852 resultados para Entanglement measure


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We study dynamical properties of quantum entanglement in the Dicke model with and without the rotating-wave approximation. Specifically, we investigate the maximal entanglement and mean entanglement which reflect the underlying chaos in the system, and a good classical-quantum correspondence is found. We also show that the maximal linear entropy can be more sensitive to chaos than the mean linear entropy.


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A new scheme for the code of chemical environments of compounds is described in this paper, and three molecular similarity methods have been used to select nearest neighbors from four different types of probe compounds. One of the methods is based on the C-13 NMR spectra. The second method is based on the code of chemical environments and molecular topological index A(x). The third approach, i.e. the Tanimoto coefficient, is also based on the code of chemical environments, but not to use the topological index. Five nearest neighbors for each probe compound using these three molecular similarity methods were determined and taken from the database of 7309 structures. The results indicate that the scheme of the chemical environment code and the method for similarity measure of intermolecules suggested in this study are reasonable. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For perhaps the first time, the dynamics of liquid-liquid phase separation was studied by time-resolved mechanical spectrometry in order to establish the relationship between blends' properties and the phase structures during spinodal decomposition (SD). The selected system was chlorinated polyethylene (CPE)/ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA). It was found that in the early and intermediate stage of SD, the storage modulus (G') and the loss modulus (G'') increase with time after the initiation of the isothermal phase separation; in the later stage, G' and G'' decrease as phase separation proceeds. An entanglement fluctuation model was presented to manifest this phenomenon; it was found that the rheological behavior agrees well with the expections of the model in the early stage. For the later stage, the reduction of G' and G'' can be attributed to the increment of phase-domain size. (C) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The tube diameter in the reptation model is the distance between a given chain segment and its nearest segment in adjacent chains. This dimension is thus related to the cross-sectional area of polymer chains and the nearest approach among chains, without effects of thermal fluctuation and steric repulsion. Prior calculated tube diameters are much larger, about 5 times, than the actual chain cross-sectional areas. This is ascribed to the local freedom required for mutual rearrangement among neighboring chain segments. This tube diameter concept seems to us to infer a relationship to the corresponding entanglement spacing. Indeed, we report here that the critical molecular weight, M(c), for the onset of entanglements is found to be M(c) = 28 A/([R2]0/M), where A is the chain cross-sectional area and [R2]0 the mean-square end-to-end distance of a freely jointed chain of molecular weight M. The new, computed relationship between the critical number of backbone atoms for entanglement and the chain cross-sectional area of polymers, N(c) = A0,44, is concordant with the cross-sectional area of polymer chains being the parameter controlling the critical entanglement number of backbone atoms of flexible polymers.


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The redlip mullet, Liza haematocheila, is a common species in polyculture as a scavenger in China. Feeding on detritus, redlip mullet transports nutrients from sediments up into the water column and converts them into forms that can be utilized by phytoplankton and affects the relative abundance of detritus and dissolved inorganic nutrients to phytoplankton, zooplankton and other fishes. We used nitrogen and carbon as the indicators in this study to measure the scavenging ability, which means intake of nitrogen or carbon by redlip mullet, and the loss of nutrients. Temperature and body weight significantly affected growth nitrogen, faecal nitrogen and faecal carbon. At a certain temperature, the proportion of growth nitrogen or growth carbon increased while the proportion of excretion nitrogen or respiration carbon decreased with increasing body weight.


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O pôrometro de pós-colheita é um instrumento para medir transpiração, resistência difusiva e déficit de pressão de vapor por manometria a volume constante e por volumetria a pressão constante. É constituído de uma câmara de transpiração com fechamento hermético contendo um suporte de amostras sobre um ventilador e externamente um manômetro de coluna de água com pipeta graduada móvel. Sob temperatura constante, o déficit de pressão de vapor (.P), e o volume de vapor de água (.V) foram proporcionais aos volumes de água vaporizados. Com o uso de um excesso de água este aumento da pressão de vapor iguala-se, em módulo, ao déficit de pressão de vapor do ar na câmara de transpiração. Para amostras do ar atmosférico no laboratório, o déficit de pressão de vapor foi calculado a partir das temperaturas de bulbo seco e úmido em um psicrômetro ventilado e por manometria. A correlação entre estes dois métodos foi de 0,976. A acurácia das medidas de transpiração é tal que o produto do volume morto da câmara (V) pela declividade (.P/ .V) determinada pelo vapor de água liberado no processo iguala-se à pressão barométrica, com erro inferior a 1%. Um exemplo experimental do uso do porômetro de pós-colheita em cenoura é apresentado juntamente e os detalhes para obter a resistência difusiva e espessura da camada laminar. O porômetro de pós-colheita é um porômetro de difusão simples, robusto, que poderá ser usado em estudos de efeito de cêras, na seleção de cultivares e em variados outros estudos de fisiologia de pós-colheita.


