935 resultados para Heroes of Victor Hugo


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The setting up of wind power enterprises at Permanent Preservation Areas reflects the obvious conflict and necessary convergence between free market and energy security on the one hand, and the promotion of environmental quality on the other. From the perspective of energy sustainability, and in order to achieve development (in its complex meaning, which converges economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects), the harmonization between free market and an ecologically sustainable environment is required. This work aims to identify the link between the protection system of the Permanent Preservation Areas and the current constitutional order, by analyzing the implementation of wind power enterprises in these protected zones focusing on the proportionality aspects. A legal and purposeful research was developed, from a theoretical method, followed by collecting and analyzing both primary and secondary data. From these data, the law, the legal literature and judicial decisions were cross-examined, under the light of the Constitution and guided by the theory of proportionality and related development imperatives. In this context, the present study identified the link between the principles of the economic order, environment and energy law, finding their basis under the Federal Constitution and development. By reproducing this interrelationship and by means of post-crisis institutional reforms, the guiding objectives of the Brazilian electric sector began to corroborate the precepts of development, although issues regarding its sustainability still persist. The appraisal of proportionality indicates that the Permanent Preservation Areas protection system is insufficient to materialize the right to a healthy quality of life upon the implementation of wind projects at Permanent Preservation Areas, albeit seeking the harmonization between free market and environmental protection.


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A tese aborda a constituição do significado da marca sob a perspectiva de seu discurso na sociedade de consumo. Por meio dos objetivos propostos, (a) a descrição do processo comunicacional da marca como um discurso social; (b) a demonstração da constituição do significado da marca pela circulação de efeitos de sentido; e (c) a articulação da teoria social que fundamenta o processo, intenta-se explorá-la como possibilidade teórica explicativa por meio do discursivo na semiose social. A tese justifica-se pelo desenvolvimento de uma abordagem comunicacional para a constituição do significado da marca (relevância teoria) e pela possibilidade de interferência na realidade social a partir do conhecimento de como a marca institui-se como um discurso social (relevância social). Trata-se de um trabalho teórico, de natureza qualitativa, a partir de uma pesquisa exploratória, com vistas a propor a construção de uma semiose da marca. Concluiu-se que é teoricamente pertinente a constituição do significado da marca contemporânea fundamentalmente por um processo de produção de sentido social na sociedade de consumo.


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We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Pan-African Consciousness Raising and Organizing in the United States and Venezuela, draws on fifteen months of field research accompanying organizers, participating in protests, planning/strategy meetings, state-run programs, academic conferences and everyday life in these two countries. Through comparative examination of the processes by which African Diaspora youth become radically politicized, this work deconstructs tendencies to deify political s/heroes of eras past by historicizing their ascent to political acclaim and centering the narratives of present youth leading movements for Black/African liberation across the Diaspora. I employ Manuel Callahan’s description of “encuentros”, “the disruption of despotic democracy and related white middle-class hegemony through the reconstruction of the collective subject”; “dialogue, insurgent learning, and convivial research that allows for a collective analysis and vision to emerge while affirming local struggles” to theorize the moments of encounter, specifically, the moments (in which) Black/African youth find themselves becoming politically radicalized and by what. I examine the ways in which Black/African youth organizing differs when responding to their perpetual victimization by neoliberal, genocidal state-politics in the US, and a Venezuelan state that has charged itself with the responsibility of radically improving the quality of life of all its citizens. Through comparative analysis, I suggest the vertical structures of “representative democracy” dominating the U.S. political climate remain unyielding to critical analyses of social stratification based on race, gender, and class as articulated by Black youth. Conversely, I contend that present Venezuelan attempts to construct and fortify more horizontal structures of “popular democracy” under what Hugo Chavez termed 21st Century Socialism, have resulted in social fissures, allowing for a more dynamic and hopeful negation between Afro-Venezuelan youth and the state.


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Into the Bends of Time is a 40-minute work in seven movements for a large chamber orchestra with electronics, utilizing real-time computer-assisted processing of music performed by live musicians. The piece explores various combinations of interactive relationships between players and electronics, ranging from relatively basic processing effects to musical gestures achieved through stages of computer analysis, in which resulting sounds are crafted according to parameters of the incoming musical material. Additionally, some elements of interaction are multi-dimensional, in that they rely on the participation of two or more performers fulfilling distinct roles in the interactive process with the computer in order to generate musical material. Through processes of controlled randomness, several electronic effects induce elements of chance into their realization so that no two performances of this work are exactly alike. The piece gets its name from the notion that real-time computer-assisted processing, in which sound pressure waves are transduced into electrical energy, converted to digital data, artfully modified, converted back into electrical energy and transduced into sound waves, represents a “bending” of time.

