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Der Erfolg einer Schizophrenie-Behandlung ist zum größten Teil abhängig vom Ansprechen des Patienten auf seine antipsychotische Medikation. Welches Medikament und welche Dosis bei einem individuellen Patienten wirksam sind, kann derzeit erst nach mehrwöchiger Behandlung beurteilt werden. Ein Grund für variierendes Therapieansprechen sind variable Plasmakonzentrationen der Antipsychotika. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, in wieweit der Therapieerfolg zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt der Behandlung durch objektive Symptomerfassung vorhersagbar ist und welche Faktoren die hohe Variabilität der Antipsychotikaspiegel im Blut beeinflussen. rnEine 18-monatige naturalistische klinische Studie an schizophrenen Patienten wurde durchgeführt, um folgende Fragen zu beantworten: Kann man das Therapieansprechen prädizieren und welche Instrumente sind dafür geeignet? Die Psychopathologie wurde anhand zweier Messskalen (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, BPRS und Clinical Global Impressions, CGI) wöchentlich ermittelt, um die Besserung der Krankheitssymptome im Verlauf von 8 Wochen zu bewerten. Therapiebegleitend wurden noch die Serum-Konzentrationen der Antipsychotika gemessen. Objektive Symptomerfassung durch BPRS oder CGI waren als Messinstrumente geeignet, Therapieansprechen vorherzusagen. Bezogen auf den Behandlungsbeginn war eine Verminderung der Symptome hoch prädiktiv für späteres Therapieversagen oder -ansprechen. Eine Verminderung um mehr als 36,5% auf der BPRS Skala in Woche 2 wurde als signifikanter Schwellenwert für Nichtansprechen ermittelt. Patienten, deren Symptombesserung unterhalb des Schwellenwertes lag, hatten eine 11,2-fach höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit, am Ende der Studie nicht auf ihre medikamentöse Therapie anzusprechen als die Patienten, die sich um mindestens 36,5% verbesserten. Andere Faktoren, wie Alter, Geschlecht, Dauer der Erkrankung oder Anzahl der stationären Aufenthalte hatten keinen Einfluss auf die Prädiktion des Therapieansprechens. Therapeutische Antipsychotika-Spiegel übten einen positiven Einfluss auf die Ansprechrate aus. Bei Patienten mit therapeutischen Spiegeln war das Ansprechen rascher und die Ansprechrate größer als unter denjenigen deren Spiegel außerhalb der therapeutisch üblichen Bereiche lag. rnEine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Einsatz von TDM ist das Vorhandensein einer präzisen, reproduzierbaren, zeit- und kostensparenden analytischen Methode zur quantitativen Bestimmung der untersuchten Substanzen. Die Entwicklung und Validierung einer solchen geeigneten Methode wurde für den Nachweis von Haloperidol vorgenommen. Eine HPLC-Methode mit Säulenschaltung erwies sich für TDM geeignet. rnBasierend auf den Ergebnissen der eigenen klinischen Studie zur Response Prädiktion wurde untersucht, welche Faktoren die Variabilität der Pharmakokinetik von Antipsychotika beeinflussen. Die Variabilität der Pharmakokinetik ist ein Grund für fehlendes oder unzureichendes Ansprechen. Es wurde zum einen der Einfluss der galenischen Formulierung auf die Freisetzung und zum anderen der Einfluss von entzündlichen Prozessen auf die Metabolisierung eines Antipsychotikums untersucht. Dazu wurden Patientendaten retrospektiv ausgewertet.rnDie Analyse von 247 Serumspiegeln von Patienten, die mit Paliperidon in OROS®Formulierung, einer neu eingeführten Retardform, behandelt wurden, zeigte, dass die intraindividuelle Variabilität der Talspiegel (Vk) von Paliperidon 35% betrug. Er war damit vergleichbar wie für nicht retardiertes Risperidon 32% (p=n.s.). Die Retardierung hatte demnach keinen Varianz mindernden Effekt auf die Talspiegel des Antipsychotikums. Der Wirkstoff-Konzentrations-Bereich lag bei 21-55 ng/ml und entsprach ebenfalls nahezu dem therapeutischen Bereich von Risperidon (20-60 ng/ml). rnEntzündliche Prozesse können die Metabolisierung von Medikamenten verändern. Dies wurde bisher für Medikamente nachgewiesen, die über CYP1A2 abgebaut werden. Durch die eigene Analyse von 84 Patienten-Serumspiegeln konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Metabolisierung von Quetiapin während eines entzündlichen Prozesses beeinträchtigt war, wahrscheinlich durch Hemmung von CYP3A4. Dies sprach dafür, dass auch Wirkstoffe, die über CYP3A4 abgebaut werden, während eines entzündlichen Prozesses im Körper in ihrer Pharmakokinetik beeinträchtigt sein können. Aus diesem Grund sollte während einer Infektion unter der Therapie mit Quetiapin besonders auf die Nebenwirkungen geachtet werden und der Serumspiegel sollte in dieser Zeit überwacht werden, um den Patienten vor eventuellen Nebenwirkungen oder sogar Intoxikationen zu schützen. rnDie Befunde dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass bei einer Behandlung schizophrener Patienten mit Antipsychotika die Messung der Psychopathologie zur Vorhersage des Therapieansprechens und die Messung der Blutspiegel zur Identifizierung von Faktoren, die die pharmakokinetische Variabilität bedingen, geeignet sind. Objektive Symptomerfassung und Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring sind demnach Instrumente, die für die Steuerung der antipsychotischen Pharmakotherapie genutzt werden sollten.rn


