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En el día de hoy nos enfrentamos a una serie de desafíos económicos, geopolíticos y ambientales que apuntan hacia una transformación profunda del mundo tal y como lo conocemos. La arquitectura esta – siempre lo ha estado – imbricada en todos estos problemas. En nuestra actual condición de recursos limitados e injusticia global surge la necesidad de superar la dicotomía entre progreso y tradición, entre innovación y preservación – la urgencia de redefinir incluso cada uno de estos términos. Los tipos de crisis que encaramos ahora no se resolverán con mas tecnología y más crecimiento – se necesita también una profunda reevaluación de nuestros sistemas de valores e incluso de nuestra sensibilidad. En este contexto, la humilde contribución de esta tesis consiste en proponer la idea de un realismo en arquitectura, entendido como una actitud progresista y atenta a lo que ya existe, dispuesta a abrir los ojos al presente, a las condiciones y los problemas reales que nos rodean. Pensando en esta idea, resulta evidente que si bien el realismo carece de una definición clara en el campo de la arquitectura hoy, cuenta sin embargo con numerosos precedentes parciales, entre ellos algunos de los más notorios episodios de la historia de la arquitectura reciente. Al intentar confeccionar una lista provisional de arquitectos realistas en el último siglo, otro hecho se nos presenta: muchos, por no decir todos estos arquitectos, comparten una fijación por la fotografía, bien apropiándose del trabajo de fotógrafos contemporáneos, bien tomando sus propias imágenes como una forma de mirar fuera de sus estudios e incorporar la realidad del medio construido a sus proyectos. Parece entonces lógico pensar que la arquitectura, como disciplina visual, ha acudido a otra disciplina visual en búsqueda de su propia respuesta al problema del realismo – dentro de este campo la fotografía reverbera con la arquitectura especialmente, ya que ambas son consideradas simultáneamente como practicas utilitarias y como parte de las bellas artes. Parece entonces lógico el organizar la investigación como una serie de casos, con la esperanza de que la acumulación de diversas instancias en las que la arquitectura ha acudido a la fotografía en su búsqueda de un realismo arrojara luz sobre las ideas más generales a debate. Por tanto, cada uno de los episodios en este texto se examina en sus propios términos, si bien una serie de interconexiones emergen a medida que el estudio procede con un suave orden cronológico. Hacia el final del texto cuestiones más grandes recobran protagonismo, a medida que las repercusiones políticas de nuestro estudio se hacen más patentes y comenzamos a interrogar las implicaciones contemporáneas y el potencial futuro de nuestra discusión sobre el realismo. ABSTRACT Today we are faced with a series of economic, geopolitical and environmental challenges that outline a deep transformation of the world as we know it. Architecture is – it has always been – ingrained in all of these problems. In our current condition of limited resources and global inequalities there is a necessity to overcome the dichotomy between progress and tradition, between innovation and preservation – an urgency to even redefine these terms altogether. The types of crises that we are facing will not be solved with more technology and more growth – a deep reevaluation of our systems of values and our sensibilities are also needed. In this context, the humble contribution of this text is to put forward the idea of an architectural realism, understood as an attitude that is both progressive and attentive to what is already in place, willing to open its eyes to the present and accept the real conditions and problems around us. In thinking about this prospect, it immediately becomes apparent that even if realism lacks a clear definition in the field of architecture today, there are numerous partial precedents for it, among them some of the most notorious episodes in the recent history of architecture. In crafting a tentative list of realist architects in the last century, another realization takes place: many, not to say all of these architects, have had a fixation with photography, either appropriating the work of contemporary photographers or taking photographs themselves as a way to look out their windows and bring the reality of the built environment into their practices. It seems then logical to think that architecture, as a visual discipline, has looked to other visual disciplines in search for its own take on the problem of realism – within this field, photography specially resonates with architecture, since both are regarded simultaneously as utilitarian practices and belonging to the fine arts. The idea then becomes to organize the research as a series of cases, with the hope that the accumulation of diverse instances in which architecture has approached photography in its realist drive will shed some light on the larger ideas at stake. Therefore, each of the episodes in this text is examined on its own terms, with a series of interconnections slowly emerging as our survey proceeds with a soft chronologic order. Towards the end of the study, larger issues regain relevance as the political repercussions of our inquiry become more pressing and we start to question the contemporary implications and future potentials of our discussion on realism.
