La qualité des soins dans les consultations ambulatoires pédopsychiatriques du canton de Vaud: résultats d'une enquête de satisfaction

Autoria(s): Kapp Carole; Perlini Thomas; Stephan Philippe; Rojas Urrego Alejandro; Vallon Meret; Macias Manuel; Hainard Noémie; Halfon Olivier



It is common knowledge that patients' satisfaction influences their compliance with the proposed treatment and their future use of health services, and that the therapeutic alliance represents a recognised factor in the success of psychotherapeutic management. In May and June 2011 we conducted an enquiry in all the paedopsychiatric outpatient units of the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland, from which we gathered 1261 questionnaires from consulting children and their parents. The questions covered inter alia overall satisfaction concerning the quality of the care on off er, perception of the therapeutie alliance and the helpfulness of the varions types of treatment. The instruments used are recognised and validated internationally (HAQII and CSQS). The results reve al a high degree of satisfaction and a good perception of the therapeutic alliance's quality: an average of 4.9 for children and 5.9 for parents concerning the therapeutic alliance, on a scale from 1 (totally disagree) to 6 (totally agree), and concerning patient satisfaction an average of 3.2 for children and 3.4 for parents on a scale of 1 to 4. Regarding perception of the benefit derived from different forms of treatment, individual and family interviews were overwhel~ningly approved (3.2 out of 4), while compliance with drug treatment was less recognised as helpful to children (2.3 out of 4).








Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie = Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie = Swiss archives of neurology and psychiatry, vol. 164, no. 1, pp. 26-30

Palavras-Chave #quality of care ; satisfaction ; therapeutic alliance ; child and adolescent outpatient psychiatry

