843 resultados para Bridges in art.
During the years 2004 and 2005 is has been constructed in Barajas airport of Madrid a special bridge for the new plane AIRBUS A380. This new airplane has a weight of 1,500,000 pounds and 18 wheels with a reaction of 39.2 tonnes per each one and the braking force is about 600 tonnes. The enormous loads transmitted for the airplane made this bridge a special structure. The present article exposes the most important characteristics of project and construction, of one of the special bridges in the airport Brajas of Madri. This bridge was constructed for the access to the hangar of airplanes in Barajas, known "La Muñoza". The structure has a width of 48m, two spans of 13 m each one and a vertical clearance of 5.50 m to allow passing vehicles under it, along thhe new motorway in Brajas (Madrid).
The case to be reported in this paper is the teaching of topics involving the relation among Photonics, its history, the international situation and the artistic movements in each period. These kind of new studies correspond to a new tendency in teaching interdisciplinary topics to students coming from different areas. Two main courses, one in History and other one in Art, will be taken as examples. Theses two courses have been taught for several years in Madrid, Spain, for Telecomm students and the results have been very satisfactory
Diseño conceptual de puentes de alta velocidad ferroviarios. Railroad bridges, in general, and those for high speed railways, in particular, demand very special conditions. The traffic loads are much higher than for road bridges. Loads due to braking and acceleration determine, due to their magnitude, the structural layout. Because of the speed of the vehicles there are specific dynamic effects which need to be considered. In order to ensure passenger comfort, compatible with speeds of up to 350 km/h, it is necessary to meet very demanding conditions with respect to stiffness, displacements and dynamic behavior. In this paper these conditions are briefly described and different typological possibilities to satisfy them are presented as well as the main construction methods applicable to this kind of bridges.
This paper deals with the assessment of the contribution of the second bending mode to the dynamic behavior of simply supported railway bridges. Traditionally the contributions of modes higher than the fundamental have been considered of little importance for the computation of the magnitudes of interest to structural engineers (vertical deflections, bending moments, etc.). Starting from the dimensionless equations of motion of a simply supported beam subjected to moving loads, the key parameters governing the dynamic behavior are identified. Then, a parametric study over realistic ranges of values of those parameters is conducted, and the influence of the second mode examined in detail. The main purpose is to decide whether the second mode should be taken into account for the determination of the maximum displacement and acceleration in high-speed bridges. In addition, the reasons that cause the contribution of the second bending mode to be relevant in some situations are highlighted, particularly with regard to the computation of the maximum acceleration.
The interest for modelling of human actions acting on structures has been recurrent since the first accidents on suspension bridges in the nineteenth century like Broughton (1831) in the U.K. or Angers (1850) in France. Stadiums, gymnasiums are other type of structure where the human induced vibration is very important. In these structures appear particular phenomenon like the interaction person-structure (lock-in), the person-person synchronization, and the influence of the mass and damping of the people in the structure behaviour. This work focuses on the latter topic. The dynamic characteristic of a structure can be changed due to the presence of people on it. In order to evaluate these property modifications several testing have been carried out on a structure designed to be a gymnasium. For the test an electro-dynamic shaker was installed in a fixed point of the gym slab and different groups of people were located around the shaker. In each test the number of people was changed and also their posture (standing and sitting). Test data were analyzed and processed to verify modifications in the structure behaviour.
The interest for modelling of human actions acting on structures has been recurrent since the first accidents on suspension bridges in the nineteenth century such as Broughton (1831) in the U.K. or Angers (1850) in France. Stadiums, gymnasiums are other types of structure where human induced vibration is very important. In these structures a particular phenomenon appears such as the interaction personstructure (lock-in), the person-person synchronization, and the influence of the mass and damping of the people in the structural behaviour. This paper focuses on the latter topic. In order to evaluate these property modifications several tests have been carried out on a stand-alone building. For the test an electro-dynamic shaker was installed at a fixed point of the gym slab and different groups of people were located around the shaker. The dynamic characteristics of the structure without people inside have been calculated by two methods: using a three-dimensional finite element model of the building and by operational modal analysis. These calculated experimental and numerical values are the reference values used to evaluate the modifications in the dynamic properties of the structure.
