996 resultados para Hard material


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The vulnerability of masonry infill walls has been highlighted in recent earthquakes in which severe inplane damage and out-of-plane collapse developed, justifying the investment in the proposal of strengthening solutions aiming to improve the seismic performance of these construction elements. Therefore, this work presents an innovative strengthening solution to be applied in masonry infill walls, in order to avoid brittle failure and thus minimize the material damage and human losses. The textilereinforced mortar technique (TRM) has been shown to improve the out-of-plane resistance of masonry and to enhance its ductility, and here an innovative reinforcing mesh composed of braided composite rods is proposed. The external part of the rod is composed of braided polyester whose structure is defined so that the bond adherence with mortar is optimized. The mechanical performance of the strengthening technique to improve the out-of-plane behaviour of brick masonry is assessed based on experimental bending tests. Additionally, a comparison of the mechanical behaviour of the proposed meshes with commercial meshes is provided. The idea is that the proposed meshes are efficient in avoiding brittle collapse and premature disintegration of brick masonry during seismic events.


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A avaliação dos teores de mercúrio em sistemas aquáticos sem influência direta de fontes antropogênicas conhecidas não tem sido conduzida com freqüência na região Amazônica. Visando contribuir para esclarecer a ocorrência de valores elevados de Hg em peixes consumidos pela população de Rio Branco - AC, o Instituto Evandro Chagas - IEC, realizou um estudo para quantificar os teores de Hg em sedimentos de fundo e material particulado no rio Acre e alguns afluentes, além da caracterização físico-química das águas entre as cidades de Brasiléia e Assis Brasil. As amostras de sedimentos foram peneiradas na fração < 250 mesh e o material particulado obtido por floculação com Al2SO4 . Uma massa de 250 mg dos materiais foram submetidos a digestão ácida e as determinações de Hg realizadas por Espectrofotometria de Absorção Atômica, com geração de vapor frio. Os parâmetros físico-químicos pH, condutividade elétrica, temperatura e sólidos totais dissolvidos, foram feitos no campo, por métodos potenciométricos. Os teores de Hg nos sedimentos de fundo variaram entre 0,018 e 0,184 mig g-1, com média de 0,054 ± 0,034 mig g-1, enquanto que no material particulado a variação foi de 0,067 a 0,220 mig g-1e média de 0,098 ± 0,037 mig g-1. As águas possuem características levemente ácidas indicadas pelos valores de pH que variaram entre 5,80 - 6,95. A condutividade elétrica variou de 151,60 - 1.151,00 miS cm-1. Os teores de Hg nos materiais analisados encontram-se dentro da faixa dos valores observados para os rios amazônicos "não poluídos". Entretanto, estudos complementares deverão ser implementados para elucidar a origem e os processos de biodisponibilidade do mercúrio.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Jurídicas (área de especialização em Ciências Jurídicas - Públicas)


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Parchment stands for a multifaceted material made from animal skin, which has been used for centuries as a writing support or as bookbinding. Due to the historic value of objects made of parchment, understanding their degradation and their condition is of utmost importance to archives, libraries and museums, i.e., the assessment of parchment degradation is mandatory, although it is hard to do with traditional methodologies and tools for problem solving. Hence, in this work we will focus on the development of a hybrid decision support system, in terms of its knowledge representation and reasoning procedures, under a formal framework based on Logic Programming, complemented with an approach to computing centered on Artificial Neural Networks, to evaluate Parchment Degradation and the respective Degree-of-Confidence that one has on such a happening.


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The Cutia-nut (Couepia edulis Prance), a species originally from the Amazon region, has a kernel with reasonable nutritional value and a hard and thick woody shell that constitute most of the fruit. After the kernel removal, the shells are regarded as waste. The possibility of using such shells, as raw material for burning or charcoal production, as well as milled residue for structural reinforcement materials is quite feasible, considering environmental and economical aspects. There is, however, a complete lack of characterization of the Cutia-nut shell and other similar species which can aggregate desirable qualities for application as engineering material. In this study some analyses are presented aiming at providing information for potential uses of these residues. In general, the shells follow a regular shape with certain dimensional proportionality to the kernel. The shell is a fibrous material with high lignin content, present low water absorption and high resistance to natural degradation.


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A bacia do Rio Aurá está situada na região metropolitana de Belém, entre os municípios de Belém e Ananindeua, onde a taxa populacional tem aumentado sem qualquer medida de controle social ou ambiental. A região é intensamente explorada, sendo que os principais problemas ambientais são o desmatamento, erosão, inundação, poluição e contaminação das águas, especialmente por metais pesados e compostos orgânicos. O comportamento geoquímico dos elementos Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni e Cu e os teores de compostos orgânicos foram avaliados em 30 pontos de amostragem no período entre 2008 e 2010 nos sedimentos fluviais. O aterro sanitário não controlado localizado nas proximidades da bacia do Rio Aurá é responsável, em parte, pela contaminação dos sedimentos. O estresse ambiental é resultado das atividades antrópicas locais, que contribuem no transporte de material clástico contendo metais para o rio. As variáveis estudadas foram classificadas segundo mecanismos de transporte e fonte (autóctone ou alóctone). Os resultados demonstraram que a principal contribuição de íons Al e Fe foi o aterro sanitário; Mn e Ni vieram principalmente dos solos adjacentes; Cr foi modificado (III/VI) por processo alobioquímico e Cu por processo bioinduzido.


