272 resultados para Boi Bumbá
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This guide provides examples of juvenile and adult arrest fingerprint cards with instructions and additional record forms.
G.S. Rakovski, in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of his death.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Travail créatif / Creative Work
Travail créatif / Creative Work
Coleta de analises; descricao e usos das especies: camaratuba, carqueija, catingueira-verdadeira, espinheiro/jacurutu/jiquiri, facheiro, favela/faveleira, feijao-brabo, imbuzeiro/umbuzeiro, juazeiro, jurema-preta, jurema-vermelha, macambira, mandacaru/mandacaru-de-boi, manicoba, marmeleiro/marmeleiro-preto, moleque-duro, mororo/unha-de-vaca, quebra-faca, sabia, sete-cascas/cascudo/pau-de-casca. Comentarios gerais e recomendacoes.
Os programas de controle direcionados aos parasitas ainda exigem a utiliza- ção de produtos químicos para maior estabilidade operacional das ações de controle e o uso de carrapaticidas químicos é a principal ferramenta de controle para as infestações do carrapato dos bovinos. A correta escolha de princípios ativos capazes de controlar as infestações nos rebanhos é uma necessidade premente, devido ao rápido surgimento e estabelecimento de populações de carrapatos resistentes. A utilização de técnicas fenotípicas de avaliação in vitro da suscetibilidade de carrapatos às bases pesticidas são ainda o método mais prático e de maior aceitação para se diagnosticar e mensurar o grau da resistência às bases carrapaticidas nas populações, porém provas diagnósticas moleculares estão sendo desenvolvidas e utilizadas para a identificação de populações do carrapato dos bovinos resistentes às principais moléculas utilizadas em seu controle. A rápida e acurada identificação da resistência à pesticidas nas populações do carrapato dos bovinos deve ser considerada como uma demanda prioritária para reduzir a dependência química relacionada ao controle das infestações, mitigar a contaminação ambiental determinada pelos pesticidas e eliminar a presença de resíduos parasiticidas nos alimentos. Lembrando que, a identificação de produtos de degradação de fármacos parasiticidas em produtos de origem animal se apresenta como uma barreira não tarifária que será cada vez mais explorada pelo competitivo mercado internacional de produtos cárneos e lácteos.
Esta investigación se interesa en evaluar los logros y retos que ha presentado el proyecto ASEAN Community en cada una de sus tres áreas de acción (Comunidad económica, comunidad de política y seguridad, y comunidad socio-cultural) ante su aplicación en Tailandia. De esta manera, se busca analizar la incidencia que ha tenido el proyecto en el Desarrollo Humano de Tailandia durante el periodo 2004-2014. A través del análisis del estatus actual a la luz del concepto de libertades instrumentales se realiza la evaluación de los resultados de los proyectos y su conveniencia o no para el desarrollo humano de la sociedad tailandesa.
Esse artigo aborda sobre as transformações na vida dos vaqueiros, dos sertões nordestino, que tinham como um dos divertimentos as festas de apartação no pátio das fazendas. Esses eventos são tidos como à gênese das vaquejadas moderna. Dessa forma, procuramos demonstrar as relações de trabalho existente nessa atividade, quando era praticada apenas nas fazendas, e hoje nos parques de vaquejada. Tal atividade que antes era tida como rural, hoje já faz parte do cotidiano das grandes cidades do nordeste e do Brasil. Diante de tal expansão, fazemos análise geográfica e histórica da vida desse personagem. O texto está divido em três partes, a primeira as “pegadas de boi”, a segunda as “vaquejadas de morão” e a terceira a vaquejada moderna.
