794 resultados para Durant Motors, Inc.


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Academics across the country are having an allergic reaction to the corporate model of operation being adopted by many universities. Terms like branding, collateral materials, budget controls, marketing strategies, and outcomes are causing a panic among faculty who believe that a customer satisfaction approach to higher education is anti-intellectual and that it leads to grade inflation, teaching toward evaluations, and learning as product, not process. Honors programs in particular, often the standard bearers of undergraduate academic standards, are being asked to market themselves not only to the top prospective students, but also to the university administration at large. Honors is frequently the default focus group expected to show the rest of the university programs and departments ‘How it is done,’ or rather, ‘How it is done according to standard.’ By ‘it,’ of course, I mean marketing our curriculum, selling our program, and branding our product.


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It’s a pleasure to be able to speak with you today. I want you to know that Virginia and I are delighted to be in Nebraska. And I’m especially happy to have arrived in the state at a time where I can, on my 7th day on the job, learn so much about UNL just by reading the state’s largest newspaper.


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Good morning! On behalf of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources representatives here this morning, I want to express our very real pleasure in being with you, and our very great appreciation of all that you do. We in the Institute value the Agriculture Builders of Nebraska highly. Your support for our work and the wise counsel of ABN members has been invaluable to me personally since my arrival in Nebraska, and I know that is true of the entire Institute, as well. In fact, the thoughtful perspective and the confidential advice of the ABN Executive Committee in the recent third-round of budget cutting decisions we faced in the Institute helped me work through what we had to do in that very, very difficult round of cuts.


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There’s a story that a construction foreman one day noticed one of his workers pushing his wheelbarrow upside down around the work site. “Hey,” the foreman shouted, “turn that thing right side up!” The man with the wheelbarrow looked at him in surprise. “Don’t be silly,” he said. “Every time I do that, they put bricks in it!” I think of that story sometimes, in the midst of these difficult economic times, as our states, its people, and its university, in turn, wrestle with budge cuts. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could just turn our wheelbarrows over and say, “No thanks, no more brick! No more heavy loads to haul!”


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What a pleasure it is to be with you here this morning! And How startling it is to realize a whole year has passed since we last gathered at this meeting. So much has occurred in that year.


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Those of us in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at your land-grant university view ourselves as partners with Nebraska. Taking the resources of this great university to the citizens of our state is a mission we take very, very seriously. We work hard to apply the university's resources in a diverse number of ways to benefit Nebraska. Today it is my very great pleasure to have this opportunity to provide a brief report to you, our partners, on some of the ways we are returning your investment in us to benefit our state.


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It's such a pleasure to be here with you this morning. Each year I look forward to this opportunity to visit with you, to hear your thoughts, to thank you for all you do for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and for the University of Nebraska. We truly appreciate your support and your hard work on our behalf. I think Nebraska is extremely fortunate to have ABN at work in our state.


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Let me start today by saying thank you. Thank you, each of you, for your strong support of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the University of Nebraska.


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Good morning! There's a lot of information I want to share with you in a short amount of time, so I'm going to get right to it.


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This work proposes the development of an Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) estimator applied to speed control in a three-phase induction motor sensorless drive. Usually, ANFIS is used to replace the traditional PI controller in induction motor drives. The evaluation of the estimation capability of the ANFIS in a sensorless drive is one of the contributions of this work. The ANFIS speed estimator is validated in a magnetizing flux oriented control scheme, consisting in one more contribution. As an open-loop estimator, it is applied to moderate performance drives and it is not the proposal of this work to solve the low and zero speed estimation problems. Simulations to evaluate the performance of the estimator considering the vector drive system were done from the Matlab/Simulink(R) software. To determine the benefits of the proposed model, a practical system was implemented using a voltage source inverter (VSI) to drive the motor and the vector control including the ANFIS estimator, which is carried out by the Real Time Toolbox from Matlab/Simulink(R) software and a data acquisition card from National Instruments.


