260 resultados para COIN
El conocimiento campesino se ha pensado como un cúmulo de saberes y prácticas tradicionales que las personas que trabajan la tierra han aprendido y transmitido de generación en generación. Pero para el análisis de las relaciones que construyen los campesinos con la tierra, el agua, las semillas, los cultivos, los químicos, las herramientas de trabajo y el dinero, es importante considerar el conocimiento campesino como una red de aprendizajes, saberes, experiencias, prácticas y relaciones territoriales. Aquella red se teje desde múltiples actores tales como funcionarios de instituciones estatales y bancarias, empresarios, familiares, vecinos y amigos, quienes inciden, influyen e intervienen en los recursos que manejan los campesinos. Esta tesis aborda la construcción, reconstrucción y materialización del conocimiento sobre el trabajo en la tierra que han configurado campesinos agricultores en el municipio de Zona Bananera, Magdalena. En las parcelas que poseen dichas personas, han confluido diferentes controles sobre el uso de recursos por parte de empresas bananeras y extractoras de aceite, trabajadores del Instituto Colombiano para la Reforma Agraria INCORA, gobiernos locales y docentes de educación superior. Allí, los campesinos por medio de su conocimiento han apropiado, negociado, disputado y resistido saberes que regulan, restringen y direccionan el manejo de recursos en sus tierras.
Quality management provides to companies a framework to improve quality in overall systems, reduction of costs, reallocation of resources efficiently, correct planning of strategies, prevent or correct errors in the right time and increase the performance of companies. In this text, we discuss the different theories in this field, their obligatory or non-obligatory compliance, the importance of quality management for exporting companies and a case study of a Colombian firm that its main objective is to manage quality. In conclusion, we find out that there is different types of quality management systems such as Juran’s trilogy, Deming 14 points, Six sigma, HACCP, and so on; also that companies have to manage suppliers and that quality has a positive influence on exports volume; in the case of Colombian small and medium enterprises, it can be mentioned that the majority has implemented tools regarding quality management but is not enough.
La rapida espansione del mercato delle batterie incalza lo sviluppo di materiali elettrodici basati su elementi largamente disponibili sulla crosta terrestre, rispettosi dell'ambiente ed economicamente sostenibili. Nel presente elaborato si effettua lo studio di elettrodi basati sugli analoghi del blu di Prussia (PBA) come una classe di composti inorganici che presenta diverse proprietà elettrochimiche adatte per applicazioni legate all’energy storage. A tal riguardo, la sintesi del PBA ferro esacianocobaltato (FeHCC) è stata effettuata mediante un metodo di coprecipitazione semplice e poco costoso. L’utilizzo di tecniche analitiche quali XAS, PXRD, MP-AES e TGA ha permesso di ricavare la composizione del ferro esacianocobaltato, dell'esacianoferrato di titanio e del manganese esacianoferrato nonché diverse informazioni di carattere strutturale. In seguito, le prestazioni elettrochimiche degli elettrodi sono state valutate mediante voltammetria ciclica, utilizzando come agenti intercalanti gli ioni K+ e Na+ contenuti nel relativo elettrolita acquoso.Infine, grazie ai dati così ottenuti, è stato possibile assemblare e testare diversi layout di coin cell in configurazione rocking chair completamente basate su elettrodi PBA; anche in questo caso, la voltammetria ciclica e le tecniche galvanostatiche sono state utilizzate per valutare le prestazioni elettrochimiche e raccogliere informazioni sulla capacità gravimetrica ottenibile da questi dispositivi.
Due to the limited resources of lithium, new chemistries based on the abundant and cheap sodium and even zinc have been proposed for the battery market. Prussian Blue Analogues (PBAs) are a class of compounds which have been explored for many different applications because of their intriguing electrochemical and magnetic properties. Manganese and titanium hexacyanoferrate (MnHCF and TiHCF) belong to the class of PBAs. In this work, MnHCF and TiHCF electrodes were synthetized, cycled with cyclic voltammetry (CV) in different setups and subsequently, the surfaces were characterized with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The setups chosen for CVs were coin cell with zinc aqueous solution for the MnHCF series, three-electrode cell and symmetric coin cell with sodium aqueous solution for the TiHCF series. The electrodes were treated with different number of cycles to evaluate the chemical changes and alterations in oxidation states during cycling.
MnHCF was synthesized by simple co-precipitation method. In this work we investigate the electrochemical behavior of manganese hexacyanoferrate in zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), ZnSO4+MnSO4 and zinc triflate (Zn(OTF)2) aqueous electrolytes. Electrochemical tests were performed by both El-cell which is designed for reflection investigation and coin cell. In cyclic voltammetry curves, we observed redox peaks of both Fe3+/2+ and Mn3+/2+ pairs. The results based on current shows that the capacity of battery is controlled by diffusion process in aqueous electrolyte system. MnHCF undergoes severe dissolution and zinc displacement during cycling. Compared to ZnSO4, anions of Zn (OTF)2 electrolyte are strongly adsorbed on the electrolyte surface, in turn hindering the water oxidation reaction and reducing the decomposition of MnHCF. The MnHCF/Zn battery using 3M Zn (OTF)2 delivers a specific capacity of 41 mAhg-1 at 50 mAg-1 while by using 3M ZnSO4+1M MnSO4 the specific capacity reaches to 400 mAhg-1 for the pure sample and around 250 mAhg-1 for the MnHCF+A. Our results suggest that the anions in the aqueous electrolyte are of great importance to optimize the electrochemical performance of metal hexacyanoferrates. The pre-addition of MnSO4 into ZnSO4 solution is capable of easing the Mn2+ dissolution from the cathode.