RESUMEN Su objetivo esencial: Regular el proceso de la edificación, está basado en 3 grandes pilares: 1.- Completar la configuración legal de los agentes que intervienen en el mismo, fijando sus obligaciones para así establecer las responsabilidades. 2.- Fomentar la calidad de los edificios. 3.- Fijar las garantías a los usuarios frente a los posibles daños. Estos tres fundamentos están intensamente relacionados, ya que, las obligaciones y responsabilidades de los agentes son la base de la constitución de las garantías a los usuarios, definidas mediante los requisitos básicos que deben satisfacer los edificios. Partiendo del análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del grado de cumplimiento del objetivo de la nueva Ley, elaborado a través del estudio de sus tres pilares fundamentales, proponemos medidas tendentes a la plena entrada en vigor de la misma. Para ello se deberá desarrollar el Real Decreto previsto en la Disposición Adicional 2ª, una vez conseguido el grado de madurez de los sectores de la edificación y del seguro. En todo este proceso de estudio hemos podido apreciar que la objetiva identificación de los daños y en especial los que afectan la estabilidad del edificio, constituye una herramienta fundamental para la correcta atribución de responsabilidades a los agentes, basada en la aplicación de los tres grados de responsabilidad “ex lege” por daños materiales y sus plazos de prescripción surgidos del nuevo régimen impuesto por el art. 17 LOE Para avalar esta propuesta hemos analizado: 1.- El entorno económico, general y pormenorizado al sector de la edificación, en Europa y España durante el período comprendido entre los años 1990 y 2013, años previos y posteriores a la entrada en vigor de la Ley, dada la influencia de los ciclos de actividad producidos en la regulación del sector, las responsabilidades atribuidas a los agentes, el fomento de la calidad y las garantías ofrecidas a los adquirentes. 2.- Las diversas legislaciones sobre responsabilidades y garantías de los agentes de la edificación en los países de nuestro entorno económico. 3.- La gestación de la LOE, incidiendo en la evolución de los últimos borradores y su tramitación parlamentaria. 4.- El desarrollo doctrinal de la Transición desde el régimen de responsabilidades, fijado por el art. 1591 de Código Civil, y su Jurisprudencia, hacia el nuevo régimen de responsabilidades establecido por el art. 17 LOE. En esta tarea además de apreciar la asimilación, por parte de los Jueces y Magistrados, de los principios doctrinales de la LOE, hemos observado la labor de los peritos, de cuya experta identificación de las causas de los daños depende la justa y eficaz atribución de responsabilidades. 5 -. El grado de eficacia de la LOE a la vista de la estadística siniestral, de la que ya hay datos consolidados, tras la cancelación de casi 15.000 expedientes de reclamación a Arquitectos. 6 -. También hemos estudiado el grado de cumplimiento con el usuario y propietario de las garantías previstas en el art. 19 de la Ley y en la D.A. 1ª, los efectos reales alcanzados y las tareas pendientes por delante. Analizando la atribución de responsabilidades a los agentes de la edificación, dentro del primer pilar fundamental de la LOE, hemos estudiado las actuaciones de los peritos expertos y su incidencia en este objetivo, previa selección de casos de gran interés y dificultad. Fruto de ello se han formulado propuestas tendentes a la especialización de este colectivo, evitando conductas “irregulares” que tanto daño provocan a los agentes reclamados como a los propietarios afectados. Este daño es evidente pudiendo ocasionar condenas injustas, enriquecimientos ilícitos o bien falsas expectativas de satisfacción de daños mal dictaminados y costosas e ineficaces reparaciones. De cara a la consecución del pilar de la calidad de la edificación, mediante los requisitos básicos planteados por la LOE y desarrollados por el Código Técnico de la Edificación (Real Decreto 314/2006, de 17 de marzo), hemos procesado datos de expedientes de reclamaciones por daños que afectan a edificios ejecutados bajo el nuevo régimen LOE. Con esta base se han analizado las causas generadoras de las diversas lesiones y su frecuencia para que de este análisis puedan establecerse pautas de actuación para su prevención. Finalmente, tras demostrar que las garantías obligatorias impuestas por la LOE sólo abarcan un pequeño porcentaje de los posibles daños a la edificación, insistimos en la necesidad de la plena eficacia de la Ley mediante la aprobación de todas las garantías previstas y para todo tipo de edificaciones. En suma, se ha diseñado la tesis como una matriz abierta en la que podremos continuar incorporando datos de la evolución de la doctrina, la jurisprudencia y la estadística de los daños en la edificación. ABSTRACT The approval of Law 38/1999 on November 5, 1999, (Official Gazette BOE 266/1999 of 11.6.1999, p. 38925), was the culmination of a long period of over 20 years of gestation for which deep agreements were needed between all stakeholders affected. Although several parliamentary groups denounced its incomplete approval, regarding mandatory guarantees to the purchaser, its enactment caused general satisfaction among most of the the building agents. This assessment remains after fourteen years since its partial enactment. Its essential purpose, “to regulate the building process”, is based on 3 pillars: 1.