879 resultados para General allocation model
[ES] Se trata de una estancia de 35 x 9 metros de planta que se organiza con un banco corrido en tres de sus lados con un respaldo a modo de friso y una serie de mesas de madera, cuenta además con varias ventanas y tres lámparas que aportan la iluminación, una puerta de acceso destacada en madera con cancel, púlpito para la lectura y varios cuadros.
35 p.
47 p.
This thesis advances our understanding of midlatitude storm tracks and how they respond to perturbations in the climate system. The midlatitude storm tracks are regions of maximal turbulent kinetic energy in the atmosphere. Through them, the bulk of the atmospheric transport of energy, water vapor, and angular momentum occurs in midlatitudes. Therefore, they are important regulators of climate, controlling basic features such as the distribution of surface temperatures, precipitation, and winds in midlatitudes. Storm tracks are robustly projected to shift poleward in global-warming simulations with current climate models. Yet the reasons for this shift have remained unclear. Here we show that this shift occurs even in extremely idealized (but still three-dimensional) simulations of dry atmospheres. We use these simulations to develop an understanding of the processes responsible for the shift and develop a conceptual model that accounts for it.
We demonstrate that changes in the convective static stability in the deep tropics alone can drive remote shifts in the midlatitude storm tracks. Through simulations with a dry idealized general circulation model (GCM), midlatitude storm tracks are shown to be located where the mean available potential energy (MAPE, a measure of the potential energy available to be converted into kinetic energy) is maximal. As the climate varies, even if only driven by tropical static stability changes, the MAPE maximum shifts primarily because of shifts of the maximum of near-surface meridional temperature gradients. The temperature gradients shift in response to changes in the width of the tropical Hadley circulation, whose width is affected by the tropical static stability. Storm tracks generally shift in tandem with shifts of the subtropical terminus of the Hadley circulation.
We develop a one-dimensional diffusive energy-balance model that links changes in the Hadley circulation to midlatitude temperature gradients and so to the storm tracks. It is the first conceptual model to incorporate a dynamical coupling between the tropical Hadley circulation and midlatitude turbulent energy transport. Numerical and analytical solutions of the model elucidate the circumstances of when and how the storm tracks shift in tandem with the terminus of the Hadley circulation. They illustrate how an increase of only the convective static stability in the deep tropics can lead to an expansion of the Hadley circulation and a poleward shift of storm tracks.
The simulations with the idealized GCM and the conceptual energy-balance model demonstrate a clear link between Hadley circulation dynamics and midlatitude storm track position. With the help of the hierarchy of models presented in this thesis, we obtain a closed theory of storm track shifts in dry climates. The relevance of this theory for more realistic moist climates is discussed.
This thesis is a comprised of three different projects within the topic of tropical atmospheric dynamics. First, I analyze observations of thermal radiation from Saturn’s atmosphere and from them, determine the latitudinal distribution of ammonia vapor near the 1.5-bar pressure level. The most prominent feature of the observations is the high brightness temperature of Saturn’s subtropical latitudes on either side of the equator. After comparing the observations to a microwave radiative transfer model, I find that these subtropical bands require very low ammonia relative humidity below the ammonia cloud layer in order to achieve the high brightness temperatures observed. We suggest that these bright subtropical bands represent dry zones created by a meridionally overturning circulation.
Second, I use a dry atmospheric general circulation model to study equatorial superrotation in terrestrial atmospheres. A wide range of atmospheres are simulated by varying three parameters: the pole-equator radiative equilibrium temperature contrast, the convective lapse rate, and the planetary rotation rate. A scaling theory is developed that establishes conditions under which superrotation occurs in terrestrial atmospheres. The scaling arguments show that superrotation is favored when the off-equatorial baroclinicity and planetary rotation rates are low. Similarly, superrotation is favored when the convective heating strengthens, which may account for the superrotation seen in extreme global-warming simulations.
Third, I use a moist slab-ocean general circulation model to study the impact of a zonally-symmetric continent on the distribution of monsoonal precipitation. I show that adding a hemispheric asymmetry in surface heat capacity is sufficient to cause symmetry breaking in both the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation. This spatial symmetry breaking can be understood from a large-scale energetic perspective, while the temporal symmetry breaking requires consideration of the dynamical response to the heat capacity asymmetry and the seasonal cycle of insolation. Interestingly, the idealized monsoonal precipitation bears resemblance to precipitation in the Indian monsoon sector, suggesting that this work may provide insight into the causes of the temporally asymmetric distribution of precipitation over southeast Asia.
