855 resultados para College students - Australia


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Com vistas à conceptualização do conceito de BANDIDO em 32 expressões com a estrutura bandido de x, descrevemos, nesta dissertação, os modelos cognitivos idealizados subjacentes à construção de sentido de tais expressões, postulando-lhes um caráter de modelo cognitivo complexo, nos termos de Lakoff (1987), produtivo na língua. Constituem ainda o arcabouço teórico deste estudo a Teoria da Mesclagem Conceptual (FAUCONNIER e TURNER, 2002) e a Teoria da Metáfora Conceptual (LAKOFF e JOHNSON, 1980). A análise das construções bandido de x foi realizada a partir de 137 comentários retirados da internet e definições elaboradas por 15 alunos do ensino fundamental; 18 do ensino médio e 20 alunos do ensino superior. Os alunos que colaboraram com a pesquisa definiram 24 expressões bandido de x. A pesquisa obedeceu ao procedimento qualitativo de análise dos dados, no qual observamos as diferentes interpretações dadas para as expressões, fundamentando-as a partir dos processos cognitivos envolvidos no sentido das mesmas. Assim com base na análise dos comentários de internautas e nas definições de alunos, propomos quatro processos de conceptualização para as expressões bandido de x: (a) conceptualização com base em modelos cognitivos proposicionais, em que x é um locativo interpretado como lugar de origem ou de atuação do bandido bandido de morro, bandido de rua, bandido de cadeia ; (b) conceptualização com base em modelos esquemático-imagéticos, em que observamos a atribuição de uma espécie de escala ao sentido atribuído à construção, culminando em diferentes status para a categoria BANDIDO DE X, subjacente a expressões bandido de primeira/segunda/quinta categoria/linha; (c) conceptualização de BANDIDO DE X com base em modelos metonímicos, em que x é uma peça do vestuário/calçado/acessório, de modo a interpretar o BANDIDO como pertencendo a uma categoria que costuma utilizar determinada peça de roupa, acessório ou calçado bandido de colarinho branco, bandidos de farda, bandido de chinelo ; (d) conceptualização de BANDIDO DE X com base em modelos metafóricos, em que x é um conceito abstrato que pode ser entendido como um objeto possuído pelo bandido, de forma a caracterizá-lo pela maneira de agir ou expertise bandido de conceito, bandido de atitude, bandido de fé. Acreditamos, assim, na possibilidade de descrição de padrões que regem a conceptualização de BANDIDO DE X, cujos sentidos alcançados por meio de modificadores revelam a produtividade e complexidade do modelo cognitivo BANDIDO


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Unidades de conservação da natureza sofrem historicamente de problemas envolvendo, por exemplo, administração pública e legitimação popular, o que reflete quadros de ineficiência e conflitos locais em vários níveis. Nesse contexto, a Área de Proteção Ambiental de Petrópolis (APA Petrópolis) é abordada, com o objetivo de se prover um quadro analítico sobre a sustentabilidade regional e a percepção popular acerca da proposta de da APA Petrópolis, usando métodos em percepção ambiental focada nos segmentos universitários. A tese se divide em três momentos analíticos: primeiramente, são apresentados os contextos históricos, sociais e políticos locais da paisagem, no âmbito da criação da APA Petrópolis e das contradições acerca do funcionamento do modelo, sob um referencial teórico que engloba políticas locais, manejo de unidades de conservação, conflitos ambientais e participação social. Em segundo lugar, analisou-se a percepção ambiental de 606 alunos universitários (por meio de questionários) e sete professores e gestores das universidades participantes (por meio de entrevistas) na APA Petrópolis, buscando fenômenos e características específicas das subjetividades inerentes a tais grupos. Por fim, apresenta-se concepções úteis para a organização de alternativas teóricas e práticas para uma educação ambiental emancipatória e transformadora voltada para a realidade dos segmentos universitários da APA Petrópolis. Os resultados envolvem a exposição de um complexo contexto histórico e político que traduz a parca funcionalidade deste modelo de conservação da paisagem. O planejamento territorial da cidade, o próprio contexto de criação da unidade e o cenário político regional são aspectos que contribuem para a baixa funcionalidade da APA. Os questionários evidenciam uma percepção superficial dos problemas ambientais de Petrópolis, assim como um baixo reconhecimento da APA. As entrevistas, de outra maneira, evidenciam dois fenômenos: a naturalização das questões sociais e a invisibilização das questões ambientais. As alternativas teóricas e metodológicas apresentadas para abordar as questões ambientais da APA Petrópolis para os universitários envolvem o conceito de alfabetização ecológica e a formação de sujeitos ecológicos, como diretrizes para uma educação voltada para a sustentabilidade regional.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar, descrever e comparar as representações sociais sobre o sistema de cotas para negros e alunos de escola pública elaboradas por estudantes universitários da UERJ, considerando a possível ocorrência de posições contranormativas na expressão dessas representações. Os estudantes participantes eram de cursos mais e menos competitivos, ingressantes e concluintes. A metodologia foi orientada pela abordagem estrutural da teoria das representações sociais. Aplicou-se a técnica das evocações livres, tendo como termos indutores cotas para negros na universidade e cotas para alunos de escola pública. Os sujeitos foram 240 estudantes, divididos igualmente por dois entrevistadores, um negro e outro branco. A partir das evocações produzidas, os dados foram analisados por meio da construção de um quadro de quatro casas, com o auxílio do software Evoc 2003. Os resultados mostram que os estudantes têm uma atitude estruturada em torno da dimensão normativa da representação, abrangendo os aspectos desfavoráveis ao sistema de cotas para negros, com os elementos racismo e preconceito como possível núcleo central. Em relação às cotas para alunos de escola pública, apresenta os elementos justo e qualidade ensino ruim, como possíveis constituintes do núcleo central. A representação foi mais consensual nesse tipo de cota, apontando para a importância da melhoria da qualidade do ensino público. Na avaliação dos diversos tipos de cotas, ocorreram diferenças nos posicionamentos diante dos aplicadores. Frente ao aplicador branco, três tipos de cotas não foram rejeitadas, as cotas para indígenas, escola pública e portadores de necessidades especiais (PNE). Entretanto, frente ao aplicador negro, observa-se que as cotas para indígenas e PNE se transformaram radicalmente. No caso das cotas para indígenas, esta atitude se justificaria pela impossibilidade de se recusar as cotas para negros e aceitar as outras modalidades de cotas com critérios raciais.