- To complete the legal configuration of the agents involved in it, setting their obligations in order to establish their responsibilities. 2.- To promote the buildings quality. 3.- To specify users´guarantees against possible buildings damage. These three issues are strongly related, since the obligations and responsibilities of the actors are the basis of the users’guarantees constitution, defined by the basic performance required by buildings. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the fulfillment of the new law’s objectives, made by monitoring the three pillars, we propose measures to the full enactment of this Directive, by the development of the Royal Decree, provided in its Second Additional Provision, once maturity in the sectors of the building and insurance is achieved. Throughout this process of study we have seen that the skill identification of damage, particularly those affecting the stability of the building, is an essential tool for the proper allocation of responsibilities of the new regime installed by the art. 17 LOE, based on the application of the three degrees of responsibility "ex lege" for property damage and limitation periods. To support this proposal, we have analyzed: 1.- The evolution of the building sector in Europe and Spain during the years before and after the enactment of the Law, due to the influence of cycles of activity produced in industry regulation, the responsibilities attributed to agents, promotion of the quality and the assurances given to acquirers. 2.- The scope of various laws on liability and building agents warranties in the countries of our economic environment. 3.- The long period of LOE generation, focusing on the developments in recent drafts and parliamentary procedure. 4.- The doctrinal development in the Transition from the regime of responsibilities, set by art. 1591 of the Civil Code, and its Jurisprudence, to the new liability regime established by art. 17 LOE. In this task, while we have noted assimilation by the Judges and Magistrates of the doctrinal principles of the LOE, we have also analyzed the work of experts, whose skilled identification of the damage causes helps the fair and efficient allocation of responsibilities. 5 - The effectiveness of the LOE based on knowledge of the siniestral statistics, which are already consolidated data, after the cancellation of nearly 15,000 claims to Architects. 6.- We have also studied the degree of compliance with the user and owner guarantees, established in art. 19 and the D.A. 1th of the LOE, exposing the real effects achieved and the pending tasks ahead. Analyzing the allocation of the building agents´ responsibilities, within the first cornerstone of the LOE, we have studied the expert witnesses actions and their impact on this duty, selecting cases of great interest and difficulty in this aim. The result of this enterprise has been to propose the specialization of this group, avoiding "irregular" behaviors that create as much damage as the agents claimed to affected owners. This damage is evident and can cause wrong convictions, illicit enrichment, false expectations and inefficient and costly damage repairs. In order to achieve the pillar of building quality through the basic requirements set by the LOE and developed by the Technical Building Code (Royal Decree 314/ 2006 of 17 March), we have analyzed records of damage claims involving buildings executed under the new regime LOE. On this basis we have analyzed the root causes of various damages and their frequency, from these data it will be easy to propose lines of action for prevention. Finally, after demonstrating that mandatory warranties imposed by LOE cover only a small percentage of the potential building damage, we emphasize the need for the full effectiveness of the Law by the obligation all the guarantees provided in the art. 19 LOE, and for all types of buildings. In conclusion, this thesis is designed as an open matrix in which we will continue including data on the evolution of the doctrine, jurisprudence and the statistics of the damage to the building.