This thesis advances our physical understanding of the sensitivity of the hydrological cycle to global warming. Specifically, it focuses on changes in the longitudinal (zonal) variation of precipitation minus evaporation (P - E), which is predominantly controlled by planetary-scale stationary eddies. By studying idealized general circulation model (GCM) experiments with zonally varying boundary conditions, this thesis examines the mechanisms controlling the strength of stationary-eddy circulations and their role in the hydrological cycle. The overarching goal of this research is to understand the cause of changes in regional P - E with global warming. An understanding of such changes can be useful for impact studies focusing on water availability, ecosystem management, and flood risk.
Based on a moisture-budget analysis of ERA-Interim data, we establish an approximation for zonally anomalous P - E in terms of surface moisture content and stationary-eddy vertical motion in the lower troposphere. Part of the success of this approximation comes from our finding that transient-eddy moisture fluxes partially cancel the effect of stationary-eddy moisture advection, allowing divergent circulations to dominate the moisture budget. The lower-tropospheric vertical motion is related to horizontal motion in stationary eddies by Sverdrup and Ekman balance. These moisture- and vorticity-budget balances also hold in idealized and comprehensive GCM simulations across a range of climates.
By examining climate changes in the idealized and comprehensive GCM simulations, we are able to show the utility of the vertical motion P - E approximation for splitting changes in zonally anomalous P - E into thermodynamic and dynamic components. Shifts in divergent stationary-eddy circulations dominate changes in zonally anomalous P - E. This limits the local utility of the "wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” idea, where existing P - E patterns are amplified with warming by the increase in atmospheric moisture content, with atmospheric circulations held fixed. The increase in atmospheric moisture content manifests instead in an increase in the amplitude of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle as measured by the zonal variance of P - E. However, dynamic changes, particularly the slowdown of divergent stationary-eddy circulations, limit the strengthening of the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle. In certain idealized cases, dynamic changes are even strong enough to reverse the tendency towards "wet gets wetter, dry gets drier” with warming.
Motivated by the importance of stationary-eddy vertical velocities in the moisture budget analysis, we examine controls on the amplitude of stationary eddies across a wide range of climates in an idealized GCM with simple topographic and ocean-heating zonal asymmetries. An analysis of the thermodynamic equation in the vicinity of topographic forcing reveals the importance of on-slope surface winds, the midlatitude isentropic slope, and latent heating in setting the amplitude of stationary waves. The response of stationary eddies to climate change is determined primarily by the strength of zonal surface winds hitting the mountain. The sensitivity of stationary-eddies to this surface forcing increases with climate change as the slope of midlatitude isentropes decreases. However, latent heating also plays an important role in damping the stationary-eddy response, and this damping becomes stronger with warming as the atmospheric moisture content increases. We find that the response of tropical overturning circulations forced by ocean heat-flux convergence is described by changes in the vertical structure of moist static energy and deep convection. This is used to derive simple scalings for the Walker circulation strength that capture the monotonic decrease with warming found in our idealized simulations.
Through the work of this thesis, the advances made in understanding the amplitude of stationary-waves in a changing climate can be directly applied to better understand and predict changes in the zonally anomalous hydrological cycle.
Evolution of catch and catch by unit effort of the sardine fishing boats (purse seiners) has been examined from 1966 to 1975. The effort data has been calculated with a new computer programme: Crosardi (Soisson et Barbe, 1974). The analysis has been done on the whole stock and in more detail on the east and west stocks of Côte d'Ivoire. The Sardinella eba stock has been analysed separately. Those analyses were done using the general production model (Prodfit; Fox, 1974). The stock of the eastern area of the Côte d'Ivoire seems to be exploited at its maximum level. Nevertheless, the western area stock could be able to support a progressive increase of fishing effort.
Este estudo avalia o impacto da liberalização comercial entre Brasil e China sobre o comércio, produção, preços, investimento, poupança e emprego. O objetivo da análise é identificar a existência de uma oportunidade de comércio para o Brasil que viabilize um maior crescimento, incremente as exportações brasileiras e reduza o desemprego. A hipótese principal é a existência de ganhos de bem estar no comércio com a China. O modelo utilizado é o GLOBAL TRADE ANALYSIS PROJECT (GTAP) com 10 regiões, 10 produtos, 5 fatores, com retornos constantes de escala e competição perfeita nas atividades de produção. Destacam-se na análise os produtos agropecuários. Utilizam-se três fechamentos macroeconômicos (closure) para avaliar separadamente alguns agregados: a configuração padrão dos modelos CGE (preço da poupança endógeno e pleno emprego); preço da poupança exógeno; e desemprego. Conclui-se que pode haver benefícios para os dois países com o acordo.