El arquitecto Pedro Muguruza (1893-1952) fue protagonista de la cultura arquitectónica española de la primera mitad del siglo XX. El estudio de su obra ha sido una carencia dentro de la historiografía de la materia, por lo que la tesis constituye una primera investigación en conjunto de su trayectoria profesional. Muguruza realizó una obra abundante y diversa, pero además fue catedrático de la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid, académico de San Fernando y primer director general de arquitectura; datos que corroboran la necesidad de haber desarrollado una monografía con un enfoque global. La tesis ha ordenado, clasificado y analizado sus trabajos, tanto desde un punto de vista histórico como desde el punto de vista arquitectónico. En la investigación se ha recurrido a fuentes primarias y secundarias; y una de las aportaciones de la tesis es el riguroso soporte documental sobre el que se asienta. El trabajo tiene un desarrollo cronológico, dividido en tres capítulos identificados como las etapas generales de su carrera: 1. Años de formación y trayectorias iniciales (1909- 1923), 2. Desarrollo profesional (1923-1938), 3. Las tareas en la administración estatal y último periodo (1938-1952). Asimismo, se ha llevado a cabo el catálogo de su obra —también ordenado cronológicamente—, herramienta que posibilita recorrer de principio a fin el listado y las referencias de su arquitectura. En este apartado se han reproducido más de 1.200 imágenes de 294 proyectos. La tesis ha revisado y descubierto la obra de un arquitecto de mayor recorrido y versatilidad del conocido hasta ahora; personaje complejo de abordar, asociado al franquismo, —cuando en realidad desarrolló una gran parte de sus proyectos en la década de los años veinte y treinta—, difícil de abarcar en todas sus dimensiones, arquitectónica, artística e institucional. La investigación ha permitido indagar y exponer sus proyectos iniciales hasta los de la etapa de madurez, gracias a lo que se han determinado los géneros y los procesos de su trabajo, las constantes de su trayectoria y las referencias e influencias que recibió, tanto de corrientes nacionales como de extranjeras. También se ha revisado su pensamiento arquitectónico a través de sus escritos. El trabajo ofrece un panorama más completo del que entonces se tenía del polifacético Muguruza; arquitecto que se puede presentar como un prototipo reflejo de nuestro pasado reciente, y que al conocer su obra se conoce una parte significativa y destacada de la historia de la arquitectura española contemporánea. ABSTRACT Architect Pedro Muguruza (1893-1952) was a pivotal figure in the Spanish architectural culture of the first half of the 20th century. However, his work as a whole has been insufficiently approached by architectural historiography. This thesis is indeed the first comprehensive research of his professional career. Muguruza’s work is abundant and diverse. He was also a professor at the School of Architecture in Madrid, a luminary scholar at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando and the first General Director of Architecture in Spain. All these facts compel a profound monographic exploration of his far-reaching working path. Muguruza’s projects have been organized, classified and analyzed in this thesis both from historical and architectural points of view. Primary and secondary sources have been scrutinized throughout this research and one of the assets of this project is the rigorous documentation on which it is firmly grounded. The results of this research have been chronologically organized and structured into three chapters identified with the general stages of his prolific career: 1. Training years and his initial paths (1909-1923). 2. Professional development (1923-1938). 3. His role in the state administration and his last period (1938-1952). A chronological catalogue of all his architectural work has also been carried out as part of this project. This catalogue offers the possibility to track his works and all references to them under a historical perspective. More than 1,200 images of his projects have been included in this catalogue. The thesis has gone through and shown up the work of an architect whose magnitude and versatility is much more than what previously known. Muguruza represents a complicated figure to approach ideologically speaking because of his later relationship to Franco’s regime – when in fact Muguruza developed a big part of his projects in the 20’s and 30’s before the dictatorship –. He is also a difficult figure to research on because of his exhaustive working activity in different dimensions: architectural, artistic and institutional. This research allows any incoming scholars to approach Muguruza’s projects under an accurate perspective. From his initial works to his maturity period, his projects have been analyzed and classified by establishing different stages. Additionally, some constant guidelines within his long career and the influences he received both in Spain and abroad have also been identified and properly considered. His architectural line of thought has been explored through his writings too. This thesis provides a complete overview of a multifaceted Muguruza, an architect who can be introduced as an archetype of our recent cultural heritage. By exploring his work a quintessential part of the Spanish contemporary architecture is definitively revealed and acknowledged.