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In this thesis, the industrial application of control a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in a sensorless configuration has been faced, and in particular the task of estimating the unknown “parameters” necessary for the application of standard motor control algorithms. In literature several techniques have been proposed to cope with this task, among them the technique based on model-based nonlinear observer has been followed. The hypothesis of neglecting the mechanical dynamics from the motor model has been applied due to practical and physical considerations, therefore only the electromagnetic dynamics has been used for the observers design. First observer proposed is based on stator currents and Stator Flux dynamics described in a generic rotating reference frame. Stator flux dynamics are known apart their initial conditions which are estimated, with speed that is also unknown, through the use of the Adaptive Theory. The second observer proposed is based on stator currents and Rotor Flux dynamics described in a self-aligning reference frame. Rotor flux dynamics are described in the stationary reference frame exploiting polar coordinates instead of classical Cartesian coordinates, by means the estimation of amplitude and speed of the rotor flux. The stability proof is derived in a Singular Perturbation Framework, which allows for the use the current estimation errors as a measure of rotor flux estimation errors. The stability properties has been derived using a specific theory for systems with time scale separation, which guarantees a semi-global practical stability. For the two observer ideal simulations and real simulations have been performed to prove the effectiveness of the observers proposed, real simulations on which the effects of the Inverter nonlinearities have been introduced, showing the already known problems of the model-based observers for low speed applications.


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Questo studio concerne uno studio di fattibilità per l'applicazione dei "positive displacement motors" in ambienti ambienti fortemente critici, soggetti ad alta pressione e alta temperatura. Tali motori sono utilizzati nell'industria Oil & Gas per la perforazione di pozzi petroliferi. L’analisi è stata portata a termine attraverso definizione dell’intervallo di temperatura per cui le performance degli strumenti in commercio presenta il maggior numero di failures, compreso tra i 175°C e i 225°C , e per il quale si vuole riuscire a limitare i rischi connessi e le criticità associate, garantendo così il raggiungimento dei target con un maggior grado di affidabilità e disponibilità del PDM utilizzato. Analizzando le sollecitazioni agenti sul motore durante le fasi di utilizzo, è stato possibile rilevare le principali cause di rottura e malfunzionamento che, nella maggior parte dei casi, possono essere attribuite al rigonfiamento e alla degradazione del materiale elastomerico che costituisce lo statore della power section. Investigando in merito alle differenze e alle proprietà di resistenza di numerosi materiali elastomerici a diversi range di temperatura, sono stati evidenziati dei margini di ottimizzazione in particolare relativi alla potenziale riduzione e totale sostituzione della superficie elastomerica con materiale metallico. Ciò ha fatto si che fosse necessario un approfondimento sulle caratteristiche degli acciai e delle leghe metalliche, in termini di resistenza a corrosione, costo del materiale, resistenza meccanica e della capacità di mantenere elevate proprietà meccaniche con l’aumento della temperatura, al fine di individuare i migliori “candidati” per sostituire interamente il materiale elastomerico dello statore in materiale metallico e risolvere così il problema dell’applicazione dei PDM in ambienti HT-HP.


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Tesi rivolta allo studio del comportamento di Google Inc. nel campo delle lobby, in America ed in Europa: quanto investe nell'attività di lobbying, quali leggi vuole far approvare, perché è interessata a quel disegno di legge, differenze tra lobby americane ed europee e difficoltà incontrate in Europa.


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Frazier reviews The Great Pictorial History of World Crime by Jay Robert Nash.


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The purpose of this thesis is to identify areas for improvement in the current stakeholder management literature. The current stakeholder management theories were analyzed to determine their benefits and detriments. To determine how these theories work in a corporation, General Motors was selected as a single-case study to determine the patterns of stakeholder management over time. These patterns demonstrated the need for dynamic stakeholder management over time, with an emphasis on collaboration and the necessity of recognizing the greater stakeholder network surrounding the corporation. Proper stakeholder management in the early years of General Motors would have prevented its failure, while the organizational culture as a path-dependent variable made it difficult for General Motors to alter long-standing stakeholder relationships.