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A pesquisa detém sua atenção nos sentidos sociais e culturais dos meios de pagamento. Para tal, investiga dois domínios: o universo publicitário construído pelas empresas de tecnologias de pagamento (Visa e MasterCard) e outro prático, vivido por jovens universitários. Correlacionar e comparar as estratégias discursivas de apresentação dos cartões de crédito e os usos práticos desta ferramenta financeira tornou-se o ponto central do estudo. Primeiro, são examinados os sentidos dos meios de pagamento (em especial o cartão de crédito) atribuídos pelos especialistas - profissionais de marketing, planejadores de comunicação, redatores e diretores de arte, responsáveis pela promoção das ferramentas financeiras. Em seguida, concentra-se nos usos práticos dos jovens universitários, nos sentidos conferidos por estes aos cartões de crédito que usam. Comparar este dois domínios possibilita verificar a dificuldade de se falar sobre o dinheiro, o cartão de débito ou o cartão de crédito. Os meios de pagamento devem ser entendidos no plural, suas definições e funções são distintas e variam conforme aqueles que os utilizam.


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Este trabalho relata as estratégias e atividades realizadas em disciplinas semipresenciais desenvolvidas durante os períodos letivos de 2008 a 2012 com alunos dos cursos de Administração e de Ciências Contábeis, no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle. As disciplinas foram desenvolvidas segundo os princípios das abordagens colaborativas de aprendizagem com o objetivo de examinar as possibilidades de uso dos insólitos como estratégia de leitura e escrita. Buscou-se ainda apontar a aplicabilidade das estratégias didáticas descritas como forma de aprimorar as competências de leitura e escrita em alunos ingressantes no ensino superior e fornecer subsídios para a continuação da pesquisa. O trabalho mantém uma relação interdiscursiva com a obra Se um Viajante numa Noite de Inverno, de ítalo Calvino (1982), o que lhe possibilita não somente a titulação dos capítulos, mas também a construção sutil de uma presença que os perpassa. Do autor, retira também seis propostas ( leveza, rapidez, exatidão, visibilidade, multiplicidade e consistência) capazes de aprimorar a qualidade da comunicação em ambientes informáticos. Busca, ainda, na produção teórica de Michael Serres, um conceito singular de comunicação, algo capaz de transcender a substancialidade e de compreender e estimular a construção da presencialidade por meio de trocas e relações em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Em vista disso, a pesquisa apoia-se na construção -reflexão- reconstrução de oficinas on-line que utilizam o insólito - concebido como algo surpreendente e propiciador de desestabilização - na construção de estratégias propiciadoras de aprimoramento da leitura e da produção textual de estudantes universitários. Recorre também às pesquisas desenvolvidas por Mikhail Bakhtin, Ângela Kleiman, Carla Coscarelli e Vilson Leffa, contribuições decisivas tanto na elaboração das oficinas on-line, quanto na reflexão que se tece ao longo da pesquisa. Por fim, busca apoio nos estudos sobre Estilos de Aprendizagem e na aplicação do Teste de Cloze para o aprimoramento das reflexões construídas


