336 resultados para Calçados esportivos


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Na década de 80, diferentes autores e livros questionaram o caráter tecnicista do esporte e dos profissionais (professores e técnicos) que trabalhavam com os fundamentos esportivos e/ou com atividades de aperfeiçoamento e treinamento de determinadas modalidades. Passados um quarto de século, algumas dessas questões persistem quanto ao caráter reprodutivista de algumas destas modalidades, despertando o interesse em estar estudando esta temática na perspectiva de se apresentar um quadro da modalidade natação. Como hipótese de trabalho foi formulada a seguinte questão de estudo: os conhecimentos ou saberes adquiridos na socialização primária tendem a ser preponderantes com relação aos conteúdos/saberes/conhecimentos adquiridos na socialização secundária. Com base no exposto, este estudo tem como objetivos: (a) Averiguar entre os profissionais que trabalham com natação (iniciação, aperfeiçoamento, treinamento), o perfil profissional desenhado no exercício da profissão e; (b) Identificar na prática profissional ou história de vida desses profissionais os conhecimentos ou saberes tidos como imprescindíveis para o exercício profissional. Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo, que tem na técnica de entrevista, os instrumentos para a sua coleta de dados. Entre os resultados coletados observou-se a perspectiva dos profissionais terem forte socialização ocupacional a partir da socialização primária vinculada a prática de atividades físicas e esportivas; forte influência do saber da experiência tanto antes da graduação como durante a graduação; contribuição dos saberes da formação profissional, disciplinar e curricular no processo de formação, tendo como prérequisto para atuar neste campo: competência, postura (valores) e atenção com o processo de profissionalização.


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ports is an editorial present in every and any large scale news company, wheter it print, radio, television or web. However, their approach is made differently from other editorials, they have more freedom and constant use of elements that soften the text, leaving it close to entertainment. There fore, this work seeks to analyze and understand the sports broadcasting, which on the Brazilian television is usually limitate to the football. To perform the project of the conclusion of major, there was a need to study how the sport broke into television, how the sports broadcast is carried out by television media, which are the elements used for their coverage of sports events, especially football ones, and the effects that this broadcasting causes in society


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Como todo fenômeno de massa, os acontecimentos esportivos são, atualmente, um dos preferidos da mídia, sobretudo por questões de ordem mercadológica ou simbólica, já que o esporte tem papel fundamental na construção de identidades e subjetividades. Tendo como base este fato, o objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu em identificar como a mídia esportiva refere-se ao atletismo, quando da veiculação de reportagens jornalísticas. Para tanto, foram coletadas reportagens do jornal “Folha de São Paulo”, mais especificamente, do caderno “Pequim/2008” num período de 15 dias antes dos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim/2008, durante o seu desenvolvimento e 15 dias após o término desse evento, isto é, de 22/07/2008 a 08/09/2008. Nesse período, foram coletadas 49 edições desse jornal, nas quais analisamos 88 reportagens relacionadas ao atletismo. Em revisão bibliográfica e com base na Análise de Conteúdo foram identificadas as principais características dessas reportagens, além dos temas mais recorrentes (unidades de registro) e o contexto (unidades de contexto) de cada uma delas. Foram criados 5 blocos de categorias, a saber: 1. Breves notas informativas sobre o atletismo; 2. Curiosidades acerca do atletismo mundial; 3. Resultados obtidos nas provas do atletismo; 4. Preparação dos atletas e expectativa em relação ao desempenho e 5. Destaques do atletismo nos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim. A descrição de cada um dos blocos de categorias favoreceu a exposição dos resultados, dentre os quais: a falta de informação que é dedicada ao atletismo pela mídia em períodos em que não ocorrem grandes competições esportivas, a ênfase dada por ela por ocasião de eventos de repercussão internacional e a atenção especial voltada aos atletas que estão no auge da carreira e que, de alguma forma, passam a ser reconhecidos...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as organizações esportivas brasileiras, comparando o modelo de gestão profissional implementado no vôlei a partir da década de 70, apresentando os resultados que este alcançou e o modelo baseado na cartolagem utilizado no futebol ainda hoje. Será enfoque do trabalho também a participação da mulher na gestão esportiva e as conquistas das mesma no mundo esportivos a partir do século XX


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Não disponível.


