982 resultados para Indo-Australian Region


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Celtis sinensis is an introduced plant species to the southeastern region of Queensland that has had a destructive affect on indigenous plant Communities and its pollen has been identified as an allergen Source. Pollen belonging to C. sinensis was sampled during a 5-year (June 1994-May 1999) atmospheric pollen-monitoring programme in Brisbane, Australia, using a Burkard 7-day spore trap. The seasonal incidence of airborne C. sinensis pollen (CsP) in Brisbane occurred over a brief period each year during spring (August-September), while peak concentrations were restricted to the beginning of September. individual CsP seasons were heterogeneous with daily counts within the range 1-10 grains m(-3) on no more than 60 sampling days; however, smaller airborne concentrations of CsP were recorded out of each season. Correlation co-efficients were significant each year for temperature (p0.05) and relative humidity (p>0.05). A significant relationship (r(2)=0.81, p=0.036) was established between the total CsP count and pre-seasonal average maximum temperature; however, periods of precipitation (>2mm) were demonstrated to significantly lower the daily concentrations of CsP from the atmosphere. Given the environmental and clinical significance of CsP and its prevalence in the atmosphere of Brisbane, a Clinical population-based Study is required to further understand the pollen's importance as a seasonal sensitizing source in this region.


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Sequence diversity in the coat protein coding region of Australian strains of Johnsongrass mosaic virus (JGMV) was investigated. Field isolates were sampled during a seven year period from Johnsongrass, sorghum and corn across the northern grain growing region. The 23 isolates were found to have greater than 94% nucleotide and amino acid sequence identity. The Australian isolates and two strains from the U.S.A. had about 90% nucleotide sequence identity and were between 19 and 30% different in the N-terminus of the coat protein. Two amino acid residues were found in the core region of the coat protein in isolates obtained from sorghum having the Krish gene for JGMV resistance that differed from those found in isolates from other hosts which did not have this single dominant resistance gene. These amino acid changes may have been responsible for overcoming the resistance conferred by the Krish gene for JGMV resistance in sorghum. The identification of these variable regions was essential for the development of durable pathogen-derived resistance to JGMV in sorghum.


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In both Australia and Brazil there are rapid changes occurring in the macroenvironment of the dairy industry. These changes are sometimes not noticed in the microenvironment of the farm, due to the labour-intensive nature of family farms, and the traditionally weak links between production and marketing. Trends in the external environment need to be discussed in a cooperative framework, to plan integrated actions for the dairy community as a whole and to demand actions from research, development and extension (R, D & E). This paper reviews the evolution of R, D & E in terms of paradigms and approaches, the present strategies used to identify dairy industry needs in Australia and Brazil, and presents a participatory strategy to design R, D & E actions for both countries. The strategy incorporates an integration of the opinions of key industry actors ( defined as members of the dairy and associated communities), especially farm suppliers ( input market), farmers, R, D & E people, milk processors and credit providers. The strategy also uses case studies with farm stays, purposive sampling, snowball interviewing techniques, semi-structured interviews, content analysis, focus group meetings, and feedback analysis, to refine the priorities for R, D & E actions in the region.


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The Accelerating Moment Release (AMR) preceding earthquakes with magnitude above 5 in Australia that occurred during the last 20 years was analyzed to test the Critical Point Hypothesis. Twelve earthquakes in the catalog were chosen based on a criterion for the number of nearby events. Results show that seven sequences with numerous events recorded leading up to the main earthquake exhibited accelerating moment release. Two occurred near in time and space to other earthquakes preceded by AM R. The remaining three sequences had very few events in the catalog so the lack of AMR detected in the analysis may be related to catalog incompleteness. Spatio-temporal scanning of AMR parameters shows that 80% of the areas in which AMR occurred experienced large events. In areas of similar background seismicity with no large events, 10 out of 12 cases exhibit no AMR, and two others are false alarms where AMR was observed but no large event followed. The relationship between AMR and Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) was studied. Both methods predict similar critical region sizes, however, the critical point time using AMR is slightly earlier than the time of the critical point LURR anomaly.


