325 resultados para IVA
Pollen and macrofossil evidence for the nature of the vegetation during glacial and interglacial periods in the regions south of the Wisconsinan ice margin is still very scarce. Modern opinions concerning these problems are therefore predominantly derived from geological evidence only or are extrapolated from pollen studies of late Wisconsinan deposits. Now for the first time pollen and macrofossil analyses are available from south-central Illinois covering the Holocene, the entire Wisconsinan, and most probably also Sangamonian and late Illinoian time. The cores studied came from three lakes, which originated as kettle holes in glacial drift of Illinoian age near Vandalia, Fayette County. The Wisconsinan ice sheet approached the sites from the the north to within about 60 km distance only. One of the profiles (Pittsburg Basin) probably reaches back to the late Illinoian (zone 1), which was characterized by forests with much Picea. Zone 2, most likely of Sangamonian age, represents a period of species-rich deciduous forests, which must have been similar to the ones that thrive today south and southeast of the prairie peninsula. During the entire Wisconsinan (14C dates ranging from 38,000 to 21,000 BP) thermophilous deciduous trees like Quercus, Carya, and Ulmus occurred in the region, although temporarily accompanied by tree genera with a more northerly modern distribution, such as Picea, which entered and then left south-central Illinois during the Woodfordian. Thus it is evident that arctic climatic conditions did not prevail in the lowlands of south-central Illinois (about 38°30' lat) during the Wisconsinan, even at the time of the maximum glaciation, the Woodfordian. The Wisconsinan was, however, not a period of continuous forest. The pollen assemblages of zone 3 (Altonian) indicate prairie with stands of trees, and in zone 4 the relatively abundant Artemisia pollen indicates the existence of open vegetation and stands of deciduous trees, Picea, and Pinus. True tundra may have existed north of the sites, but if so its pollen rain apparently is marked by pollen from nearby stands of trees. After the disappearance of Pinus and Picea at about 14,000 BP (estimated!), there developed a mosaic of prairies and stands of Quercus, Carya, and other deciduous tree genera (zone 5). This type of vegetation persisted until it was destroyed by cultivation during the 19th and 20th century. Major vegetational changes are not indicated in the pollen diagram for the late Wisconsinan and the Holocene. The dating of zones 1 and 2 is problematical because the sediments are beyond the14C range and because of the lack of stratigraphic evidence. The zones dated as Illinoian and Sangamonian could also represent just a Wisconsinan stadial and interstadial. This possibility, however, seems to be contradicted by the late glacial and interglacial character of the forest vegetation of that time.
This dataset contains the results of granulometric and bulk geochemical analyses of Van Veen surface samples obtained by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) in the course of the 2012 and 2013 summer field seasons. The sampling was performed along transects in depths generally <13 m, to a distance of about <5 km off Herschel Island. In 2012, 75 samples in Pauline Cove and in the vicinity of Simpson Point were obtained. Sample collection was expanded in 2013, on transects established the previous year, with additional locations in Tetris Bay and Workboat Passage. Samples consisted of approximately 100 g of the top 3-6 cm of sediment, and were frozen in the field and freeze dried at the AWI before undergoing analytical procedures. Sample locations were recorded with the onboard global positioning system (GPS) unit. Grain size distributions in our study were obtained using laser diffractometry at the AWI (Beckman Coulter LS200) on the <1 mm fraction of samples oxidized with 30% H2O2 until effervescence ceased to remove organics. Some samples were also sieved using a sieve stack with 1 phi intervals. GRADISTAT (Blott and Pye, 2001) was used to calculate graphical grain size statistics (Folk and Ward, 1957). Grain diameters were logarithmically transformed to phi values, calculated as phi=-log2d, where d is the grain diameter in millimeters (Blott and Pye, 2001; Krumbein, 1934). Freeze dried samples were ground and ground using an Elemetar Vario EL III carbon-nitrogen-sulphur analyzer at the AWI to measure total carbon (TC) and total nitrogen (TN). Tungsten oxide was added to the samples as a catalyst to the pyrolysis. Following this analysis, total organic carbon (TOC) was determined using an Elementar VarioMax. Stable carbon isotope ratios of 13C/12C of 118 samples were determined on a DELTAplusXL mass spectrometer (ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen) at the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam, Germany . An additional analysis on 69 samples was carried out at the University of Hamburg with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta V, Thermo Scientific, Germany) coupled to an elemental analyzer (Flash 2000, Thermo Scientific, Germany). Prior to analysis, soil samples were treated with phosphoric acid (43%) to release inorganic carbon. Values are expressed relative to Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) using external standards (USGS40, -26.4 per mil VPDB and IVA soil 33802153, -27.5 per mil VPDB).
