993 resultados para De novo peptide sequencing
The inhibitory effect of sucrose on the kinetics of thrombin-catalyzed hydrolysis of the chromogenic substrate S-2238 (D-phenylalanyl-pipecolyl-arginoyl-p-nitroanilide) is re-examined as a possible consequence of thermodynamic non-ideality-an inhibition originally attributed to the increased viscosity of reaction mixtures. However, those published results may also be rationalized in terms of the suppression of a substrate-induced isomerization of thrombin to a slightly more expanded (or more asymmetric) transition state prior to the irreversible kinetic steps that lead to substrate hydrolysis. This reinterpretation of the kinetic results solely in terms of molecular crowding does not signify the lack of an effect of viscosity on any reaction step(s) subject to diffusion control. Instead, it highlights the need for development of analytical procedures that can accommodate the concomitant operation of thermodynamic non-ideality and viscosity effects.
HLA-B*4402 and B*4403 are naturally occurring MHC class I alleles that are both found at a hi,,h frequency in all human populations, and vet they only differ by one residue on the alpha2 helix (B*4402 Aspl56-->B*4403 Leu156) CTLs discriminate between HLA-B*4402 and B*4403, and these allotypes stimulate strong mutual allogeneic responses reflecting their known barrier to hemopoeitic stem cell transplantation. Although HLA-B*4402 and B*4403 share >95% of their peptide repertoire, B*4403 presents more unique peptides than B*4402, consistent with the stronger T cell alloreactivity observed toward B*4403 compared with B*4402. Crystal structures of B*4402 and B*4403 show how the polymorphisin at position 156 is completely buried and yet alters both the peptide and the heavy chain conformation, relaxing ligand selection by B*4403 compared with B*4402. Thus, the polymorphism between HLA-B*4402 and B 4403 modifies both peptide repertoire and T cell recognition, and is reflected lit the paradoxically powerful alloreactivity that occurs across this minimal mismatch. The findings suggest that these closely related class I genes are maintained lit diverse human populations through their differential impact on the selection of peptide ligands and the T cell repertoire.
Published mobility measurements obtained by capillary zone electrophoresis of human growth hormone peptides are described reasonably well by the classical theoretical relationships for electrophoretic migration. This conformity between theory and experiment has rendered possible a more critical assessment of a commonly employed empirical relationship between mobility (u), net charge (z) and molecular mass (M) of peptides in capillary electrophoresis. The assumed linear dependence between u and z/M-2/3 is shown to be an approximate description of a shallow curvilinear dependence convex to the abscissa. An improved procedure for the calculation of peptide charge (valence) is also described. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
BP Refinery (Bulwer Island) Ltd (BP) located on the eastern Australian coast is currently undergoing a major expansion as a part of the Queensland Clean Fuels Project. The associated wastewater treatment plant upgrade will provide a better quality of treated effluent than is currently possible with the existing infrastructure, and which will be of a sufficiently high standard to meet not only the requirements of imposed environmental legislation but also BP's environmental objectives. A number of challenges were faced when considering the upgrade, particularly; cost constraints and limited plot space, highly variable wastewater, toxicity issues, and limited available hydraulic head. Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Technology was chosen for the lagoon upgrade based on the following; SBR technology allowed a retro-fit of the existing earthen lagoon without the need for any additional substantial concrete structures, a dual lagoon system allowed partial treatment of wastewaters during construction, SBRs give substantial process flexibility, SBRs have the ability to easily modify process parameters without any physical modifications, and significant cost benefits. This paper presents the background to this application, an outline of laboratory studies carried out on the wastewater and details the full scale design issues and methods for providing a cost effective, efficient treatment system using the existing lagoon system.
The nitrogen removal capacity of a suspended culture system treating mature landfill leachate was investigated. Leachate containing high ammonium levels of 300-900 mg N/L was nitrified in a bench scale sequencing batch reactor. Leachate from four different landfills was treated over a two year period for the removal of nitrogen. In this time, a highly specific nitrifying culture was attained that delivered exceptionally high rates of ammonia removal. No sludge was wasted from the system to increase the throughput and up to 13 g/L of MLSS was obtained. Settleability of the purely nitrifying biomass was excellent with SVI less than 40 mL/g, even at the high sludge concentrations. Nitrification rates up to 246 mg NI(L h) (5.91 g N/(L d)) and specific nitrification rates of 36 mg N/(gVSS h) (880 mg N/(gVSS d)) were obtained. The loading to the system at this time allowed complete nitrification of the leachate with a hydraulic retention time of only 5 hours. Following these successful treatability studies, a full-scale plant was designed and built at one of the landfills investigated.
Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) via the nitrite pathway and anaerobic-anoxic-enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) are two processes that can significantly reduce the energy and COD demand for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The combination of these two processes has the potential of achieving simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal with a minimal requirement for COD. A lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was operated in alternating anaerobic-aerobic mode with a low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration (0.5 mg/L) during the aerobic period, and was demonstrated to accomplish nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal. Under anaerobic conditions, COD was taken up and converted to poly-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), accompanied by phosphorus release. In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA was oxidized and phosphorus was taken up to
B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels increase in systolic heart failure (HF). However, the value of BNP in hypertensive patients with suspected diastolic HF (symptoms suggestive of HF but normal ejection fraction) and its relation to myocardial function in these patients is unclear. We prospectively studied 72 ambulatory hypertensive subjects (40 women, mean age 58 +/- 8 years) with exertional dyspnea and ejection fraction greater than or equal to50%. Diastolic function was evaluated with transmitral and pulmonary venous Doppler, mitral annular velocities (pulsed-wave tissue Doppler), and flow propagation velocity (color M-mode). Systolic function was assessed with strain and strain rate derived from color tissue Doppler imaging. BNP was related to myocardial function and the presence or absence of global diastolic dysfunction. By conventional Doppler criteria, 34 patients had normal left ventricular diastolic function and 38 had isolated diastolic dysfunction. BNP values were higher in patients with diastolic dysfunction (46 +/- 48 vs 20 +/- 20 pg/ml, p = 0.004) and were related independently to blood pressure, systolic strain rate, left atrial function (p < 0.01 for all), and age (p = 0.015). Patients with diastolic dysfunction and pseudonormal filling had higher BNP levels compared with impaired relaxation (89 +/- 47 vs 35 +/- 42 pg/ml, p = 0.001). However, 79% of patients with diastolic dysfunction had BNP levels within the normal range. We conclude that in ambulatory hypertensive patients with symptoms suggestive of mild HF and normal ejection fraction, BNP is related to atrial and ventricular systolic parameters, blood pressure, and age. Although elevated in the presence of diastolic dysfunction, the BNP level mostly is in the normal range and, therefore, has limited diagnostic value in stable patients with suspected diastolic HF. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.
Recent advances in molecular biology have made it possible to use the trace amounts of DNA in faeces to non-invasively sample endangered species for genetic studies. Here we use faeces as a source of DNA and mtDNA sequence data to elucidate the relationship among Spanish and Moroccan populations of great bustards. 834 bp of combined control region and cytochrome-b mtDNA fragments revealed four variable sites that defined seven closely related haplotypes in 54 individuals. Morocco was fixed for a single mtDNA haplotype that occurs at moderate frequency (28%) in Spain. We could not differentiate among the sampled Spanish populations of Caceres and Andalucia but these combined populations were differentiated from the Moroccan population. Estimates of gene flow (Nm = 0.82) are consistent with extensive observations on the southern Iberian peninsular indicating that few individuals fly across the Strait of Gibraltar. We demonstrate that both this sea barrier and mountain barriers in Spain limit dispersal among adjacent great bustard populations to a similar extent. The Moroccan population is of high ornithological significance as it holds the only population of great bustards in Africa. This population is critically small and genetic and observational data indicate that it is unlikely to be recolonised via immigration from Spain should it be extirpated. In light of the evidence presented here it deserves the maximum level of protection.
O Sistema de Gest??o de Conv??nios e Contratos de Repasse (Siconv) ?? a iniciativa do Governo Federal respons??vel por todo o ciclo de vida dos conv??nios, contratos de repasse e termos de parceria, no qual s??o registrados os atos, desde a formaliza????o da proposta at?? a presta????o de contas final. O Siconv inova no modelo de gest??o, proporciona celeridade aos procedimentos e desburocratiza as atividades fins, com foco na substitui????o do processo f??sico pelo eletr??nico e no registro de todos os procedimentos, o que permite maior transpar??ncia na execu????o das transfer??ncias volunt??rias da Uni??o. Destaca- se ainda que a disponibiliza????o do sistema aos usu??rios e tamb??m para a sociedade por meio do endere??o eletr??nico www.convenios.gov.br deve ser considerada como grande fator de inova????o, uma vez que, mesmo indiretamente, se apresenta como mais uma ferramenta de controle social.