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BACKGROUND: It is well known that there are specific peripheral activation patterns associated with the emotional valence of sounds. However, it is unclear how these effects adapt over time. The personality traits influencing these processes are also not clear. Anxiety disorders influence the autonomic activation related to emotional processing. However, personality anxiety traits have never been studied in the context of affective auditory stimuli. METHODS: Heart rate, skin conductance, zygomatic muscle activity and subjective rating of emotional valence and arousal were recorded in healthy subjects during the presentation of pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral sounds. Recordings were repeated 1 week later to examine possible time-dependent changes related to habituation and sensitization processes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: There was not a generalized habituation or sensitization process related to the repeated presentation of affective sounds, but rather, specific adaptation processes for each physiological measure. These observations are consistent with previous studies performed with affective pictures and simple tones. Thus, the measures of skin conductance activity showed the strongest changes over time, including habituation during the first presentation session and sensitization at the end of the second presentation session, whereas the facial electromyographic activity habituated only for the neutral stimuli and the heart rate did not habituate at all. Finally, we showed that the measure of personality trait anxiety influenced the orienting reaction to affective sounds, but not the adaptation processes related to the repeated presentation of these sounds.


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Advances in spinal cord injury (SCI) research are dependent on quality animal models, which in turn rely on sensitive outcome measures able to detect functional differences in animals following injury. To date, most measurements of dysfunction following SCI rely either on the subjective rating of observers or the slow throughput of manual gait assessment. The present study compares the gait of normal and contusion-injured mice using the TreadScan system. TreadScan utilizes a transparent treadmill belt and a high-speed camera to capture the footprints of animals and automatically analyze gait characteristics. Adult female C57Bl/6 mice were introduced to the treadmill prior to receiving either a standardized mild, moderate, or sham contusion spinal cord injury. TreadScan gait analyses were performed weekly for 10 weeks and compared with scores on the Basso Mouse Scale (BMS). Results indicate that this software successfully differentiates sham animals from injured animals on a number of gait characteristics, including hindlimb swing time, stride length, toe spread, and track width. Differences were found between mild and moderate contusion injuries, indicating a high degree of sensitivity within the system. Rear track width, a measure of the animal's hindlimb base of support, correlated strongly both with spared white matter percentage and with terminal BMS. TreadScan allows for an objective and rapid behavioral assessment of locomotor function following mild-moderate contusive SCI, where the majority of mice still exhibit hindlimb weight support and plantar paw placement during stepping.


