935 resultados para Ethylene oxide.


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Processos como a purificação do metano (CH4) e a produção de hidrogênio gasoso (H2) envolvem etapas de separação de CO2. Atualmente, etanolaminas como monoetanolamina (MEA), dietanolamina (DEA), metildietanolamina (MDEA) e trietanolamina (TEA) são as substâncias mais utilizadas no processo de separação/captura de CO2 em processos industriais. Entretanto, o uso destas substâncias apresenta alguns inconvenientes devido à alta volatilidade, dificuldade de se trabalhar com material líquido, também ao alto gasto energético envolvido das etapas de regeneração e à baixa estabilidade térmica e química. Com base nessa problemática, esse trabalho teve por objetivo a síntese de um tipo de sílica mesoporosa altamente ordenada (SBA-15) de modo a utilizá-la no processo de captura de CO2. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro etapas experimentais que envolveram a síntese da SBA-15, o estudo do comportamento térmico de algumas etanolaminas livres, síntese e caracterização de materiais adsorventes preparados a partir de incorporação de etanolaminas à SBA-15 e estudo da eficiência de captura de CO2 por esses materiais. Novas alternativas de síntese da SBA-15 foram estudadas neste trabalho, visando aperfeiçoar as propriedades texturais do material produzido. Tais alternativas são baseadas na remoção do surfatante, utilizado como molde na síntese da sílica mesoporosa, por meio da extração por Soxhlet, utilizando diferentes solventes. O processo contribuiu para melhorar as propriedades do material obtido, evitando o encolhimento da estrutura que pode ser ocasionado durante a etapa de calcinação. Por meio de técnicas como TG/DTG, DSC, FTIR e Análise Elementar de C, H e N foi realizada a caracterização físico-química e termoanalítica da MEA, DEA, MDEA e TEA, visando melhor conhecer as características destas substâncias. Estudos cinéticos baseados nos métodos termogravimétricos isotérmicos e não isotérmicos (Método de Ozawa) foram realizados, permitindo a determinação de parâmetros cinéticos envolvidos nas etapas de volatilização/decomposição térmica das etanolaminas. Além das técnicas acima mencionadas, MEV, MET, SAXS e Medidas de Adsorção de N2 foram utilizadas na caraterização da SBA-15 antes e após a incorporação das etanolaminas. Dentre as etanolaminas estudadas, a TEA apresentou maior estabilidade térmica, entretanto, devido ao seu maior impedimento estérico, é a etanolamina que apresenta menor afinidade com o CO2. Diferentemente das demais etanolaminas estudadas, a decomposição térmica da DEA envolve uma reação intramolecular, levando a formação de MEA e óxido de etileno. A incorporação destes materiais à SBA-15 aumentou a estabilidade térmica das etanolaminas, uma vez que parte do material permanece dentro dos poros da sílica. Os ensaios de adsorção de CO2 mostraram que a incorporação da MEA à SBA-15 catalisou o processo de decomposição térmica da mesma. A MDEA foi a etanolamina que apresentou maior poder de captura de CO2 e sua estabilidade térmica foi consideravelmente aumentada quando a mesma foi incorporada à SBA-15, aumentando também seu potencial de captura de CO2.


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Os implantes mamários de silicone têm sido empregados, tanto nas cirurgias de aumento das mamas, quanto na reconstrução do tecido mamário após mastectomia. A segurança biológica dos implantes de silicone merece estudo relacionado aos processos de esterilização empregados, pois podem constituir-se em fator de comprometimento da estrutura química do polímero e, conseqüentemente, da biocompatibilidade. Este estudo consistiu na avaliação da biocompatibilidade de implantes mamários de silicone após terem sido submetidos aos processos de esterilização por calor seco, radiação gama e óxido de etileno. O parâmetro avaliado foi a viabilidade celular, empregando o método de difusão em agar e de captura do vermelho neutro. As amostras compreenderam implantes de silicone gel lisos, texturizados e revestidos com poliuretano e implantes texturizados pré-cheios com solução salina. Também foi realizado o teste de endotoxinas bacterianas pelo método do LAL e determinação da taxa de migração do gel de silicone (teste de bleed). Os três métodos de esterilização mostraram-se igualmente eficientes pela comprovação da condição de esterilidade dos implantes através de metodologia descrita na Farmacopéia Americana 27 edição. Os níveis de endotoxinas bacterianas dos implantes, também atenderam aos requisitos dos compêndios oficiais. Na avaliação da biocompatibilidade todos os implantes, independente dos processos de esterilização utilizados, apresentaram ausência de citotoxicidade. Os resultados do teste de bleed mostraram uma maior taxa de migração de gel para os implantes de superfície lisa em comparação com os implantes de superfície texturizada e revestida com poliuretano, quando esterilizados por calor seco. Ao comparar a taxa de migração do gel para os implantes de superfície lisa esterilizados por calor seco e óxido de etileno, obteve-se uma maior taxa de migração para aqueles implantes esterilizados por óxido de etileno. As diferentes avaliações realizadas neste estudo abrangeram aspectos biológicos, químicos e físicos relevantes para garantir um produto de boa qualidade e que, por assegurar a manutenção da característica de biocompatibilidade, resulta na segurança biológica deste tipo de implante.