The present work is focused on the synthesis and characterization of novel materials for hemodialysis applications. Cellulose acetate was chosen as base polymer for the preparation of porous Mixed Matrix Membrane adsorbers (MMMAs) and for the synthesis of hybrid ultrafiltration membranes. Hemodialysis is a renal replacement therapy used to eliminate,the waste products and excess fluids accumulating in the blood of people affected by an end stage renal disease. The main environmental drawback associated to it is the large water consumption. The MMMAs were prepared with the porpoise of eliminating waste metabolites (uremic toxins) from the spent dialysate solution, with the prospective limiting the consumption of water related to the process. Batch tests of MMMAs showed that the removal of uric acid is almost complete while the one of urea and creatinine is limited to a 20/30 %. The thinking behind the concept of MMMAs was aimed to develop a small a lab scale chromatographic cartridge to continuously remove uremic toxins from an aqueous feed solution. The cartridge was packed with MMMAs and tested with a mixture of toxins. Experiments results shown a promising removal capability of the system even if the necessity of a higher surface area to achieve better efficiency is denoted. The other important issue related to hemodialysis is the assessment of an overall mass transfer rates in hemodialyzers. The mass transfer correlations proposed in literature do not take into account the effect of permeation and are developed for turbulent flow regime. Therefore, hybrid cellulose acetate/Silica ultrafiltration membranes were prepared to characterize a surrogate system of an artificial kidney (AK) in terms of fluid mechanics and mass transfer. The effect of surface roughness and suction on the velocity profiles was determined and a new dimensionless mass transfer correlation accounting for permeation was developed.
Conventional chromatographic columns are packed with porous beads by the universally employed slurry-packing method. The lack of precise control of the particle size distribution, shape and position inside the column have dramatic effects on the separation efficiency. In the first part the thesis an ordered, three-dimensional, pillar-array structure was designed by a CAD software. Several columns, characterized by different fluid distributors and bed length, were produced by a stereolithographic 3D printer and compared in terms of pressure drop and height equivalent to a theroretical plate (HETP). To prevent the release of unwanted substances and to provide a surface for immobilizing a ligand, pillars were coated with one or more of the following materials: titanium dioxide, nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and polystyrene. The external NFC layer was functionalized with Cibacron Blue and the dynamic binding capacity of the column was measured by performing three chromatographic cycles, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as target molecule. The second part of the thesis deals with Covid-19 pandemic related research activities. In early 2020, due to the pandemic outbreak, surgical face masks became an essential non-pharmaceutical intervention to limit the spread. To address the consequent shortage and to support the reconversion of the Italian industry, in late March 2020 a multidisciplinary group of the University of Bologna created the first Italian laboratory able to perform all the tests required for the evaluation and certification of surgical masks. More than 1200 tests were performed on about 350 prototypes, according to the standard EN 14683:2019. The results were analyzed to define the best material properties and masks composition for the production of masks with excellent efficiency. To optimize the usage of surgical masks and to reduce their environmental burden, the variation of their performance over time of usage were investigated as to determine the maximum lifetime.
Extra cellular vesicles are membrane bound and lipid based nano particles having the size range of 30 to 1000 nm released by a plethora of cells. Their prime function is cellular communication but in the recent studies, the potential of these vesicles to maintain physiological and pathological processes as well as their nano-sized constituents opened doors to its applications in therapeutics, and diagnostics of variety of diseases such as cancer. Their main constituents include lipids, proteins, and RNAs. They are categorized into subtypes such as exosomes, micro-vesicles and apoptotic bodies In recent studies, extracellular vesicles that are derived from plants are gaining high regard due to their variety of advantages such as safety, non-toxicity, and high availability which promotes large scale production. EVs are isolated from mammalian and plant cells using multitude of techniques such as Ultracentrifugation, SEC, Precipitation and so on. Due to the variety in the sources as well as shortcomings arising from the isolation method, a scalable and inexpensive EV isolation method is yet to be designed. This study focusses on isolation of EVs from citrus lemon juice through diafiltration. Lemon is a promising source due to its biological properties to act as antioxidant, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory agents. Lemon derived vesicles was proven to have several proteins analogous to mammalian vesicles. A diafiltration could be carried out for successful removal of impurities and it is a scalable, continuous technique with potentially lower process times. The concentration of purified product and impurities are analysed using Size Exclusion Chromatography in analytical mode. It is also considered imperative to compare the results from diafiltration with gold standard UC. BCA is proposed to evaluate total protein content and DLS for size measurements. Finally, the ideal mode of storage of EVs to protect its internals and its structure is analysed with storage tests.