297 resultados para Cornezuelo de centeno
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Incluye: "Historia zoographica de la enfermedad epidemica, que padecieron los perros en esta ciudad de Sevilla, el año de 1764", con port. y pag. propia.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Criticism of Pérez Galdós' novelas, Doña Perfecta -- Gloria -- Marianela -- La familia de Léon Roch -- La fontana de oro -- El doctor Centeno -- Fortunata y Jacinta -- Angel Guerra -- El amigo manso -- Tristana, etc.
AIM: To establish a simple method to quantify muscle/fat constituents in cervical muscles of asymptomatic women using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and to determine whether there is an age effect within a defined age range. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI of the upper cervical spine was performed for 42 asymptomatic women aged 18-45 years. The muscle and fat signal intensities on axial spin echo T1-weighted images were quantitatively classified by taking a ratio of the pixel intensity profiles of muscle against those of intermuscular fat for the rectus capitis posterior major and minor and inferior obliquus capitis muscles bilaterally. Inter- and intra-examiner agreement was scrutinized. RESULTS: The average relative values of fat within the upper cervical musculature compared with intermuscular fat indicated that there were only slight variations in indices between the three sets of muscles. There was no significant correlation between age and fat indices. There were significant differences for the relative fat within the muscle compared with intermuscular fat and body mass index for the right rectus capitis posterior major and right and left inferior obliquus capitis muscles (p = 0.032). Intraclass correlation coefficients for intraobserver agreement ranged from 0.94 to 0.98. Inter-rater agreement of the measurements ranged from 0.75 to 0.97. CONCLUSION: A quantitative measure of muscle/fat constituents has been developed, and results of this study indicate that relative fatty infiltration is not a feature of age in the upper cervical extensor muscles of women aged 18-45 years. (C) 2005 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The increasing emphasis on mass customization, shortened product lifecycles, synchronized supply chains, when coupled with advances in information system, is driving most firms towards make-to-order (MTO) operations. Increasing global competition, lower profit margins, and higher customer expectations force the MTO firms to plan its capacity by managing the effective demand. The goal of this research was to maximize the operational profits of a make-to-order operation by selectively accepting incoming customer orders and simultaneously allocating capacity for them at the sales stage. For integrating the two decisions, a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) was formulated which can aid an operations manager in an MTO environment to select a set of potential customer orders such that all the selected orders are fulfilled by their deadline. The proposed model combines order acceptance/rejection decision with detailed scheduling. Experiments with the formulation indicate that for larger problem sizes, the computational time required to determine an optimal solution is prohibitive. This formulation inherits a block diagonal structure, and can be decomposed into one or more sub-problems (i.e. one sub-problem for each customer order) and a master problem by applying Dantzig-Wolfe’s decomposition principles. To efficiently solve the original MILP, an exact Branch-and-Price algorithm was successfully developed. Various approximation algorithms were developed to further improve the runtime. Experiments conducted unequivocally show the efficiency of these algorithms compared to a commercial optimization solver. The existing literature addresses the static order acceptance problem for a single machine environment having regular capacity with an objective to maximize profits and a penalty for tardiness. This dissertation has solved the order acceptance and capacity planning problem for a job shop environment with multiple resources. Both regular and overtime resources is considered. The Branch-and-Price algorithms developed in this dissertation are faster and can be incorporated in a decision support system which can be used on a daily basis to help make intelligent decisions in a MTO operation.
Objective: To determine the psychometric properties of two scales designed to examine attitudes regarding palliative care: Comfort Scale in Palliative Care (CSPC, Pereira et al.) and Tanatophobia Scale (TS, Merrill et al.)Method: Seventy-seven students who completed an online course on psychosocial aspects of palliative care offered by the Latin American Association of Palliative Care participated in the study. They also completed the scales before and after the course. Construct validity and reliability of the CSPC and the TS were assessed using a Principal Components Analysis, internal reliability coefficient and test-retest reliability. Further, comparative statistics between the pre-course and post-course results were obtained in order to determine changes in attitudes.Results: The Principal Components Analysis showed satisfactory fit to the data. 3 components were extracted: two for the CSPC and one for the TS, which explained 55.37% of the variance. Internal consistency coefficients were satisfactory in all cases and Cronbach´s Alphas were satisfactory for all the scales, particularly for the CSPC. Test-retest reliability in t1 and t2 was found to be non significant, indicating that measures were not related in time. Regarding pre-course/post-course comparisons, significant changes in comfort assisting patients (p = 0.004) and comfort assisting families (p = 0.001) following the course were identified, but changes in thanatophobia were non significant (p > 0.05).Conclusions: both scales are valid and reliable. Attitudes regarding the practice of palliative care and how they change, particularly regarding psychosocial issues, can be accurately measured using the examined scales.