The Bill Evans Trio featuring bassist Scott LaFaro and drummer Paul Motian is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential piano trios in the history of jazz, lauded for its unparalleled level of group interaction. Most analyses of Bill Evans’ recordings, however, focus on his playing alone and fail to take group interaction into account. This paper examines one performance in particular, of Victor Young’s “My Foolish Heart” as recorded in a live performance by the Bill Evans Trio in 1961. In Part One, I discuss Steve Larson’s theory of musical forces (expanded by Robert S. Hatten) and its applicability to jazz performance. I examine other recordings of ballads by this same trio in order to draw observations about normative ballad performance practice. I discuss meter and phrase structure and show how the relationship between the two is fixed in a formal structure of repeated choruses. I then develop a model of perpetual motion based on the musical forces inherent in this structure. In Part Two, I offer a full transcription and close analysis of “My Foolish Heart,” showing how elements of group interaction work with and against the musical forces inherent in the model of perpetual motion to achieve an unconventional, dynamic use of double-time. I explore the concept of a unified agential persona and discuss its role in imparting the song’s inherent rhetorical tension to the instrumental musical discourse.


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How to deal with uncomfortable ‘truths’ from the past has long posed problems for historians and politicians alike and this is exemplified by attempts to ‘deal with’ the centenary anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland. How do we recognise the revolutionary ‘heroesof the past and their contribution to the building of the new ‘nation’ state to which we may pledge allegiance, without exposing the contradictions inherent in the way that ‘nation’ state has transformed, subverted and indeed corrupted many of the ideas for which they fought? More controversially, how do we honour the actions of revolutionaries in the past which led to death and destruction in pursuance of a grand ideal, while at the same time condemning others today who claim to have been likewise engaged, using similar methods, during the recent ‘Troubles’ (1969-98 and counting)? Attempts by the Irish state to deal with the centenary seem to illustrate the point.


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El Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples (ACM), recurso metodológico utilizado por Bourdieu y su equipo en un nivel avanzado de síntesis teórico-empírica, constituye una herramienta fundamental para la construcción analítica de espacios relacionales. Permite posicionar relacionalmente unidades de análisis en función de un conjunto determinado de variables y plasmar la multiplicidad resultante tanto gráfica como analíticamente. Comenzando por una reflexión general sobre las potencialidades de la herramienta, este artículo analiza la configuración del espacio universitario privado en Argentina (1955-1983) a partir del ACM, que permitió determinar las relaciones de homología y principios de diferenciación existentes entre las instituciones que lo componen.


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O ser humano vive maior parte do seu tempo em contato direto com o ambiente construído, portanto tornou-se fundamental pesquisar as relações de alteridade, qualidade de vida e pertencimento dentro de um espaço específico, a casa. Ressaltando que a casa nesta pesquisa é todo e qualquer lugar de moradia, percebe-se que ela exprime um estilo de vida, ou seja, um modo de viver e conviver, de pensar, de sentir, e de se relacionar com as pessoas e com o espaço. A partir das relações de seis moradores do Município de Rio Grande com suas respectivas casas pudemos conhecer os processos que ali ocorrem e quais são os efeitos deles na vida e atitudes de cada morador dentro e fora da morada. O estudo é fundamentado primordialmente na Educação Ambiental e na Ecologia Onírica. Mais especialmente, na Educação Estética Ambiental e Educação Estética Onírica, porém também dialoga com outras áreas do conhecimento, como a Psicologia Ambiental. Esta avalia e compreende o homem, como ele reage, interpreta e sente os espaços, e consequentemente, como ele é constituído através de todas as experiências, vivências, memórias neste meio tão íntimo que é a casa de cada um. O objetivo da pesquisa foi, a partir das relações dos moradores entre si e com o espaço da casa, conhecer qual é o significado desta na vida dos seus moradores, despertar a valorização do espaço/morada e o sentimento de pertencimento a ela, promovendo através dessa consciência uma maior qualidade de vida dentro e fora de casa.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arte, 2016.