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The Amazon River basin is important in the contribution of dissolved material to oceans (4% worldwide). The aim of this work was to study the spatial and the temporal variability of dissolved inorganic materials in the main rivers of the Amazon basin. Data from 2003 to 2011 from six gauging stations of the ORE-HYBAM localized in Solimões, Purus, Madeira and Amazon rivers were used for this study. The concentrations of Ca2+, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO4 -2, HCO3 - and SiO2 were analyzed. At the stations of Solimões and Amazon rivers, the concentrations of Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3 - and SO4 -2 had heterogeneous distribution over the years and did not show seasonality. At the stations of Madeira river, the concentration of these ions had seasonality inversely proportional to water discharge (dilution-concentration effect). Similar behavior was observed for the concentrations of Cl- and Na+ at the stations of the Solimões, Amazon and Madeira rivers, indicating almost constant release of Cl- and Na+ fluxes during the hydrological cycle. K+ and SiO2 showed almost constant concentrations throughout the years and all the stations, indicating that their flows depend on the river discharge variation. Therefore, the temporal variability of the dissolved inorganic material fluxes in the Solimões and Amazon rivers depends on the hydro-climatic factor and on the heterogeneity of the sources. In the Madeira and Purus rivers there is less influence of these factors, indicating that dissolved load fluxes are mainly associated to silicates weathering. As the Solimões basin contributes approximately 84% of the total flux of dissolved materials in the basin and is mainly under the influence of a hydro-climatic factor, we conclude that the temporal variability of this factor controls the temporal variability of the dissolved material fluxes of the Amazon basin.


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The sol-gel method was employed in the synthesis of di-urethane cross-linked poly(-caprolactone) (d-PCL(530)/siloxane biohybrid ormolytes incorporating copper perchlorate, (Cu(ClO4)2). The highest ionic conductivity of the d PCL(530)/siloxanenCu(ClO4)2 system is that with n = 10 (1.4 x 10-7 and 1.4 x 10-5 S cm-1, at 25 and 100 ºC, respectively). In an attempt to understand the ionic conductivity/ionic association relationship, we decide to inspect the chemical environment experienced by the Cu2+ ions in the d-PCL(530)/siloxane medium. The observed EPR spectra are typical of isolated monomeric Cu2+ ions in axially distorted sites. The molecular orbital coefficients obtained from the EPR spin Hamiltonian parameters and the optical absorption band suggests that bonding between the Cu2+ and its ligand in the ormolytes are moderately ionic. Investigation by photoluminescence spectroscopy did not evidence or allow selective excitation of transitions corresponding to complexed Cu2+ species.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Materiais


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Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Structural/Civil Engineering


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Judiciário (Direitos Processuais e Organização Judiciária)


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En esta investigación nos abocaremos a la comprensión de la estructura y la dinámica del mercado de trabajo de la ciudad de Córdoba y al estudio de las condiciones laborales y de vida material de los trabajadores de la misma en el período 1914-1930, tratando de aprehender el "evasivo nexo" que vincula la experiencia de los individuos y las grandes estructuras y los amplios procesos registrados en una época, es decir, definir la interacción de las condiciones estructurales y las transformaciones mayores -económicas, políticas, mentales, ideológicas, etc.- en el contexto inmediato de la vida cotidiana de la gente común. (...) Hipótesis general En el transcurso del período considerado la economía cordobesa experimentó -aún con altibajos- un crecimiento económico importante pero sólo un limitado proceso de desarrollo social desde la perspectiva de la experiencia de los trabajadores en el campo laboral y del consumo de bienes materiales. Objetivos Generales: Con esta investigación pretendemos lograr un avance en el estudio de los trabajadores cordobeses en sus circunstancias cotidianas de la vida, apuntando en última instancia a la aprehensión de las conexiones existentes entre las grandes estructuras y los amplios procesos del período con la vida diaria de la gente común, es decir, la experiencia de ésta, considerando que no existe una confrontación entre las grandes permanencias y transformaciones y los actores sociales, sino que éstas y éstos forman parte de una misma realidad cuyos elementos interaccionan entre sí constantemente y de un modo complejo. Objetivos específicos: * Revelar la estructura y la dinámica del mercado laboral capitalino. * Abordar el estudio de los trabajadores en la ciudad de Córdoba como sujeto histórico. * Analizar las distintas modalidades de intervención del gobierno provincial en el mercado de trabajo. * Reconstruir la variedad de formas a través de las cuales los trabajadores dieron satisfacción a sus necesidades dietéticas, tratando de poner en evidencia la trama de factores económicos, sociales y culturales que subyacen a la realidad del consumo de alimentos.