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„Geiz ist geil!“ ist das Motto eines Handelshauses. Aber diese Philosophie erweist sich immer häufiger als ungeeignet, längerfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Oftmals wird gerade aus diesem Grund wieder verstärkt auf Qualität geachtet, auf die Qualität von Produkten, auf die Qualität von Herstellungsprozessen, auf die Qualität von Logistikprozessen etc. Dieser Sinneswandel beeinflusst auch alle Verpackungsprozesse, da diese untrennbar mit der Sicherung der Produktqualität und der sicheren Abwicklung aller logistischen Prozesse verbunden ist. Neben der Forderung nach einem wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz als Kernaufgabe der Verpackung müssen jedoch auch zwingende Vorgaben – beispielsweise seitens des Gesetzgebers (z. B. im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Gefahrgutlogistik, im Straßenverkehrsrecht) – beachtet werden. Das führt u. a. dazu, dass alle verpackten Güter so geschützt sein sollten, dass sie den Belastungen im Transportprozess, aber auch den Belastungen aufgrund von Ladungs- und Ladeeinheitensicherungsmaßnahmen standhalten können. Da sich jedoch nicht alle Ladegüter oder Packstücke beliebig für form- oder kraftschlüssige Sicherungsmaßnahmen eignen, sollte bei der Auslegung von Verpackungsmaßnahmen insbesondere der hilfreichen Wirkung von Reibungskräften zur Reduzierung zusätzlicher Sicherungsmaßnahmen Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.


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„Geiz ist geil!“ ist das Motto eines Handelshauses. Aber diese Philosophie erweist sich immer häufiger als ungeeignet, längerfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Oftmals wird gerade aus diesem Grund wieder verstärkt auf Qualität geachtet, auf die Qualität von Produkten, auf die Qualität von Herstellungsprozessen, auf die Qualität von Logistikprozessen etc. Dieser Sinneswandel beeinflusst auch alle Verpackungsprozesse, da diese untrennbar mit der Sicherung der Produktqualität und der sicheren Abwicklung aller logistischen Prozesse verbunden ist. Neben der Forderung nach einem wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz als Kernaufgabe der Verpackung müssen jedoch auch zwingende Vorgaben – beispielsweise seitens des Gesetzgebers (z. B. im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Gefahrgutlogistik, im Straßenverkehrsrecht) – beachtet werden. Das führt u. a. dazu, dass alle verpackten Güter so geschützt sein sollten, dass sie den Belastungen im Transportprozess, aber auch den Belastungen aufgrund von Ladungs- und Ladeeinheitensicherungsmaßnahmen standhalten können. Da sich jedoch nicht alle Ladegüter oder Packstücke beliebig für form- oder kraftschlüssige Sicherungsmaßnahmen eignen, sollte bei der Auslegung von Verpackungsmaßnahmen insbesondere der hilfreichen Wirkung von Reibungskräften zur Reduzierung zusätzlicher Sicherungsmaßnahmen Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.


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BACKGROUND: Impaired manual dexterity is frequent and disabling in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Therefore, convenient, quick and validated tests for manual dexterity in MS patients are needed. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to validate the Coin Rotation task (CRT) to examine manual dexterity in patients with MS. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: 101 outpatients with MS were assessed with the CRT, the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), the Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA), the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), and their muscle strength and sensory deficits of the hands were noted. Concurrent validity and diagnostic accuracy of the CRT were determined by comparison with the Nine Hole Peg Test (9HPT). Construct validity was determined by comparison with a valid dexterity questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was done to explore correlations of the CRT with the EDSS, SARA, MAS, muscle strength and sensory deficits. RESULTS: The CRT correlated significantly with the 9HPT (r=.73, p<.0001) indicating good concurrent validity. The cut-off values for the CRT relative to the 9HPT were 18.75 seconds for the dominant (sensitivity: 81.5%; specificity 80.0%) and 19.25 seconds for the non-dominant hand (sensitivity: 90.3%; specificity: 81.8%) demonstrating good diagnostic accuracy. Furthermore, the CRT correlated significantly with the dexterity questionnaire (r=-.49, p<.0001) indicating moderate construct validity. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the EDSS was the strongest predictor for impaired dexterity. LIMITATIONS: Mostly relapsing-remitting MS patients with an EDSS up to 7 were examined. CONCLUSIONS: This study validates the CRT as a test that can be used easily and quickly to evaluate manual dexterity in patients with MS.


