721 resultados para Hockey fans--Attitudes.


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Contemporary logic is confined to a few paradigmatic attitudes such as belief, knowledge, desire and intention. My purpose is to present a general model-theoretical semantics of propositional attitudes of any cognitive or volitive mode. In my view, one can recursively define the set of all psychological modes of attitudes. As Descartes anticipated, the two primitive modes are those of belief and desire. Complex modes are obtained by adding to primitive modes special cognitive and volitive ways or special propositional content or preparatory conditions. According to standard logic of attitudes (Hintikka), human agents are either perfectly rational or totally irrational. I will proceed to a finer analysis of propositional attitudes that accounts for our imperfect but minimal rationality. For that purpose I will use a non standard predicative logic according to which propositions with the same truth conditions can have different cognitive values and I will explicate subjective in addition to objective possibilities. Next I will enumerate valid laws of my general logic of propositional attitudes. At the end I will state principles according to which minimally rational agents dynamically revise attitudes of any mode.


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Olfactory packaging is an emerging technology which uses the aromatic capsules to release various scents. Normally, manufacturers add these aromatic capsules in the printing ink, the label or packaging material itself. When the aromatic capsules meet suitable release triggers, the scents will be released. The common release triggers are external forces, temperature changes, humidity changes and so on. The aim for this Masters of Science Thesis is to understand the aroma printing technology from literature and make market research for this kind of technology. The main target is to collect the current technology principle of aroma packaging and figure out how they are implemented on products with those. In addition, an investigation is made about consumers' attitudes from Chinese and Finnish market through the questionnaire, and the market potential is analyzed as well. The key points researched in this work are: the general attitudes on aroma printing technology, market potential and economic possibilities. This thesis specifies the main technologies used in aroma printing, the solutions of products with aroma packaging and the original results of the questionnaires. It also includes analysis of the acceptance of Chinese and Finnish consumers, what are their opinions of the aroma printing technology and the products packed by aroma printing technology. In addition, various factors which impact the market is discussed in the thesis. At last, some comparisons are made from the point of views of similarities and differences between Chinese and Finnish market.


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Tutkimuksessa oli tavoitteena selvittää, millaisia sotilaiden epävirallisia ryhmänormeja tutkijat ovat havainneet eräissä sotilasyksiköissä jotka ovat toimineet sodassa tai sodan olosuhteita osittain vastanneissa tilanteissa. Keskeisinä lähteinä käytetään seuraavia kolmea sotilasyksikköön kohdistunutta tutkimusta: - Knut Pipping: "Kompaniet som samhälle Iakttagelser i ett finskt frontförband 1941-1944" (1947), suomenkielinen laitos ”Komppania pienoisyhteiskuntana” (1978), englanninkielinen laitos ”Infantry Company as a Society” (2008) - Roger W. Little: “Buddy Relations and Combat Performance” (1964) ja sen perustana ollut Littlen väitöskirja “A Study of the relationship between collective solidarity and combat role performance” (1955) - John Hockey: "Squaddies Portrait of a Subculture" (1986). Tutkimusongelmat olivat seuraavat: 1) Millaisia sotilaiden epävirallisia ryhmänormeja tai virallisista normeista poikkeavia käyttäytymismuotoja esiintyi kolmessa sodan ajan tai poikkeusolojen sotilasyksikössä Knut Pippingin, Roger Littlen ja John Hockeyn komppanioita koskeneiden tutkimusten mukaan? 2) Esiintyikö ao. tutkimuksissa (sotilasyksiköissä) samansisältöisiä tai edes suunnilleen samansisältöisiä normeja tai virallisista normeista poikkeavia käyttäytymismuotoja? Tutkimusmenetelmänä on Pippingin, Littlen ja Hockeyn tutkimusten ja tutkimustulosten systemaattinen läpikäynti ja vertailu sen selvittämiseksi, millaisia epävirallisia normeja kohteena olleissa sotilasyksiköissä on havaittu. Kohteina olevat tutkimukset käytiin läpi seuraavan skeeman mukaisesti: - sotilasyksikön virallinen organisaatio ml. viralliset johtajat - sotilasyksikön henkilöstö - sotilasyksikön toimintaympäristö ja tehtävät tutkimusajankohtana - sotilasyksikön sosiaaliset ryhmät - sotilasyksikössä havaittuja epävirallisia normeja. Tutkimuksessa tuli ilmi, että tutkituissa sotilasyksiköissä esiintyi joitakin samantyyppisiä epävirallisia normeja siitä huolimatta, että sotilasyksiköt olivat eri maista ja toimivat eri vuosikymmeninä ja erilaisissa sodissa ja tilanteissa. Sotilasyksiköissä havaittiin mm., että: - miehistöön kuuluvat sotilaat katsoivat, että heille annetut vaarallisetkin tehtävät, ainakin järkeviksi katsotut, piti hoitaa ainakin jollakin minimitasolla ja kaikkien piti osallistua tähän - miehistötasolla sotilaiden piti ainakin tietynlaisissa tilanteissa olla lojaaleja toisille samanarvoisille tai ainakin lähipiirissä oleville - lähipiirin sotilaihin kohdistuva lojaalisuus saattoi ohittaa viralliseen organisaatioon kohdistuvat velvoitteet - kaikissa yksiköissä esiintyi taistelussa käyttäytymistä koskevia epävirallisia normeja; esimerkiksi "liiallista rohkeutta" ei hyväksytty - joissakin tilanteissa vaaralliseen tilanteeseen liittyvän normin noudattaminen lisäsi yksittäiseen sotilaaseen kohdistuvaa välitöntä hengenvaaraa - lähipiirissä olevien sotilaiden henkilökohtaiseen omaisuuteen tai varusesineisiin ei saanut kajota - sen sijaan suhtautuminen muuhun valtion omaisuuteen oli liberaalimpaa.