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O consumo de plantas medicinais no país tem aumentado de maneira significativa nas últimas décadas. Dados da Organização mundial de Saúde estimam que 80% da população mundial usam plantas medicinais como alternativa terapêutica. No entanto, pouca informação se encontra disponível sobre os constituintes dos mesmos, bem como sobre o potencial de riscos à saúde humana. Assim, questões relacionadas à qualidade dessas drogas apresentam fundamental importância. Em função de sua origem, a carga microbiana detectada em drogas vegetais pode ser considerada normalmente elevada, oferecendo riscos potenciais ao usuário. Desta forma, a avaliação de sua qualidade sanitária bem como a utilização de processos descontaminantes constituem-se em etapas importantes no que se refere ao aspecto de segurança ao consumidor. Portanto o objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação dos níveis de contaminação, a pesquisa de indicadores patogênicos; além da eficácia da exposição de 30 e 60 minutos ao gás óxido de etileno, a determinação de residuais tóxicos e a verificação de possíveis alterações nos níveis de marcadores em amostras de Matricaria recutita L., Cynara scolimus L., Paulinia cupana H.B.K. e Ginkgo biloba L. proveniente de três fornecedores diferentes. Todas as drogas vegetais analisadas continham elevados níveis de bactérias e fungos, na ordem de 105 ufc/g, além de terem sido detectados microrganismos patogênicos nas amostras estudadas. Entretanto após a exposição destas por 30 e 60 minutos ao gás óxido de etileno, observou-se a eliminação de cerca de 90% e 99,8% respectivamente. No que se refere aos patógenos específicos a exposição de 30 minutos foi capaz de eliminá-los completamente. Os níveis residuais de óxido de etileno nas drogas vegetais analisadas, foram reduzidos a índices aceitáveis após 14 dias de aeração ambiental, já os níveis de etilenoglicol e etilenocloridrina mantiveram-se dentro do limite da sensibilidade do método adotado. Com relação à análise de principios ativos naturais, não houve alteração nas concentrações dos marcadores das drogas vegetais camomila, ginkgo biloba e guaraná analisadas mesmo após ciclo de exposição de 60 minutos ao gás óxido de etileno. Sendo assim verifica-se a necessidade da adoção de métodos de descontaminação microbiana com o intuito de fornecer um produto mais seguro para o consumo humano visto que estes são por vezes consumidos por enfermos, idosos e crianças com a saúde comprometida. Pode-se concluir também que o processo de descontaminação de drogas vegetais por óxido de etileno é um processo eficaz e seguro, desde que sejam adotados os requisitos de segurança necessários que infelizmente, nem sempre são adotadas no mercado nacional