Background: Previous studies suggest that dietary protein might play a beneficial role in combating obesity and its related chronic diseases. Total, animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with anthropometry and serum biomarkers in European adolescents using one standardised methodology across European countries are not well documented. Objectives: To evaluate total, animal and plant protein intakes in European adolescents stratified by gender and age, and to investigate their associations with cardio-metabolic indicators (anthropometry and biomarkers). Methods: The current analysis included 1804 randomly selected adolescents participating in the HELENA study (conducted in 2006-2007) aged 12.5-17.5 y (47% males) who completed two non-consecutive computerised 24-h dietary recalls. Associations between animal and plant protein intakes, and anthropometry and serum biomarkers were examined with General linear Model multivariate analysis. Results: Average total protein intake exceeded the recommendations of World Health Organization and European Food Safety Authority. Mean total protein intake was 96 g/d (59% derived from animal protein). Total, animal and plant protein intakes (g/d) were significantly lower in females than in males and total and plant protein intakes were lower in younger participants (12.5-14.9 y). Protein intake was significantly lower in underweight subjects and higher in obese ones; the direction of the relationship was reversed after adjustments for body weight (g/(kg.d)). The inverse association of plant protein intakes was stronger with BMI z-score and body fat percentage (BF%) compared to animal protein intakes. Additionally, BMI and BF% were positively associated with energy percentage of animal protein. Conclusions: This sample of European adolescents appeared to have adequate total protein intake. Our findings suggest that plant protein intakes may play a role in preventing obesity among European adolescents. Further longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the potential beneficial effects observed in this study in the prevention of obesity and related chronic diseases.
Weight-on-length (W-L) relationships for 2,482 dolphinfish, Coryphaena hippurus, and 1,161 wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, were examined. Data on fork length, whole (round) weight, and sex were collected for dolphinfish at the Honolulu fish auction from March 1988 through November 1989. Unsexed weight and length data for wahoo were collected at the auction from July 1988 through November 1989. We also used sex specific weight and length data of 171 wahoo collected during 1977–1985 research cruises for analysis. Coefficients of W-L regressions were significantly different between the sexes for dolphinfish. Coefficients did not significantly differ between the sexes for wahoo based on research cruise data. In a general linear model evaluating month as a categorical factor, month was significant for female dolphinfish, male dolphinfish, and wahoo with sexes pooled. W-L and length-on-weight (L-W) relationships were fitted by nonlinear regression for all dolphinfish, female dolphinfish, male dolphinfish, and all wahoo sexes pooled. W-L relationships for monthly samples of female dolphinfish, male dolphinfish, and all wahoo with sexes pooled were also fitted by nonlinear regression. Predicted mean weight at length for wahoo was highest at the beginning of the spawning season in June and lowest after the spawning season in September. Maximum and minimum predicted mean weight at length for both sexes of dolphinfish did not correspond with the peak spawning period (March–May). Plausible migration models in conjunction with reproductive behavior were examined to explain the variability in monthly predicted mean weight at length for dolphinfish.
O Estado do Rio de Janeiro possui indicadores de produção muito baixos na realização de exames de câncer de mama. Na tentativa de melhorar o acesso aos exames, principalmente em regiões com baixa densidade populacional onde a aquisição de mamógrafos não é custo-efetiva, o uso da mamografia móvel é uma alternativa para aumentar a execução de exames de rastreamento de câncer de mama. O objetivo desta pesquisa é a construção de um modelo computacional para definir a alocação de mamógrafos móveis. O Modelo considera as variáveis associadas com os custos e prazos, indicando quando, onde e por quanto tempo, as unidades móveis de mamografia devem permanecer em cada cidade. O modelo foi construído no software de modelagem e simulação Anylogic, usando técnicas de modelagem baseada em agentes. O principal resultado é determinar o percurso de cada veículo disponível, para oferecer a cobertura desejada em cada cidade. Todas as entradas são parametrizadas, permitindo simular diferentes cenários e fornecer informações importantes para o processo de tomada de decisão. O horizonte de tempo, número de mamógrafos (fixos e móveis), a cobertura desejada da população, a capacidade de produção de cada dispositivo, a adesão da população urbana e rural, entre outras variáveis, foram consideradas no modelo. Os dados da Região Serrana do Rio de Janeiro foram usados nas simulações, onde menos de metade das cidades possuem mamógrafos fixos. Com o modelo proposto foi possível determinar a distribuição de cada dispositivo físico e o número ótimo de unidades móveis de mamografia para oferecer cobertura à totalidade da população no ciclo de dois anos. O número de mamógrafos para oferecer cobertura de toda a população da região poderia ser reduzido pela metade com o modelo de alocação proposto neste trabalho. A utilização de mamografia móvel, em conjunto com a rede existente de mamógrafos fixos, procura maximizar a disponibilização de exames de testes de diagnóstico de câncer de mama no estado do Rio de Janeiro. O desenvolvimento de um modelo de roteamento que aperfeiçoa a cobertura de rastreio do câncer de mama é apresentado como um complemento importante na tentativa de melhorar o acesso à população residente em áreas urbanas e rurais dos municípios.
