968 resultados para Exercise of judgment
Abstract OBJECTIVE To search for the scientific evidence available on nursing professional actions during the anesthetic procedure. METHOD An integrative review of articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, indexed in MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, National Cochrane, SciELO databases and the VHL portal. RESULTS Seven studies were analyzed, showing nurse anesthetists' work in countries such as the United States and parts of Europe, with the formulation of a plan for anesthesia and patient care regarding the verification of materials and intraoperative controls. The barriers to their performance involved working in conjunction with or supervised by anesthesiologists, the lack of government guidelines and policies for the legal exercise of the profession, and the conflict between nursing and the health system for maintenance of the performance in places with legislation and defined protocols for the specialty. Conclusion Despite the methodological weaknesses found, the studies indicated a wide diversity of nursing work. Furthermore, in countries absent of the specialty, like Brazil, the need to develop guidelines for care during the anesthetic procedure was observed.
Um olhar antropológico sobre as relações sociais em dois microcosmos etnográficos – um bairro e um centro de saúde – revela as limitações de encarar a pobreza material como o único critério para compreender os processos de sofrimento social. De forma a explorar como o sofrimento social pode ser vivenciado através das identificações e das pertenças, a identidade étnica e a identidade profissional são examinadas como exemplos da identidade social em geral. A relação dialética entre a identidade social e a identidade pessoal demonstra como o poder não está depositado nas pessoas, mas depende das suas relações sociais. Dado que o exercício de poder não pode ser garantido pelo simples estatuto de uma determinada categoria social, urge procurar vivências e subjetividades nas fissuras das categorias, distinguindo entre uma categoria de prática e uma categoria de análise, de forma a alargar o horizonte sobre a natureza dos processos de sofrimento social.
It is well accepted that people resist evidence that contradicts their beliefs.Moreover, despite their training, many scientists reject results that are inconsistent withtheir theories. This phenomenon is discussed in relation to the field of judgment anddecision making by describing four case studies. These concern findings that clinical judgment is less predictive than actuarial models; simple methods have proven superiorto more theoretically correct methods in times series forecasting; equal weighting ofvariables is often more accurate than using differential weights; and decisions cansometimes be improved by discarding relevant information. All findings relate to theapparently difficult-to-accept idea that simple models can predict complex phenomenabetter than complex ones. It is true that there is a scientific market place for ideas.However, like its economic counterpart, it is subject to inefficiencies (e.g., thinness,asymmetric information, and speculative bubbles). Unfortunately, the market is only correct in the long-run. The road to enlightenment is bumpy.
RESUM En l’exercici de les funcions típiques de qualsevol activitat humana, l’home ha de prendre decisions d’un o altre tipus permanentment i aquesta situació porta afegit, per lo general risc i incertesa, el que compromet la qualitat i l’èxit de la decisió. Per ajudar i contrarestar aquesta situació, l’home ha desenvolupat a través del temps una diversitat d’eines que li permeten minimitzar el risc i la incertesa en la presa de decisions. La simulació és una d’aquestes eines. Mitjançant la seva aplicació no només s’aconsegueix la comesa anterior, sinó que també es minimitzen els costos involucrats en la decisió mitjançant un millor ús dels recursos, la disminució del temps emprat per a la seva realització i la minimització de les probabilitats de risc. Aquest projecte representa la continuació d’un primer estudi introductori de la simulació anomenat: Estudi i guia docent per a modelatge i simulació de sistemes mitjançant l’entorn ARENA [9]. Realitzat per l’alumna d’Enginyeria en Organització Industrial de la Universitat de Vic, Montse Carbonell Crosas, l’any 2008 i sota la codirecció del director d’aquest segon projecte, el professor Juli Ordeix Rigo. Aquest nou projecte s’inicia amb una primera part teòrica, continguda dins del primer volum, la qual reforça els conceptes teòrics referents a la simulació amb ARENA, ja vistos en l’anterior projecte. Complementant aquells considerats bàsics i els de més utilitat i finalitza introduint nous conceptes avançats. Els nous capítols de temàtica avançada, junt als primers més bàsics de la primera part són exercitats dins de la segona, formant el segon volum d’aquest projecte. El mateix requereix la participació activa de l’alumne, per tal de realitzar cadascun dels 89 exercicis pràctics que es plantegen i poder onsolidar l’aprenentatge teòric d’aquesta eina avançada de simulació fent consultes als apartats teòrics recomanats dins de cada exercici. La complexitat dels exercicis anirà augmentant gradualment i s’insisteix en seguir la metodologia presentada en el projecte per a realitzar-los tots de forma ordenada i ascendent. L’ alumne quan acabi la part pràctica, haurà consolidat tota la part teòrica i serà capaç d’exercir com analista per tal de generar els seus propis projecte de simulació.
