by means of the corresponding operators. We characterize non-atomic exact market games in terms of the properties of the associated operators. We also prove a separation theorem for weak compact sets of countably additive measures, which is of independent interest.
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Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les fonctions propres de l'opérateur de Laplace-Beltrami - ou simplement laplacien - sur une surface fermée, c'est-à-dire une variété riemannienne lisse, compacte et sans bord de dimension 2. Ces fonctions propres satisfont l'équation $\Delta_g \phi_\lambda + \lambda \phi_\lambda = 0$ et les valeurs propres forment une suite infinie. L'ensemble nodal d'une fonction propre du laplacien est celui de ses zéros et est d'intérêt depuis les expériences de plaques vibrantes de Chladni qui remontent au début du 19ème siècle et, plus récemment, dans le contexte de la mécanique quantique. La taille de cet ensemble nodal a été largement étudiée ces dernières années, notamment par Donnelly et Fefferman, Colding et Minicozzi, Hezari et Sogge, Mangoubi ainsi que Sogge et Zelditch. L'étude de la croissance de fonctions propres n'est pas en reste, avec entre autres les récents travaux de Donnelly et Fefferman, Sogge, Toth et Zelditch, pour ne nommer que ceux-là. Notre thèse s'inscrit dans la foulée du travail de Nazarov, Polterovich et Sodin et relie les propriétés de croissance des fonctions propres avec la taille de leur ensemble nodal dans l'asymptotique $\lambda \nearrow \infty$. Pour ce faire, nous considérons d'abord les exposants de croissance, qui mesurent la croissance locale de fonctions propres et qui sont obtenus à partir de la norme uniforme de celles-ci. Nous construisons ensuite la croissance locale moyenne d'une fonction propre en calculant la moyenne sur toute la surface de ces exposants de croissance, définis sur de petits disques de rayon comparable à la longueur d'onde. Nous montrons alors que la taille de l'ensemble nodal est contrôlée par le produit de cette croissance locale moyenne et de la fréquence $\sqrt{\lambda}$. Ce résultat permet une reformulation centrée sur les fonctions propres de la célèbre conjecture de Yau, qui prévoit que la mesure de l'ensemble nodal croît au rythme de la fréquence. Notre travail renforce également l'intuition répandue selon laquelle une fonction propre se comporte comme un polynôme de degré $\sqrt{\lambda}$. Nous généralisons ensuite nos résultats pour des exposants de croissance construits à partir de normes $L^q$. Nous sommes également amenés à étudier les fonctions appartenant au noyau d'opérateurs de Schrödinger avec petit potentiel dans le plan. Pour de telles fonctions, nous obtenons deux résultats qui relient croissance et taille de l'ensemble nodal.
Introduction: Aboriginal peoples are underrepresented within the healthcare professions, and recruitment of Aboriginal students has become a priority for medical schools in Canada. Because of very low high-school completion rates among youth living on-reserve, the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine launched in 2011 the Mini-école de la santé, a program where health sciences students visit aboriginal schools. Through activities and games, students introduce children to the discovery of health professions. In 2014, the Health Library joined the project with the development of a science books collection for the school libraries and by having a librarian participate in the school visits. Description: In collaboration with the two Atikamekw elementary schools to be visited in 2014, 70 children books on science, human anatomy and the health professions were selected and purchased for each school by the Health Library. A librarian joined the health sciences students during the schools visits and the book collection was integrated in the activities organised during the day. The books were afterwards donated to the school library. Outcomes: Children, school teachers and administrators greatly appreciated the collection. The books were integrated in the library school collections or in the classrooms collections. Discussion: Quality school libraries play an important role in student learning, and access to science and health sciences books could enhance children‘s interest for the health professions. By participating in this project, the library is supporting the Health sciences faculties in achieving their goal of reaching out to Aboriginal children and making them aware that a career in health sciences is possible for them. The collaboration has been successful and will be pursued: the Health library will work with the high schools in the same Atikamekw communities to develop science book collections and the schools will be visited in 2015. A Masters in Library and Information Science student will be joining the Mini-école. Upgrading all donated collections is planned as well.
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology
This thesis Entitled Spectral theory of bounded self-adjoint operators -A linear algebraic approach.The main results of the thesis can be classified as three different approaches to the spectral approximation problems. The truncation method and its perturbed versions are part of the classical linear algebraic approach to the subject. The usage of block Toeplitz-Laurent operators and the matrix valued symbols is considered as a particular example where the linear algebraic techniques are effective in simplifying problems in inverse spectral theory. The abstract approach to the spectral approximation problems via pre-conditioners and Korovkin-type theorems is an attempt to make the computations involved, well conditioned. However, in all these approaches, linear algebra comes as the central object. The objective of this study is to discuss the linear algebraic techniques in the spectral theory of bounded self-adjoint operators on a separable Hilbert space. The usage of truncation method in approximating the bounds of essential spectrum and the discrete spectral values outside these bounds is well known. The spectral gap prediction and related results was proved in the second chapter. The discrete versions of Borg-type theorems, proved in the third chapter, partly overlap with some known results in operator theory. The pure linear algebraic approach is the main novelty of the results proved here.
The present work deals with the A study of morphological opertors with applications. Morphology is now a.necessary tool for engineers involved with imaging applications. Morphological operations have been viewed as filters the properties of which have been well studied (Heijmans, 1994). Another well-known class of non-linear filters is the class of rank order filters (Pitas and Venetsanopoulos, 1990). Soft morphological filters are a combination of morphological and weighted rank order filters (Koskinen, et al., 1991, Kuosmanen and Astola, 1995). They have been introduced to improve the behaviour of traditional morphological filters in noisy environments. The idea was to slightly relax the typical morphological definitions in such a way that a degree of robustness is achieved, while most of the desirable properties of typical morphological operations are maintained. Soft morphological filters are less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations in object shape than typical morphological filters. They can remove positive and negative impulse noise, preserving at the same time small details in images. Currently, Mathematical Morphology allows processing images to enhance fuzzy areas, segment objects, detect edges and analyze structures. The techniques developed for binary images are a major step forward in the application of this theory to gray level images. One of these techniques is based on fuzzy logic and on the theory of fuzzy sets.Fuzzy sets have proved to be strongly advantageous when representing in accuracies, not only regarding the spatial localization of objects in an image but also the membership of a certain pixel to a given class. Such inaccuracies are inherent to real images either because of the presence of indefinite limits between the structures or objects to be segmented within the image due to noisy acquisitions or directly because they are inherent to the image formation methods.