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The focus of this dissertation was to investigate the effects of family-based dietary intervention during childhood and adolescence. The participants comprised of children and parents who participated in a longitudinal, randomised atherosclerosis prevention trial (STRIP study). The intervention families (n=540) took part in a dietary intervention since the child’s age of 8- months. The control group (n=522) did not receive any tailored dietary intervention. The main focus of the intervention was to improve the quality of dietary fat. The diet of children and parents was evaluated by daily food records and dietrelated attitudes by a questionnaire. The dietary intervention influenced, favourably, the dietary fat quality in children and parents. Fat quality improved mainly by the decrease of saturated fat intake. Some minor effects of the intervention were also observed in children’s fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption although the F&V consumption was very low. The intervention increased parental interest in healthy eating, but there was no difference in interest in natural products or in attitudes towards hedonic eating attitudes between the intervention and control parents. Parents’ interest in healthy eating associated with parents’ and children’s high fruit and vegetable consumption but not with their fat quality ratio. On the other hand, dietary fat quality improved at every level of interest in healthy eating. It seems that the main target of the intervention, the dietary fat quality of the children, was promoted effectively. In the future, more emphasis should be given on increasing unsaturated fat intake and on elevating F&V consumption in children. Children’s diet, especially F&V consumption, associated with diet-related attitudes of the parents. Therefore, co-operation with parents and family-based premises for working should be capitalized upon when promoting healthy eating in children and adolescents.


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Tämä tutkielma tehtiin toimeksiantona TuTo Hockeylle. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan palvelun laatua suomalaisessa jääkiekko-ottelutapahtumassa. Sen kartoittamiseksi ja palvelun laadun ymmärtämiseksi asetettiin seuraavat kolme osaongelmaa: • Mistä suomalaisen jääkiekko-ottelutapahtuman palvelun laatu koostuu? • Mitkä palvelun laadun ulottuvuudet ovat tärkeimpiä asiakkaille eli katsojille? • Miten palvelun laatu ja sen ulottuvuudet vaikuttavat kokonaistyytyväisyyteen? Tutkielmassa käydään läpi palvelun laadun mittaamisen eri menetelmiä. Palvelun laatua on tutkittu paljon, mutta urheilukontekstissa kovin vähän ja etenkin katsojaurheiluun liittyviä tutkimuksia on vain muutama. Tutkielman empiirinen osio toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena TuTo Hockeyn kahdessa kotiottelussa, jotka olivat 12.3.2008 TuTo – SaPKo ja 18.3.2008 TuTo – KooKoo ja internetissä Webrolpol-ohjeman avulla. Tutkimukseen hyväksyttyjä vastauksia tuli kaiken kaikkiaan 327 kappaletta. Näistä Webropolin kautta tuli 182 kappaletta ja loput 145 kpl kerättiin otteluissa TuTo Hockeyn kotiotteluissa. Suomalaisen jääkiekko-ottelutapahtuman palvelun laatu koostuu useista eri asioista. Tutkimusta hankaloitti aiemman tutkimustiedon puute. Koska muut aiemmat tutkimukset oli tehty eri lajeissa ja eri maissa, suora vertaaminen ja aiempien kyselyiden toistaminen ei lajien ja kulttuurien erojen vuoksi ollut mahdollista. Tutkimuksen tuloksista käy ilmi, että TuTo Hockeyn palvelun laatu on korkealla tasolla. Tärkeimpinä palvelun laadun ulottuvuuksina katsojat pitivät Halli- ja Saavutettavuus-ulottuvuuksia. Kokonaistyytyväisyyden kanssa jokainen palvelun laadun ulottuvuus korreloi positiivisesti. Regressioanalyysillä saatiin lisäksi selvitettyä, että suurimmat vaikutukset kokonaistyytyväisyyteen oli Lisäpalvelut ja ohjelma-, Tiedotus- ja Halli-ulottuvuuksilla.