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A prática da reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso único vem sendo aplicada desde meados da década de setenta. A principal razão que tem contribuído para disseminação desta conduta pelas instituições hospitalares radicadas tanto nos países em desenvolvimento como naqueles considerados ricos, tem sido a aparente economia de custos. Apesar dos riscos relacionados com a prática da reutilização, como reações pirogênicas, danos ocasionados por bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes imunologicamente comprometidos, danos na integridade fisica dos produtos, assim como aumento do período de permanência dos pacientes no hospital, têm despertado o interesse em avaliar aspectos fisicos e biológicos dos produtos médico-hospitalares reutilizados. Baseando-se nestas considerações foram aplicados desafios com esporos de Bacillus Subtilis varo niger ATCC 9372 e endotoxina bacteriana E. coli 055:B5. Os produtos desafiados foram cateteres intravenosos, torneira três vias e tubos de traqueostomia. A possível presença microbiana foi investigada após contaminação intencional dos esporos de B. Subtillis (107 ufc/unid.) com submissão das unidades contaminadas à limpeza e posterior esterilização, utilizando óxido de etileno/CFC na proporção 12:88. Os ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados de produtos médico-hospitalares consistiram de contaminação de cada unidade teste com carga microbiana, lavagem com detergente enzimático, secagem e esterilização. Ao término de cada ciclo de reprocessamento foram separadas unidades representativas para avaliação por contagem microbiana (pour plate), testes de esterilidade por inoculação direta e indireta, citotoxidade por cultura de células e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A eficiência da esterilidade foi avaliada tanto por contagem microbiana como pelos testes de esterilidade, que resultaram em níveis microbianos de 103 ufc/unid. e detecção de contaminação até o 6° ciclo de reprocessamento nos cateteres intravenosos, tubos de traqueostomia e torneiras três vias. A segurança dos reprocessamentos dos produtos médico-hospitalares foi avaliada pela cultura de células de fibroblastos de camundongo (NCTC clone 929), as quais não apresentaram toxicidade. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos durante microscopia eletrônica de varredura comprovaram presença de carga microbiana após 10° ciclo de reprocessamento, assim como danos na superficie polimérica. Durante desafio com endotoxina bacteriana, que consistiu em contaminar as unidades com 200 UE, secagem e exposição ao ciclo de esterilização com óxido de etileno/CFC (12:88), verificou-se que após ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, totalizando dez ciclos, foi possível detectar valores de recuperação de endotoxina em torno de 100%. Os cateteres-guia que foram adquiridos em instituição hospitalar após quatro reutilizações, apresentaram níveis de contaminação de 105 ufc/unid., assim como presença de bactérias consideradas patogênicas em pacientes comprometidos imunologicamente, já a detecção de endotoxina bacteriana nestes cateteres não foi considerada significativa. Logo, as avaliações aplicadas nas unidades submetidas aos ciclos de reprocessamentos simulados, assim como nos cateteres-guia reprocessados e reutilizados quatro vezes, refletiram a realidade de algumas instituições no âmbito nacional e internacional que praticam a reutilização de produtos médico-hospitalares de uso-único. Os resultados obtidos vêm enfatizar objeções quanto à prática da reutilização, considerando que a ausência de segurança pode ocasionar em danos ao paciente.


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This work reports the first instance of self-organized thermoset blends containing diblock copolymers with a crystallizable thermoset-immiscible block. Nanostructured thermoset blends of bisphenol A-type epoxy resin (ER) and a low-molecular-weight (M-n = 1400) amphiphilic polyethylene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) (EEO) symmetric diblock copolymer were prepared using 4,4'-methylenedianiline (MDA) as curing agent and were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). All the MDA-cured ER/EEO blends do not show macroscopic phase separation but exhibit microstructures. The ER selectively mixes with the epoxy-miscible PEO block in the EEO diblock copolymer whereas the crystallizable PE blocks that are immiscible with ER form separate microdomains at nanoscales in the blends. The PE crystals with size on nanoscales are formed and restricted within the individual spherical micelles in the nanostructured ER/EEO blends with EEO content up to 30 wt %. The spherical micelles are highly aggregated in the blends containing 40 and 50 wt % EEO. The PE dentritic crystallites exist in the blend containing 50 wt % EEO whereas the blends with even higher EEO content are completely volume-filled with PE spherulites. The semicrystalline microphase-separated lamellae in the symmetric EEO diblock copolymer are swollen in the blend with decreasing EEO content, followed by a structural transition to aggregated spherical micellar phase morphology and, eventually, spherical micellar phase morphology at the lowest EEO contents. Three morphological regimes are identified, corresponding precisely to the three regimes of crystallization kinetics of the PE blocks. The nanoscale confinement effect on the crystallization kinetics in nanostructured thermoset blends is revealed for the first time. This new phenomenon is explained on the basis of homogeneous nucleation controlled crystallization within nanoscale confined environments in the block copolymer/thermoset blends.