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It remains unclear whether genetic variants in SNCA (the alpha-synuclein gene) alter risk for sporadic Parkinson's disease (PD). The polymorphic mixed sequence repeat (NACP-Rep I) in the promoter region of SNCA has been previously examined as a potential susceptibility factor for PD with conflicting results. We report genotype and allele distributions at this locus from 369 PD cases and 370 control subjects of European Australian ancestry, with alleles designated as -1, 0, +1, +2, and +3 as previously described. Allele frequencies designated (0) were less common in Australian cases compared to controls (OR = 0.80, 95% CI 0.62-1.03). Combined analysis including all previously published ancestral European Rep1 data yielded a highly significant association between the 0 allele and a reduced risk for PD (OR = 0.79, 95% CI 0.70-0.89, p = 0.0001). Further study must now proceed to examine in detail this interesting and biologically plausible genetic association. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Australian wet forests have undergone a contraction in range since the mid-Tertiary, resulting in a fragmented distribution along the east Australian coast incorporating several biogeographical barriers. Variation in mitochondrial DNA and morphology within the satin bowerbird was used to examine biogeographical structure throughout almost the entire geographical extent of these wet forest fragments. We used several genetic analysis techniques, nested clade and barrier analyses, that use patterns inherent in the data to describe the spatial structuring. We also examined the validity of the two previously described satin bowerbird subspecies that are separated by well-defined biogeographical barriers and tested existing hypotheses that propose divergence occurs within each subspecies across two other barriers, the Black Mountain corridor and the Hunter Valley. Our data showed that the two subspecies were genetically and morphologically divergent. The northern subspecies, found in the Wet Tropics region of Queensland, showed little divergence across the Black Mountain corridor, a barrier found to be significant in other Wet Tropics species. Biogeographical structure was found through southeastern Australia; three geographically isolated populations showed genetic differentiation, although minimal divergence was found across the proposed Hunter Valley barrier. A novel barrier was found separating inland and coastal populations in southern New South Wales. Little morphological divergence was observed within subspecies, bar a trend for birds to be larger in the more southerly parts of the species' range. The results from both novel and well-established genetic analyses were similar, providing greater confidence in the conclusions about spatial divergence and supporting the validity of these new techniques.


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Widespread drought and record maximum temperatures in eastern Australia produced a large dust storm on 23 October, 2002 which traversed a large proportion of eastern Australia and engulfed communities along a 2000 km stretch of coastline from south of Sydney ( NSW) to north of Mackay ( Queensland). This event provided an opportunity for a study of the impacts of rural dust upon the air quality of four Australian cities. A simple model is used to predict dust concentrations, dust deposition rates and particle size characteristics of the airborne dust in the cities. The total dust load of the plume was 3.35 to 4.85 million tones, and assuming a ( conservative) plume height of 1500 m, 62 - 90% of this dust load was deposited in-transit to the coast. It is conservatively estimated that 3.5, 12.0, 2.1 and 1.7 kilotonnes of dust were deposited during the event in Sydney, Brisbane, Gladstone and Mackay, respectively. In the South East Queensland region, this deposition is equivalent to 40% of the total annual TSP emissions for the region. The event increased TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and reduced the visibility beyond the health and amenity guidelines in the four cities. For example, the 24-h average PM10 concentrations in Brisbane and Mackay, were 161 and 475 mu g m(-3) respectively, compared with the Australian national ambient air quality standard of 50 mu g m(-3). The 24-h average PM2.5 concentration in Brisbane was 42 mu g m(-3), compared with the national advisory standard of 25 mu g m(-3). These rural dusts significantly increased PM10/TSP ratios and decreased PM2.5/PM10 ratios, indicating that most of the particles were between PM2.5 and PM10.


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Optimal intertemporal investment behaviour of Australian pastoralists is modelled using panel data for the period 1979-1993. Results indicate that quasi-fixity of inputs of labour, capital, sheep numbers and cattle numbers is characteristic of production in the pastoral region. It takes about two years for labour, four years for capital and a little over two years for both sheep numbers and cattle numbers to adjust towards long-run optimal levels. Results also indicate that, after accounting for adjustment costs, own-price product supply and input demand responses are inelastic in both the short and long run.


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Nothofagus moorei (F. Muell.) Krasser has a disjunct and narrow distribution in south-eastern Australian cool temperate rainforest. To assess the conservation-genetic priorities for this species, the genetic diversity of 20 populations sampled from the largest remnant patches at northern and southern distributional extremes, the McPherson and Barrington ranges (a total of 146 individuals), was investigated by using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR). Regeneration in northern regions of N. moorei has been documented to be predominantly by vegetative means, but our results indicate little evidence of clonality outside the multi-stemmed rings of trees. In addition, genetic diversity was considerably higher in the northern (McPherson, h = 0.1613) than in the southern range (Barrington, h = 0.1159), and genetic differentiation was significantly positively correlated with geographic distance in the former region, but not the latter. Total intraspecific variation was moderate, as measured by Shannon's diversity index, I = 0.2719, and Nei's gene diversity, h = 0.1672, and is considered at the high end of spectrum for estimates of narrow endemic species. An analysis of molecular variation indicated that the majority of genetic variation is partitioned among individuals within population (60%; P < 0.001), rather than among populations within regions (10%; P < 0.001). However, a large and significant component of the measured diversity was partitioned between northern and southern regions (29%; P < 0.001). Several hypotheses are outlined to explain these differences and management implications are discussed. However, given the narrow range, poor dispersal mechanism and restriction to cool temperate rainforest, the continued existence of N. moorei is most threatened by environmental instability and habitat loss resulting from global climate change. In this context the northern regions of the species are most at risk and extinction of such populations would lead to a significant loss of genetic variation for the species as a whole.