Background: Although there have been many studies on isokinetic shoulder exercises in evaluation and rehabilitation programs, the cardiovascular and metabolic responses of those modes of muscle strength exercises have been poorly investigated. Objective: To analyze cardiovascular and metabolic responses during a standardized test used to study the internal (IR) and external (ER) rotators maximal isokinetic strength. Methods: Four days after an incremental exercise test on cycle ergometer, ten healthy subjects performed an isokinetic shoulder strength evaluation with cardiovascular (Heart rate, HR) and metabolic gas exchange (&Vdot;O_{2}) analysis. The IR and ER isokinetic strength, measured in seated position with 45° of shoulder abduction in scapular plane, was evaluated concentrically at 60, 120 and 240°/s and eccentrically at 60°/s, for both shoulder sides. An endurance test with 30 repetitions at 240°/s was performed at the end of each shoulder side testing. Results: There was a significant increase of mean HR with isokinetic exercise (P< 0.05). Increases of HR was 42-71% over the resting values. During endurance testing, increases of HR was 77-105% over the resting values, and corresponded to 85-86% of the maximal HR during incremental test. Increase of &Vdot;O_{2} during isokinetic exercises was from 6-11 ml/min/kg to 20-43 ml/min/kg. Conclusion: This study performed significant cardiovascular and metabolic responses to isokinetic exercise of rotators shoulder muscles. A warm-up should be performed before maximal high-intensity isokinetic shoulder testing. Our results indicated that observation and supervision are important during testing and/or training sessions, especially in subjects with risk for cardiovascular disorders.
The article begins with the theoretical bases for developing a training programme to foment the exercise of an active participation. The designed program is applied in a group of women with different cultural backgrounds that live in the city of L'Hospitalet and it is evaluated following the methodological characteristics of an investigation evaluation of participatory character. From the collection and analysis of the information, we present the results obtained that turn around the investigation objectives: the validation of the program design, the investigation on the exercise of active participation, the formation of the work team and the creation of a meeting point for women. El artículo se inicia con las bases teóricas para elaborar un programa de formación para fomentar el ejercicio de una participación activa. El programa diseñado se aplica en un grupo de mujeres con diferentes orígenes culturales que viven en la ciudad de L¿Hospitalet, y se evalúa siguiendo las características metodológicas de una investigación evaluativa de carácter participativo. A partir de la recogida y análisis de la información, se presentan los resultados que giran en torno a los objetivos de la investigación: la validación del programa, la investigación sobre el ejercicio de la participación, la formación del equipo de trabajo y la creación de un espacio de encuentro de mujeres.
The article begins with the theoretical bases for developing a training programme to foment the exercise of an active participation. The designed program is applied in a group of women with different cultural backgrounds that live in the city of L'Hospitalet and it is evaluated following the methodological characteristics of an investigation evaluation of participatory character. From the collection and analysis of the information, we present the results obtained that turn around the investigation objectives: the validation of the program design, the investigation on the exercise of active participation, the formation of the work team and the creation of a meeting point for women. El artículo se inicia con las bases teóricas para elaborar un programa de formación para fomentar el ejercicio de una participación activa. El programa diseñado se aplica en un grupo de mujeres con diferentes orígenes culturales que viven en la ciudad de L¿Hospitalet, y se evalúa siguiendo las características metodológicas de una investigación evaluativa de carácter participativo. A partir de la recogida y análisis de la información, se presentan los resultados que giran en torno a los objetivos de la investigación: la validación del programa, la investigación sobre el ejercicio de la participación, la formación del equipo de trabajo y la creación de un espacio de encuentro de mujeres.
La biopolítica sobre los migrantes se fundamenta en el binomio dejar entrar-residir o expulsar. Las leyes de extranjería están elaboradas sobre dos ejes: por un lado, en la regulación de los flujos migratorios en función del mercado de trabajo y las demandas de la economía y, por otro, en el control policial y la persecución de la inmigración irregular. Para la realización del primer eje del binomio, dejar entrar y residir, los Estados se dotan de mecanismos de regulación e intervención sobre el inmigrante concebido como fuerza de trabajo productiva. Asimismo los Estados crean mecanismos de control-sanción para las personas migrantes que incumplen los requisitos establecidos para entrar y residir en el territorio. En este punto la biopolítica sobre la población migrante se solapa o toma forma en el ejercicio de la soberanía por el Leviatán. Las medidas de control y sanción que los gobiernos ponen en marcha sobre los sin papeles han creado una imponente maquinaria de coacción en el interior de las instituciones del Estado de derecho hasta el punto de convertirlo en un Estado expulsor.