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There have been numerous attempts to reveal the neurobiological basis of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Results however, remain as heterogeneous as the schizophrenia spectrum disorders itself. Therefore, one aim of this thesis was to divide patients affected by this disorder into subgroups in order to homogenize the results of future studies. In a first study it is suggested that psychopathological rating scales should focus on symptoms-clusters that may have a common neurophysiological background. The here presented Bern Psychopathology Scale (BPS) proposes that alterations in three wellknown brain systems (motor, language, and affective) are largely leading to the communication failures observable on a behavioral level, but also - as repeatedly hypothesized - to dysconnectivity within and between brain systems in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The external validity of the motor domain in the BPS was tested against the objective measure of 24 hours wrist actigraphy, in a second study. The subjective, the quantitative, as well as the global rating of the degree of motor disorders in this patient group showed significant correlations to the acquired motor activity. This result confirmed in a first step the practicability of the motor domain of the BPS, but needs further validation regarding pathological brain alterations. Finally, in a third study (independent from the two other studies), two cerebral Resting State Networks frequently altered in schizophrenia were investigated for the first time using simultaneous EEG/fMRI: The well-known default mode network and the left working memory network. Besides the changes in these fMRI-based networks, there are well-documented findings that patients exhibit alterations in EEG spectra compared to healthy controls. However, only through the multimodal approach it was possible to discover that patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders have a slower driving frequency of the Resting State Networks compared to the matched healthy controls. Such a dysfunctional coupling between neuronal frequency and functional brain organization could explain in a uni- or multifactorial way (dysfunctional cross-frequency coupling, maturational effects, vigilance fluctuations, task-related suppression), how the typical psychotic symptoms might occur. To conclude, the major contributions presented in this thesis were on one hand the development of a psychopathology rating scale that is based on the assumption of dysfunctional brain networks, as well as the new evidence of a dysfunctional triggering frequency of Resting State Networks from the simultaneous EEG/fMRI study in patients affected by a schizophrenia spectrum disorder.


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Background/Study Context: Older drivers are at increased risk of becoming involved in car crashes. Contrary to well-studied illness-related factors contributing to crash risk, the non-illness-related factors that can influence safety of older drivers are underresearched. METHODS: Here, the authors review the literature on non-illness-related factors influencing driving in people over age 60. We identified six safety-relevant factors: road infrastructure, vehicle characteristics, traffic-related knowledge, accuracy of self-awareness, personality traits, and self-restricted driving. RESULTS: The literature suggests that vehicle preference, the quality of traffic-related knowledge, the location and time of traffic exposure, and personality traits should all be taken into account when assessing fitness-to-drive in older drivers. Studies indicate that self-rating of driving skills does not reliably predict fitness-to-drive. CONCLUSIONS: Most factors discussed are adaptable or accessible to training and collectively may have the potential to increase traffic safety for older drivers and other road users.


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Background. Nosocomial infections are a source of concern for many hospitals in the United States and worldwide. These infections are associated with increased morbidity, mortality and hospital costs. Nosocomial infections occur in ICUs at a rate which is five times greater than those in general wards. Understanding the reasons for the higher rates can ultimately help reduce these infections. The literature has been weak in documenting a direct relationship between nosocomial infections and non-traditional risk factors, such as unit staffing or patient acuity.^ Objective. To examine the relationship, if any, between nosocomial infections and non-traditional risk factors. The potential non-traditional risk factors we studied were the patient acuity (which comprised of the mortality and illness rating of the patient), patient days for patients hospitalized in the ICU, and the patient to nurse ratio.^ Method. We conducted a secondary data analysis on patients hospitalized in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) of the Memorial Hermann- Texas Medical Center in Houston during the months of March 2008- May 2009. The average monthly values for the patient acuity (mortality and illness Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) scores), patient days for patients hospitalized in the ICU and average patient to nurse ratio were calculated during this time period. Active surveillance of Bloodstream Infections (BSIs), Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) and Ventilator Associated Pneumonias (VAPs) was performed by Infection Control practitioners, who visited the MICU and performed a personal infection record for each patient. Spearman's rank correlation was performed to determine the relationship between these nosocomial infections and the non-traditional risk factors.^ Results. We found weak negative correlations between BSIs and two measures (illness and mortality DRG). We also found a weak negative correlation between UTI and unit staffing (patient to nurse ratio). The strongest positive correlation was found between illness DRG and mortality DRG, validating our methodology.^ Conclusion. From this analysis, we were able to infer that non-traditional risk factors do not appear to play a significant role in transmission of infection in the units we evaluated.^


