937 resultados para Fight
Though there is much interest in mobilities and performing mobilities as a characteristic of modern, urban, social life today, this is not always matched by attention to immobilities, as the flipside of mobility in modern life. In this paper, I investigate public space performances designed to draw attention to precisely this counterpoint to current discourses of mobilities – performances about the socially produced immobilities many people with disabilities find a more fundamental feature of day-to-day life, the fight for mobility, and the freedom found when accommodations for alternative mobilities are made available. Although public policy is increasingly aligned with a social model of disability, which sees disability as socially constructed through systems, institutions and infrastructure deliberately designed to exclude specific bodies – stairs, curbs, queues and so forth – and although governments in the US, UK, and to a lesser degree Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth nations aim to address these inequalities, the experience of immobility is still every-present for many people. This often comes not just from pain, or from impairment, or event from lack of accommodations for alternative mobilities, but from fellow social performers’ antipathy to, appropriation of, or destruction of accommodations designed to facilitate access for a range of different bodies in public space, and thus the public sphere. The archetypal instance of this tension between the mobile, and those needing accommodations to allow mobility, is, of course, the antipathy many able bodied people feel towards the provision of disabled parking spaces. A cursory search online shows thousands of accounts of antagonism, vitriol, and even violence prompted by disputes which began when a disabled person asked an able person to exit a designated disabled parking space. For many, it seems, expecting them to pass by such parks so others can experience the mobility they take for granted is too much. In this paper, I examine a number of protest performances in public space in which activist present actions – for example, placing wheelchairs in every regular parking space in a precinct – to give bystanders, passersby and spectators, as well as antagonistic fellow social performers, a sense of what socially produced immobility feels like. I examine responses to such protest performances, and what they say about the potential social, political and ethical impacts of such protests, in terms of their potential to produce new attitudes to mobility, alternative mobility, and access to alternative modes of mobility.
Driver fatigue has received increased attention during recent years and is now considered to be a major contributor to approximately 15–30% of all crashes. However, little is known about fatigue in city bus drivers. It is hypothesized that city bus drivers suffer from sleepiness, which is due to a combination of working conditions, lack of health and reduced sleep quantity and quality. The overall aim with the current study is to investigate if severe driver sleepiness, as indicated by subjective reports of having to fight sleep while driving, is a problem for city based bus drivers in Sweden and if so, to identify the determinants related to working conditions, health and sleep which contribute towards this. The results indicate that driver sleepiness is a problem for city bus drivers, with 19% having to fight to stay awake while driving the bus 2–3 times each week or more and nearly half experiencing this at least 2–4 times per month. In conclusion, severe sleepiness, as indicated by having to fight sleep during driving, was common among the city bus drivers. Severe sleepiness correlated with fatigue related safety risks, such as near crashes.
Human smuggling and trafficking in human beings are phenomena that are often represented as global and growing problems. Human smuggling means that a person is taken to a country illegally which means that smuggling does not exist without states. Trafficking in human beings by contrast means the exploitation of persons which makes it a human rights violation. The news coverage about both phenomena, especially about human trafficking, has grown rapidly during the last decade. However, there has not been research on the news coverage about phenomena in Finland and the news coverage on trafficking in human beings is little researched even in European countries. In this thesis I am comparing critically the newspaper content on the phenomena in Finland and in Sweden from the viewpoint of political and moral geography. Besides the contexts of the news, I paid attention to how identities in different scales, including the scale of the body, were represented in the news and how the boundaries between different identities were drawn in the news. As a methodology I used content analysis to classify the context of the news and discourse analysis to analyze how the different scales and boundaries between them were represented. The results address that in Finland especially the human smuggling is considered as a border issue and Finland´s location between East and West is emphasized, which points out that Finland´s location is a crucial part of the Finnish identity. In addition the linkages between human trafficking and prostitution are often debated in the news from different aspects. In Sweden meanwhile its´ political activeness in the fight against trafficking in human beings and international crime especially in the EU level are emphasized. Trafficking in human beings likewise prostitution according to Swedish law is seen as violence against women and the news are strongly against buying of sex as well. The states themselves, the state authorities and the EU are represented as active actors in both countries whereas international crime is represented as a threat and regions outside EU as chaotic. Additionally, illegal immigrants and the victims of trafficking are stigmatised. According to the results, the news coverage of both phenomena are used in constructing a more integrated national and European identity.
