270 resultados para HG5439.M45 R5


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To understand the role of the ocean within the global carbon cycle, detailed information is required on key-processes within the marine carbon cycle; bio-production in the upper ocean, export of the produced material to the deep ocean and the storage of carbon in oceanic sediments. Quantification of these processes requires the separation of signals of net primary production and the rate of organic matter decay as reflected in fossil sediments. This study examines the large differences in degradation rates of organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst species to separate these degradation and productivity signals. For this, accumulation rates of cyst species known to be resistant (R-cysts) or sensitive (S-cysts) to aerobic degradation of 62 sites are compared to mean annual chlorophyll-a, sea-surface temperature, sea-surface salinity, nitrate and phosphate concentrations of the upper waters and deep-water oxygen concentrations. Furthermore, the degradation of sensitive cysts, as expressed by the degradation constant k and reaction time t, has been related to bottom water [O2]. The studied sediments were taken from the Arabian Sea, north-western African Margin (North Atlantic), western-equatorial Atlantic Ocean/Caraibic, south-western African margin (South Atlantic) and Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector). Significant relationships are observed between (a) accumulation rates of R-cysts and upper water chlorophyll-a concentrations, (b) accumulation rates of S-cysts and bottom water [O2] and (c) degradation rates of S-cysts (kt) and bottom water [O2]. Relationships that are extremely weak or are clearly insignificant on all confidence intervals are between (1) S-cyst accumulation rates and chlorophyll-a concentrations, sea-surface temperature (SST), sea-surface salinity (SSS), phosphate concentrations (P) and nitrate concentrations (N), (2) between R-cyst accumulation rates and bottom water [O2], SST, SSS, P and N, and between (3) kt and water depth. Co-variance is present between the parameters N and P, N, P and chlorophyll-a, oxygen and water depth. Correcting for this co-variance does not influence the significance of the relationship given above. The possible applicability of dinoflagellate cyst degradation to estimate past net primary production and deep ocean ventilation is discussed.


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In order to examine the spatial distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) in recent sediments related to environmental conditions in the water column, thirty-two surface sediment samples from the NW African upwelling region (20-32°N) were investigated. Relative abundances of the dinocyst species show distinct regional differences allowing the separation of four hydrographic regimes. (1) In the area off Cape Ghir, which is characterized by most seasonal upwelling and river discharge, Lingulodinium machaerophorum strongly dominates the associations which are additionally characterized by cysts of Gymnodinium nolleri, cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii and cysts of Polykrikos schwartzii. (2) Off Cape Yubi, a region with increasing perennial upwelling, L. machaerophorum, Brigantedinium spp., species of the genus Impagidinium and cysts of Protoperidinium stellatum occur in highest relative abundances. (3) In coastal samples between Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi, Gymnodinium catenatum, species of the genus Impagidinium, Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Operculodinium centrocarpum, cysts of P. stellatum and Selenopemphix nephroides determine the species composition. (4) Off Cape Blanc, where upwelling prevails perennially, and at offshore sites, heterotrophic dinocyst species show highest relative abundances. A Redundancy Analysis reveals fluvial mud, sea surface temperature and the depth of the mixed layer in boreal spring (spring) as the most important parameters relating to the dinocyst species association. Dinocyst accumulation rates were calculated for a subset of samples using well-constrained sedimentation rates. Highest accumulation rates with up to almost 80.000 cysts cm**-2 ky**-1 were found off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi reflecting their eutrophic upwelling filaments. A Redundancy Analysis gives evidence that primary productivity and the input of fluvial mud are mostly related to the dinocyst association. By means of accumulation rate data, quantitative cyst production of individual species can be considered independently from the rest of the association, allowing autecological interpretations. We show that a combined interpretation of relative abundances and accumulation rates of dinocysts can lead to a better understanding of the productivity conditions off NW Africa.


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The terrigenous fraction of seabed sediments recovered along the north-west African continental margin illustrates spatial variability in grain size attributed to different transport mechanisms. Three subpopulations are determined from the grain-size analyses (n = 78) of the carbonate-free silt fraction applying an end-member modelling algorithm (G. J. Weltje, 1997). The two coarsest end-members are interpreted as representing aeolian dust, and the fine-grained end-member is related to fluvial supply. The end-member model thus allows aeolian fallout to be distinguished from fluvial-sourced mud in this area. The relative contributions of the end-members show distinct regional variations that can be related to different transport processes and pathways. Understanding present-day sediment dispersal and mixing is important for a better understanding of older sedimentary records and palaeoclimate reconstructions in the region.


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The Canary Islands region occupies a key position with respect to biogeochemical cycles, with the zonal transition from oligotrophic to nutrient-rich waters and the contribution of Saharan dust to the particle flux. We present the distribution of geochemical proxies (TOC, carbonate, d15N, d13Corg, C/N-ratio) and micropaleontological parameters (diatoms, dinoflagellates, foraminifera, pteropods), in 80 surface-sediment samples in order to characterise the influence of coastally upwelled water on the domain of the subtropical gyre. Results of the surface-sediment analyses confirmed the high biomass gradient from the coast to the open ocean inferred from satellite data of surface chlorophyll or SST. The distribution of total dinoflagellate cysts, the planktic foraminifera species Globigerina bulloides, the diatom resting spore Chaetoceros spp., and TOC concentration coincided well with the areas of strong filament production off Cape Ghir and Cape Yubi. The warm-water planktic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber (white), the diatom Nitzschia spp., and the d15N-values showed the opposite trend with high values in the open ocean. Factor analyses on the planktic foraminifera species distribution indicated three major assemblages in the Canary Islands region that represent the present surface-water conditions from the upwelling influenced region via a mixing area towards the subtropical gyre.


