889 resultados para Fluidised bed combustion


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Knowledge of coal combustion kinetics is crucial for burner design. This work aims to contribute on this issue by determining the kinetics of a particular Brazilian bituminous coal. Non-isothermal thermogravimetry was applied for determining both the pre-exponential factor and the activation energy. Coal samples of 10 mg and 775 mm mean size were used in synthetic air atmospheres (21 % O2). Heating rates from 10 to 50 ºC/min were applied until the temperature reached 850 ºC, which was kept constant until burnout. The activation energy for the primary and the secondary combustion resulted, respectively, in 135.1 kJ/mol and 85.1 kJ/mol.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Leppäkosken Energia Oy:n ja Kemira Chemicals Oy:n yhteisyritys FC Energia Oy:lle. FC Energia Oy suunnittelee rakentaa uutta bio-vetyvoimalaitosta Sastamalaan. Voimalaitoksella tuotettaisiin Kemira Chemicals Oy:n ylijäämävedystä ja biopolttoaineista sähköä, kaukolämpöä ja prosessihöyryä. Ympäristölupaa on haettu hakkeen, turpeen ja kierrätyspuun poltolle vetykaasun kanssa. Voimalaitoksen kattilan toiminta perustuu kuplivaan leijukerrostekniikkaan. Diplomityössä selvitettiin, mitä muutoksia kierrätyspolttoaineiden käyttö vaatii leijukerrospoltossa verrattuna hakkeen ja turpeen polttoon. Kierrätyspolttoaineena käytetään hyvälaatuista kierrätyspuuta. Kierrätyspuun käytössä sovelletaan jätteenpoltto-asetusta. Jätteenpolttoasetus määrää tiukemmat päästöjen raja-arvot rinnakkaispoltolle kuin hakkeen ja turpeen poltolle sekä jatkuvatoimiset savukaasujen mittauslaitteet. Rinnakkaispolton hiukkasmaisten päästöjen tiukempi raja-arvo vaatii tehokkaamman sähkösuodattimen. Lisäksi kierrätyspuuta käytettäessä tulistimen materiaaliin tulee olla kestävämpää, mikä aiheuttaa huomattavan lisäinvestoinnin. Työn päätavoitteena oli selvittää, onko kierrätyspuun käyttö taloudellisesti kannattavaa. Oletetulla kierrätyspuun hinnalla 10 €/MWh kierrätyspuuta polttavan voimalaitoksen takaisinmaksuaika on sama kuin haketta polttavan laitoksen ja vuoden lyhyempi kuin turvetta polttavan laitoksen. Tulokseksi saatiin, että rinnakkaispoltto käyttö on taloudellisesti kannattavaa hakkeenpolttoon nähden jos kierrätyspuun hinta on alle 11,2 €/MWh. Kierrätyspuun polttoon liittyy toiminnallinen riski, koska vastaavanlaisia rinnakkaispolttolaitoksia ei ole aiemmin rakennettu.


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A systematic averaging procedure has been derived in order to obtain an integral form of conservation equations for dispersed multiphase flow, especially applicable to fluidized beds. A similar averaging method is applied further to formulate macroscopic integral equations, which can be used in one-dimensional and macroscopic multi dimensional models. Circulating fluid bed hydrodynamics has been studied experimentally and both macroscopic and microscopic flow profiles have been measured in a cold model. As an application of the theory, the one dimensional model has been used to study mass and momentum conservation of gas and solid in a circulating fluid bed. Axial solid mixing has also been modelled by the one dimensional model and mixing parameters have been evaluated.


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The rice husk combustion in a bubbling and atmospheric fluidized bed reactor was investigated. This paper presents the rice husk ash characterization employing the techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) among others. After combustion, a rice husk ash containing 93% amorphous silica and <3% unburned char was produced. Methods usually applied to fixed bed considering external sources of energy and high reaction times were employed. Thus, the potential of this type of reactors with respect to speed, continuity and self-sufficiency energy of the process was shown.


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CeO2 and mixed CeO2-ZrO2 nanopowders were synthesized and efficiently deposited onto cordierite substrates, with the evaluation of their morphologic and structural properties through XRD, SEM, and FTIR. The modified substrates were employed as outer heterogeneous catalysts for reducing the soot originated from the diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends incomplete combustion. Their activity was evaluated in a diesel stationary motor, and a comparative analysis of the soot emission was carried out through diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The analyses have shown that the catalyst-impregnated cordierite samples are very efficient for soot oxidation, being capable of reducing the soot emission in more than 60%.