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Many twin studies have identified sex differences in the influence of genetic and environmental factors on smoking behaviors. We explore the evidence for sex differences for smoking initiation and cigarette consumption in a sample of Australian twin families, and extend these models to incorporate sex differences in linkage analyses for these traits. We further examine the impact of including or excluding non-smokers in genetic analyses of tobacco consumption. Accounting for sex differences improved linkage results in some instances. We identified one region suggestive of linkage on chromosome 11p12. This locus, as well as another region identified on chromosome 6p12, replicates regions identified in previous studies.


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The aeolid nudibranch Pteraeolidia ianthina hosts symbiotic dinoflagellates in the same way as many reef-building corals. This widespread Indo-Pacific sea slug ranges from tropical to temperate waters, and offers a unique opportunity to examine a symbiosis that occurs over a large latitudinal gradient. We used partial 28S and 18S nuclear ribosomal (nr) DNA to examine the genetic diversity of the Symbiodinium dinoflagellates contained within F ianthina. We detected Symbiodinium from genetic clades A, B, C and D. P. ianthina from tropical regions (Singapore, Sulawesi) host Symbiodinium clade C or D or both; those from the subtropical eastern Australian coast (Heron Island, Mon Repo, Moreton Bay, Tweed Heads) host Symbiodinium clade C, but those from the temperate southeastern Australian coastline (Port Stephens, Bare Island) host clade A or B or both. The Symbiodinium populations within 1 individual nudibranch could be homogeneous or heterogeneous at inter- or intra-clade levels (or both). Our results suggested that the Pteraeolidia-Symbiodinium symbiosis is flexible and favours symbiont phylotypes best adapted for that environment. This flexibility probably reflects the function of the symbiont clade in relation to the changing environments experienced along the latitudinal range, and facilitates the large geographic range of P. ianthina.


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This paper constructs a reduction sequence model for north Australian points from the eastern Victoria River region, and identifies a single continuum linking unifacial and bifacial point forms, with some divergence from this single reduction trajectory dependent upon artefact size. Chronological changes in reduction intensity between 5,000BP and the present are found to coincide with typological variation in points as well as changing emphasis on the extendibility of point reduction. It is suggested that changes in the extendibility of point reduction can be linked to intensified ENSO-driven climatic variability in the late Holocene that likely increased economic risk and warranted a substantial technological response, including the use of retouched toolkits with potential for longer use-lives.


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Despite the success of extensive control measures that have been implemented in China for over 50 years, the number of individuals infected with Schistosoma japonicum remains high in the existing endemic areas. A variance components analysis was undertaken to estimate the heritable and environmental components that contribute to S. japonicum infection in the Poyang Lake region of Jiangxi Province, PR China. The total target population was 3148 from four separate administrative villages. Two thousand seven hundred and five of these comprised 400 families ranging in size from 3 to 188. After adjustments were made for gender, water contact and past history of having had schistosomiasis, the heritable component was estimated to account for as much as 58% of the phenotype variation under the polygenic model. Household was not shown to be an important environmental factor. Incorporating village effects indicated that the results were valid for the total population. We conclude that genetic heritability in this region is high and plays an important role in determining risk of infection with S. japonicum. (c) 2005 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fiji leaf gall (FLG) is an important virally induced disease in Australian sugarcane. It is confined to southern canegrowing areas, despite its vector, the delphacid planthopper Perkinsiella saccharicida, occurring in all canegrowing areas of Queensland and New South Wales. This disparity between distributions could be a result of successful containment of the disease through quarantine and/or geographical barriers, or because northern Queensland populations of Perkinsiella may be poorer vectors of the disease. These hypotheses were first tested by investigating variation in the ITS2 region of the rDNA fragment among eastern Australian and overseas populations of Perkinsiella. The ITS2 sequences of the Western Australian P. thompsoni and the Fijian P. vitiensis were distinguishable from those of P. saccharicida and there was no significant variation among the 26P. saccharicida populations. Reciprocal crosses of a northern Queensland and a southern Queensland population of P. saccharicida were fertile, so they may well be conspecific. Single vector transmission experiments showed that a population of P. saccharicida from northern Queensland had a higher vector competency than either of two southern Queensland populations. The frequency of virus acquisition in the vector populations was demonstrated to be important in the vector competency of the planthopper. The proportion of infected vectors that transmitted the virus to plants was not significantly different among the populations tested. This study shows that the absence of FLG from northern Queensland is not due to a lack of vector competency of the northern population of P. saccharicida.