274 resultados para EDI


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Location systems have become increasingly part of people's lives. For outdoor environments, GPS appears as standard technology, widely disseminated and used. However, people usually spend most of their daily time in indoor environments, such as: hospitals, universities, factories, buildings, etc. In these environments, GPS does not work properly causing an inaccurate positioning. Currently, to perform the location of people or objects in indoor environments no single technology could reproduce for indoors the same result achieved by GPS for outdoors environments. Due to this, it is necessary to consider use of information from multiple sources using diferent technologies. Thus, this work aims to build an Adaptable Platform for Indoor location. Based on this goal, the IndoLoR platform is proposed. This platform aims to allow information reception from diferent sources, data processing, data fusion, data storage and data retrieval for the indoor location context.


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Location systems have become increasingly part of people's lives. For outdoor environments, GPS appears as standard technology, widely disseminated and used. However, people usually spend most of their daily time in indoor environments, such as: hospitals, universities, factories, buildings, etc. In these environments, GPS does not work properly causing an inaccurate positioning. Currently, to perform the location of people or objects in indoor environments no single technology could reproduce for indoors the same result achieved by GPS for outdoors environments. Due to this, it is necessary to consider use of information from multiple sources using diferent technologies. Thus, this work aims to build an Adaptable Platform for Indoor location. Based on this goal, the IndoLoR platform is proposed. This platform aims to allow information reception from diferent sources, data processing, data fusion, data storage and data retrieval for the indoor location context.


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Deep societal trends impact the religious fervency and participation of millennials in the Black Church. Many young adults, though remaining Christian, have fallen away from their faith communities, finding them irrelevant for their daily lives. Even the most religiously committed have shown signs of waning faith, as evidenced by limited participation, and theological and ideological dissonance with the Black Church. Historically strong across all indicators, the Black Church is ideally positioned to stave off the attrition of youth and young adults, having a missional mindset toward this cohort—prioritizing them in their ministry development and programming. African American congregational leaders must develop disciples who have cohesive identities, live integrated lives, and experience an infusion of their personal vocation and the mission of the Church. Thus the future of the Black Church depends on the development of millennials who have an integrated faith life, which is distinguishable by its practices, disciplines, and virtues that are nurtured by an understanding of the Church’s mission and their role in it. Key will be establishing mentoring relationships that allow for questioning, exploration and discovery. To enact the changes necessary the church must understand the cultural worlds of young adults and engage them in holistic ministry that is reflective of the mission of God through Christ (missio dei)—activity that culminates with reaching the world with God’s redemptive plan for humanity.


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This dissertation includes two studies. Study 1 is a qualitative case study that describes enactment of the main components of a high fidelity Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten (FDELK) classroom, specifically play-based learning and teacher-ECE collaboration. Study 2 is a quantitative analysis that investigates how effectively the FDELK program promotes school readiness skills, namely self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy, in Kindergarteners. To describe the main components of an FDELK classroom in Study 1, a sub-sample of four high fidelity case study schools were selected from a larger case study sample. Interview data from these schools’ administrators, educators, parents, and community stakeholders were used to describe how the main components of the FDELK program enabled educators to meet the individual needs of students and promote students’ SR development. In Study 2, hierarchical regression analyses of 32,207 students’ self-regulation, literacy, and numeracy outcomes using 2012 Ontario Early Development Instrument (EDI) data revealed essentially no benefit for students participating in the FDELK program when compared to peers in Half-Day or Alternate-Day Kindergarten programs. Being older and female predicted more positive SR and literacy outcomes. Age and gender accounted for limited variance in numeracy outcomes. Results from both studies suggest that the Ontario Ministry of Education should take steps to improve the quality of the FDELK program by incorporating evidence-based guidelines and goals for play, reducing Kindergarten class sizes to more effectively scaffold learning, and revising curriculum expectations to include a greater focus on SR, literacy, and numeracy skills.