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Polybenzoxazine (PBA-a)/poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) blends were prepared by an in situ curing reaction of benzoxazine (BA-a) in the presence of PCL. Before curing, the benzoxazine (BA-a)/PCL blends are miscible, which was evidenced by the behaviors of single and composition-dependant glass transition temperature and equilibrium melting point depression. However, the phase separation induced by polymerization was observed after curing at elevated temperature. It was expected that after curing, the PBA-a/PCL blends would be miscible since the phenolic hydroxyls in the PBA-a molecular backbone have the potential to form inter- molecular hydrogen-bonding interactions with the carbonyls of PCL and thus would fulfil the miscibility of the blends. The resulting morphology of the blends prompted an investigation of the status of association between PBA-a and PCL under the curing conditions. Although Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) showed that there were intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions between PBA-a and PCL at room temperature, especially for the PCL-rich blends, the results of variable temperature FT-IR spectroscopy by the model compound indicate that the phenolic hydroxyl groups could not form efficient intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions at elevated temperatures, i.e., the phenolic hydroxyl groups existed mainly in the non-associated form in the system during curing. The results are valuable to understand the effect of curing temperature on the resulting morphology of the thermosetting blends. SEM micrograph of the dichloromethane-etched fracture surface of a 90:10 PBA-a PCL blend showing a heterogeneous morphology.


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This paper reviews the recent research and development of clay-based polymer nanocomposites. Clay minerals, due to their unique layered structure, rich intercalation chemistry and availability at low cost, are promising nanoparticle reinforcements for polymers to manufacture low-cost, lightweight and high performance nanocomposites. We introduce briefly the structure, properties and surface modification of clay minerals, followed by the processing and characterization techniques of polymer nanocomposites. The enhanced and novel properties of such nanocomposites are then discussed, including mechanical, thermal, barrier, electrical conductivity, biodegradability among others. In addition, their available commercial and potential applications in automotive, packaging, coating and pigment, electrical materials, and in particular biomedical fields are highlighted. Finally, the challenges for the future are discussed in terms of processing, characterization and the mechanisms governing the behaviour of these advanced materials.


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This article reports thermoset blends of bisphenol A-type epoxy resin (ER) and two amphiphilic four-arm star-shaped diblock copolymers based on hydrophilic poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and hydrophobic poly(propylene oxide) (PPO). 4,4'-Methylenedianiline (MDA) was used as a curing agent. The first star-shaped diblock copolymer with 70 wt% ethylene oxide (EO), denoted as (PPO-PEO)(4), consists of four PPO-PEO diblock arms with PPO blocks attached on an ethylenediamine core; the second one with 40 wt% EO, denoted as (PEO-PPO)(4), contains four PEO-PPO diblock arms with PEO blocks attached on an ethylenediamine core. The phase behavior, crystallization, and nanoscale structures were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, transmission electron microscopy, and small-angle X-ray scattering. It was found that the MDA-cured ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blends are not macroscopically phase-separated over the entire blend composition range. There exist, however, two microphases in the ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blends. The PPO blocks form a separated microphase, whereas the ER and the PEO blocks, which are miscible, form another microphase. The ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blends show composition-dependent nanostructures on the order of 10-30 nm. The 80/20 ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blend displays spherical PPO micelles uniformly dispersed in a continuous ER-rich matrix. The 60/40 ER/(PPO-PEO)(4) blend displays a combined morphology of worm-like micelles and spherical micelles with characteristic of a bicontinuous microphase structure. Macroscopic phase separation took place in the MDA-cured ER/(PEO-PPO)(4) blends. The MDA-cured ER/(PEO-PPO)(4) blends with (PEO-PPO)(4) content up to 50 wt% exhibit phase-separated structures on the order of 0.5-1 mu m. This can be considered to be due to the different EO content and block sequence of the (PEO-PPO)(4) copolymer. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Although cytosolic glutathione S-transterase (GST) enzymes occupy a key position in biological detoxification processes, two of the most relevant human isoenzymes. GST1-1 and GSTM1-1, are genetically deleted (non-functional alleles GSTT1*0 and GsTM1*0) in a high percentage of the human population, with major ethnic differences. The structures of the GSTT and GSTM gene areas explain the underlying genetic processes. GSTT1-1 is highly conserved during evolution and plays a major role in phase-II biotransformation of a number of drugs and industrial chemicals. e.g. cytostatic drugs, hydrocarbons and halogenated hydrocarbons. GSTM1-1 is particularly relevant in the deactivation of carcinogenic intermediates of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Several lines of evidence Suggest that hGSTT1-1 and/or hGSTM1-1 play a role in the deactivation of reactive oxygen species that are likely to be involved in cellular processes of inflammation, ageing and degenerative diseases. There is cumulating evidence that combinations of the GSTM1*0 state with other genetic traits affecting the metabolism of carcinogens (CYP1A1, GSTP1) may predispose the aero-digestivc tract and lung, especially in smokers, to a higher risk of cancer. The GSTM1*0 status appears also associated with a modest increase in the risk of bladder cancer, consistent with a GSTM1 interaction with carcinogenic tobacco smoke constituents. Both human GST deletions, although largely counterbalanced by overlapping substrate affinities within the GST superfamily, have consequences when the organism comes into contact with distinct man-made chemicals. This appears relevant in industrial toxicology and in drug metabolism.