Em 2003, a Radiobr??s inovou seu estilo de gest??o ao propor a forma????o de 17 Grupos de Trabalho sobre assuntos estrat??gicos da empresa, com a participa????o volunt??ria dos empregados. Nesses grupos foram elaborados projetos estruturados como forma de buscar solu????es criativas, inovadoras e econ??micas para os problemas espec??ficos da empresa, introduzindo dessa forma a Gest??o Participativa que evolui para a gest??o pela inclus??o e pela educa????o
Na d??cada de 80, logo depois da eclos??o da crise de endividamento internacional, o tema que prendeu a aten????o de pol??ticos e economistas em todo o mundo foi o ajuste estrutural ou, em termos mais anal??ticos, o ajuste fiscal e as reformas orientadas para o mercado. Nos anos 90, embora o ajuste estrutural permane??a entre os principais objetivos, a ??nfase deslocou-se para a reforma do Estado, particularmente para a reforma administrativa. A quest??o central hoje ?? como reconstruir o Estado ??? como redefinir o novo Estado que est?? surgindo em um mundo globalizado
Esse ensaio procura tra??ar os contornos desse novo Estado, os perfis dos agentes necess??rios ao seu funcionamento e as formas poss??veis para sua capacita????o. Ao final, faz-se uma avalia????o dos processos de mudan??a que come??am a ocorrer nas organiza????es p??blicas brasileiras, em que se evidencia o grande potencial que nelas existe para seu pr??prio desenvolvimento
O Minist??rio do Trabalho e Emprego, por interm??dio de sua Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho, vem desenvolvendo arrojado programa de metas, visando diminuir os altos ??ndices de informalidade na contrata????o de m??o-de-obra. Al??m de ilegal, tal situa????o provoca graves preju??zos aos trabalhadores. Visando superar este contexto no meio rural, a Secretaria de Inspe????o do Trabalho lan??ou o projeto denominado "Condom??nio de Empregadores". O Condom??nio de Empregadores ?? a uni??o de produtores rurais pessoas f??sicas, com a ??nica finalidade de contratar diretamente empregados rurais, sendo outorgados a um dos produtores poderes para contratar e gerir a m??o-de-obra em suas propriedades. Iniciado em julho de 1999, o projeto consiste na capacita????o dos auditores fiscais, no estabelecimento de parcerias com institui????es governamentais e n??o governamentais e na implanta????o desse novo modelo de contrata????o em ??mbito nacional. Com o apoio do Minist??rio P??blico do Trabalho, do Instituto Nacional de Seguridade Social e de entidades representativas dos trabalhadores e segmento patronal, j?? foram implantados condom??nios no Paran??, Minas Gerais e S??o Paulo. Espera-se at?? o final do ano a cria????o de condom??nios em quase todo o territ??rio nacional, com a regulariza????o de dezenas de milhares de v??nculos laborais
Depois da grande crise dos anos 80 o momento ?? de reconstru????o do Estado na Am??rica Latina. Na verdade, em todo o mundo, porque em maior ou menor grau a crise foi universal. E para isto ?? preciso pensar qual ser?? a natureza do capitalismo e do Estado, da sociedade civil e da sociedade pol??tica, no s??culo 21 que se avizinha. No s??culo 19 tivemos um capitalismo competitivo e um Estado liberal, no s??culo 20, um capitalismo monopolista e, em diversas medidas, um Estado social- burocr??tico
As atividades de promo????o comercial s??o parte das atribui????es do Minist??rio das Rela????es Exteriores (MRE) desde 1961, e t??m como objetivo principal estimular as exporta????es brasileiras e a capta????o de investimentos estrangeiros diretos. Hoje, diante de um quadro internacional de crescente competi????o econ??mica e comercial, as atividades de promo????o comercial passam a ser fundamentais para todo projeto de desenvolvimento econ??mico. Em 1997, o Departamento de Promo????o Comercial (DPR) do MRE passou por grande reestrutura????o, ao ser adotado um novo modelo de gest??o com os objetivos principais de: i) redefinir a "miss??o" do DPR; ii) racionalizar a utiliza????o dos recursos da dota????o "promo????o comercial", de modo a direcion??-los para atividades priorit??rias definidas em fun????o das novas demandas de servi??os; e iii) ampliar e diversificar o universo de exportadores no Pa??s (hoje ainda muito concentrado em empresas de grande porte), visando a uma inser????o cada vez mais competitiva do Brasil no sistema econ??mico internacional. No contexto desta reestrutura????o, e da disponibilidade de novos meios eletr??nicos para a transmiss??o de informa????es comerciais, foi desenvolvido um sistema voltado para a facilita????o de contatos, via INTERNET, entre exportadores brasileiros e importadores estrangeiros, bem como entre investidores estrangeiros e empresas brasileiras que pretendam captar recursos do exterior para a realiza????o de investimentos. Este sistema, a BrazilTradeNet (Rede Brasileira de Promo????o Comercial), proporciona a empresas, entidades de classe, "Trade Points" e outras institui????es acesso f??cil a oportunidades comerciais e de investimento, bem como a possibilidade de divulgar, junto ao empresariado estrangeiro, ofertas de exporta????o e demandas de investimento. Oferece igualmente a usu??rios no Brasil acesso a resultados de estudos e pesquisas de mercado realizados pelo MRE em 48 pa??ses