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Johdonmukainen ja kokonaisvaltainen sisäinen brändijohtaminen mahdollistaa organisaation kaikkien toimijoiden paremman ymmärryksen, sitoutumisen ja samastumisen organisaation brändi-identiteettiin. Sisäisessä brändijohtamisessa ylimmän johdon asettama tavoiteidentiteetti määrittelee välitettyjen viestien sisältöä. Tavoiteidentiteetti voi sisältää monia erilaisia organisaatioon liittyviä arvoja tai elementtejä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää kahden jääkiekon SM-liigassa toimivan huippu-urheilujoukkueen brändijohtamisstrategiaa sekä pyrkiä tulkitsemaan niiden toteutuksen johdonmukaisuutta ja kokonaisvaltaisuutta läpi organisaation. Tutkimuskysymys jaettiin neljään osaongelmaan: 1) Miten urheilujoukkueen identiteetti rakentuu? 2) Mistä urheilujoukkueen brändi rakentuu? 3) Millainen brändistrategia urheilujoukkueelle on asetettu? 4) Miten brändistrategia välittyy urheilujoukkueen eri tasoille? Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jossa aineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelujen avulla. Tutkimuskohteiksi valittiin Helsingin IFK ja Espoon Blues. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin mielenkiintoista informaatiota kummankin organisaation hyödyntämistä tekniikoista ja eri osa-alueiden painotuksesta. Sisäistä brändijohtamista tarkasteltiin neljän eri alateeman kautta: 1) brändikeskittynyt henkilöstöjohtaminen, 2) brändiviestintä, 3) brändijohtamisen syvyys ja 4) brändikansalaisuus. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että identiteetin pelillisiin ominaisuuksiin liittyen differointia ei ole kovinkaan helppo tehdä. Sen sijaan erilaisilla arvoja ja koko organisaation tekemistä kuvaavilla elementeillä on mahdollista luoda suuriakin eroja kilpailijoihin. HIFK:n tavoiteidentiteetti oli huomattavasti selkeämpi kuin Bluesilla ja oletettavasti tämän seurauksena oli havaittavissa selvä etu HIFK:n puolesta myös sisäisen brändijohtamisen kokonaisvaltaisessa onnistumisessa. Molemmissa tapausorganisaatioissa kuitenkin hyödynnettiin joko tietoisesti tai tiedostamatta kaikkia sisäisen brändijohtamisen elementtejä.


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Since the end of Cold War rivalries, the world of international hockey was deemed to becoming increasingly homogenized along western sportization patterns. The introduction of the Russian-sponsored Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) signified a new era in the global diffusion of modern sports. Its recent expansion in the post-Soviet space and European countries significantly reshuffled the landscape of international hockey, offering new prospects for the studies of the intersection of sports, history, geopolitics and nationalism in the age of globalization. The aim of this study is to conceptualize the KHL and illuminate the role of ice hockey in post-Soviet Latvia. I treat the creation of the KHL and the integration of a Latvian-based team, “Dinamo Riga,” into the KHL within the broader discussion on the globalization of sports and its effects on national communities. The research is based on a case study of the modern rebirth of “Dinamo Riga” and its participation in the KHL and is confined to the scholarly themes in sports research, such as the history of modern sports and globalization, sports and nationalism. The study pays special attention to unveiling the geopolitical links between the restart of Latvian-Russian relations after the EU’s eastern enlargement and the re-emerging Latvian-Russian contacts in ice hockey. The research concludes that with the creation of the KHL, European hockey received a new charismatic “zone of prestige” for sports interaction. The project of “Dinamo Riga” became the new global phenomenon in Latvian sports in terms of its capabilities to transcend the post-Soviet geopolitical stereotypes in relation to Russia and serve as a new national symbol in the promotion and celebration of Latvian sporting nationalism. Further sociological research would require the clarification of the impact of Latvian-Russian cooperation in hockey on the bilateral relations of both countries and the formation of a national community in Latvia.