Background: Trypanosoma evansi infections, commonly called 'surra', cause significant economic losses to livestock industry. While this infection is mainly restricted to large animals such as camels, donkeys and equines, recent reports indicate their ability to infect humans. There are no World Animal Health Organization (WAHO) prescribed diagnostic tests or vaccines available against this disease and the available drugs show significant toxicity. There is an urgent need to develop improved methods of diagnosis and control measures for this disease. Unlike its related human parasites T. brucei and T. cruzi whose genomes have been fully sequenced T. evansi genome sequence remains unavailable and very little efforts are being made to develop improved methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. With a view to identify potential diagnostic markers and drug targets we have studied the clinical proteome of T. evansi infection using mass spectrometry (MS).Methodology/Principal Findings: Using shot-gun proteomic approach involving nano-lc Quadrupole Time Of Flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry we have identified over 160 proteins expressed by T. evansi in mice infected with camel isolate. Homology driven searches for protein identification from MS/MS data led to most of the matches arising from related Trypanosoma species. Proteins identified belonged to various functional categories including metabolic enzymes; DNA metabolism; transcription; translation as well as cell-cell communication and signal transduction. TCA cycle enzymes were strikingly missing, possibly suggesting their low abundances. The clinical proteome revealed the presence of known and potential drug targets such as oligopeptidases, kinases, cysteine proteases and more.Conclusions/Significance: Previous proteomic studies on Trypanosomal infections, including human parasites T. brucei and T. cruzi, have been carried out from lab grown cultures. For T. evansi infection this is indeed the first ever proteomic study reported thus far. In addition to providing a glimpse into the biology of this neglected disease, our study is the first step towards identification of diagnostic biomarkers, novel drug targets as well as potential vaccine candidates to fight against T. evansi infections.
Pro gradu-tutkielma tutkii demokratian ja turvallisuuden paradoksia Pakistanissa esitellen kuusi tekijää, jotka vaikuttavat kyseiseen paradoksiin. Näitä tekijöitä ovat historiallinen kehitys; eliittihallinto; taloudellinen kehitys; Pakistanin poliittisten tekijöiden demokratian eri määritelmät; opetuksen puuttuminen; ja valtataistelu hallituksen, armeijan, tiedustelupalvelun, oikeusjärjestelmän, poliittisten puolueiden sekä eri heimojen, uskonnollisten ja etnisten ryhmien välillä. Tutkimus tarkastelee myös sitä miten nämä tekijät vaikuttavat demokratian kehitykseen Pakistanissa. Keskeinen argumentti on, että länsimainen demokratia ei esiinny eikä toimi Pakistanissa vallitsevissa oloissa, etenkin historiallisen kehityksen ja ulkoisen turvallisuuden takia. Pro gradu-tutkielma käyttää sekundäärisiä lähteitä, kuten kirjoja, artikkeleita, maaraportteja, kommentaareja sekä omiin kokemuksiin perustuvia havaintoja Pakistanin matkalta 2010-2011. Keskeiset teoriat gradussa ovat Guillermo O’ Donnelin delegaattidemokratia sekä Duncan McCargon eliittihallintoteoria, jotka yhdessä selittävät historiallista kehitystä ja eliittihallinnon dynamiikkaa, mitkä johtavat paradoksiin. Kautta historian armeija on hallinnut Pakistania, ja siviilihallinto on ainoastaan neljä kertaa onnistunut olemaan vallassa, mutta silloinkin siviilihallinto päättyi korruptioväitteisiin tai armeijan vallankaappaukseen. Armeijahallinnoille on luonteenomaista hyvät suhteet USA:n, positiivinen taloudellinen kehitys ja vakaus, kun taas siviilihallinnot ovat epävakaita ja korruptoituneita. Tämä kehitys on paradoksin tausta, joka rakentuu turvallisuuspoliittisen tilanteen pohjalle eli hallitusten ja muiden tekijöiden yritykseen löytää vastapaino Intian uhalle. Tämä on ollut keskeinen huoli kelle tahansa poliittiselle päättäjälle itsenäisyydestä lähtien. Loputon valtataistelu eri poliittisten tekijöiden kesken sekä eliittihallinto pitävät yllä paradoksia, koska eliitit ovat kiinnostuneempia oman valtansa säilyttämisestä kuin kansan tahdon huomioonottamisesta. Koska valtaosa ihmisistä ei ole koulutettuja, he ovat paljolti kiinnostuneita omasta selviytymisestään, ja tämän takia sekä kansa että eliitit suosivat armeijahallintoa, koska se tuo vakautta ja taloudellista kehitystä. Sen vuoksi vallitsevissa oloissa demokratian tulevaisuus Pakistanissa näyttää huonolta, koska liberaalidemokratian vaatimukset eivät täyty puoliksi vapaan oikeussysteemin, puoliksi vapaan lehdistön, valtavan korruption ja monien ihmisoikeusloukkauksien takia unohtamatta armeijan ja tiedustelupalvelun sekaantumista siviilihallintoon.