Estudos de comunidades de esponjas marinhas são escassos no Brasil, sendo este trabalho pioneiro nessa abordagem para a Ilha Grande - RJ, um local de alta diversidade biológica. A estrutura das assembleias de esponjas marinhas e da comunidade bentônica marinha séssil foi avaliada, a partir de índices descritores de diversidade, em seis pontos da Ilha Grande e ilhas próximas, sendo três do lado continental e três do lado oceânico. As assembleias foram comparadas entre os diferentes lado e profundidade, através da contagem do número de indivíduos e área de cobertura por foto-quadrados. Paralelamente, as esponjas foram coletadas, fixadas e posteriormente identificadas através de metodologia e literatura especializada. Foi encontrado um total de 5.457 indivíduos, representando as Classes Demospongiae e Calcarea, distribuídos em 41 espécies e nove morfotipos, indicando maior diversidade para Lagoa Azul e menor para Parnaióca, sendo o local com maior riqueza a Ilha do Abraão. Dentre as espécies identificadas, quatro dominaram mais de 50% do total e 26 não alcançaram nem 5% da abundância absoluta. Análises de variância por GLM só evidenciaram diferença significativa para profundidade com substratos diferentes (F= 2,79; p<0,04), enquanto o fator lado (F= 2,23; p>0,16) e a interação entre os fatores (F= 1,17; p>0,38) não tiveram diferença estatística. As análises multivariadas de ordenação Cluster e MDS indicaram a formação de quatro assembleias de esponjas: 1) quatro locais com substrato não consolidado; 2) Lagoa Azul com substrato não consolidado; 3) locais oceânicos de substrato rochoso; e 4) locais continentais de substrato consolidado. Já para a comunidade geral, 49 espécies foram encontradas, sendo o Filo Porifera o de maior representatividade específica, apesar das macroalgas terem formado o grupo mais abundante. A comunidade bentônica foi dominada por quatro espécies, que juntas alcançaram média de 50% da cobertura bentônica: alga calcária incrustante, algas formadoras de tapete de turf, a esponja Iotrochota arenosa e o zoantídeo Palythoacaribaeorum. Estatisticamente, o lado continental se mostrou diferente do oceânico, o qual possui maior riqueza, diversidade e uniformidade de espécies, muito provavelmente pelo menor número de espécies dominantes e aliado a isso maior heterogeneidade de habitats, o que promove o aumento da diversidade. Quinze novas espécies estão sendo registradas para a Baía da Ilha Grande, sendo três novas espécies, as quais estão sendo descritas por especialistas, e 12 são novos registros de espécies ou gêneros para a região, evidenciando que a diversidade de esponjas marinhas na BIG é alta e ainda pouco conhecida e que a formação de assembleias pode ser devida a singularidade de cada local, implicando na necessidade de conservação dos costões rochosos da Ilha Grande e cercanias, a qual pode ser manejada através da realização de rápidos levantamentos sobre a riqueza e o número de indivíduos da espécie na região
We describe a preliminary investigation into large-scale atmospheric and surface moisture variations over North America. We compare large-scale hydrologic budgets in the Los Alamos general circulation model (GCM) to observed precipitation and vertically integrated atmospheric moisture fluxes derived from the National Meteorological Center's operational analyses. THe GCM faithfully simulates the integrated flux divergence and P-E differences. However, the integrated moisture content is too low, and precipitation and evaporation are too high. The model produces summertime soil moisture dryness, which supports previous studies showing increased droughts under warmer conditions.
Wintertime precipitation in the mountains of the western United States during a warm or cool period has a pronounced influence on streamflow. During a warm year, streamflow at intermediate elevations responds more immediately to precipitation events; during a cold year, much of the discharge is delayed until the snow melts in spring and summer. Previous efforts at studying these extremes have been hampered by a limited number and length of observational analyses. In this study, we augment this limited observational record by analyzing a simplified general circulation model.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The dynamics and predictability of decadal climate variability over the North Pacific and North America are investigated by analyzing various observational datasets and the output of a state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model, which was integrated for 120 years.