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This thesis describes the production of advanced materials comprising a wide array of polymer-based building blocks. These materials include bio-hybrid polymer-peptide conjugates, based on phenylalanine and poly(ethylene oxide), and polymers with intrinsic microporosity (PIMs). Polymer-peptides conjugates were previously synthesised using click chemistry. Due to the inherent disadvantages of the reported synthesis, a new, simpler, inexpensive protocol was sought. Three synthetic methods based on amidation chemistry were investigated for both oligopeptide and polymerpeptide coupling. The resulting conjugates produced were then assessed by various analytical techniques, and the new synthesis was compared with the established protocol. An investigation was also carried out focussing on polymer-peptide coupling via ester chemistry, involving deprotection of the carboxyl terminus of the peptide. Polymer-peptide conjugates were also assessed for their propensity to self-assemble into thixotropic gels in an array of solvent mixtures. Determination of the rules governing this particular self-assembly (gelation) was required. Initial work suggested that at least four phenylalanine peptide units were necessary for self-assembly, due to favourable hydrogen bond interactions. Quantitative analysis was carried out using three analytical techniques (namely rheology, FTIR, and confocal microscopy) to probe the microstructure of the material and provided further information on the conditions for self-assembly. Several polymers were electrospun in order to produce nanofibres. These included novel materials such as PIMs and the aforementioned bio-hybrid conjugates. An investigation of the parameters governing successful fibre production was carried out for PIMs, polymer-peptide conjugates, and for nanoparticle cages coupled to a polymer scaffold. SEM analysis was carried out on all material produced during these electrospinning experiments.


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Recently, we demonstrated the possibility to extend the range of capillary electrophoresis (CE) applications to the separation of non-water-soluble synthetic polymers. This work focuses on the control of the electro-osmotic flow (EOF) and on the limitation of the solute adsorption in nonaqueous electrolytes. For these purposes, different strategies were investigated. For the initial, a viscous additive (ethylene glycol or glycerol) was used in the electrolyte in order to decrease the EOF magnitude and, possibly, to compete with solute adsorption. A second strategy was to modify, before separation, the fused-silica capillary wall by the adsorption of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) via hydrogen bonding. The influence of the molecular mass of the adsorbed PEO on the EOF magnitude and direction was studied in electrolytes based on methanol/acetonitrile mixtures containing ammonium ions. For PEO molecular masses above 1000 g/mol, reversed (anodic) EOF were reported in accordance with previous results obtained with PEO covalently bonded capillaries. The influence of the nature and the concentration of the background electrolyte cation on the EOF magnitude and direction were also investigated. A third strategy consisted in modifying the capillary wall by the adsorption of a cationic polyelectrolyte layer. Advantageously, this polyelectrolyte layer suppressed the adsorption of the polymer solutes onto the capillary wall. The results obtained in this work confirm the high potential and the versatility of CE for the characterization of ionizable organic polymers in nonaqueous media.


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Polymer-peptide conjugates (also known as biohy-brids) are attracting considerable attention as injectable materials owing to the self-assembling behavior of the peptide and the ability to control the material properties using the polymer component. To this end, a simple method for preparing poly(ethylene oxide)-oligophenylalanine polymer-peptide conjugates (mPEOm-F n-OEt) using isobutylchloroformate as the activating reagent has been identified and developed. The synthetic approach reported employs an industrially viable route to produce conjugates with high yield and purity. Moreover, the approach allows judicious selection of the precursor building blocks to produce libraries of polymer-peptide conjugates with complete control over the molecular composition. Control over the molecular make-up of the conjugates allows fine control of the physicochemical properties, which will be exploited in future studies into the prominent self-assembling behavior of such materials. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Current artificial heart valves are classified as mechanical and bioprosthetic. An appealing pathway that promises to overcome the shortcomings of commercially available heart valves is offered by the interdisciplinary approach of cardiovascular tissue engineering. However, the mechanical properties of the Tissue Engineering Heart Valves (TEHV) are limited and generally fail in the long-term use. To meet this performance challenge novel biodegradable triblock copolymer poly(ethylene oxide)-polypropylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO or F108) crosslinked to Silk Fibroin (F108-SilkC) to be used as tri-leaflet heart valve material was investigated. ^ Synthesis of ten polymers with varying concentration and thickness (55 µm, 75 µm and 100 µm) was achieved via a covalent crosslinking scheme using bifunctional polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDE). Static and fatigue testing were used to assess mechanical properties of films, and hydrodynamic testing was performed to determine performance under a simulated left ventricular flow regime. The crosslinked copolymer (F108-Silk C) showed greater flexibility and resilience, but inferior ultimate tensile strength, by increasing concentration of PEGDE. Concentration molar ratio of 80:1 (F108: Silk) and thickness of 75 µm showed longer fatigue life for both tension-tension and bending fatigue tests. Four valves out of twelve designed satisfactorily complied with minimum performance requirement ISO 5840, 2005. ^ In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the applicability of a degradable polymer in conjugation with silk fibroin for tissue engineering cardiovascular use, specifically for aortic valve leaflet design, met the performance demands. Thinner thicknesses (t<75 µm) in conjunction with stiffness lower than 320 MPa (80:1, F108: Silk) are essential for the correct functionality of proposed heart valve biomaterial F108-SilkC. Fatigue tests were demonstrated to be a useful tool to characterize biomaterials that undergo cyclic loading. ^