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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of sodium bicarbonate ingestion on consecutive "all out" sprint tests, analyzing the acid-base status and its influence on performance and perceived effort. Ten elite bicycle motocross (BMX) riders (20.7 ± 1.4 years, training experience 8-12 years) participated in this study which consisted of two trials. Each trial consisted of three consecutive Wingate tests (WTs) separated by 15 min recovery. Ninety minutes prior to exercise subjects ingested either NaHCO(3) (-) (0.3 g kg(-1) body weight) or placebo. Blood samples were collected for the assessment of blood acid-base status: bicarbonate concentration ([HCO(3) (-)]), pH, base excess (BE) and blood lactate concentration ([La(-)]). Performance variables of peak power (PP), mean power (MP), time to peak power and fatigue index were calculated for each sprint. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in acid-base variables [pH before WT1: 7.47 ± 0.05 vs. 7.41 ± 0.03; [HCO(3) (-)] before WT1: 29.08 ± 2.27 vs. 22.85 ± 0.24 mmol L(-1) (bicarbonate vs. placebo conditions, respectively)], but there were not significant differences in performance variables between trials [PP WT1: 1,610 ± 373 vs. 1,599 ± 370 W; PP WT2: 1,548 ± 460 vs. 1,570 ± 428 W; PP WT3: 1,463 ± 361 vs. 1,519 ± 364 W. MP WT1: 809 ± 113 vs. 812 ± 108 W; MP WT2: 799 ± 135 vs. 799 ± 124 W; MP WT3: 762 ± 165 vs. 782 ± 118 W (bicarbonate vs. placebo conditions, respectively)]. Rating of perceived effort (RPE) was not influenced nor ratings of perceived readiness. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion modified significantly the blood acid-base balance, although the induced alkalosis did not improve the Wingate test performance, RPE and perceived readiness across three consecutive WTs in elite BMX cyclists.


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This theoretical study analyzes the relation between the measures necessesary for the energy retrofitting of a residential building constructed in Madrid, their cost and the improvement of the energy rating of the dwellings. The aim of this work is to establish an evaluation methodology that allows developers and architects to obtain conclusions and orientates therm in the decisioin-making process. It will allow finding the most suitable cost-effective solutions in each case. This paper describes the methodology and the findings obtained. Energy retrofitting and the improvement of the energy behaviour of the building depend on the selection of the retrofitting solutions and also on the investment. In this case study to achieve the best energy rates it is necessary to improve the thermal performance of the envelope as well as the energy systems. Energy retrofitting means an increase in property value but it can't only be considered in economic terms. It is necessary to take into account unquantifiable aspects as increased comfort, improved sound insulation, livability, health, or the elimination of energy poverty situations.


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En el año 2014 se publicó, bajo mandato de la Comisión Europea, la Norma Europea EN 301 549, titulada “Requisitos de accesibilidad de productos y servicios TIC aplicables a la contratación pública en Europa”. El objetivo de dicha norma es que los productos o servicios TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) adquiridos por cualquier administración pública europea puedan ser utilizados por personas con diversas características y capacidades, incluyendo a personas con discapacidad. La norma EN 301 549 es compleja, ya que contiene más de 200 requisitos y recomendaciones, que se aplican o no a un producto o servicio TIC en función de las características de dicho producto o servicio. Por ello se ha planteado, desde el Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Informática y de las Comunicaciones (CETTICO), el desarrollo de una herramienta de soporte a la evaluación del cumplimiento de la norma. La herramienta permitirá a grupos de trabajo anotar los resultados de la evaluación de accesibilidad de un producto o servicio TIC siguiendo los requisitos de la norma Europea EN 301 549. Este trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en el diseño y codificación del cliente web de la herramienta. Se parte de los resultados de un TFG y un practicum anteriores. En el TFG realizado por Laura Elorrieta [Elorrieta, 2014], se diseñó la interacción del sistema y se evaluó su grado de usabilidad. En el practicum [Montero, 2015], posterior al TFG de Laura Elorrieta, se eligieron las tecnologías web que se iban a utilizar y se realizó el diseño y la implementación mediante prototipos iterativos de la gestión de proyectos de evaluación. El trabajo que se ha realizado en el TFG ha consistido en el diseño de la interfaz de usuario analizando los cambios a realizar en el diseño, debido a los errores de usabilidad conocidos, y la implementación del prototipo funcional de la herramienta. Junto con la parte servidor del TFG de mi compañero Rubén Ortiz Burgos y la interfaz de usuario de este TFG se ha obtenido una aplicación web para realizar evaluaciones de accesibilidad de productos o servicios TIC siguiendo los requisitos de la norma EN 301 549. El prototipo funcional contiene diez páginas web que recogen las diferentes acciones y tareas que pueden realizar los usuarios en función del rol que desempeñen. EL diseño y la implementación se han llevado a cabo empleando las tecnologías web HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery y las librerías de Foundation frontend framework.---ABSTRACT---In 2014, under the European Commission mandate, the European standard EN 301 549 has been published under the title “Accessibility requirements applicable to ICT products and procurement services in Europe”. The goal of this standard is that the products or services ICT (Information Communication Technology) acquires by every European public administration can be used by every person with different characteristics and capacities, including those with disability. The rule EN 301549 is very complex, since it has more than 200 requirements and recommendations that can be or not applied to an ICT product or service based on its characteristics of the given product or service. That’s why a development of a support tool has been proposed to the rating of the compliance of the rule, by the Research Group of Informatics Technology and Communication. This tool will allow working groups to record the results of the compliance of accessibility of a product or service following the requirements of the European Standard EN 301549. This Final Degree Work focuses in the design and the coding of the web customer of this tool. The results of a TFG and previous practicums have been used for this. The TFG performed by Laura Elorrieta [Elorrieta, 2014], the interaction of the system was designed and degree of usability was evaluated. In the practicum [Montero, 2015], after the TFG Laura Elorrieta, web technologies used were chosen and the design and implementation were performed using iterative prototyping project management evaluation. The work done on the TFG was to design the users interface to perform analyzing changes in design due to errors known usability and working prototype implementation of the tool. Together with the server part of the TFG my partner Rubén Ortiz Burgos and the user interface done of this TFG it has obtained a web application for the conduct of evaluations accessibility of products or services ICT following the requirements of the EN 301 549. The functional prototype contains ten web sites that collect the various activities and tasks that users can perform based on the role they perform. The design and implementation have been carried out using the technologies web HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery and the libraries of Foundation fronted framework.