The vast biodiversity of nature provides bioactive compounds that may be useful in the fight against chronic diseases. This study was designed to investigate the protective effects of the ethanol extract of Spirulina laxissima West (Pseudanabaenaceae) (EESL) against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) induced hepatotoxicities in rats. Male albino rats of Sprague-Dawley strain were treated orally with the ethanol extract of S. laxissima (50, 100 mg kg(-1) body wt.) 1 h before each CCl4 administration. The ethanol extract of S. laxissima showed the maximum antioxidant property in vitro. There were statistically significant losses in the activities of antioxidant enzymes and an increase in TBARS and liver function marker enzymes in the serum of the CCl4-treated group compared with the control group. However, all the tested groups were able to counteract these effects. The antioxidant activity of the extracts might be attributable to its proton-donating ability, as evidenced by DPPH. In the present study, the decline in the level of antioxidant observed in CCl4-treated rats is a clear manifestation of excessive formation of radicals and activation of the lipid peroxidation system resulting in tissue damage. The significant increases in the concentration of antioxidant enzymes in tissues of animals treated with CCl4 + EESL indicate the antioxidant effect of EESL. This study suggests that EESL can protect the liver against CCl4-induced oxidative damage in rats, and the hepatoprotective effect might be correlated with its antioxidant and radical-scavenging effects.
The performance of 23 kinds of waveriders, derived from different conical flowfields, is analyzed by the numerical computation under the conditions of fight speed of Mach 6, attack angle of 0° and flight altitude of 30 km. These results indicate that the performance is influenced by the shapes and the width to height ratios (W/H ) of generating cones. The geometrical parameter and the lift coefficient are proportional to W/H, while the drag coefficient and the lift to drag ratio (L/D ) have extreme values. Considering the base drag and the computation errors, the waverider with the highest L/D is cut from the elliptical cone’s flowfield (W/H = 1.5―1.618), and the configuration with the lowest drag can also be obtained at W/H = 1:1.5. Accordingly, good suggestions are proposed for practical design based on these computational results.
Resumen: Los conceptos de “libertad” y “democracia” que se presentan en los discursos de Monseñor Miguel de Andrea durante los años 1932 y 1946 fueron fundamentales para elaborar una estrategia comunicacional orientada a combatir el comunismo y defender los valores republicanos. Se parte de la premisa de que el discurso es una herramienta primordial para difundir ideas y pensamientos, formar opinión y movilizar a la acción. El carácter excepcional de Miguel de Andrea en el mundo eclesiástico e intelectual de su tiempo lo convierten en una figura clave en la defensa de la Constitución y la democracia del período de entreguerras.
Resumen: Este artículo se aboca a un análisis comparativo de tres óperas basadas en el mito de Cenicienta, a partir de las versiones literarias canónicas de Basile, Perrault y Grimm: La Cenerentola de Rossini-Ferretti (1817), Cendrillon de Massenet-Cain (1899), y ¡Cenicientaaa...! de Lambertini (2008). Consideramos aspectos míticos del relato, como el combate cosmogónico, la unión hierogámica, la rivalidad fraterna y el complejo edípico, y estudiamos su vigencia y sus mutaciones a través de las sucesivas estéticas que corresponden a las tres óperas señaladas: iluminismo, romanticismo, posmodernidad.