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The main objective of this Master’s Thesis was to examine the perceived city brand image of tourists and residents. It was aimed to accomplish by examining first the contribution of city attributes and marketing communications on forming brand attitudes, and then discover how the brand attitudes influence on city brand image. The impact of brand attitudes and city brand image on behavioral intention was also reviewed. The empirical part of the thesis was conducted with a quantitative method through online-based survey. The sample (n = 492) consisted of tourists and residents of the case city. The data was analyzed with statistical analyses by SPSS program. Brand attitudes, based on the main attributes, were calculated through multi-attribute attitude model. The results confirmed exposure to marketing communications has direct and positive influence on brand attitudes, especially the offline marketing communications. The findings revealed brand attitudes impact directly on city brand image perception. Brand attitudes and brand image dimensions had direct impact on tourists and residents’ behavioral intention. The findings provide important information for the city marketers. They increase marketers understanding on how target population perceives the city brand image and how it impacts on their future behavior. This thesis reveals the perception of current city brand image and gives guidance on what to emphasize in city branding to increase city’s attractiveness in conjunction with its economic development. Furthermore, the created framework can be utilized also in the future researches.


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Strikes provide a current, fresh but also a seldom-addressed issue to study from economic sciences perspective. This study provides to filling this research gap by trying to identify attitudes towards strikes that can be found inside organizations. The research problem this study then sets out to answer is: “What kinds of attitudes exist inside organizations towards industrial actions and how attitudes vary between labour, management and human resources?” This study has been planned with a view to test how qualitative attitudinal research, as a method, is suited to studying a phenomenon such as strike. At the heart of this research approach lies an assumption linked to rhetoric social psychology, that attitude is a phenomenon that can be identified in argumentation. For this research 10 semi-structured interviews in 4 organizations were conducted utilizing statements and pictures as stimulants for discussion. The material was transcribed and analysed following the two levels, categorical and interpretive, demanded by the chosen method. Altogether five attitudes were discovered; three of them negative, one indifferent and one positive by nature. The negative attitudes of unfairness, failure and personification towards strikes represented the side of strikes that was perhaps the most anticipated, portraying the contradictions between employees and employer. The attitude of ordinariness, which portrayed indifference, and the positive attitude of change however, were more unanticipated findings. They reflect shared understanding and trust between conflict parties. The utilization of qualitative attitudinal approach to study strikes was deemed successful. The results of this study support prior literature on workplace conflicts for example in regards of the definition of conflict and typologies conflicts. In addition the multifaceted nature of strikes can be perceived as one statement supported by this study. It arises in the nature of the attitudes, the diversity of discussion themes during the interviews as well as in the extent of possible theories to apply.


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In a cross-sectional study conducted four years ago to assess the validity of the Brazilian version of the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) for the identification of abnormal eating behaviors in a population of young females in Southern Brazil, 56 women presented abnormal eating behavior as indicated by the EAT-26 and the Edinburgh Bulimic Investigation Test. They were each matched for age and neighborhood to two normal controls (N = 112) and were re-assessed four years later with the two screening questionnaires plus the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). The EAT results were then compared to diagnoses originating from the CIDI. To evaluate the temporal stability of the two screening questionnaires, a test-retest design was applied to estimate kappa coefficients for individual items. Given the prevalence of eating disorders of 6.2%, the CIDI psychiatry interview was applied to 161 women. Of these, 0.6% exhibited anorexia nervosa and 5.6%, bulimia nervosa (10 positive cases). The validity coefficients of the EAT were: 40% sensitivity, 84% specificity, and 14% positive predictive value. Cronbach's coefficient was 0.75. For each EAT item, the kappa index was not higher than 0.344 and the correlation coefficient was lower than 0.488. We conclude that the EAT-26 exhibited low validity coefficients for sensitivity and positive predictive value, and showed a poor temporal stability. It is reasonable to assume that these results were not influenced by the low prevalence of eating disorders in the community. Thus, the results cast doubts on the ability of the EAT-26 test to identify cases of abnormal eating behaviors in this population.


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Fluid handling systems such as pump and fan systems are found to have a significant potential for energy efficiency improvements. To deliver the energy saving potential, there is a need for easily implementable methods to monitor the system output. This is because information is needed to identify inefficient operation of the fluid handling system and to control the output of the pumping system according to process needs. Model-based pump or fan monitoring methods implemented in variable speed drives have proven to be able to give information on the system output without additional metering; however, the current model-based methods may not be usable or sufficiently accurate in the whole operation range of the fluid handling device. To apply model-based system monitoring in a wider selection of systems and to improve the accuracy of the monitoring, this paper proposes a new method for pump and fan output monitoring with variable-speed drives. The method uses a combination of already known operating point estimation methods. Laboratory measurements are used to verify the benefits and applicability of the improved estimation method, and the new method is compared with five previously introduced model-based estimation methods. According to the laboratory measurements, the new estimation method is the most accurate and reliable of the model-based estimation methods.