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A presente tese tem como objetivo abordar e analisar a violência contra a mulher e a relação que existiria entre essa conduta e a imagem androcêntrica de "Deus", em um contexto específico: homens e mulheres da Igreja Metodista no Chile. Fizemos uma leitura analítica da maneira de se relacionar as mulheres e os homens nos matrimônios, e as mulheres e os homens com "Deus". O intuito é explorar as similitudes que existem entre a atitude hierárquica do homem na sociedade e na família e o modelo de "Deus" masculino presente no imaginário coletivo da sociedade. A questão foi desenvolvida tendo como eixo principal a imagem indrocêntrica de "Deus" e as variáveis que desde essa imagem se desprendem, a saber, a construção e a ideologia androcêntrica, a sobrevalorização da hegemonia e a linguagem masculina e a legitimação da violência contra mulher. Esta situação é analisada desde um contexto específico a Igreja Metodista no Chile, mas este fato é apenas o contexto de onde começamos a observar os casos de violência contra a mulher, o que permitiu sair desse contexto restringido, para um contexto mais abrangente. Por conseguinte, na procura de fundamentos para elucidar as hipóteses, levantamos alguns elementos antropológicos herdados das ideologias e crenças dos espanhóis e dos indígenas, os quais foram fundamentais na construção do ethos e da idiossincrasia chilena. Para a análise e a crítica do imaginário masculino de Deus, privilegiamos a produção da teologia feminista e, para o conceito de violência que contem a noção de poder, privilegiamos a concepção de micro-poder, estimando que a violência contra da mulher se concretiza, primordialmente, em nível de micro estruturas, ainda que o fato esteja legitimado em nível de macro estruturas. O objetivo desta tese é contribuir na reflexão teológico-pastoral desde a perspectiva da mulher, visando fornecer elementos de debate no caminho à superação da violência.(AU)