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Palladium catalysts supported on alumina and zirconia were prepared by the impregnation method and calcined at 600 and 1000 ºC. Catalysts were characterized by BET measurements, XRD, XPS, O2-TPD and tested in methane combustion through temperature programmed surface reaction. Alumina supported catalysts were slightly more active than zirconia supported catalysts, but after initial heat treatment at 1000 ºC, zirconia supported palladium catalyst showed better performance above 500 ºC A pattern between temperature interval stability of PdOx species and activity was observed, where better PdOx stability was associated with more active catalysts.


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Methane combustion was studied by the Westbrook and Dryer model. This well-established simplified mechanism is very useful in combustion science, for computational effort can be notably reduced. In the inversion procedure to be studied, rate constants are obtained from [CO] concentration data. However, when inherent experimental errors in chemical concentrations are considered, an ill-conditioned inverse problem must be solved for which appropriate mathematical algorithms are needed. A recurrent neural network was chosen due to its numerical stability and robustness. The proposed methodology was compared against Simplex and Levenberg-Marquardt, the most used methods for optimization problems.


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A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation:


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Specific combustion programs (Gaseq, Chemical equilibria in perfect gases, Chris Morley) are used to model dioxin and formation in the incineration processes of urban solid wastes. Thanks to these programs, it is possible to establish correlations with the formation mechanisms postulated in literature on the subject. It was found that minimum oxygen quantities are required to obtain a significant formation of these compounds and that more furans than dioxins are formed. Likewise, dioxin and furan formation is related to the presence of carbon monoxide, and dioxin and furan distribution among its different compounds depends on the chlorine and hydrogen relative composition. This is due to the fact that an increased chlorine availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a higher chlorine concentration (penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octachlorides), whereas an increased hydrogen availability leads to the formation of compounds bearing a lower chlorine number (mono, di-, tri-, and tetrachlorides).


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Ruokohelpi soveltuu ympäristöystävällisyyden ja korkean lämpöarvon vuoksi hyvin energiantuotantoon. Fortumin Joensuun voimalaitoksella ruokohelpi on syötetty kattilaan tähän asti pääasiassa pääpolttoaineisiin, turpeeseen tai hakkeeseen seostettuna pieninä energiaosuuksina. Pääpolttoaineisiin verrattuna ruokohelvellä on alhaisempi irto- ja energiatiheys, korkeampi klooripitoisuus ja kattilaa likaavampi tuhka, mikä asettaa rajoitteita sen käytön lisäämiselle voimalaitoksella. Alhaisesta irto- ja energiatiheydestä johtuvan holvautumisen sekä tukoksien lisääntymisen ja Joensuun voimalaitoksen nykyisten kuljettimien kapasiteettiongelmien vuoksi ruokohelven osuuden lisääminen suuremmaksi kuin 5 % polttoaine-energiasisällöstä on riskialtista ja edellyttää täten investointia erilliseen ruokohelven käsittely- ja syöttöjärjestelmään. Yksi vaihtoehto on murskata ruokohelpipaalit joko sähkökäyttöisellä, puolikiinteällä ja nopeakäyntisellä Haybuster H1130 tilt -murskaimella tai kiinteällä ja hidaskäyntisellä Raumaster-murskaimella ja ohjata ruokohelpisilppu joko pitkän mekaanisen kuljettimen ja sen perässä olevien lyhyiden pneumalinjojen tai pelkkien pitkien pneumalinjojen kautta suoraan kattilapesään. Työssä tutkitut investoinnit ovat taloudellisesti sitä kannattavampia mitä enemmän ruokohelpeä voidaan vuositasolla polttaa voimalaitoksella. Ruokohelven käyttömäärää voimalaitoksella kannattanee lisätä kuljetusmatkaa pidentämällä. Investointien valinta ei ole itsestäänselvyys. Nopeakäyntinen murskain on hidaskäyntistä murskainta edullisempi investointi, tosin hidaskäyntisen murskaimen käyttövarmuus on parempi kuin nopeakäyntisen murskaimen. Kattilan käytettävyyden kannalta ruokohelven käytön lisääminen edellyttää kattilan palamistekniikan analysointia laskennallisesti virtausmallinnuksella ennen kuin lopullisia päätöksiä investointien suhteen voidaan tehdä.