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The influence of different primary productivity regimes on live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal distribution, as well as on the stable carbon isotopic composition of foraminiferal tests, was investigated in sediment surface samples (0-1 cm) from the upwelling region off Morocco between Cape Ghir (31°N) and Cape Yubi (27°N). A combination of factor analysis, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to the benthic foraminiferal data sets. Five major assemblages for both the live and dead fauna were revealed by factor analysis. In the cape regions organic matter fluxes are enhanced by high chlorophyll-a concentrations in the overlying surface waters. Here, benthic foraminiferal faunas are characterized by identical live and dead assemblages, high standing stocks, and low species delta13C values, indicating constant year-round high productivity. Bulimina marginata dominates the unique fauna at the shallowest station off Cape Ghir indicating highest chlorophyll-a concentrations. Off both capes, the succession of the Bulimina aculeata/Uvigerina mediterranea assemblage, the Sphaeroidina bulloides/Gavelinopsis translucens assemblage, and the Hoeglundina elegans assemblage from the shelf to the deep sea reflects the decrease in chlorophyll-a concentrations, hence the export flux. In contrast, the area between the capes is characterized by differently composed live and dead assemblages, low standing stocks, and less depleted delta13C values, thus reflecting low primary productivity. High foraminiferal numbers of Epistominella exigua, Eponides pusillus, and Globocassidulina subglobosa in the dead fauna indicate a seasonally varying primary productivity signal. Significantly lower mean delta13C values were recorded in Bulimina mexicana, Cibicidoides kullenbergi, H. elegans, U. mediterranea and Uvigerina peregrina. Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi is a faithful recorder of bottom water delta13C in the Canary Islands regions. The mean delta13C signal of this species is not significantly influenced by constant high organic matter fluxes. The species-specific offset between live and dead specimens is the same.


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Numerous studies use major element concentrations measured on continental margin sediments to reconstruct terrestrial climate variations. The choice and interpretation of climate proxies however differ from site to site. Here we map the concentrations of major elements (Ca, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, K) in Atlantic surface sediments (36°N-49°S) to assess the factors influencing the geochemistry of Atlantic hemipelagic sediments and the potential of elemental ratios to reconstruct different terrestrial climate regimes. High concentrations of terrigenous elements and low Ca concentrations along the African and South American margins reflect the dominance of terrigenous input in these regions. Single element concentrations and elemental ratios including Ca (e.g., Fe/Ca) are too sensitive to dilution effects (enhanced biological productivity, carbonate dissolution) to allow reliable reconstructions of terrestrial climate. Other elemental ratios reflect the composition of terrigenous material and mirror the climatic conditions within the continental catchment areas. The Atlantic distribution of Ti/Al supports its use as a proxy for eolian versus fluvial input in regions of dust deposition that are not affected by the input of mafic rock material. The spatial distributions of Al/Si and Fe/K reflect the relative input of intensively weathered material from humid regions versus slightly weathered particles from drier areas. High biogenic opal input however influences the Al/Si ratio. Fe/K is sensitive to the input of mafic material and the topography of Andean river drainage basins. Both ratios are suitable to reconstruct African and South American climatic zones characterized by different intensities of chemical weathering in well-understood environmental settings.


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Siguiendo la metodología de Marco Lógico, durante el proceso de formulación del proyecto, se pudo identificar como un problema central la poca voluntad que existe en amplios sectores de la población en materia de legalización de predios, convirtiéndose este un problema central, tanto para las administraciones territoriales, como para la población. Para las administraciones territoriales y entidades encargadas de llevar el registro de predios y sus mutaciones, esto es un asunto importante, ya que es con base en los registros de predios legalizados que se establecen buena parte de los ingresos tributarios y se orientan varios de los programas sociales, incluidos los de vivienda. Mientras que para los sectores de la población que se han abstenido de iniciar procesos, la no legalización de predios redunda en pérdida de beneficios o en la dificultad para acceder a ellos. La metodología de Marco Lógico, permitió evidenciar que las principales causas del problema son la desconfianza y el desconocimiento en la población, por lo cual en el presente trabajo se definió como alternativa de solución la del diseño de un servicio de asesoría personalizado que contribuya en la solución del problema, sensibilizando e informando a la población simultáneamente.


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A soja resistente ao glifosate (RR) é uma tecnologia que vem acrescentar mais uma ferramenta ao manejo de plantas daninhas para essa cultura, que possui a maior área plantada no país. Estudos buscando informações para o uso correto da soja transgênica na região de Campinas/SP são importantes devido ao uso cada vez mais freqüente desta prática agrícola em todo o Estado e no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar esta tecnologia na nodulação da soja cv. Valiosa RR em condições de casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos utilizados foram aplicações isoladas de Roundup Ready a 1,5, 2,0 e 3,0 L.ha-1; aplicações seqüenciais de Roundup Ready a 1,5/1,5; 2,0/1,5 e 2,0/1,5/1,5 L.ha-1, além de uma testemunha absoluta. O número e as biomassas fresca e seca dos nódulos foram determinados nos estádios R3 e R5. Apesar de terem sido observadas reduções em alguns dos parâmetros avaliados, estas foram não significativas.


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Severidade de ferrugem, em R6, para os diferentes tratamentos no ensaio com fungicidas protetores isolados. Produtividade (kg ha-1) para os diferentes tratamentos no ensaio com fungicidas protetores isolados. Produto comercial, ingrediente ativo e doses. Severidade da ferrugem (%) para os diferentes tratamentos em R5.4 e R6, porcentagem de controle relativa a testemunha (%), índice vegetativo por diferença normalizada (IVDN), produtividade (PROD) e peso de cem sementes (PCS).