La educación social en sus diversas acepciones (profesión, práctica educativa y estudios universitarios) ha experimentado unos importantes cambios en los últimos años. De una actividad centrada en la solución de problemas concretos dentro de un ámbito específico, se ha ido avanzando hacia la necesidad de estar capacitado para el trabajo en entornos complejos y difusos. El ejercicio de la actividad en estos entornos requiere de un posicionamiento estratégico, de una visión global más allá de un manejo de recetas cerradas y de una perspectiva ética que trascienda el simple cumplimiento de instrucciones. Por ello, capacitar al profesional para el diseño y la aplicación de las acciones socioeducativas es una temática que requiere la integración de multiplicidad de competencias para que cada intervención sea una respuesta que se adapte a la situación, a las capacidades y al contexto de la persona atendida. En el periodo de formación universitaria, el practicum es un espacio de aprendizaje privilegiado donde se ponen en juego todos los conocimientos adquiridos y sirve de trampolín para empezar a ejercer la profesión en un contexto real pero seguro, que más adelante será el escenario cotidiano de la acción profesional
In recent years, an explosion of interest in neuroscience has led to the development of "Neuro-law," a new multidisciplinary field of knowledge whose aim is to examine the impact and role of neuroscientific findings in legal proceedings. Neuroscientific evidence is increasingly being used in US and European courts in criminal trials, as part of psychiatric testimony, nourishing the debate about the legal implications of brain research in psychiatric-legal settings. During these proceedings, the role of forensic psychiatrists is crucial. In most criminal justice systems, their mission consists in accomplishing two basic tasks: assessing the degree of responsibility of the offender and evaluating their future dangerousness. In the first part of our research, we aim to examine the impact of Neuroscientific evidence in the assessment of criminal responsibility, a key concept of law. An initial jurisprudential research leads to conclude that there are significant difficulties and limitations in using neuroscience for the assessment of criminal responsibility. In the current socio-legal context, responsibility assessments are progressively being weakened, whereas dangerousness assessments gain increasing importance in the field of forensic psychiatry. In the second part of our research we concentrate on the impact of using neuroscience for the assessment of dangerousness. We argue that in the current policy era of zero tolerance, judges, confronted with the pressure to ensure public security, may tend to interpret neuroscientific knowledge and data as an objective and reliable way of evaluating one's dangerousness and risk of reoffending, rather than their responsibility. This tendency could be encouraged by a utilitarian approach to punishment, advanced by some recent neuroscientific research which puts into question the existence of free will and responsibility and argues for a rejection of the retributive theory of punishment. Although this shift away from punishment aimed at retribution in favor of a consequentialist approach to criminal law is advanced by some authors as a more progressive and humane approach, we believe that it could lead to the instrumentalisation of neuroscience in the interest of public safety, which can run against the proper exercise of justice and civil liberties of the offenders. By advancing a criminal law regime animated by the consequentialist aim of avoiding social harms through rehabilitation, neuroscience promotes a return to a therapeutical approach to crime which can have serious impact on the kind and the length of sentences imposed on the offenders; if neuroscientific data are interpreted as evidence of dangerousness, rather than responsibility, it is highly likely that judges impose heavier sentences, or/and security measures (in civil law systems), which can be indeterminate in length. Errors and epistemic traps of past criminological movements trying to explain the manifestation of a violent and deviant behavior on a biological and deterministic basis stress the need for caution concerning the use of modern neuroscientific methods in criminal proceedings.
The education of a chemistry teacher is not being seen as a specific preparation for the exercise of a professional activity, which differs from the professional activity of a chemist or a chemistry researcher. This happens because in the academic field, mainly in the exact and natural sciences, the idea that knowing a determined subject is enough to be able to teach it, is tacitly accepted. This is, actually, the first condition to be able to be a university professor. There is another necessary condition for competent teaching: to have specific professional knowledege of teaching. I defend that this knowledge can be constitued in the interaction with other professionals in the form of research. Thus, as a chemist constitutes himself through the research in the interaction with other chemists, the teacher develops himself in this professional field in the interaction with other teachers and the permanent attitude of researching.
The republican case for workplace democracy (WD) is presented and defended from two alternative means of ensuring freedom from arbitrary interference in the firmnamely, (a) the right to freely exit the firm and (b) workplace regulation. This paper shows, respectively, that costless exit is neither possible nor desirable in either perfect or imperfect labor markets, and that managerial discretion is both desirable and inevitable due to the incompleteness of employment contracts and labor legislation. The paper then shows that WD is necessary, from a republican standpoint, if workers" interests are to be adequately tracked in the exercise of managerial authority. Three important objections are finally addressed (i) that WD is redundant, (ii) that it is unnecessary provided that litigation and unionism can produce similar outcomes, and (iii) that it falls short of ensuring republican freedom compared to self-employment.
