943 resultados para Branch and bounds


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Matayba guianensis Aubl . is a shrubby or arborial Sapindaceae quite common in the Brazilian Cerrado with a key role in providing resources for ants and bees. It presents a rapid growth, and is important for the recovery of degraded areas, but little is known about its seedlings production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to describe the morphology of the branch and the seed germination and of seedling Matayba guianensis Aubl . in its post-seminal development and define the type of substrate and container suitable for seedling emergence and seedling production of this species. We evaluated three types of containers: black polyethylene bags, cartridge and polystyrene tray, with 5 kinds of substrates: sand, earth, earth - sand - manure (1:1:1); commercial substrate, and coconut fiber, with 4 replicates of 25 seeds per treatment . The branch, fruit, seed, seedling and their morphological events were described. The branch is cylindrical with paripinnate and alternate leaves, the fruit is dry and dehiscent. The seeds have a large amount of aryl, and the germination is cryptocotylar and hypogeal. The highest percentage of emergence occurred in styrofoam container with 91 % of the seeds germinated in commercial substrate , followed by coconut fiber (88 %). The development of root and stem were higher in tubes and plastic bags , using coconut fiber or commercial substrate.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste trabalho, propomos um modelo integrado de dimensionamento de lotes e programação da produção monomáquina para uma fábrica de refrigerantes de pequeno porte. As decisões de dimensionamento foram baseadas em um modelo encontrado na literatura e as decisões de sequenciamento foram modeladas utilizando restrições do problema do caixeiro viajante assimétrico. Para a validação do modelo proposto foram feitos testes computacionais com exemplares gerados aleatoriamente, e também exemplares baseados em dados reais obtidos da literatura. Os exemplares foram resolvidos pelo método Branch-and-Cut incluído no pacote computacional CPLEX 10.0. Os resultados mostram que o modelo proposto representa o planejamento da produção em fábricas de bebidas monomáquinas e que, em algumas situações, produz resultados melhores que o modelo da literatura.


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Current SoC design trends are characterized by the integration of larger amount of IPs targeting a wide range of application fields. Such multi-application systems are constrained by a set of requirements. In such scenario network-on-chips (NoC) are becoming more important as the on-chip communication structure. Designing an optimal NoC for satisfying the requirements of each individual application requires the specification of a large set of configuration parameters leading to a wide solution space. It has been shown that IP mapping is one of the most critical parameters in NoC design, strongly influencing the SoC performance. IP mapping has been solved for single application systems using single and multi-objective optimization algorithms. In this paper we propose the use of a multi-objective adaptive immune algorithm (M(2)AIA), an evolutionary approach to solve the multi-application NoC mapping problem. Latency and power consumption were adopted as the target multi-objective functions. To compare the efficiency of our approach, our results are compared with those of the genetic and branch and bound multi-objective mapping algorithms. We tested 11 well-known benchmarks, including random and real applications, and combines up to 8 applications at the same SoC. The experimental results showed that the M(2)AIA decreases in average the power consumption and the latency 27.3 and 42.1 % compared to the branch and bound approach and 29.3 and 36.1 % over the genetic approach.


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Oggetto di indagine del lavoro è il movimento ambientalista e culturale delle Città in Transizione che rappresentano esperimenti di ri-localizzazione delle risorse volte a preparare le comunità (paesi, città, quartieri) ad affrontare la duplice sfida del cambiamento climatico e del picco del petrolio. A partire dal Regno Unito, la rete delle Transition Towns si è in pochi anni estesa significativamente e conta oggi più di mille iniziative. L’indagine di tale movimento ha richiesto in prima battuta di focalizzare l’attenzione sul campo disciplinare della sociologia dell’ambiente. L’attenzione si è concentrata sul percorso di riconoscimento che ha reso la sociologia dell’ambiente una branca autonoma e sul percorso teorico-concettuale che ha caratterizzato la profonda spaccatura paradigmatica proposta da Catton e Dunlap, che hanno introdotto nel dibattito sociologico il Nuovo Paradigma Ecologico, prendendo le distanze dalla tradizionale visione antropocentrica della sociologia classica. Vengono poi presentate due delle più influenti prospettive teoriche della disciplina, quella del Treadmill of Production e la più attuale teoria della modernizzazione ecologica. La visione che viene adottata nel lavoro di tesi è quella proposta da Spaargaren, fautore della teoria della modernizzazione ecologica, secondo il quale la sociologia dell’ambiente può essere collocata in uno spazio intermedio che sta tra le scienze ambientali e la sociologia generale, evidenziando una vocazione interdisciplinare richiamata anche dal dibattito odierno sulla sostenibilità. Ma le evidenze empiriche progressivamente scaturite dallo studio di questo movimento che si autodefinisce culturale ed ambientalista hanno richiesto una cornice teorica più ampia, quella della modernità riflessiva e della società del rischio, in grado di fornire categorie concettuali spendibili nella descrizione dei problemi ambientali e nell’indagine del mutamento socio-culturale e dei suoi attori. I riferimenti empirici dello studio sono tre specifiche realtà locali in Transizione: York in Transition per il Regno Unito, Monteveglio (Bo) e Scandiano (Re) in Transizione per l’Italia.