Si hubiese un denominador común entre todas las artes en lo que ha venido llamándose postmodernidad, éste tendría mucho que ver con el final del origen de la obra. Desde la literatura y la música hasta las artes plásticas y la arquitectura, la superación de la modernidad ha estado caracterizada por la sustitución del concepto de creación por el de intervención artística, o lo que es lo mismo, la interpretación de lo que ya existe. A principios del siglo XX los conceptos modernos de creación y origen implicaban tener que desaprender y olvidar todo lo anterior con el ánimo de partir desde cero; incluso en un sentido material Mies sugería la construcción literal de la materia y su movimiento de acuerdo a unas leyes. A partir de la segunda mitad de siglo los planteamientos historicistas empezaron a surgir como reacción ante la amnesia y la supuesta originalidad de los modernos. En este contexto surgen los libros Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 y Delirious New York, 1978, ambos deudores en muchos aspectos con el anterior libro de Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. Estos dos libros sobre ciudades, alejándose decididamente de las tendencias historicistas de la época, proponían utilizar el análisis crítico de la realidad existente como vehículo para la teoría y el proyecto de manera simultánea, convirtiéndose indirectamente en Manifiestos. Si en un primer momento Venturi, Rossi y otros planteaban acabar con los límites formales establecidos por la modernidad, así como por cualquiera de los cánones anteriores, tomando la totalidad de la obra construida como sistema de referencia, - al igual que hiciera Eliot en literatura, - los libros de Las Vegas y Nueva York sugerían directamente borrar los límites de la propia disciplina, llegando a poner en duda ¿Qué puede ser considerado arquitectura? Sin embargo, debido precisamente a la ausencia total de límites y a la inmensidad del sistema referencial planteado, “todo puede ser arquitectura”, como apuntaba Hans Hollein en 1968, los libros proponen al mismo tiempo definir el campo de actuación de cada cual de manera individual. Los escritos sobre Las Vegas y Nueva York suponen por un lado la eliminación de los limites disciplinares y por otro, la delimitación de ámbitos de trabajo concretos para sus autores: los propios de cada una de las ciudades interpretadas. La primera parte de la Tesis, Lecciones, se ocupa del necesario proceso de aprendizaje y experimentación previo a la acción crítica propiamente dicha. Los arquitectos contemporáneos necesitan acumular material, conocimiento, documentación, experiencias... antes de lanzarse a proponer mediante la crítica y la edición; y al contrario que ocurría con los modernos, cuanto más abundante sea ese bagaje previo más rica será la interpretación. Las ciudades de Roma, Londres y Berlín se entienden por tanto como experiencias capaces de proporcionar a Venturi, Scott Brown y Koolhaas respectivamente, sus “personales diccionarios”, unas interminables imaginerías con las que posteriormente se enfrentarían a los análisis de Las Vegas y Nueva York. La segunda parte, Críticas, se centra en la producción teórica en sí: los dos libros de ciudades analizados en estrecha relación con el Complexity and Contradiction. El razonamiento analógico característico de estos libros ha servido de guía metodológica para la investigación, estableciéndose relaciones, no entre los propios escritos directamente, sino a través de trabajos pertenecientes a otras disciplinas. En primer lugar se plantea un importante paralelismo entre los métodos de análisis desarrollados en estos libros y los utilizados por la crítica literaria, observando que si el new criticism y el nuevo periodismo sirvieron de guía en los escritos de Venturi y Scott Brown, la nouvelle critique y su propuesta de identificación poética fueron el claro referente de Koolhaas al abordar Nueva York. Por otro lado, la relevancia ganada por la actividad de comisariado artístico y la aparición de la figura del curator, como autoridad capaz de utilizar la obra de arte por encima de las intenciones de su propio autor, sirve, al igual que la figura del editor, como reflejo de la acción transformadora y de apropiación llevada a cabo tanto en Learning from Las Vegas, como en Delirious New York. Por último y a lo largo de toda la investigación las figuras de Bergson y Baudelaire han servido como apoyo teórico. A través de la utilización que de sus ideas hicieron Venturi y Koolhaas respectivamente, se ha tratado de mostrar la proximidad de ambos planteamientos desde un punto de vista ideológico. La Inclusión propuesta por Venturi y la ironía utilizada por Koolhaas, la contradicción y la paradoja, no son sino el reflejo de lógicas que en ambos casos reaccionan al mismo tiempo contra idealismo y materialismo, contra modernidad y antimodernidad, en un continuo intento de ser lo uno y lo otro simultáneamente. ABSTRACT If there was a common denominator among all the arts in what has been called postmodernism, it would have much to do with the end of the origin of the artwork. From literature and music to fine arts and architecture, overcoming modernity has been characterized by replacing the concept of artistic creation by the one of intervention, in other words, the interpretation of what already exists. In the early twentieth century modern concepts of creation and origin involved unlearning and forgetting everything before with the firm intention of starting from scratch. Even in a material sense Mies suggested the literal construction of matter and its motion according to laws. From the mid-century historicist approaches began to emerge in response to the amnesia and originality alleged by moderns. In this context appeared the books Learning from Las Vegas, 1972 and Delirious New York, 1978, both debtors in many respects to the previous book by Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966. These two books on cities, which broke away decidedly with the historicist trends of the time, proposed using critical analysis of the existing reality as a vehicle for theory and projecting at the same time, indirectly becoming manifests. If at first Venturi, Rossi and others pose to erase the formal limits set by modernity, as