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As políticas públicas de desenvolvimento e distribuição de renda levadas a efeito durante a primeira década do nosso século alteraram os patamares de renda da parcela mais pobre da população brasileira, fenômeno que estaria dando origem àquilo que se passou a chamar de nova classe média brasileira. A redução das desigualdades sociais estaria atrelada, assim, a um processo de mobilidade social. Esse estudo se ocupa desse fenômeno. Para isso, apresenta, inicialmente, uma análise das políticas sociais implementadas, a partir de 2003, nos âmbitos econômico e educacional. A seguir, discute os conceitos de classe social e de mobilidade social, optando por considerar o fenômeno à luz do conceito de capital cultural, de Pierre Bourdieu, com o qual se define o traço distintivo da educação superior como marca da classe média. Assim, propôs-se a investigar a emergência desse traço em universitários oriundos de classes populares, que estariam em processo de mobilidade social. O trabalho de campo, que ouviu 35 estudantes de 16 diferentes cursos da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, em metodologia de caráter qualitativo, permitiu verificar que os alunos entrevistados mantém seu perfil original de classe trabalhadora, embora sejam inequívocos os ganhos da realização do curso superior, em termos de realização própria e de perspectivas de futuro, tanto para o estudante quanto para o seu grupo social, o que aponta para uma alteração do perfil da classe trabalhadora, e não para a emergência de uma nova classe média.


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This report is divided into six sections, the first of which provides information on documents that emphasize the need for education/training of minorities in the sciences including marine science. Also provided is material students can use to find out about careers in the sciences, some universities that offer marine science education, and curricula that should be considered. The second section deals with existing programs designed to train pre-college students and prepare them either for further education or potential employment in the sciences. The next four sections deal with existing programs in the marine sciences for college-level students, scholarships and scholarship programs, examples of loan programs, and internships and internship programs.


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High sensation seekers have unusual creativities. Recent years Furnham Adrian et al, found that the groups have different arts tendency have higher difference in Sensation seeking dimension than in Big 5. Some studies found arts students have higher level in many dimension. Sensation seeking has an important influence to peoples` aesthetic conception. This thesis measured art (including painting, music, dancing) students and non-art students` trait of sensation seeking Personality, and looked for the similarities and differences between art students and non-art students in development of sensation seeking personality. Try to find the influence of different procession of art study to sensation seeking level. The outcome of this study: 1. In non-art students, sensation seeking level has a decrease from Grade 1 to Grade 3 in college students, especially in males. Male has higher sensation seeking level than female, especially in TAS, DIS and GEN. 2. There are differences between art students and non-art students in sensation seeking. In ES and GEN Painting students have higher level than non-art students, but in TAS dancing students have lower level than non-art students, in BS students studied in music have lower level than non-art students. 3. Tendency of arts development in art students and non-art students has difference from grade 1 to grade 3. Tendency in non-art students has a decrease, but in art students is not so obviously. The developments in TAS、ES、GEN of painting students, in ES、BS、GEN of dancing students, in TAS、ES、GEN of music major students have differences towards to non-art students. Different art studies have possibility to improve opening of experiment and normal sensation seeking level. All the Different art kinds may affect the development of ES and GEN, and ES and GEN may become commonness gradually within all kind art groups. But this commonness is not so notable in Grade 1-3. 4. Between different art kinds have differences. TAS Scores of dancing group is notably lower than scores of music and painting groups, score of painting group in ES BS and GEN is remarkably higher than that of music and dancing groups, and painting group in DIS has a higher score than music group and dancing group. Painting group has highest sensation seeking in all art kinds students, and dancing group has lowest score in TAS. 5. For female, development tendency of all art kinds dimensions have no remarkable difference, except DIS. Interaction in female DIS dimension may be aroused by scores increase of painting group. In other scores development tendency of different kinds arts have no notable difference.