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Der Austausch der NO2-Konzentration zwischen der Atmosphäre und verschiedenen Bäumen (Betula pendula, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur, Quercus ilex und Pinus sylvestris) wurde mit einer Dynamischen Küvette gemessen. Die NO2-Konzentrationen wurden mit einem CLD 780 TR Analysator in Verbindung mit einem PLC 762 gemessen. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen wurden im Dunkeln und unter zwei Lichtintensitäts-Niveaus (PAR, 450 und 900 µmol m-2 s-1) und sechs verschiedene NO2-Konzentrationen zwischen 0 - 5.0 ppb durchgeführt. Der stomatäre Einfluss wurde unter Einsatz des Hormons Abscisinsäure untersucht. Die Umgebungsparameter (Lufttemperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit) wurden konstant gehalten. Die Daten zeigten klar und deutlich den dominanten Einfluss der jeweiligen Baumspezies auf die NO2-Konzentrationen innerhalb der Küvette. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit belegen bei allen Spezies eine lineare Abhängigkeit der NO2-Austauschrate mit der NO2-Umgebungskozentration und mit der stomatären Leitfähigkeit. Das Vorhandensein eines Kompensationspunkt wird nicht bestätigt.


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La tesi si occupa della programmazione lineare in particolare nel caso in cui le variabili coinvolte o alcune di esse sono obbligate ad assumere valori interi.


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In questa tesi viene analizzato un problema di ottimizzazione proposto da alcuni esercizi commerciali che hanno la necessita` di selezionare e disporre i propri ar- ticoli in negozio. Il problema nasce dall’esigenza di massimizzare il profitto com- plessivo atteso dei prodotti in esposizione, trovando per ognuno una locazione sugli scaffali. I prodotti sono suddivisi in dipartimenti, dai quali solo un ele- mento deve essere selezionato ed esposto. In oltre si prevede la possibilita` di esprimere vincoli sulla locazione e compatibilita` dei prodotti. Il problema risul- tante `e una generalizzazione dei gia` noti Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem e Multiple Knapsack Problem. Dopo una ricerca esaustiva in letteratura si `e ev- into che questo problema non `e ancora stato studiato. Si `e quindi provveduto a formalizzare il problema mediante un modello di programmazione lineare intera. Si propone un algoritmo esatto per la risoluzione del problema basato su column generation e branch and price. Sono stati formulati quattro modelli differenti per la risoluzione del pricing problem su cui si basa il column generation, per individuare quale sia il piu` efficiente. Tre dei quattro modelli proposti hanno performance comparabili, mentre l’ultimo si `e rivelato piu` inefficiente. Dai risul- tati ottenuti si evince che il metodo risolutivo proposto `e adatto a istanze di dimensione medio-bassa.


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Intraneural Ganglion Cysts expand within in a nerve, causing neurological deficits in afflicted patients. Modeling the propagation of these cysts, originating in the articular branch and then expanding radially outward, will help prove articular theory, and ultimately allow for more purposeful treatment of this condition. In Finite Element Analysis, traditional Lagrangian meshing methods fail to model the excessive deformation that occurs in the propagation of these cysts. This report explores the method of manual adaptive remeshing as a method to allow for the use of Lagrangian meshing, while circumventing the severe mesh distortions typical of using a Lagrangian mesh with a large deformation. Manual adaptive remeshing is the process of remeshing a deformed meshed part and then reapplying loads in order to achieve a larger deformation than a single mesh can achieve without excessive distortion. The methods of manual adaptive remeshing described in this Master’s Report are sufficient in modeling large deformations.