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The fights are one of the most elementary manifestations of body culture, which are also constituted by sports, dances, games, and others. They are present in a lot of different ways, being very diverse among themselves. However, there is no consensus or agreements in the literature about the pedagogical practice of these modalities in fitness centers, sport clubs and sports centers. How do the teachers teach in these environments? What strategies do they use? How do they organize the contents? In what subjects they are based to execute the teaching and learning process? In this way, the objective of this study was to analyze some classes from different styles of fights/ martial arts teachers, trying to find what are their focus, goals, methodologies, classes’ dynamics and didactical and pedagogical procedures, aiming to check what is the focus of fights/ martial arts´ pedagogical practice in non-formal education. For this, it was selected one experienced teacher from the following modalities of fights from oriental origin: karate, judo, jiu jitsu and kung fu. The methodology used in this study consisted first in a literature review about the fights and sports pedagogy. Furthermore, there was one field research of qualitative nature, whose methods of data collection were divided in two: systematic observations of some classes of each teacher and semi-structured interviews with each teacher after the observation process, looking deeper into the pedagogical practice of these modalities. The results were analyzed through a content analyze, crossing the informations acquired with the instruments used. In addition to the description of these teachers and their classes, there was a classification of information, arriving the following categories: ritual and ceremony, tradition and discipline, didactical and pedagogical procedures ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O contexto esportivo tem sido marcado por um numero crescente de torcedores, sendo esses algumas vezes apaixonados por esporte, ou meros curiosos que acompanham matérias jornalísticas, os mesmos torcedores que vibram nos momentos de vitória e vaiam nos momentos de derrota. Podemos dizer que essa torcida poderá desequilibrar o atleta a ponto de interferir em seu desempenho e levá-lo a uma ansiedade capaz de gerar outras fortes tensões, perdendo totalmente o controle da situação pela qual está passando. As equipes desportivas devem dar uma importância maior para a preparação psicológica dos atletas em função do modo como os fatores psicológicos, os agentes causadores de estresse e a baixa alto-estima causam interferência no cotidiano de um atleta. E essa preparação é sempre colocada em segundo plano quando comparada a preparação física, técnica e tática. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar qualitativamente qual a influência que a torcida pode exercer sobre o desempenho de atletas de voleibol durante uma partida, seja ela disputada com a torcida incentivando ou tentando atrapalhar os jogadores. Em pesquisa documental (uma entrevista feita em 1997), cujos dados encontram-se armazenados no LEPESPE, Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia do Esporte, IB/UNESP, sob código DEF/UNESP/MCZ/97, coletados em campeonatos esportivos, no estado de São Paulo, incluindo jogos oficiais da Secretaria de Esportes e Campeonatos Esportivos Universitários por equipe de pesquisadores do laboratório, percebeu-se que tanto em turmas de treinamento, como em jogos entre classes ou entre escolas é que uma primeira preocupação fica mesmo por conta do jogar para ganhar, seguida da intenção de se fazer um bom papel, uma bela figura. Os depoimentos citados mostram que os alunos são breves espelhos de seus professores, quando são bem motivados com...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Currently there are numerous social projects scattered through out the country, including the sport, for the most part, aimed at children and teens considered at social vulnerability. These projects end up having as main guiding sports, these in turn take several purposes, among them, the sport recreation/socialization and professionalization of sport, which often end up being worked disassociated from one of another, forgetting that, in the same place, these different purposes can live therefore are the subjects that give meaning to their practice. In this sense, this research sought to understand the meanings that the participants in a social sports project water polo attribute to the practice. This project happens in a provincial city of São Paulo, serving about 2.300 children and teens and has as main objectives the social inclusion and training of high-performance athlete. The research, qualitative approach was characterized by an exploratory study and used the interview as collection technique. The study included 40 children and adolescents attending the project, as well as two social workers and two physical education teachers that working on the project. The results showed that there is a convergence between participants, teachers and social workers regarding their expectations regarding the project, but we identified another bias that goes against the practice of leisure, in showing that in the same place if can find to the two purposes of the sport, even this