En la actualidad, y en consonancia con la tendencia de “sostenibilidad” extendida a todos los campos y parcelas de la ciencia, nos encontramos con un área de estudio basado en la problemática del inevitable deterioro de las estructuras existentes, y la gestión de las acciones a realizar para mantener las condiciones de servicio de los puentes y prolongar su vida útil. Tal y como se comienza a ver en las inversiones en los países avanzados, con una larga tradición en el desarrollo de sus infraestructuras, se muestra claramente el nuevo marco al que nos dirigimos. Las nuevas tendencias van encaminadas cada vez más a la conservación y mantenimiento, reduciéndose las partidas presupuestarias destinadas a nuevas actuaciones, debido a la completa vertebración territorial que se ha ido instaurando en estos países, entre los que España se encuentra. Este nutrido patrimonio de infraestructuras viarias, que cuentan a su vez con un importante número de estructuras, hacen necesarias las labores de gestión y mantenimiento de los puentes integrantes en las mismas. Bajo estas premisas, la tesis aborda el estado de desarrollo de la implementación de los sistemas de gestión de puentes, las tendencias actuales e identificación de campos por desarrollar, así como la aplicación específica a redes de carreteras de escasos recursos, más allá de la Red Estatal. Además de analizar las diversas metodologías de formación de inventarios, realización de inspecciones y evaluación del estado de puentes, se ha enfocado, como principal objetivo, el desarrollo de un sistema específico de predicción del deterioro y ayuda a la toma de decisiones. Este sistema, adicionalmente a la configuración tradicional de criterios de formación de bases de datos de estructuras e inspecciones, plantea, de forma justificada, la clasificación relativa al conjunto de la red gestionada, según su estado de condición. Eso permite, mediante técnicas de optimización, la correcta toma de decisiones a los técnicos encargados de la gestión de la red. Dentro de los diversos métodos de evaluación de la predicción de evolución del deterioro de cada puente, se plantea la utilización de un método bilineal simplificado envolvente del ajuste empírico realizado y de los modelos markovianos como la solución más efectiva para abordar el análisis de la predicción de la propagación del daño. Todo ello explotando la campaña experimenta realizada que, a partir de una serie de “fotografías técnicas” del estado de la red de puentes gestionados obtenidas mediante las inspecciones realizadas, es capaz de mejorar el proceso habitual de toma de decisiones. Toda la base teórica reflejada en el documento, se ve complementada mediante la implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de Puentes (SGP) específico, adaptado según las necesidades y limitaciones de la administración a la que se ha aplicado, en concreto, la Dirección General de Carreteras de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, para una muestra representativa del conjunto de puentes de la red de la provincia de Albacete, partiendo de una situación en la que no existe, actualmente, un sistema formal de gestión de puentes. Tras un meditado análisis del estado del arte dentro de los Capítulos 2 y 3, se plantea un modelo de predicción del deterioro dentro del Capítulo 4 “Modelo de Predicción del Deterioro”. De la misma manera, para la resolución del problema de optimización, se justifica la utilización de un novedoso sistema de optimización secuencial elegido dentro del Capítulo 5, los “Algoritmos Evolutivos”, en sus diferentes variantes, como la herramienta matemática más correcta para distribuir adecuadamente los recursos económicos dedicados a mantenimiento y conservación de los que esta administración pueda disponer en sus partidas de presupuesto a medio plazo. En el Capítulo 6, y en diversos Anexos al presente documento, se muestran los datos y resultados obtenidos de la aplicación específica desarrollada para la red local analizada, utilizando el modelo de deterioro y optimización secuencial, que garantiza la correcta asignación de los escasos recursos de los que disponen las redes autonómicas en España. Se plantea con especial interés la implantación de estos sistemas en la red secundaria española, debido a que reciben en los últimos tiempos una mayor responsabilidad de gestión, con recursos cada vez más limitados. Finalmente, en el Capítulo 7, se plantean una serie de conclusiones que nos hacen reflexionar de la necesidad de comenzar a pasar, en materia de gestión de