918 resultados para E. Ray Swan
The effect of Ce3+ on the fluorescence emission from CaS:Ce3+ phosphor is studied using X-ray excitation. Apart from the emission in the visible region, the phosphor also shows fluorescence emission in the ultraviolet region. Variation in wavelengths and intensities of these emissions due to change in dopant concentration is also analysed.
Thermal analysis, powder diffraction, and Raman scattering as a function of the temperature were carried out on K2BeF4. Moreover, the crystal structure was determined at 293 K from powder diffraction. The compound shows a transition from Pna21 to Pnam space group at 921 K with a transition enthalpy of 5 kJ/mol. The transition is assumed to be first order because the compound shows metastability. Structurally and spectroscopically the transition is similar to those observed in (NH4)2SO4, which suggests that the low-temperature phase is ferroelectric. In order to confirm it, the spontaneous polarization has been computed using an ionic model.
Developments in laser technology over the past few years have made it possible to do experiments with focused intensities of IO"-102' Wcm'z. Short-pulse high-intensity lasers are able to accelerate protons and heavier ions to multi-MeV energies during their interaction with solid targets, gas jets and clusters. When such a laser radiation is focused at the intensity above 10” Wcm'2, local electric field strength will be almost equivalent to that within an atom. Hence, new nonlinear optical phenomena will be expected in the field of light matter interaction. Most of the research in the material interaction using high power lasers, especially related to plasma interaction, has been directed to the short pulse x-ray generation- Nanosecond laser interactions with solid targets also generate plasmas which emit radiation mainly in the optical region, the understanding of which is far from satisfactory. This thesis deals with a detailed study of some of the dynamical processes in plasmas generated by nanosecond and femtosecond lasers
Rays, belonging to the class Elasmobranchii, constitute a major fishery in many states in India like Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Maharashtra. The estimated landings are 21,700 tonnes per annum. Even though the meat of rays is nutritious and free from bones and spines, there is little demand for fresh meat due to the presence of a high urea content. The landings are mainly used for salt curing which fetches only very low prices for the producers. Urea nitrogen constituted the major component (50.8%) of the non-protein nitrogen of the meat. An attempt has been made to standat-dize the processing steps to reduce the urea levels in the meat before freezing by using different simple techniques like dipping the fillets in stagnant chilled water, dipping in chilled running water and dipping in stirred chilled running water. It was found that meat dipped in stirred running water for two hours reduced the urea level of the meat by 62%. The yield of the lateral fin fillets and caudal fin fillets vary with the size of the ray. The drip loss during frozen storage is found to be more in the case of samples frozen stored after the treatment for urea removal by the method of stirring in running water. The samples treated in stagnant chilled water had the lowest drip loss. The total nitrogen was higher in samples treated in stagnant chilled water and lowest in the samples treated in stirred running water. The overall acceptability was high in the case of samples treated with stirred running water and frozen stored
Th(BrO3)3·H2O single crystals were grown from its aqueous solution at room temperature. Single crystal XRD, Raman and FTIR techniques were used to investigate the crystal structure. The crystal structure was solved by Patterson method. The as grown crystals are in monoclinic system with space group P21/c. The unit cell parameters are a = 12.8555(18) Å, b = 7.8970(11) Å, c = 9.0716(10) Å, = 90°, = 131.568° and = 90° and unit cell volume is 689.1(2) Å3. Z = 8, R factor is 5.9. The Raman and FTIR studies indicate the lowering of symmetry of bromate anion from C3V to C1. Hydrogen bonds with varying strengths are present in the crystal. The centrosymmetric space group P21/c of the crystal is confirmed by the non-coincidence of majority of Raman and IR bands
A microscopic theory is presented for the photoacoustic effect induced in solids by x-ray absorption. The photoacoustic effect results from the thermalization of the excited Auger electrons and photoelectrons. We explain the dependence of the photoacoustic signal S on photon energy and the proportionality to the x-ray absorption coefficient in agreement with recent experiments on Cu. Results are presented for the dependence of S on photon energy, sample thickness, and the electronic structure of the absorbing solid.
We discuss the possibility of identifying superheavy elements from the observation of their M-shell x-ray spectra, which might occur during the collision of a superheavy element with a heavy target. The same question is discussed for the possible observation of the x-rays from the quasimolecule (quasi-superheavy element) which is formed during such a heavy-ion collision. It is shown that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine any information about the interesting quantum electrodynamical effects from the M-shell x-ray spectra of these quasimolecules.
In the collision system Xe - Ag, the thresholds for excitation of quasimolecular L radiation and characteristic Ag L radiation have been found to lie at about 5 MeV and 1 MeV, respectively. These results are discussed on the basis of ab initio calculations of the screened interaction potential and the electron-correlation diagram.
Energies of muonic X-rays of the K-series of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen have been measured with an accuracy of about 15 eV. Root mean square radii of the nuclear charge distributions were deduced. The results 2.49±0.05 fm for carbon, 2.55 ±0.03 fm for nitrogen and 2.71 ±0.02 fm for oxygen are in good agreement at comparable accuracy with recent electron scattering data.
The registration of pre-operative volumetric datasets to intra- operative two-dimensional images provides an improved way of verifying patient position and medical instrument loca- tion. In applications from orthopedics to neurosurgery, it has a great value in maintaining up-to-date information about changes due to intervention. We propose a mutual information- based registration algorithm to establish the proper align- ment. For optimization purposes, we compare the perfor- mance of the non-gradient Powell method and two slightly di erent versions of a stochastic gradient ascent strategy: one using a sparsely sampled histogramming approach and the other Parzen windowing to carry out probability density approximation. Our main contribution lies in adopting the stochastic ap- proximation scheme successfully applied in 3D-3D registra- tion problems to the 2D-3D scenario, which obviates the need for the generation of full DRRs at each iteration of pose op- timization. This facilitates a considerable savings in compu- tation expense. We also introduce a new probability density estimator for image intensities via sparse histogramming, de- rive gradient estimates for the density measures required by the maximization procedure and introduce the framework for a multiresolution strategy to the problem. Registration results are presented on uoroscopy and CT datasets of a plastic pelvis and a real skull, and on a high-resolution CT- derived simulated dataset of a real skull, a plastic skull, a plastic pelvis and a plastic lumbar spine segment.
Background: Isometric grip strength, evaluated with a handgrip dynamometer, is a marker of current nutritional status and cardiometabolic risk and future morbidity and mortality. We present reference values for handgrip strength in healthy young Colombian adults (aged 18 to 29 years). Methods: The sample comprised 5.647 (2.330 men and 3.317 women) apparently healthy young university students (mean age, 20.6±2.7 years) attending public and private institutions in the cities of Bogota and Cali (Colombia). Handgrip strength was measured two times with a TKK analogue dynamometer in both hands and the highest value used in the analysis. Sex- and age-specific normative values for handgrip strength were calculated using the LMS method and expressed as tabulated percentiles from 3 to 97 and as smoothed centile curves (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 and P97). Results: Mean values for right and left handgrip strength were 38.1±8.9 and 35.9±8.6 kg for men, and 25.1±8.7 and 23.3±8.2 kg for women, respectively. Handgrip strength increased with age in both sexes and was significantly higher in men in all age categories. The results were generally more homogeneous amongst men than women. Conclusions: Sex- and age-specific handgrip strength normative values among healthy young Colombian adults are defined. This information may be helpful in future studies of secular trends in handgrip strength and to identify clinically relevant cut points for poor nutritional and elevated cardiometabolic risk in a Latin American population. Evidence of decline in handgrip strength before the end of the third decade is of concern and warrants further investigation