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El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en comparar las funciones pragmáticas de una estructura intensificadora en español peninsular formada con la partícula venga (venga a + infinitivo) con estructuras intensificadoras en inglés. Para ello, analizamos los factores sintácticos, semánticos y pragmáticos que el traductor tiene en cuenta a la hora de usar esta estructura en la traducción al español. El corpus lo componen fragmentos de obras literarias extraídas en Google Books. Los resultados demuestran que con esta construcción se consigue transferir al español no sólo efectos semánticos (iteración), sino también pragmáticos, como la evaluación del hablante (desacuerdo, sorpresa, etc.).


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As Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar apresentam-se como um problema de saúde proeminente e, como tal, devem ser entendidas como multidimensionais e complexas, que interagem com factores biológicos, psicológicos e sócio-culturais e, que podem ocorrer devido a comportamentos alimentares de carácter patológico e com consequências sérias na qualidade de vida presente e futura. Este trabalho de investigação teve como principal objectivo avaliar a prevalência das Doenças do Comportamento Alimentar numa população não clínica de estudantes, assim como caracterizar o perfil socio-demográfico e familiar dos estudantes e, determinar a relação entre a sintomatologia associada a perturbações do comportamento alimentar e o sexo, idade, IMC, tipo de família, vinculação aos pais e ano de escolaridade dos adolescentes. No intuito de concretizar os objectivos, realizámos um estudo não experimental, transversal e correlacional. A amostra foi constituída por 326 estudantes do 3º Ciclo e do Ensino Secundário da zona centro de Portugal. Foram aplicados um questionário anónimo composto por dados socio-demográficos, antropométricos e clínicos, o Eating Disorder Inventory 2 (EDI 2) e o Questionário de Vinculação ao Pai e à Mãe (QVPM). De acordo com os critérios presentes no DSM-IV-TR não encontramos qualquer caso de Bulimia Nervosa em ambos os sexos. Nas raparigas, constatamos 1,5% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Restritivo, 0% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Purgativa, 17,3% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa Restritiva Parcial e 6,1% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa Purgativa Parcial. Quanto aos rapazes, relatam-se 0,8% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Restritivo, 0% de casos prováveis de Anorexia Nervosa tipo Purgativa, 5,2% de situações parciais de Anorexia Nervosa Restritiva e 1,8% de situações parciais de Anorexia Nervosa Purgativa. Foram observadas também, correlações entre a sintomatologia associada a perturbações do comportamento alimentar consoante o sexo, idade, IMC, tipo de família, vinculação aos pais e ano de escolaridade dos inquiridos. Concluímos que todo o sistema familiar e escolar, especialmente pais e professores, devem estar alerta para os sinais manifestados pelos adolescentes no sentido de dar à prevenção um papel fulcral.


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Introducción: En el presente trabajo se analiza la serie de ficción de TVE El Ministerio del Tiempo con el objetivo de determinar si el mayor conocimiento de la serie de ficción, el uso de las redes sociales y los recursos multimedia modifican la percepción del espectador. Metodología: Se procedió a realizar un trabajo de campo compuesto por 124 observadores a los que se les ha aplicado la escala EDI (Escala de identificación con los personajes). Resultados: Se concluye que un mayor conocimiento de la serie y el uso de las propuestas transmedia produce una mayor identificación con los personajes de ficción, aunque solo en los ítems que definen una mayor carga emocional o sentimental. Discusión: Lo anterior evidencia sin embargo, que no es aplicable a la evaluación cognitiva de aquellos espectadores más fieles a la serie. Conclusiones: Con los resultados obtenidos es posible afirmar que los contenidos transmedia se suceden en la percepción de los observadores desde lo racional a lo emocional. El conocimiento previo de la serie y el uso de las propuestas transmedia alarga la relación con lo visionado más allá del disfrute ocasional.