Resumen: La prisión preventiva es la medida cautelar más grave e intensa del proceso penal, en tanto importa la coactiva privación de la libertad personal del imputado. Se trata de un instituto problemático, que plantea un contrapunto particularmente dilemático con la presunción de inocencia. Posee un fundamento constitucional, directamente vinculado con la necesidad de asegurar, en la medida de lo posible, la realización del derecho penal material. Aunque la regla general es que durante el desarrollo del proceso penal el imputado debe permanecer en libertad, no puede negarse la existencia de ciertos supuestos legitimadores de la prisión preventiva. La realidad social y la necesidad de respuestas racionales a los fenómenos de la inseguridad y de la delincuencia violenta han revelado serias fisuras en el paradigma según el cual los únicos supuestos legitimadores son los llamados peligros procesales de fuga o entorpecimiento de la investigación. Surgen así como datos que deben ser también necesariamente tenidos en cuenta para la detención cautelar tanto la especial gravedad del delito cometido y su relación con la preservación del orden público, como la existencia de un peligro de reiteración delictiva constatable. Estos dos últimos presupuestos legitimadores de la prisión preventiva cobran independencia conceptual de los primeramente mencionados. Además, cuando la prisión preventiva se funda en la especial gravedad del delito o en el peligro de reiteración delictiva, se transforma, aunque sin mutar su esencia, en un instrumento más en las políticas de seguridad dirigidas a combatir el fenómeno de la delincuencia.
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la estrategia política del presidente Roberto M. Ortiz durante el período en actividad (1938-1940) para combatir el fraude electoral y normalizar las prácticas electorales e institucionalidad democrática de la Argentina de fines de los años treinta. Se presume que el presidente orientó su proyecto político de una manera aperturista y de diálogo sincero con la Unión Cívica Radical (UCR). Para ello promovió dos estrategias claras: lograr el apoyo de los sectores liberales del Ejército, e intervenir las provincias con prácticas fraudulentas. Su política contra el fraude provocó una situación inédita de erosión de la coalición de partidos oficialistas, base de sustentación del Poder Ejecutivo. Sin apoyo partidario, Ortiz quedó aislado y en clara confrontación con el Senado, dominado por grupos conservadores.
Resumen: El presente artículo trata conjuntamente acerca de los contenidos y la estrategia para la Modernización del Estado que se desprende de las recientes experiencias en cuanto a la aplicación de las Reformas Económicas de los años 80s y 90s, como así también de los últimos desarrollos de nuevas áreas de investigación como la Economía Institucional y la Teoría del Capital Social. Desde este punto de vista para diseñar una Estrategia de Modernización del Estado es esencial una visión estratégica de las actividades que el Estado debe realizar, delegar o incentivar. Asimismo las orientaciones fundamentales pasan por la existencia de consensos sobre políticas de largo plazo, la independencia del funcionamiento, un correcto diseño de reglas en lugar de conductas discrecionales, un balance entre subsidiariedad y participación, el logro de la excelencia de la función pública y de la lucha contra la corrupción.
Resumen: Este trabajo pretende brindar un marco para el análisis del fenómeno de la corrupción en Argentina. Para ello, se concentra el estudio de la situación actual desde una perspectiva cuantitativa y cualitativa, analizando los datos de corrupción recopilados por agencias especializadas, analizando el desempeño de las instituciones en la lucha contra la corrupción y calculando su costo en términos macroeconómicos. El trabajo concluye con algunas lecciones de política para la Argentina derivadas de la evidencia aportada.
The formation of cerebral senile plaques composed of amyloid beta peptide (A beta) is a fundamental feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Glial cells and more specifically microglia become reactive in the presence of A beta. In a triple transgenic model of AD (3 x Tg-AD), we found a significant increase in activated microglia at 12 (by 111%) and 18 (by 88%) months of age when compared with non-transgenic (non-Tg) controls. This microglial activation correlated with A beta plaque formation, and the activation in microglia was closely associated with A beta plaques and smaller A beta deposits. We also found a significant increase in the area density of resting microglia in 3 x Tg-AD animals both at plaque-free stage (at 9 months by 105%) and after the development of A plaques (at 12 months by 54% and at 18 months by 131%). Our results show for the first time that the increase in the density of resting microglia precedes both plaque formation and activation of microglia by extracellular A beta accumulation. We suggest that AD pathology triggers a complex microglial reaction: at the initial stages of the disease the number of resting microglia increases, as if in preparation for the ensuing activation in an attempt to fight the extracellular A beta load that is characteristic of the terminal stages of the disease. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e1; doi:10.1038/cddis.2009.2; published online 14 January 2010
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