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A presente tese tem como objetivo abordar e analisar a violência contra a mulher e a relação que existiria entre essa conduta e a imagem androcêntrica de "Deus", em um contexto específico: homens e mulheres da Igreja Metodista no Chile. Fizemos uma leitura analítica da maneira de se relacionar as mulheres e os homens nos matrimônios, e as mulheres e os homens com "Deus". O intuito é explorar as similitudes que existem entre a atitude hierárquica do homem na sociedade e na família e o modelo de "Deus" masculino presente no imaginário coletivo da sociedade. A questão foi desenvolvida tendo como eixo principal a imagem indrocêntrica de "Deus" e as variáveis que desde essa imagem se desprendem, a saber, a construção e a ideologia androcêntrica, a sobrevalorização da hegemonia e a linguagem masculina e a legitimação da violência contra mulher. Esta situação é analisada desde um contexto específico a Igreja Metodista no Chile, mas este fato é apenas o contexto de onde começamos a observar os casos de violência contra a mulher, o que permitiu sair desse contexto restringido, para um contexto mais abrangente. Por conseguinte, na procura de fundamentos para elucidar as hipóteses, levantamos alguns elementos antropológicos herdados das ideologias e crenças dos espanhóis e dos indígenas, os quais foram fundamentais na construção do ethos e da idiossincrasia chilena. Para a análise e a crítica do imaginário masculino de Deus, privilegiamos a produção da teologia feminista e, para o conceito de violência que contem a noção de poder, privilegiamos a concepção de micro-poder, estimando que a violência contra da mulher se concretiza, primordialmente, em nível de micro estruturas, ainda que o fato esteja legitimado em nível de macro estruturas. O objetivo desta tese é contribuir na reflexão teológico-pastoral desde a perspectiva da mulher, visando fornecer elementos de debate no caminho à superação da violência.(AU)


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O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se a progressão da carga do treinamento de força (TF) de acordo com a monitoração da percepção subjetiva do esforço da sessão (PSE da sessão) pode ser mais eficaz no desenvolvimento da força motora e hipertrofia muscular em relação ao modelo tradicional de prescrição do TF baseado apenas na carga externa do treinamento. Métodos: Vinte sujeitos do sexo masculino com experiência prévia em treinamento de força (5,4± 4,1 anos) foram submetidos a seis semanas de TF no exercício agachamento (2x/sem.). Os sujeitos foram separados em dois grupos: i) grupo progressão linear da carga de treinamento (PL, n=10), que seguiu um modelo pré-determinado de progressão da carga do TF, com incrementos realizados a cada duas semanas de treino, partindo do protocolo A em direção ao protocolo C (protocolo A= 2x12-15RM; protocolo B= 4x8-10RM e protocolo C= 6x4-6RM) e; ii) grupo PSE (PSE, n=10), que progrediu a carga do TF de acordo com os escores da PSE da sessão partindo do protocolo A, na primeira sessão de treino, com incremento de carga (i.e., do protocolo A para protocolo B ou do protocolo B em direção ao protocolo C) quando os escores de PSE da sessão estivessem abaixo de 6 (i.e., <=5). Mantendo o protocolo do próximo treino caso os escores da PSE da sessão estivessem entre 6 e 8 e diminuindo em uma série o protocolo da sessão seguinte caso os escores da PSE da sessão estivessem por duas vezes consecutivas acima de 8 (i.e., >=9) até que a resposta perceptiva voltasse as classificações entre 6 e 8. As avaliações de força máxima dinâmica (1-RM) e de área de secção transversa muscular (ASTM) foram realizadas antes (pré) a pós o período experimental (pós). Resultados: Ambos os grupos aumentaram de forma semelhante os valores de 1-RM (PL: p<0,0001 e PSE: p<0,0001) a ASTM (PL: p<0,0001 e PSE: p=0,0032). Entretanto, o grupo PSE chegou a estes resultados realizando um número menor de sessões nos protocolos com cargas de treinamento mais altas (protocolos B: p=0,0028 e C: p=0,004) ao mesmo tempo em que realizaram um número maior de sessões no protocolo de treinamento com cargas mais baixas (i.e., protocolo A) (p<0,0001) quando comparado ao grupo PL. De forma interessante, o subgrupo composto (a posteriori) pelos indivíduos do grupo PSE que não progrediram a carga do TF além do protocolo A (SubPSE, n =6), obtiveram ganhos de força motora e hipertrofia muscular semelhantes àqueles observados no grupo PL (1-RM p=0,0003; ASTM: p=0,0212 respectivamente) realizando de um volume total menor de treinamento (p=0,0258). Conclusão: O controle da progressão da carga do TF por meio da PSE da sessão proporcionou ajustes mais eficientes da carga de treinamento possibilitando aumentos de força motora e hipertrofia muscular similares aos obtidos através do modelo de progressão tradicional por meio de protocolos de treinamento menos intensos e de menor volume. Adicionalmente, quando considerados os dados do subgrupo SubPSE, observou-se as mesmas adaptações funcionais e morfológicas por meio de um menor volume total de treinamento