887 resultados para Border space
Currently, there is a trend of an increasing number of Plasmodium vivaxmalaria cases in China that are imported across its Southeast Asia border, especially in the China-Myanmar border area (CMB). To date, little is known about the genetic diversity of P. vivaxin this region. In this paper, we report the first genome sequencing of a P. vivaxisolate (CMB-1) from a vivax malaria patient in CMB. The sequencing data were aligned onto 96.43% of the P. vivaxSalvador I reference strain (Sal I) genome with 7.84-fold coverage as well as onto 98.32% of 14 Sal I chromosomes. Using the de novoassembly approach, we generated 8,541 scaffolds and assembled a total of 27.1 Mb of sequence into CMB-1 scaffolds. Furthermore, we identified all 295 known virgenes, which is the largest subtelomeric multigene family in malaria parasites. These results provide an important foundation for further research onP. vivaxpopulation genetics.
Aquest article resumeix el desenvolupament del programa INTERREG i la cooperació a la frontera franc-britànica en els últims vint anys. Això és seguit per una anàlisi de la forma transfronterera cooperació pot entendre recorrent a les discussions conceptuals de canviar la governança europea i les relacions de poder entre els diferents nivells de govern. Aquestes idees conceptuals proporcionen un context per a un examen en profunditat de la iniciativa INTERREG IIIA, a la frontera franc-britànica que es destaquen alguns dels principals problemes i les contradiccions de la cooperació transfronterera.
After centuries of lack of contacts between Spain and Portugal, the democratization of both countries allowed for a rapprochement which today is becoming more intensive. The crucial factor of the growing integration of Spanish and Portuguese border regions into a cross-border region is naturally the INTERREG programme. Both regions are disadvantaged within the European Union and their respective countries as poor regions. They have the status of a ‘double periphery’. In the 1980s and particularly 1990s actors on both sides of the border intensified their contacts in order to overcome their double peripherality. The growing number of projects, the improvement of infrastructures and the revival of associationism will certainly change the quality of life of these regions, which are still among the lowest in both countries. The continuation of the INTERREG programme after 2007-2013 will be an important consolidating tool for the further development of cross-border cooperation.
Amb una història que data de la dècada de 1950, la EUREGIO és un de les més antigues euroregions a Europa. Es pot considerar com un cas exitós d'una regió transfronterera (CBR) en el sentit que s'ha establert fermament com una agència de fronteres dins del seu tram de la frontera holandesa-alemanya. L'EUREGIO també ha estat una de les protagonistes principals darrere de l'Associació de Regions Frontereres Europees (ARFE), que en les últimes dècades va actuar per difondre el model d'euroregió a tot el territori europeu. Aquest capítol té diversos objectius. En primer lloc, es presenta el cas de la EUREGIO i presenta evidència sobre la seva història, estructura orgànica i polítiques. En segon lloc, s'analitzen les condicions del context en què la EUREGIO ha sorgit i les estructures de govern que es van crear com a resultat. Es fa especial èmfasi en la posició i el paper de l'Euroregió en el context més ampli del marc de governança europea multinivell generat per la política de cohesió de la UE. El capítol conclou amb un intent d'avaluar l'èxit i l'impacte de la EUREGIO i una discussió dels reptes relacionats amb la doble funció de l'EUREGIO com a representant dels interessos de les autoritats locals i les agències de cohesió de la UE posada en pràctica de les polítiques.
The impact of radial k-space sampling and water-selective excitation on a novel navigator-gated cardiac-triggered slab-selective inversion prepared 3D steady-state free-precession (SSFP) renal MR angiography (MRA) sequence was investigated. Renal MRA was performed on a 1.5-T MR system using three inversion prepared SSFP approaches: Cartesian (TR/TE: 5.7/2.8 ms, FA: 85 degrees), radial (TR/TE: 5.5/2.7 ms, FA: 85 degrees) SSFP, and radial SSFP combined with water-selective excitation (TR/TE: 9.9/4.9 ms, FA: 85 degrees). Radial data acquisition lead to significantly reduced motion artifacts (P < 0.05). SNR and CNR were best using Cartesian SSFP (P < 0.05). Vessel sharpness and vessel length were comparable in all sequences. The addition of a water-selective excitation could not improve image quality. In conclusion, radial k-space sampling reduces motion artifacts significantly in slab-selective inversion prepared renal MRA, while SNR and CNR are decreased. The addition of water-selective excitation could not improve the lower CNR in radial scanning.