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Breast region measurements are important for research, but they may also become significant in the legal field as a quantitative tool for preoperative and postoperative evaluation. Direct anthropometric measurements can be taken in clinical practice. the aim of this study was to compare direct breast anthropometric measurements taken with a tape measure and a compass.Forty women, aged 18-60 years, were evaluated. They had 14 anatomical landmarks marked on the breast region and arms. the union of these points formed eight linear segments and one angle for each side of the body. the volunteers were evaluated by direct anthropometry in a standardized way, using a tape measure and a compass.Differences were found between the tape measure and the compass measurements for all segments analyzed (p > 0.05).Measurements obtained by tape measure and compass are not identical. Therefore, once the measurement tool is chosen, it should be used for the pre- and postoperative measurements in a standardized way.This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. for a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266.


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Huws, C., The Welsh Language Act 1993 - A Measure of Success?, Language Policy, 5(2) pp.141-160 RAE2008


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Space carving has emerged as a powerful method for multiview scene reconstruction. Although a wide variety of methods have been proposed, the quality of the reconstruction remains highly-dependent on the photometric consistency measure, and the threshold used to carve away voxels. In this paper, we present a novel photo-consistency measure that is motivated by a multiset variant of the chamfer distance. The new measure is robust to high amounts of within-view color variance and also takes into account the projection angles of back-projected pixels. Another critical issue in space carving is the selection of the photo-consistency threshold used to determine what surface voxels are kept or carved away. In this paper, a reliable threshold selection technique is proposed that examines the photo-consistency values at contour generator points. Contour generators are points that lie on both the surface of the object and the visual hull. To determine the threshold, a percentile ranking of the photo-consistency values of these generator points is used. This improved technique is applicable to a wide variety of photo-consistency measures, including the new measure presented in this paper. Also presented in this paper is a method to choose between photo-consistency measures, and voxel array resolutions prior to carving using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.


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We propose a new characterization of protein structure based on the natural tetrahedral geometry of the β carbon and a new geometric measure of structural similarity, called visible volume. In our model, the side-chains are replaced by an ideal tetrahedron, the orientation of which is fixed with respect to the backbone and corresponds to the preferred rotamer directions. Visible volume is a measure of the non-occluded empty space surrounding each residue position after the side-chains have been removed. It is a robust, parameter-free, locally-computed quantity that accounts for many of the spatial constraints that are of relevance to the corresponding position in the native structure. When computing visible volume, we ignore the nature of both the residue observed at each site and the ones surrounding it. We focus instead on the space that, together, these residues could occupy. By doing so, we are able to quantify a new kind of invariance beyond the apparent variations in protein families, namely, the conservation of the physical space available at structurally equivalent positions for side-chain packing. Corresponding positions in native structures are likely to be of interest in protein structure prediction, protein design, and homology modeling. Visible volume is related to the degree of exposure of a residue position and to the actual rotamers in native proteins. In this article, we discuss the properties of this new measure, namely, its robustness with respect to both crystallographic uncertainties and naturally occurring variations in atomic coordinates, and the remarkable fact that it is essentially independent of the choice of the parameters used in calculating it. We also show how visible volume can be used to align protein structures, to identify structurally equivalent positions that are conserved in a family of proteins, and to single out positions in a protein that are likely to be of biological interest. These properties qualify visible volume as a powerful tool in a variety of applications, from the detailed analysis of protein structure to homology modeling, protein structural alignment, and the definition of better scoring functions for threading purposes.