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The perovskite-type oxides using transition metals present a promising potential as catalysts in total oxidation reaction. The present work investigates the effect of synthesis by oxidant co-precipitation on the catalytic activity of perovskite-type oxides LaBO3 (B= Co, Ni, Mn) in total oxidation of propane and CO. The perovskite-type oxides were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption (BET method), thermo gravimetric and differential thermal analysis (ATG-DTA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Through a method involving the oxidant co-precipitation it's possible to obtain catalysts with different BET surface areas, of 33-44 m²/g, according the salts of metal used. The characterization results proved that catalysts have a perovskite phase as well as lanthanum oxide, except LaMnO3, that presents a cationic vacancies and generation for known oxygen excess. The results of catalytic test showed that all oxides have a specific catalytic activity for total oxidation of CO and propane even though the temperatures for total conversion change for each transition metal and substance to be oxidized.


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A distinctive design feature of steam boiler with natural circulation is the presence of the steam drum which plays a role of the separator of vapor from the flow of water-and-steam mixture coming into steam drum from the furnace tubes. Steam drum with unheated downcomer tubes, deducing from it, and riser (screen/furnace tubes) inside the furnace is a closed circulation loop in which movement of water (downcomer tubes) and water-and-steam mixture (riser tubes) is organized. The movement of the working fluid is appears due to occurrence of the natural pressure, determined by the difference in hydrostatic pressure and the mass of water and water-and-steam mixtures in downcomer and riser tubes and called the driving pressure of the natural circulation: S drive = H steam (ρ down + ρ mix) g where: ρ down - density of water in downcomer tubes; ρ mix - density of water in riser tubes; H steam - height of steam content section; g - acceleration of gravity. In steam boilers with natural circulation the circulation rate is usually between 10 and 30. Thus, consumption of water in the circulation circuit “circulation rate times” more than steam output of the boiler. There are two aspects of the design of natural water circulation loops. One is to ensure a sufficient mass flux of circulating water to avoid burnout of evaporator tubes. The other is to avoid tube wall temperature fluctuation and tube vibration due to oscillation of circulation velocity. The design criteria are therefore reduced, in principle, to those of critical heat flux, critical flow rate for burnout, and flow instability. In practical design, however, the circulation velocity and the void fraction at the evaporator tube outlet are used as the design criteria (Seikan I., et. al., 1999). This study has been made with assumption that the heat flux in the furnace of the boiler even all the time. The target of the study was to define the circulation rate of the boiler, thus average heat flux do not change it. I would like to acknowledge professionals from “Foster Wheeler” company for good and comfortable cooperation.


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Chemical looping combustion (CLC) provides a promising technology to help cut carbon dioxide emissions. CLC is based on separated oxidation and reduction processes. Oxygen carrier, which is made from metal and supporting material, is in continuous recirculation between the air and fuel reactors. The CLC process does not require separation unit for carbon dioxide. The fuel reactor can produce an almost pure carbon dioxide feed which decrease costs of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The CLC method is one of the most promising ones for energy efficient carbon capture. A large amount of literature was examined for this study and from it the most promising methods and designs were chosen. These methods and designs were combined as reactor system design which was then sized during the making of this thesis. Sizing was done with a mathematical model that was further improved during the study.


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The present work analyzed characteristics of charcoal used for barbecue and mainly took interest in the influence of the granulometry in the combustion process. The material have been tested for four different grain size (8, 16, 32 and 50 mm) following a combustion test called combustion index (ICOMcv), which takes in consideration time processing, temperature generated and the mass consumed. The characterization of charcoal was done according to the following parameters, moisture, apparent density, grain density, volatile materials content, ash content, fixed carbon content and calorific value. The proofed charcoal presented standard indicators for use in barbecue and was noticed the relationship between granulometric analysis and the ICOMcv. The 16 mm grain size charcoal sample showed the best results for combustion. By contrast, the largest grain size sample presented lower results compared to the other samples. Thus, establishing unprecedented quantitative indicators in relation to those observed in practice, regarding the influence of grain size on the efficiency of combustion of the charcoal when used for barbecue.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the energy flows of a commercial production system of swine deep bed in its finishing phase, located in Juiz de Fora, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Thus, an energy efficiency study was carried out by monitoring a lot of animals, during a 94-day period. The energy rate of each compound involved in the production process was quantified and the matrixes of energy consumption were determined in the form of animal feeding, electrical energy, piglets, material used as deep bed, human labor, equipment, swine buildings, production of alive swine for slaughter, organic fertilizer production (swine deep bed or swine deep litter). From the direct input energy, 80.57% correspond to animal feeding, 11.90% to pigs for slaughter and 6.76% to piglets, while from the energy output 53.45% correspond to the terminating swine and 46.55% to organic fertilizer (swine deep bed). By the results obtained, we can conclude that such production system has corresponded to an industrial and highly specialized agro ecosystem, importing a great part of the energy consumed in the production process, with 41% of energy efficiency.