Fabricating stable functional devices at the atomic scale is an ultimate goal of nanotechnology. In biological processes, such high-precision operations are accomplished by enzymes. A counterpart molecular catalyst that binds to a solid-state substrate would be highly desirable. Here, we report the direct observation of single Si adatoms catalyzing the dissociation of carbon atoms from graphene in an aberration-corrected high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM). The single Si atom provides a catalytic wedge for energetic electrons to chisel off the graphene lattice, atom by atom, while the Si atom itself is not consumed. The products of the chiseling process are atomic-scale features including graphene pores and clean edges. Our experimental observations and first-principles calculations demonstrated the dynamics, stability, and selectivity of such a single-atom chisel, which opens up the possibility of fabricating certain stable molecular devices by precise modification of materials at the atomic scale.
Para cambiar de manera sustancial las políticas vinculadas a la diversidad funcional es necesario visibilizar esa realidad, problematizarla, desnaturalizarla y politizarla. Resulta imprescindible romper el círculo vicioso dependencia-infantilización: si son “naturalmente” dependientes son como niñxs, y viceversa, si les vemos como niñxs es natural que sean dependientes. El artículo recoge tres experiencias que apuntan hacia el cambio de paradigma: Yes, we fuck!, un documental sobre sexualidad y diversidad funcional, Assex, un grupo de autogestión de asistencia sexual, y Nexos, un corto de post-porno queer-crip.
Este artículo estudia los elementos clásicos presentes en la poesía de Juan Antonio González Iglesias, poeta y latinista salmantino, en sus poemarios publicados hasta el año 2007. Se estudiará la forma tan peculiar que toma la literatura grecolatina en nuestro poeta, ya que en la posmodernidad la herencia clásica se ve abocada a adoptar nuevas formas, estableciendo así un diálogo con la Antigüedad, de la que se recrean selectivamente algunos elementos. Además, podremos comprobar cómo los elementos clásicos conviven con otros, antiguos y modernos, que se mencionarán cuando se unan a los clásicos.
Las prácticas agroecológicas en plantaciones de café ( Coffea arábica L.), son necesarias para el mantenimiento y aumento de la fertilidad de los suelos y el manejo sostenible de las plantaciones. Este estudio se realizó de junio de 2009 a enero de 2010 en el Jardín Botánico y en el Centro Experimental Campos Azules, en Masatepe, Nicaragua. El propósito fue evaluar dos prácticas agroecológicas y un manejo convencional en el cultivo de café y su influencia en la fertilidad física, química y biológica del suelo. Se utilizó un arreglo unifactorial en diseño bloques completo al azar (BCA) con tres repeticiones. Las variables fueron densidad aparente, porosidad, retención de agua, materia orgánica, nitrógeno total, carbono orgánico, pH, capacidad de intercambio catiónico y cuantificación de bacterias y hongos. No existen diferencias entre los componentes de la fertilidad física y química del suelo, sin embargo, los sistemas con prácticas agroecológicas registran mayor porosidad y retención de humedad, y menor densidad aparente; así como valores más altos de materia orgánica, capacidad de intercambio catiónico, carbono orgánico, nitrógeno total y pH. No se registra diferencia en las poblaciones de bacterias, pero sí de hongos en el período lluvioso. El rendimiento acumulado de café no difiere pero existe una tendencia en los sistemas agroecológicos al aumento. Los resultados sugieren que la implementación de prácticas agroecológicas contribuye de manera sustancial con la fertilidad global del suelo.