El proyecto consiste en una repoblación con Quercus suber L. en 30 hectáreas dividida en dos parcelas (5,87% de la superficie actual de la finca); la dedicación actual de esa parcelas es erial a pastos. Se ha estudiado las condiciones del medio natural y se han estudiados varias alternativas eligiéndose la repoblación con especie autóctona con alcornoques procedente de viveros cercanos. El proyecto supone la plantación de 11.850 árboles para continuar con la reconversión de la finca a terreno forestal completando las repoblaciones realizadas en 1994, 1995, 1996 y 2003. La inversión de ejecución material sin IVA asciende a 172.727,37 euros, la inversión se podrá recuperar a los seis años si se reciben las ayudas a la reforestación, se estima que el primer descorche podrá alcanzarse a los 20 años.
Presenilins have been implicated in the genesis of Alzheimer’s disease and in facilitating LIN-12/Notch activity during development. All presenilins have multiple hydrophobic regions that could theoretically span a membrane, and a description of the membrane topology is a crucial step toward deducing the mechanism of presenilin function. Previously, we proposed an eight-transmembrane-domain model for presenilin, based on studies of the Caenorhabditis elegans SEL-12 presenilin. Here, we describe experiments that support the view that two of the hydrophobic regions of SEL-12 function as the seventh and eighth transmembrane domains. Furthermore, we have shown that human presenilin 1 behaves like SEL-12 presenilin when analyzed by our methods. Our results provide additional experimental support for the eight-transmembrane-domain model of presenilin topology.
Mutant presenilins have been found to cause Alzheimer disease. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of HOP-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans presenilin that displays much more lower sequence identity with human presenilins than does the other C. elegans presenilin, SEL-12. Despite considerable divergence, HOP-1 appears to be a bona fide presenilin, because HOP-1 can rescue the egg-laying defect caused by mutations in sel-12 when hop-1 is expressed under the control of sel-12 regulatory sequences. HOP-1 also has the essential topological characteristics of the other presenilins. Reducing hop-1 activity in a sel-12 mutant background causes synthetic lethality and terminal phenotypes associated with reducing the function of the C. elegans lin-12 and glp-1 genes. These observations suggest that hop-1 is functionally redundant with sel-12 and underscore the intimate connection between presenilin activity and LIN-12/Notch activity inferred from genetic studies in C. elegans and mammals.
We provide evidence that normal human presenilins can substitute for Caenorhabditis elegans SEL-12 protein in functional assays in vivo. In addition, six familial Alzheimer disease-linked mutant human presenilins were tested and found to have reduced ability to rescue the sel-12 mutant phenotype, suggesting that they have lower than normal presenilin activity. A human presenilin 1 deletion variant that fails to be proteolytically processed and a mutant SEL-12 protein that lacks the C terminus display considerable activity in this assay, suggesting that neither presenilin proteolysis nor the C terminus is absolutely required for normal presenilin function. We also show that sel-12 is expressed in most neural and nonneural cell types in all developmental stages. The reduced activity of mutant presenilins and as yet unknown gain-of-function properties may be a contributing factor in the development of Alzheimer disease.