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Part 21: Mobility and Logistics


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Didáticas do Alentejo constitui uma viagem pelo, rico e diverso, universo educacional do Alentejo, onde coexistem o rigor científico e as criatividade e inovação das instituições de ensino superior, os ambientes formais das escolas, os contextos não formais das instituições da sociedade civil e das famílias e as circunstâncias informais das ruas e dos largos. Em todos aqueles espaços e tempos vitais, os alentejanos aprendem e ali se edificam, como pessoas, profissionais e cidadãos, tornando-se autores das suas vidas individuais e do nosso destino coletivo.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the interactions between low parental warmth and monitoring at age 13-14 years and disordered eating attitudes and behaviours at age 15-16 years. METHOD: Data on 1300 (667 females) adolescents and their parents were drawn from The Australian Temperament Project (ATP), a 30 year (15 wave) population based longitudinal study of social-emotional development. Parent participants completed surveys on parenting practices in late childhood, and adolescent participants reported disordered eating using the drive for thinness and bulimia subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) and an additional body dissatisfaction scale. Interaction was examined on the additive scale by estimating super-additive risk; i.e., risk in excess of the sum of individual risks. RESULTS: For boys, neither parental warmth or monitoring, nor their interaction, was related to disordered eating. For girls, low parental warmth (alone) was associated with bulimic behaviours. In contrast, exposure to both low monitoring and warmth was associated with ∼3½-fold, ∼4-fold and ∼5-fold increases in the odds of reporting body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness and bulimia, respectively. For body dissatisfaction and drive for thinness, risk associated with joint exposure exceeded the sum of individual risks, suggesting an additive interaction between parenting styles. CONCLUSION: Further investment in family-level interventions that focus on promoting parental monitoring behaviour and a warm parent-child relationship remain important strategies for preventing a range of disordered eating behaviours in adolescents.


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the principal determinants of women's employment in the manufacturing sector of Bangladesh using a firm-level panel data from the World Bank's "Enterprise Survey" for the years 2007, 2011 and 2013. The paper sheds light on the demandside factors, mainly firm-level characteristics, which also influence this decision. Design/methodology/approach - The authors estimate a fractional logit model to model a dependent variable that is limited by zero from below and one from above. Findings - The results indicate that firm size, whether medium or large, and firms' export-oriented activities, have an important impact on women's employment in the manufacturing sector in Bangladesh. Moreover, the authors find that women are significantly more likely to work in unskilledlabour- intensive industries within the manufacturing sector. Research limitations/implications - The research is limited to Bangladesh; however, much of the evidence presented here has implications that are relevant to policymakers in other developing countries. Practical implications - The study identifies factors that affect female employment, that is, where the main constraints to increase female labour force participation. The study focuses on the demand-side factors, which has been somewhat neglected in recent years. As such, it has practical policy implications. Social implications - Focusing on female employment in Bangladesh also sheds light on the nexus between labour market opportunities and social change within a country that is characterised by extreme patriarchy, which has wide-reaching implications. Originality/value - This is an original and comprehensive paper by the authors.


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•Objetivos: Se tradujo, adaptó y evaluaron las propiedades clinimétricas de la escala POSAS en pacientes con cicatrices hipertróficas (CHT) y queloides (CQ) cómo secuelas de quemadura, que fueron manejados con Z plastias en la Fundación del Quemado en Bogotá (Colombia), entre Junio de 2015 a Abril de 2016. •Métodos: Estudio de evaluación de las propiedades clinimétricas de una escala. Se hizo una traducción y adaptación transcultural siguiendo el método de traducción-retrotraducción. Se aplicó el instrumento adaptado a cincuenta y dos pacientes (n=52) antes y después de la intervención quirúrgica. Se evaluó la validez, confiabilidad, sensibilidad al cambio y la utilidad de la escala. •Resultados: Se hallaron diferencias significativas en los puntajes obtenidos del Observador y del Paciente, antes y después de la intervención quirúrgica (p<0.000); a excepción de prurito. La escala POSAS demostró ser altamente confiable para la Escala del Observador y del Paciente (α = 0.912 y 0.765). Hubo alta correlación en las evaluaciones de dos observadores para las variables ordinales de la Escala del Observador (r>0.6). La concordancia entre las evaluaciones de dos observadores para las variables categóricas de la Escala del Paciente fue buena para la evaluación antes de la intervención para pigmentación y relieve (κ>0.61). Se demostró que el instrumento es capaz de detectar cambios clínicos en el tiempo (p<0.0000), a excepción de prurito (p= 0.271). •Conclusiones: La escala POSAS demostró ser un instrumento válido, confiable y útil para evaluar la calidad de la cicatriz en pacientes con CHT y CQ cómo secuelas de quemadura.