infraestructuras, de los estudios teóricos y los congresos, hacia la aplicación y la práctica, con un planteamiento que nos debe llevar a cambios importantes en la forma de concebir la labor del ingeniero y las enseñanzas que se imparten en las escuelas. También se enumeran las aportaciones originales que plantea el documento frente al actual estado del arte. Se plantean, de la misma manera, las líneas de investigación en materia de Sistemas de Gestión de Puentes que pueden ayudar a refinar y mejorar los actuales sistemas utilizados. In line with the development of "sustainability" extended to all fields of science, we are faced with the inevitable and ongoing deterioration of existing structures, leading nowadays to the necessary management of maintaining the service conditions and life time extension of bridges. As per the increased amounts of money that can be observed being spent in the countries with an extensive and strong tradition in the development of their infrastructure, the trend can be clearly recognized. The new tendencies turn more and more towards conservation and maintenance, reducing programmed expenses for new construction activities, in line with the already wellestablished territorial structures, as is the case for Spain. This significant heritage of established road infrastructure, consequently containing a vast number of structures, imminently lead to necessary management and maintenance of the including bridges. Under these conditions, this thesis focusses on the status of the development of the management implementation for bridges, current trends, and identifying areas for further development. This also includes the specific application to road networks with limited resources, beyond the national highways. In addition to analyzing the various training methodologies, inventory inspections and condition assessments of bridges, the main objective has been the development of a specific methodology. This methodology, in addition to the traditional system of structure and inspection database training criteria, sustains the classification for the entire road network, according to their condition. This allows, through optimization techniques, for the correct decision making by the technical managers of the network. Among the various methods for assessing the evolution forecast of deterioration of each bridge, a simplified bilinear envelope adjustment made empirical method and Markov models as the most effective solution to address the analysis of predicting the spread of damage, arising from a "technical snapshot" obtained through inspections of the condition of the bridges included in the investigated network. All theoretical basis reflected in the document, is completed by implementing a specific Bridges Management System (BMS), adapted according to the needs and limitations of the authorities for which it has been applied, being in this case particularly the General Highways Directorate of the autonomous region of Castilla-La Mancha, for a representative sample of all bridges in the network in the province of Albacete, starting from a situation where there is currently no formal bridge management system. After an analysis of the state of the art in Chapters 2 and 3, a new deterioration prediction model is developed in Chapter 4, "Deterioration Prediction Model". In the same way, to solve the optimization problem is proposed the use of a singular system of sequential optimization elected under Chapter 5, the "Evolutionary Algorithms", the most suitable mathematical tool to adequately distribute the economic resources for maintenance and conservation for mid-term budget planning. In Chapter 6, and in the various appendices, data and results are presented of the developed application for the analyzed local network, from the optimization model, which guarantees the correct allocation of scarce resources at the disposal of authorities responsible for the regional networks in Spain. The implementation of these systems is witnessed with particular interest for the Spanish secondary network, because of the increasing management responsibility, with decreasing resources. Chapter 7 presents a series of conclusions that triggers to reconsider shifting from theoretical studies and conferences towards a practical implementation, considering how to properly conceive the engineering input and the related education. The original contributions of the document are also listed. In the same way, the research on the Bridges Management System can help evaluating and improving the used systematics.