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The aim of this study was to investigate consuming values and behaviors in Chinese college students, to detect the factorial structure in consuming values, and to explore possible determinants of those values and their effects on consuming behaviors. A total of 778 students from various universities in Beijing were investigated with questionnaire survey. The main results and conclusions are as follows: (1) College students were basically satisfied with their current life and study conditions in university, and their main pressures or stresses were from their studies. They were highly motivated in the development of their academic and life careers, and also valued the importance of family and having children in the future. About 11% of the students had pressures due to less favorable financial conditions of their families. (2) Five basic consuming values were found among college students, namely, “industrious and thrifty-aimed value”, “status and brand-aimed value”, “personal and unique-oriented value”, “relation-aimed value”, and “autonomous-aimed value”. The “industrious and thrifty-aimed value” stands for the traditional consuming values in the culture, and the “status and brand-aimed value” shows an explicit tendency of consumerism. The other three consuming values had moderate relations with both of the two values. (3) There was a high negative correlation between the first two values, which showed both a general acceptance and the main trend of “industrious and thrifty-aimed value” among the students. The basic “status and brand-aimed value” was shown among 3.3% of the students. (4) The consuming values were significantly correlated with life values, indicating that consuming values could be in consistence with or be determined by basic life values. The “industrious and thrifty-aimed value” and the “autonomous-aimed value” were shown as collectivistic values, while the “status and brand-aimed value” and “relation-aimed value” were shown as individualistic values. (5) Consuming values had significant influences on consuming behaviors. (6) The demographic factors such as financial conditions of parents, children of number in family, urban-rural location of family, gender, age, and campus culture could affect consuming values and consuming behaviors of college students in both direct and indirect ways.


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One of the most important functions in the individual development is the interaction and integration of each sensory input. There exist two competing theories, i.e. the deficiency theory and the compensatory theory, regarding the origin and nature of changes in visual functions observed after auditory deprivation. The deficiency theory proposed that integrative processes are essential for normal development. In contrast, the compensatory theory stated that the loss of one sense may be met by a greater reliance upon, therefore an enhancement of the remaining senses. Given that hearing impaired children’s learning depends primarily on visual information, it is important to recognize the differences of visual attention between them and their hearing age-mates. Differences among age groups could exist in either selectivity or sustained attention. Study 1 and study 2 explored the selective and sustained attention development of hearing impaired and hearing students with average cognitive ability, aged from 7 years to college students. The analysis and discussion of the results are based on the visual attention development as well as deficiency theory and compensatory theory. According to the results of the study 1 and study 2, the spatial distribution and controlling of the visual attention between hearing impaired and hearing students were also investigated in the study 3 and study 4. The present work showed that: Firstly, both hearing impaired and hearing participants had the similar developmental trajectory of the sustained attention. The ability of children’s sustained attention appeared to improve with age, and in adolescence it reached the peak. The hearing impaired participants had the comparable sustained attention skills to the matched hearing ones. Besides, the results of the hearing impaired participants showed that they could maintain their attention and vigilance on the current task over the observation period. Secondly, group differences of visual attention development were found between hearing impaired and hearing participants. In the childhood, the visual attention developmental speed of the hearing impaired children was slower than that of the hearing ones. The selective attention skill of the hearing impaired were not comparable to the hearing ones, however, their selective skill improved with age, so in the adulthood, hearing impaired students showed the slight advantage in the selective attention skill over the hearing ones. Thirdly, hearing impaired and hearing participants showed the similar spatial distribution in the attention resources. In the low perceptual load condition, both participants were suffered great interference of the distrator at the fixation. In contrast, in the high perceptual load condition, hearing impaired adults were suffered more interference of the peripheral distractor, which suggested that they distributed more attention resources to the peripheral field when faced difficult tasks. Fourthly, both groups showed similar processing in the visual attention tasks. That is, they both searched the target with only the color feature in a parallel way, but in a serial way while processing orientation feature and the features with the combination of the color and orientation. Furthermore, the results indicated that two groups show similar ways in the attention controlling. In summary, the present study showed that visual attention development was dependent upon the integration of multimodal sensory information. Because of the interaction and integration of the input from various sensory, it has a negative impact on the intact sensory at the early stage of one sensory loss, however, it can better the functions of other intact sensory gradually with development and practice.