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Founded in 1921, the company currently known as Lupo S/A is one of the most ancient textile and clothing industries in Brazil. In this article we aim to describe the general lines of the trajectory of this family company, currently producing socks, nightwear and sports articles. The focus of this paper is on the analysis of some strategies used by the company along its formation and development process, and, particularly, the way these strategies made possible the productive restructuring associated to the overcoming of the strong crisis which began in the end of the 80's and early 90's, contributing to its recent consolidation in the clothing industry. The leading hypothesis of the study is that pioneering connected to a strong organizational culture that has been formed and constructed since its foundation and that was reestablished in a more recent management were the factors which were responsible for the advances able to generate an innovation environment in products as well as in processes and management. The theoretical reflection selected to subsidize the cognitive construction of the study of the company is based on the historical approach of the development of the textile industry in Brazil and in studies about the importance of the action of the entrepreneur, in the role of the organizational culture and of innovation to choose strategies in companies. The research involved the analysis of documents and data of the company, as well as interviews with directors and employees. The results show a traditional company model, but also show the presence of a very advanced entrepreneurial dynamic. Modern world – known as a fordist industrial model – could already be noticed in the company when this production pattern was not clearly defined yet in the Brazilian industry. Nowadays, the company faces the challenge of globalization and the open competition in the international market which brings the rivalry of the greatest and best globalized companies.


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The process of product development (PPD) is a strategic factor in which companies seek to identify consumer needs. The relationship of the practices adopted, tools, techniques, among others, can determinate the maturity level of the company in this process. The purpose of this paper is to understand and diagnose the level of maturity of the PDP in footwear segment industry. For the case study, a company inserted into one of the largest poles of women’s footwear in Brazil, located in Jaú, São Paulo State, was researched. The diagnosis is based on the maturity levels of the unified model, reference in the process of product development, proposed by Rozenfeld et al. (2006). The application of the model assisted to diagnose the current maturity level of the company in this process, providing useful information to achieve higher levels of maturity in the PDP.


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Nasal fractures are extremely frequent. The nasal bones are the third most frequently fractured bones in the human skeleton. This is due to their prominent position on the face and to the diminished bone thickness. As a result, weak forces can cause nasal fractures, while stronger forces can comminute the nasal bones. In general, assaults, falls and sports injuries are the etiologies most commonly involved in nasal trauma. The diagnosis of such fractures is basically clinical and their treatment is usually by closed reduction with good results reported in all the relevant literature. Thus, the aim of this paper is to report a modification of the closed reduction technique for the treatment of these fractures.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Sports team, specifically soccer and handball, has traditionally composing the physical education school contents as a curriculum component. There are several criticisms to extend this approach beyond the sportive discourse. While we recognize this need for expansion, we believe that the methodological endeavors to teach these sports content are still very poor, requiring, therefore, studies that guide us in changing not only contents but also the way of teaching it, which implies new e teaching, pupils and teaching relationship perspective. In this sense, the objective of this study was to identify and analyze, from a sports team tactics teaching approaches of invasion, the demonstrations by students, the phases of handball and soccer games, as well as the elements/dynamic structural, functional and operational in the same school environment. Given this objective, qualitative research, specifically, collaborative action research, best meets investigation is this scenario, since classroom teacher and students also participated in the content construction and strategies undertaken during the intervention. The study enrolled 28 students in the fifth grade, aging 10 to 11 years, in a Bauru/SP public school, physical education teacher and the researcher. Were planned and taught together, 14 classes over a semester with the handball and futsal content, guided for teaching tactics approaches. The data collections were made through systematic lessons observation (through filming and recording diary), interviews with students and descriptive reports made by the classroom teacher and researcher. The results indicate that there was an improvement in the phases of soccer and handball game, even though only the latter has changed its category phase to decentralized anarchic phase. Several students showed in the situational interviews, a more elaborate game understanding than the one identified in the game demonstration. In the analysis of relationship levels..


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This study aims to discuss the role of the professional of public relations and the marketing tools in organizing events. Taking as parameter the concepts of events, marketing and public relations and highlighting the contributions on strategic planning, the communication process and the relationship with stakeholders as key elements on this management, it is intended to form arguments to demonstrate that the work of a skilled professional is essential for the empowerment of the events not only as a communication tool, but as well as a relationship tool. The methodology utilized is based on literary data and on the exemplification of this process, with the analysis of three mega events. As a result, we leave a reflection about the importance of professionally events management, in addition to excellent communication and expansion of economic resources, since it defends the idea that management needs to generate lasting relationships across all the stakeholders' chain