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Locating hands in sign language video is challenging due to a number of factors. Hand appearance varies widely across signers due to anthropometric variations and varying levels of signer proficiency. Video can be captured under varying illumination, camera resolutions, and levels of scene clutter, e.g., high-res video captured in a studio vs. low-res video gathered by a web cam in a user’s home. Moreover, the signers’ clothing varies, e.g., skin-toned clothing vs. contrasting clothing, short-sleeved vs. long-sleeved shirts, etc. In this work, the hand detection problem is addressed in an appearance matching framework. The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) based matching score function is reformulated to allow non-rigid alignment between pairs of images to account for hand shape variation. The resulting alignment score is used within a Support Vector Machine hand/not-hand classifier for hand detection. The new matching score function yields improved performance (in ROC area and hand detection rate) over the Vocabulary Guided Pyramid Match Kernel (VGPMK) and the traditional, rigid HOG distance on American Sign Language video gestured by expert signers. The proposed match score function is computationally less expensive (for training and testing), has fewer parameters and is less sensitive to parameter settings than VGPMK. The proposed detector works well on test sequences from an inexpert signer in a non-studio setting with cluttered background.


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This study sets out to investigate the psychology of immersion and the immersive response of individuals in relation to video and computer games. Initially, an exhaustive review of literature is presented, including research into games, player demographics, personality and identity. Play in traditional psychology is also reviewed, as well as previous research into immersion and attempts to define and measure this construct. An online qualitative study was carried out (N=38), and data was analysed using content analysis. A definition of immersion emerged, as well as a classification of two separate types of immersion, namely, vicarious immersion and visceral immersion. A survey study (N=217) verified the discrete nature of these categories and rejected the null hypothesis that there was no difference between individuals' interpretations of vicarious and visceral immersion. The primary aim of this research was to create a quantitative instrument which measures the immersive response as experienced by the player in a single game session. The IMX Questionnaire was developed using data from the initial qualitative study and quantitative survey. Exploratory Factor Analysis was carried out on data from 300 participants for the IMX Version 1, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conducted on data from 380 participants on the IMX Version 2. IMX Version 3 was developed from the results of these analyses. This questionnaire was found to have high internal consistency reliability and validity.


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We consider a deterministic system with two conserved quantities and infinity many invariant measures. However the systems possess a unique invariant measure when enough stochastic forcing and balancing dissipation are added. We then show that as the forcing and dissipation are removed a unique limit of the deterministic system is selected. The exact structure of the limiting measure depends on the specifics of the stochastic forcing.


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We introduce a new scale that measures how central an event is to a person's identity and life story. For the most stressful or traumatic event in a person's life, the full 20-item Centrality of Event Scale (CES) and the short 7-item scale are reliable (alpha's of .94 and .88, respectively) in a sample of 707 undergraduates. The scale correlates .38 with PTSD symptom severity and .23 with depression. The present findings are discussed in relation to previous work on individual differences related to PTSD symptoms. Possible connections between the CES and measures of maladaptive attributions and rumination are considered along with suggestions for future research.


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The percentage of subjects recalling each unit in a list or prose passage is considered as a dependent measure. When the same units are recalled in different tasks, processing is assumed to be the same; when different units are recalled, processing is assumed to be different. Two collections of memory tasks are presented, one for lists and one for prose. The relations found in these two collections are supported by an extensive reanalysis of the existing prose memory literature. The same set of words were learned by 13 different groups of subjects under 13 different conditions. Included were intentional free-recall tasks, incidental free recall following lexical decision, and incidental free recall following ratings of orthographic distinctiveness and emotionality. Although the nine free-recall tasks varied widely with regard to the amount of recall, the relative probability of recall for the words was very similar among the tasks. Imagery encoding and recognition produced relative probabilities of recall that were different from each other and from the free-recall tasks. Similar results were obtained with a prose passage. A story was learned by 13 different groups of subjects under 13 different conditions. Eight free-recall tasks, which varied with respect to incidental or intentional learning, retention interval, and the age of the subjects, produced similar relative probabilities of recall, whereas recognition and prompted recall produced relative probabilities of recall that were different from each other and from the free-recall tasks. A review of the prose literature was undertaken to test the generality of these results. Analysis of variance is the most common statistical procedure in this literature. If the relative probability of recall of units varied across conditions, a units by condition interaction would be expected. For the 12 studies that manipulated retention interval, an average of 21% of the variance was accounted for by the main effect of retention interval, 17% by the main effect of units, and only 2% by the retention interval by units interaction. Similarly, for the 12 studies that varied the age of the subjects, 6% of the variance was accounted for by the main effect of age, 32% by the main effect of units, and only 1% by the interaction of age by units.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)