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In the present work, the deviations in the solubility of CO2, CH4, and N2 at 30 °c in the mixed gases (CO2/CH4) and (CO2/N2) from the pure gas behavior were studied using the dual-mode model over a wide range of equilibrium composition and pressure values in two glassy polymers. The first of which was PI-DAR which is the polyimide formed by the reaction between 4, 6-diaminoresorcinol dihydrochloride (DAR-Cl) and 2, 2’-bis-(3, 4-dicarboxyphenyl) hexafluoropropane dianhydride (6FDA). The other glassy polymer was TR-DAR which is the corresponding thermally rearranged polymer of PI-DAR. Also, mixed gas sorption experiments for the gas mixture (CO2/CH4) in TR-DAR at 30°c took place in order to assess the degree of accuracy of the dual-mode model in predicting the true mixed gas behavior. The experiments were conducted on a pressure decay apparatus coupled with a gas chromatography column. On the other hand, the solubility of CO2 and CH4 in two rubbery polymers at 30⁰c in the mixed gas (CO2/CH4) was modelled using the Lacombe and Sanchez equation of state at various values of equilibrium composition and pressure. These two rubbery polymers were cross-linked poly (ethylene oxide) (XLPEO) and poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). Moreover, data about the sorption of CO2 and CH4 in liquid methyl dietahnolamine MDEA that was collected from literature65-67 was used to determine the deviations in the sorption behavior in the mixed gas from that in the pure gases. It was observed that the competition effects between the penetrants were prevailing in the glassy polymers while swelling effects were predominant in the rubbery polymers above a certain value of the fugacity of CO2. Also, it was found that the dual-mode model showed a good prediction of the sorption of CH4 in the mixed gas for small pressure values but in general, it failed to predict the actual sorption of the penetrants in the mixed gas.


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This thesis details the top-down fabrication of nanostructures on Si and Ge substrates by electron beam lithography (EBL). Various polymeric resist materials were used to create nanopatterns by EBL and Chapter 1 discusses the development characteristics of these resists. Chapter 3 describes the processing parameters, resolution and topographical and structural changes of a new EBL resist known as ‘SML’. A comparison between SML and the standard resists PMMA and ZEP520A was undertaken to determine the suitability of SML as an EBL resist. It was established that SML is capable of high-resolution patterning and showed good pattern transfer capabilities. Germanium is a desirable material for use in microelectronic applications due to a number of superior qualities over silicon. EBL patterning of Ge with high-resolution hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) resist is however difficult due to the presence of native surface oxides. Thus, to combat this problem a new technique for passivating Ge surfaces prior to EBL processes is detailed in Chapter 4. The surface passivation was carried out using simple acids like citric acid and acetic acid. The acids were gentle on the surface and enabled the formation of high-resolution arrays of Ge nanowires using HSQ resist. Chapter 5 details the directed self-assembly (DSA) of block copolymers (BCPs) on EBL patterned Si and, for the very first time, Ge surfaces. DSA of BCPs on template substrates is a promising technology for high volume and cost effective nanofabrication. The BCP employed for this study was poly (styrene-b-ethylene oxide) and the substrates were pre-defined by HSQ templates produced by EBL. The DSA technique resulted into pattern rectification (ordering in BCP) and in pattern multiplication within smaller areas.