The referendum is a poorly used mechanism for direct participation in the Spanish system, at both state and regional level. The discussion on the feasibility of this system at regional level has been examined by the Constitutional Court. Influenced by the reluctance with which constituents viewed the mechanisms of direct democracy, they still have a reductive view of the referendum. The State therefore reserves the right to exercise very intensive controls on the provision and authorization of referendums and on the specific exercise of each referendum
International texts recognise the buyer's right to the repair or replacement if the goods do not conform with the contract, and at the same time, establish exceptions to their application and certain rules of protection for the seller (Art. 46 CISG, Art. 7.2.3 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Art.9:102 PECL and Arts. 4:202 y 4:204 (1) PEL S). This approach is a result of a compromise between civil law systems and the common law and it has been widely extended to the regulation of consumer sales over the last decade (Art. 3.3 of the Directive 1999/44/CE, Art. III.-3:302 DCFR, Art. 26 of the proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights). These norms regulate the different ways of requiring the fulfilment of a contractual obligation from a new paradigm which has little to do with a need to protect the weak consumer which governed the origins of consumer policy in the European Community. Now the idea of the consumer who shall behave economically efficiently prevails in Art. 3.3 of the Directive 1999/44/CE, a norm which is clearly influenced by the international texts and whose transposing into the national legislation of Member States has created important problems for traditional dogmas. In this sense there are still some unclear issues, such as the possibility of replacing in sales of goods of specific nature or second-hand goods, some aspects on the exercise of repair and replacement, and, even, their use as primary remedies rather than a reduction in price or a rescission of the contract. With regard to this, in England the possibility of offering the consumer free choice between these measures if the goods do not conform with the contract has been raised. This is far from the principle of pacta sunt servanda and is clearly contrary to the economic approach of the proposal for a Directive on Consumer Rights. Up to now Spain has limited itself to implementing Art. 3.3 Directive 1999/44/CE into its legal system in almost literal terms and the case law on the issue has completely turned out to be insufficient. By contrast with Germany, the Spanish legislator has not extended the application of the rules of repair and replacement of Directive 1999/44/CE to nonconsumer sales, even though two draft bill proposals along these lines presented by the General Commission for Codifying (“Comisión General de Codificación”), the last one being in January, 2009
En l’exercici de les funcions típiques de qualsevol activitat humana, l’home ha de prendre decisions d’un o altre tipus permanentment i aquesta situació porta afegit, per lo general risc i incertesa, el que compromet la qualitat i l’èxit de la decisió. Per ajudar i contrarestar aquesta situació, l’home ha desenvolupat a través del temps una diversitat d’eines que li permeten minimitzar el risc i la incertesa en la presa de decisions. La simulació és una d’aquestes eines. Mitjançant la seva aplicació no només s’aconsegueix la comesa anterior, sinó que també es minimitzen els costos involucrats en la decisió mitjançant un millor ús dels recursos, la disminució del temps emprat per a la seva realització i la minimització de les probabilitats de risc. Aquest projecte representa la continuació d’un primer estudi introductori de la simulació anomenat: Estudi i guia docent per a modelatge i simulació de sistemes mitjançant l’entorn ARENA [9]. Realitzat per l’alumna d’Enginyeria en Organització Industrial de la Universitat de Vic, Montse Carbonell Crosas, l’any 2008 i sota la codirecció del director d’aquest segon projecte, el professor Juli Ordeix Rigo. Aquest nou projecte s’inicia amb una primera part teòrica, continguda dins del primer volum, la qual reforça els conceptes teòrics referents a la simulació amb ARENA, ja vistos en l’anterior projecte. Complementant aquells considerats bàsics i els de més utilitat i finalitza introduint nous conceptes avançats. Els nous capítols de temàtica avançada, junt als primers més bàsics de la primera part són exercitats dins de la segona, formant el segon volum d’aquest projecte. El mateix requereix la participació activa de l’alumne, per tal de realitzar cadascun dels 89 exercicis pràctics que es plantegen i poder onsolidar l’aprenentatge teòric d’aquesta eina avançada de simulació fent consultes als apartats teòrics recomanats dins de cada exercici. La complexitat dels exercicis anirà augmentant gradualment i s’insisteix en seguir la metodologia presentada en el projecte per a realitzar-los tots de forma ordenada i ascendent. L’ alumne quan acabi la part pràctica, haurà consolidat tota la part teòrica i serà capaç d’exercir com analista per tal de generar els seus propis projecte de simulació.