Earth’s biota produces vast quantities of polymerized silica at ambient temperatures and pressures by mechanisms that are not understood. Silica spicules constitute 75% of the dry weight of the sponge Tethya aurantia, making this organism uniquely tractable for analyses of the proteins intimately associated with the biosilica. Each spicule contains a central protein filament, shown by x-ray diffraction to exhibit a highly regular, repeating structure. The protein filaments can be dissociated to yield three similar subunits, named silicatein α, β, and γ. The molecular weights and amino acid compositions of the three silicateins are similar, suggesting that they are members of a single protein family. The cDNA sequence of silicatein α, the most abundant of these subunits, reveals that this protein is highly similar to members of the cathepsin L and papain family of proteases. The cysteine at the active site in the proteases is replaced by serine in silicatein α, although the six cysteines that form disulfide bridges in the proteases are conserved. Silicatein α also contains unique tandem arrays of multiple hydroxyls. These structural features may help explain the mechanism of biosilicification and the recently discovered activity of the silicateins in promoting the condensation of silica and organically modified siloxane polymers (silicones) from the corresponding silicon alkoxides. They suggest the possibility of a dynamic role of the silicateins in silicification of the sponge spicule and offer the prospect of a new synthetic route to silica and siloxane polymers at low temperature and pressure and neutral pH.
In the MYL mutant of the Arc repressor dimer, sets of partially buried salt-bridge and hydrogen-bond interactions mediated by Arg-31, Glu-36, and Arg-40 in each subunit are replaced by hydrophobic interactions between Met-31, Tyr-36, and Leu-40. The MYL refolding/dimerization reaction differs from that of wild type in being 10- to 1250-fold faster, having an earlier transition state, and depending upon viscosity but not ionic strength. Formation of the wild-type salt bridges in a hydrophobic environment clearly imposes a kinetic barrier to folding, which can be lowered by high salt concentrations. The changes in the position of the transition state and viscosity dependence can be explained if denatured monomers interact to form a partially folded dimeric intermediate, which then continues folding to form the native dimer. The second step is postulated to be rate limiting for wild type. Replacing the salt bridge with hydrophobic interactions lowers this barrier for MYL. This makes the first kinetic barrier rate limiting for MYL refolding and creates a downhill free-energy landscape in which most molecules which reach the intermediate state continue to form native dimers.
A rhetorical approach to the fiction of war offers an appropriate vehicle by which one may encounter and interrogate such literature and the cultural metanarratives that exist therein. My project is a critical analysis—one that relies heavily upon Kenneth Burke’s dramatistic method and his concepts of scapegoating, the comic corrective, and hierarchical psychosis—of three war novels published in 2012 (The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers, FOBBIT by David Abrams, and Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain). This analysis assumes a rhetorical screen in order to subvert and redirect the grand narratives the United States perpetuates in art form whenever it goes to war. Kenneth Burke’s concept of ad bellum purificandum (the purification of war) sought to bridge the gap between war experience and the discourse that it creates in both art and criticism. My work extends that project. I examine the symbolic incongruity of convenient symbols that migrate from war to war (“Geronimo” was used as code for Osama bin Laden’s death during the S.E.A.L team raid; “Indian Country” stands for any dangerous land in Iraq; hajji is this generation’s epithet for the enemy other). Such an examination can weaken our cultural “symbol mongering,” to borrow a phrase from Walker Percy. These three books, examined according to Burke’s methodology, exhibit a wide range of approaches to the soldier’s tale. Notably, however, whether they refigure the grand narratives of modern culture or recast the common redemptive war narrative into more complex representations, this examination shows how one can grasp, contend, and transcend the metanarrative of the typical, redemptive war story.