well as any of the canons before, taking the entire work built as a reference system, - as did Eliot in literature - the books on Las Vegas and New York proposed directly erasing the boundaries of the discipline itself, coming to question what could be considered architecture? However, and precisely because of the absence of limits and the immensity of the established framework, - “everything could be architecture” as Hans Hollein pointed in 1968, - the books suggested at the same time the definition of a field of action for each one individually. The cities of Las Vegas and New York represented on the one hand the elimination of disciplinary limits and on the other, the delimitation of specific areas of work to its authors: Those on each of the cities interpreted. The first part of the thesis, Lessons, attend to the necessary process of learning and experimentation before the critical action itself. Contemporary architects need to accumulate material, knowledge, information, experiences... before proposing through criticism and editing; and unlike happened with moderns, the most abundant this prior baggage is, the richest will be the interpretation. Rome, London and Berlin are therefore understood as experiences capable of providing Venturi, Scott Brown and Koolhaas respectively, their “personal dictionaries”, interminable imageries with which they would later face the analysis of Las Vegas and New York. The second part, Critiques, focuses on the theoretical production itself: the two books on both cities analyzed closely with the Complexity and Contradiction. The analogical reasoning characteristic of these books has served as a methodological guide for the research, establishing relationships, not directly between the writings themselves, but through works belonging to other disciplines. First, an important parallel is set between the methods of analysis developed in these books and those used by literary criticism, noting that if the new criticism and new journalism guided Venturi and Scott Brown´s writings, the nouvelle critique and its poetic identification were clear references for Koolhaas when addressing New York. On the other hand, the relevance gained by curating and the understanding of the figure of the curator as an authority capable to use artworks above the intentions of their authors, like the one of the Editor, reflects the appropriation and processing actions carried out both in Learning from Las Vegas, and Delirious New York. Finally and over all the research Bergson and Baudelaire figures resonate continuously. Through the use of their ideas done by Venturi and Koolhaas respectively, the research has tried to show the proximity of both approaches from an ideological point of view. Inclusion, as posed by Venturi and irony, as used by Koolhaas, contradiction and paradox are reflections of the logic that in both cases allow them to react simultaneously against idealism and materialism, against modernism and anti-modernism.
Program brochure for 150th Founders' Convocation program held at Richardson Fine Arts Center, Mitchell Auditorium on Thursday, February 11th, 2016.
Program brochure for 2013 Founders' Convocation program held at Richardson Fine Arts Center, Mitchell Auditorium on Thursday, February 7th, 2013.
Program brochure for Founders' Convocation held at Richardson Fine Arts Center, Mitchell Auditorium on Thursday, February 9th, 2012.
One-page typed document reflecting the donation of the Holyoke Caudle Cup by Charlotte A. Hedge in 1903. Provenance information is also included. There is a handwritten note at the bottom of the page regarding the cup’s inclusion in an exhibition catalog published by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
This thesis presents the process of conducting the inventory of the old tiles collection of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon (FBAUL). This set can be divided into two major groups: the first is integrated in the building, the second consists of a set 2036 loose tiles with a pattern of decorative, ornamental and figuratively, some of which form panels of great value. Due to the existence of a wide variety of unknown provenance tile, stored at random, we feel the need to develop an inventory process, intended to safeguard and preserve these he-ritage objects whose existence was virtually unknown until the beginning of this work. This process continued working methodology started with the identification, photographic survey and labeling, with subsequent filling an inventory sheet. To obtain information about the loose tiles, it was essential to have a previous cleaning the mortar that prevented the reading of existing information in masonry, a process developed with the support of un-dergraduate students. After completion of the above process, we make the assembly of panels existing mostly very fragmented to give some iconographic references. In this process we identified 21 types of patterns belonging to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and 30 figurative and orna-mental panels. We realized then interconnections between them and the sets placed in situ around the building, and some of its tiles have been used to fill spaces or gaps. At the same time, we have created the inventory records, diagnosis and intervention, as well as a database for internal consultation - Excel - organized by a filtering system to allow quick search of all the tiles present in FBAUL. Finally, we will show a room to house the collection of loose tiles, making references to the ideal conditions of the outdoor environment and its packaging. Also we propose a very punc-tual removing some tiles embedded in the walls of the building which form part of panels composed of loose tiles, indicating a proposal to replace the other coherent and complete element belonging to the collection, preferably with a standard reason
The various introductory notices signed: Henry Wallis, W.M. Flinders Petrie, F.G. Hilton Price.
"Partly reprinted with additions from parts I, II and IV of the Catalogue of the Indian collections in the Museum of Fine Arts".
Text within double red lines.
At head of title: Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.
Errata slips inserted.
Bibliographical footnotes.