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Parent-child attachment refers to the emotional bond that forms between parent and child, which has great influences on the child’s interpersonal development. Present study applied both correlation method and secure attachment memory activation method to investigate the “gender relation effects” of parent-child attachment’s influences on college students’ close relationships, general attachment representation, and emotion and social loneliness. The basic hypotheses on “gender relation” were set as: “same-sex” parent-child attachment has more influences on college students’ “same-sex” interpersonal relationships, while “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment has more influences on college students’ “opposite-sex” interpersonal relationships. Major findings includes: 1. There was weak correlation of attachment security between father-child and mother-child relationships. The findings indicated that, among college students, the security of “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment representation is higher to some extent than that of “same-sex” parent-child attachment representation. 2. There were significant correlations between parent-child attachment and college students’ attachment anxiety in close relationships. Major findings indicated that “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment security negatively predicts college students’ attachment anxiety in both “same-sex” and “opposite-sex” close relationships. 3. Gender relation effects were significant in the correlations between parent-child attachment and college students’ level of avoidant attachment representation. “Same-sex” parent-child attachment security positively predicted avoidant attachment level in college students’ “same-sex” close relationships, while “opposite-sex” parent-child attachment security positively predicted avoidant attachment level in “opposite-sex” close relationships. 4. Parent-child attachment security memory activation had significant influences on college students’ general attachment representation, in which gender relation effects indicated that: the memory activation of father-child attachment security significantly increases participants’ security of self-model in general attachment representation to “male others”; while the memory activation of mother-child attachment security significantly increase participants’ security of others-model in general attachment representation to “female others”. 5. For male college students, father-son attachment security negatively predicted their emotion and social loneliness. For female college students, father-daughter attachment security negatively predicted their emotion loneliness, while mother-daughter attachment security negatively predicted their social loneliness. Attachment security memory activation had significant influences on college students’ social loneliness, in which gender relation effects was confirmed in that only father-child attachment security memory activation significantly decreased male participants’ level of social loneliness. The results indicated that gender relation effects are significant in the influences of parent-child attachment on college students’ interpersonal relationship representations, especially when the level of avoidant of attachment in college students’ close relationships was predicted by parent-child attachment representation, and when the memory activation of parent-child attachment influenced college students’ general attachment representation. The present study confirmed to some extent that gender relation consistency exists in attachment representations among different interpersonal relations, and serves as a new model for analysis of gender differences in the research fields. In the present study, however, gender relation effects were not confirmed in all the interpersonal relationship representations, which indicated the complexity in the problems of gender differences in the research fields of close relationships.


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Two kinds of rating bias ——halo effect and ego-centric effect were analyzed in multitrait-multirater matrix by this research. To get the multitrait-multirater matrix, ten college students watched the video-tapes of football matches and rated the performance of the players on several traits. After the interviewing of 41 football fans, the performance traits of four different positions in a football team were obtained using critical incident technique. The results indicate: comparing the heterotrait-monorater triangless, some rater's rating showed halo effect obviously; comparing the monotrait-heterorater diagonals, ego-centric effect can be shown in some extent on different traits. There were less interrater reliability on the rating of some ambiguous traits. The conclusion can be used on rater training. We can give the raters feedback about their rating bias by analyzing the multitrait-multirater matrix. The results are also helpful for rater training.


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Schema acquisition is one of the mechanisms of learning. How to design reasonable teaching material to promote schema acquisition is an important question that psychological researchers and educators both interested. Cognitive Load Theory indicates that: The cognitive resource of Human is limited, the organization and presentation of the learning material should avoid demanding the learner consume resource in actions that have nothing to do with schema acquisition. How can we do that? Sweller. J. et think: Increasing the operation cost of the learning material would make the students put more resource into the implementation of the operation, this kind of resource consuming has nothing to do with schema acquisition. So, in order to make the students put more resource into actions which relating to schema acquisition, we should decrease the operation cost of the learning material. But, the research results of O'Hara et indicate: In problem-solving of knowledge lean field, increasing the operation cost would make the college students invent more resource to plan and understanding actions. So, Increasing the operation cost would facilitate the schema acquisition. How operation cost will effect the Middle-School Students' (MSS) schema acquisition and resource distribution when they solve problems of knowledge lean/rich field? This is the main question this research want to make inquiry. IN this research, we use three experiments indicate: Increasing the operation cost of actions, the implementing action would be less and the planning action would be more. So, increasing the operation cost can promote the schema acquisition. We use "cost-benefit analysis" strategy to explain this result. This strategy means that: Human is rational, before doing one action, he will weigh the cost and the coming benefit of this action, if the coming benefit is higher than the cost, he will implement this action; if the cost is higher than the coming benefit, this action will be contained. On the one hand, this research further affirms the core opinion of the Cognitive Load Theory: Human's cognitive resource is limited, we should put the limited resource into actions which is related to the schema acquisition; On the other hand, for the learning material designing principle which is advanced by the Cognitive Load Theory, we raise our questions. Besides, the question we raised holds some identical views with the constructive learning opinion: Learning is not passive information absorption, but positively constructing the meaning of the information, besides, this kind of construction can't done by others. The result of this research can provide some theory guidance and experimental basis for the designing of the MSS's science teaching material from a complete new angle.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa, como parte dos requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia do Trabalho e das Organizações