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Resumen En este artículo el autor ratrea el proceso de formación de los principales atributos de la nación costarricense y procura determinar cuales eran los sentidos de pertenencia en Costa Rica en el perido de 1810-1870 Abstract In this article the author traces the process of formation of the principal attributes of the Costa Rica nation, and determines which were the meanings of belonging in Costa Rica in the period 1810-1870


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Resumen En este artículo el autor ratrea el proceso de formación de los principales atributos de la nación costarricense y procura determinar cuales eran los sentidos de pertenencia en Costa Rica en el perido de 1810-1870 Abstract In this article the author traces the process of formation of the principal attributes of the Costa Rica nation, and determines which were the meanings of belonging in Costa Rica in the period 1810-1870.


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ResumenConferencia inaugural del Doctorado en Historia de la universidad nacional.AbstractInaugural lecture of the doctoral program in history at the University of Costa Rica.   


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ResumenDescribe la ideología de los pequeños y medianos productores de café costarricense. En esta ideología se ofrece una visión evolutiva y progresiva de la dinámica social y se privilegian constantemente los procedimientos de carácter institucional y legal cómo reguladores de la vida social. Es una ideología que la loa la tranquilidad, la paz y la armonía. La ideología cafetalera costarricense es persistente e incluso ha tenido una gran influencia en la historia intelectual de  Costa Rica.AbstractThis article describes the ideology of small and medium coffee producers in Costa Rica. Their ideology offers an evolutionary and progressive view of social dynamics, and constantly emphasizes institutional and legal procedures as the means for regulation of social life. It is an ideology which praises peacefulness and social harmony. The Costa Rican coffee ideology is seen as persistent and very influential in the country´s intellectual history.


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In 1966, a British planner called Maurice Broady came up with a new term for the architectural lexicon: architectural determinism. This was to describe the practice of groundlessly asserting that design solutions would change behaviour in a predictable and positive way. It was a new phrase but the belief system behind it – that buildings shape behaviour – had allowed the heroes of architecture to make all kinds of outlandish claims.


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Con el objetivo de evaluar alternativas de protección físicas y químicas de semilleros de tomate, se llevó a cabo un ensayo en el Municipio de Tisma, Masa ya; en el período comprendido entre mayo y septiembre del año 2007. Los tratamiento evaluados fueron: Semillero de tomate puestos en el suelo protegidos con Nim®, Semillero de tomate en bandejas protegido con Gaucho®-confidor®, semillero de tomate en el suelo protegidos con malla antivirus (Microtúnel) y semilleros de tomate en bandejas protegido bajo la tecnología de Microinvernadero. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, los tratamientos que presentaron los porcentajes más bajos de virosis fueron los tratamientos de Microinvernadero y Microtúnel. Los mayores rendimientos del cultivo se obtuvieron en el tratamiento semillero protegido en Microinvernadero. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis económico basado en un presupuesto parcial en el cual, el tratamiento Microinvernadero presentó, el segundo mayor costo variable pero a la vez el mayor beneficio neto en comparación con los otros tratamientos. Además, los tratamientos que fueron no dominados (Microinvernadero y Gaucho-confidor) se les determinó la Tasa de Retorno Marginal, concluyéndose así, que el microinvernadero fue la tecnología mas rentable; por tal razón, es la alternativa que en este estudio se puede recomendar para los productores de este municipio.


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Reúne depoimentos de servidores da Câmara do Deputados sobre os acontecimentos que marcaram a história do parlamento brasileiro a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Coletados pelo Núcleo de História Oral da Câmara durante as comemorações dos 180 anos do Poder Legislativo em 2003, os textos retratam a realidade dos primeiros anos vividos no Planalto Central: a carência de infra-estrutura, a falta de opção de atividades de lazer e o profundo sentimento de saudade da antiga capital da República. Mas também levam a reminiscências de momentos divertidos, curiosidades e reflexões animadas e esperançosas sobre a mudança da capital para Brasília. O ponto alto são as experiências vivenciadas nos prédios do Congresso Nacional, a lembrança dos amigos, dos colegas e, especialmente, dos fatos marcantes, que sublinham as significativas mudanças nas rotinas de trabalho da Instituição para se adequar à modernização e às novas exigências da sociedade, no contexto de acontecimentos políticos que modificaram seguidas vezes o cenário do país.