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Linear programs, or LPs, are often used in optimization problems, such as improving manufacturing efficiency of maximizing the yield from limited resources. The most common method for solving LPs is the Simplex Method, which will yield a solution, if one exists, but over the real numbers. From a purely numerical standpoint, it will be an optimal solution, but quite often we desire an optimal integer solution. A linear program in which the variables are also constrained to be integers is called an integer linear program or ILP. It is the focus of this report to present a parallel algorithm for solving ILPs. We discuss a serial algorithm using a breadth-first branch-and-bound search to check the feasible solution space, and then extend it into a parallel algorithm using a client-server model. In the parallel mode, the search may not be truly breadth-first, depending on the solution time for each node in the solution tree. Our search takes advantage of pruning, often resulting in super-linear improvements in solution time. Finally, we present results from sample ILPs, describe a few modifications to enhance the algorithm and improve solution time, and offer suggestions for future work.


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Im operativen Betrieb einer Stückgutspeditionsanlage entscheidet der Betriebslenker bzw. der Disponent in einem ersten Schritt darüber, an welche Tore die Fahrzeuge zur Be- und Entladung andocken sollen. Darüber hinaus muss er für jede Tour ein Zeitfenster ausweisen innerhalb dessen sie das jeweilige Tor belegt. Durch die örtliche und zeitliche Fahrzeug-Tor-Zuordnung wird der für den innerbetrieblichen Umschlagprozess erforderliche Ressourcenaufwand in Form von zu fahrenden Wegstrecken oder aber Gabelstaplerstunden bestimmt. Ein Ziel der Planungsaufgabe ist somit, die Zuordnung der Fahrzeuge an die Tore so vorzunehmen, dass dabei minimale innerbetriebliche Wegstrecken entstehen. Dies führt zu einer minimalen Anzahl an benötigten Umschlagmittelressourcen. Darüber hinaus kann es aber auch zweckmäßig sein, die Fahrzeuge möglichst früh an die Tore anzudocken. Jede Tour verfügt über einen individuellen Fahrplan, der Auskunft über den Ankunftszeitpunkt sowie den Abfahrtszeitpunkt der jeweiligen Tour von der Anlage gibt. Nur innerhalb dieses Zeitfensters darf der Disponent die Tour einem der Tore zuweisen. Geschieht die Zuweisung nicht sofort nach Ankunft in der Anlage, so muss das Fahrzeug auf einer Parkfläche warten. Eine Minimierung der Wartezeiten ist wünschenswert, damit das Gelände der Anlage möglichst nicht durch zuviele Fahrzeuge gleichzeitig belastet wird. Es kann vor allem aber auch im Hinblick auf das Reservieren der Tore für zeitkritische Touren sinnvoll sein, Fahrzeuge möglichst früh abzufertigen. Am Lehrstuhl Verkehrssysteme und -logistik (VSL) der Universität Dortmund wurde die Entscheidungssituation im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts bei der Stiftung Industrieforschung in Anlehnung an ein zeitdiskretes Mehrgüterflussproblem mit unsplittable flow Bedingungen modelliert. Die beiden Zielsetzungen wurden dabei in einer eindimensionalen Zielfunktion integriert. Das resultierende Mixed Integer Linear Programm (MILP) wurde programmiert und für mittlere Szenarien durch Eingabe in den Optimization Solver CPlex mit dem dort implementierten exakten Branch-and-Cut Verfahren gelöst. Parallel wurde im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen dem Lehrstuhl VSL und dem Unternehmen hafa Docking Systems, einem der weltweit führenden Tor und Rampenhersteller, für die gleiche Planungsaufgabe ein heuristisches Scheduling Verfahren sowie ein Dispositionsleitstand namens LoadDock Navigation entwickelt. Der Dispositionsleitstand dient der optimalen Steuerung der Torbelegungen in logistischen Anlagen. In dem Leitstand wird planerische Intelligenz in Form des heuristischen Schedulingverfahrens, technische Neuerungen in der Rampentechnik in Form von Sensoren und das Expertenwissen des Disponenten in einem Tool verbunden. Das mathematische Modell sowie der Prototyp mit der integrierten Heuristik werden im Rahmen dieses Artikels vorgestellt.