PURPOSE: To investigate the potential of free-breathing 3D steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging with radial k-space sampling for coronary MR-angiography (MRA), coronary projection MR-angiography and coronary vessel wall imaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A navigator-gated free-breathing T2-prepared 3D SSFP sequence (TR = 6.1 ms, TE = 3.0 ms, flip angle = 120 degrees, field-of-view = 360 mm(2)) with radial k-space sampling (384 radials) was implemented for coronary MRA. For projection coronary MRA, this sequence was combined with a 2D selective aortic spin tagging pulse. Coronary vessel wall imaging was performed using a high-resolution inversion-recovery black-blood 3D radial SSFP sequence (384 radials, TR = 5.3 ms, TE = 2.7 ms, flip angle = 55 degrees, reconstructed resolution 0.35 x 0.35 x 1.2 mm(3)) and a local re-inversion pulse. Six healthy volunteers (two for each sequence) were investigated. Motion artifact level was assessed by two radiologists. Results: In coronary MRA, the coronary lumen was displayed with a high signal and high contrast to the surrounding lumen. Projection coronary MRA demonstrated selective visualization of the coronary lumen while surrounding tissue was almost completely suppressed. In coronary vessel wall imaging, the vessel wall was displayed with a high signal when compared to the blood pool and the surrounding tissue. No visible motion artifacts were seen. Conclusion: 3D radial SSFP imaging enables coronary MRA, coronary projection MRA and coronary vessel wall imaging with a low motion artifact level.
In the context of the administration of spaces assigned by municipalities for the burial of the dead, this article provides a critical analysis of the techniques for the governance of political collectives of citizens implemented by public authorities. More broadly, this article shows how funerary practices (i.e. the social practices surrounding death-the rituals, the legislation, etc.) can be used to develop a critical reading of the social relations that structure the social production of space. To this end, the authors use the conceptual tools provided by critical legal geography to explore the controversy surrounding the development of a 'carré confessionnel' (denominational area) within the Bois-de-Vaux Cemetery in Lausanne, Switzerland. Here, a focus on the techniques that allow 'nomosphere' technicians to convene a subset of the citizens within the public space reveals the administration of cemeteries as a means of governance, a method for mobilising bodies and a paradoxical means of managing flux.
A forensic intelligence process was conducted over cross-border seizures of false identity documents whose sources were partly known to be the same. Visual features of 300 counterfeit Portuguese and French identity cards seized in France and Switzerland were observed and integrated in a structured database developed to detect and analyze forensic links. Based on a few batches of documents known to come from common sources, the forensic profiling method could be validated and its performance evaluated. The method also proved efficient and complementary to conventional means of detecting connections between cases. Cross-border links were detected, highlighting the need for more collaboration. Forensic intelligence could be produced, uncovering the structure of counterfeits' illegal trade, the concentration of their sources and the evolution of their quality over time. In addition, two case examples illustrated how forensic profiling may support specific investigations. The forensic intelligence process and its results will underline the need to develop such approaches to support the fight against fraudulent documents and organized crime.
Genes affect not only the behavior and fitness of their carriers but also that of other individuals. According to Hamilton's rule, whether a mutant gene will spread in the gene pool depends on the effects of its carrier on the fitness of all individuals in the population, each weighted by its relatedness to the carrier. However, social behaviors may affect not only recipients living in the generation of the actor but also individuals living in subsequent generations. In this note, I evaluate space-time relatedness coefficients for localized dispersal. These relatedness coefficients weight the selection pressures on long-lasting behaviors, which stem from a multigenerational gap between phenotypic expression by actors and the resulting environmental feedback on the fitness of recipients. Explicit values of space-time relatedness coefficients reveal that they can be surprisingly large for typical dispersal rates, even for hundreds of generations in the future.
The space subdivision in cells resulting from a process of random nucleation and growth is a subject of interest in many scientific fields. In this paper, we deduce the expected value and variance of these distributions while assuming that the space subdivision process is in accordance with the premises of the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model. We have not imposed restrictions on the time dependency of nucleation and growth rates. We have also developed an approximate analytical cell size probability density function. Finally, we have applied our approach to the distributions resulting from solid phase crystallization under isochronal heating conditions
Aim: The psychoanalytic theories of Bion, Anzieu, Berger and Gibello postulate that the development of thinking depends upon the formation of a psychic space. This thinking space has its origin in the body and in our interpersonal relations. This study aims to validate this psychodynamic hypothesis. Method: A group of 8- to 14-year-old children participated in this research. The presence of a thinking space was operationalized by the "barrier" and "penetration" scores on the Rorschach's Fisher and Cleveland scales and intellectual efficiency was measured using a short version of the WISC-IV. Results: Results show that extreme scores on the "barrier" and "penetration" variables predict a lower intellectual level than average scores on the same variables. Conclusion: The development of thinking and personality are undoubtedly linked and the "barrier" and "penetration" variables are useful measures when evaluating the development of a space for thought.
The front speed of the Neolithic (farmer) spread in Europe decreased as it reached Northern latitudes, where the Mesolithic (huntergatherer) population density was higher. Here, we describe a reaction diffusion model with (i) an anisotropic dispersion kernel depending on the Mesolithicpopulation density gradient and (ii) a modified population growth equation. Both effects are related to the space available for the Neolithic population. The model is able to explain the slowdown of the Neolithic front as observed from archaeological data
This paper deals with fault detection and isolation problems for nonlinear dynamic systems. Both problems are stated as constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and solved using consistency techniques. The main contribution is the isolation method based on consistency techniques and uncertainty space refining of interval parameters. The major advantage of this method is that the isolation speed is fast even taking into account uncertainty in parameters, measurements, and model errors. Interval calculations bring independence from the assumption of monotony considered by several approaches for fault isolation which are based on observers. An application to a well known alcoholic fermentation process model is presented