666 resultados para Employee Satisfaction


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It is common knowledge that patients' satisfaction influences their compliance with the proposed treatment and their future use of health services, and that the therapeutic alliance represents a recognised factor in the success of psychotherapeutic management. In May and June 2011 we conducted an enquiry in all the paedopsychiatric outpatient units of the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland, from which we gathered 1261 questionnaires from consulting children and their parents. The questions covered inter alia overall satisfaction concerning the quality of the care on off er, perception of the therapeutie alliance and the helpfulness of the varions types of treatment. The instruments used are recognised and validated internationally (HAQII and CSQS). The results reve al a high degree of satisfaction and a good perception of the therapeutic alliance's quality: an average of 4.9 for children and 5.9 for parents concerning the therapeutic alliance, on a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 6 (totally agree), and concerning patient satisfaction an average of 3.2 for children and 3.4 for parents on a scale of 1 to 4. Regarding perception of the benefit derived from different forms of treatment, individual and family interviews were overwhel~ningly approved (3.2 out of 4), while compliance with drug treatment was less recognised as helpful to children (2.3 out of 4).


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La contribution d'Yves Emery et Julien Niklaus étudie les effets du new managerialism dans le secteur social. Les nouveaux outils de pilotage ont profondément transformé les conditions cadres du travail social, de l'organisation des tâches ainsi que de l'action professionnelle. Les auteurs cherchent à savoir dans quelle mesure ces transformations influencent la motivation et la satisfaction au travail des travailleurs et travailleuses sociales. Ils comparent deux institutions présentant des degrés différents de managérialisation et constatent, avec surprise, une motivation supérieure dans les organisations davantage managérialisées, alors que la satisfaction au travail ne présente pas de différences.


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Difficulties in the doctor-patient relationship may arise because of differences in socio-cultural background. The aim of this study was to evaluate the doctors' satisfaction in an ambulatory care setting when confronted with 3 different cultural groups (Swiss, foreign residents, refugees) and to review some preconceived ideas. Actually, the foreign population did not consult more often in emergencies than the Swiss population, nor did it present more frequently with somatizations in first interview. However, the doctors felt globally less satisfied with the refugees than with the other patients, mainly because of communication difficulties and therefore a less satisfying doctor-patient relationship. Nevertheless, the doctors felt they had the same diagnostic accuracy in the 3 groups. Studies on the satisfaction of primary care doctors are important, because the quality of the doctor-patient relationship directly influences the quality of medical care.


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BACKGROUND: Walk-in centres may improve access to healthcare for some patients, due to their convenient location and extensive opening hours, with no need for an appointment. Herein, we describe and assess a new model of walk-in centre, characterised by care provided by residents and supervision achieved by experienced family doctors. The main aim of the study was to assess patients' satisfaction about the care they received from residents and their supervision by family doctors. The secondary aim was to describe walk-in patients' demographic characteristics and to identify potential associations with satisfaction. METHODS: The study was conducted in the walk-in centre of Lausanne. Patients who consulted between 11th and 31st April were automatically included and received a questionnaire in French. We used a five-point Likert scale, ranging from "not at all satisfied" to "very satisfied", converted from values of 1 to 5. We focused on the satisfaction regarding residents' care and supervision by a family doctor. The former was divided in three categories: "Skills", "Treatment" and "Behaviour". A mean satisfaction score was calculated for each category and a multivariable logistic model was applied in order to identify associations with patients' demographics. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 47% [184/395]. Walk-in patients were more likely to be women (62%), young (median age 31), with a high education level (40% of University degree or equivalent). Patients were "very satisfied" with residents' care, with a median satisfaction score between 4.5 and 5, for each category. Over 90% of patients were "satisfied" or "very satisfied" that a family doctor was involved in the consultation. Age showed the greatest association with satisfaction. CONCLUSION: Patients were highly satisfied with care provided by residents and with the involvement of a family doctor in the consultation. Older age showed the greatest positive association with satisfaction with a positive impact. The high level satisfaction reported by walk-in patients supports this new model of walk-in centre.


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This handbook contains information about your State of Iowa employee benefits. Please keep this handbook to refer to throughout the year.


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Perceiving injustice is a key antecedent of a large range of undesirable employee attitudes and behaviors at work. For example, research has shown that employees who perceive their workplace as unfair are less satisfied, less committed and engage in more counterproductive behaviors. In this study, we suggest that justice motives like the belief in a just world (BJW) contribute to explaining relations between justice perceptions and undesirable behaviors. Specifically, we propose that individual differences in BJW (i.e, the belief that the world is just, where everyone is rewarded for his or her behavior) are related to work-related behaviors and attitudes by coloring perceptions of workplace fairness. We investigated our hypotheses in a survey study with 176 employees of various organizations (36% women; mean tenure 12.3 yeares). Results showed that after controlling for other influencing factors (e.g., neuroticism) BJW was negatively related to self-reported work deviant behaviors and to cynical, disillusioned attitudes toward the current job. Moreover, BJW was positively related to overall job satisfaction. Consistent with our expectations, relations of BJW with deviant behaviors and with attitudes were mediated by perceptions of interactional and procedural justice. These results suggest extending models of justice and deviance by including motives such as BJW.


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A new device for the analyses of nurses' satisfaction has been developed and validated on two types of general and intensive treatments at the University Hospital in Vaudois, Switzerland. A questionnaire has been elaborated for identifying the variables linked with characteristics of the nurse's work, as well as personal variables of the employer which could have an influence on the level of satisfaction. In identifying the sources of satisfaction and dissatisfaction, it has been possible to propose recommendations and corrective measures in order to improve the level of global satisfaction of the nursing team.


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This case study identifies the elements that compose the Quality of Life (QofL) of individuals who were 75 years old or older and receive care at home. The study's sample was composed of individuals 75 years or older cared for by a home health care service in the primary health care unit in Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain (n=26). The variables included: a) socio-demographic data; b) concept of QofL; c) perception of QofL; d) reasons for their perception; d) satisfaction with life and related aspects; and f) feeling of happiness. Face to face interviews were conducted. A total of 76.9% of the individuals reported a good perception of QofL and the main reasons related to it were: health, family and social relationships, and the ability to adapt. Role Theory and Disengagement Theory explain the adaptation process of these individuals at this point in life.


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This case study identifies the elements that compose the Quality of Life (QofL) of individuals who were 75 years old or older and receive care at home. The study's sample was composed of individuals 75 years or older cared for by a home health care service in the primary health care unit in Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain (n=26). The variables included: a) socio-demographic data; b) concept of QofL; c) perception of QofL; d) reasons for their perception; d) satisfaction with life and related aspects; and f) feeling of happiness. Face to face interviews were conducted. A total of 76.9% of the individuals reported a good perception of QofL and the main reasons related to it were: health, family and social relationships, and the ability to adapt. Role Theory and Disengagement Theory explain the adaptation process of these individuals at this point in life.


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This case study identifies the elements that compose the Quality of Life (QofL) of individuals who were 75 years old or older and receive care at home. The study's sample was composed of individuals 75 years or older cared for by a home health care service in the primary health care unit in Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain (n=26). The variables included: a) socio-demographic data; b) concept of QofL; c) perception of QofL; d) reasons for their perception; d) satisfaction with life and related aspects; and f) feeling of happiness. Face to face interviews were conducted. A total of 76.9% of the individuals reported a good perception of QofL and the main reasons related to it were: health, family and social relationships, and the ability to adapt. Role Theory and Disengagement Theory explain the adaptation process of these individuals at this point in life.


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Report on a review of State employee grievance processes, settlement agreements entered into by the State and payments made during the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2014