606 resultados para Bioma Caatinga


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O angico-de-bezerro (Piptadenia moniliformis Benth.) é uma espécie arbórea melífera, de crescimento rápido, característica da caatinga do nordeste brasileiro, onde é muito abundante e com dispersão contígua e irregular. Seus ramos finos, junto com as folhas, servem como alimento para animais. Como suas sementes apresentam dormência por impermeabilidade do tegumento à água, objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a eficiência de tratamentos pré-germinativos para superar a dormência de suas sementes visando maximizar e uniformizar o processo de germinação. Foram estudados 28 tratamentos pré-germinativos: imersão em água a 70, 80, 90 ºC e fervente por 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 minutos e imersão em ácido sulfúrico concentrado por 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 e 30 minutos, além da testemunha. A semeadura foi realizada sobre papel em temperatura alternada de 20-30 ºC, utilizando-se quatro repetições de 25 sementes. Foram avaliadas as porcentagens de germinação das sementes considerando a protrusão da raiz primária, de plântulas normais e de sementes duras e o índice de velocidade de germinação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Scott-Knott a 5% de probabilidade. Os tratamentos de imersão em água, independentemente da temperatura e do período de imersão, aumentaram a porcentagem de germinação das sementes, comparativamente ao tratamento controle, mas foram menos eficientes que os tratamentos em ácido sulfúrico nos maiores períodos de imersão. Desta forma, a imersão por 20, 25 e 30 minutos em ácido sulfúrico é recomendada para a superação da dormência de sementes de Piptadenia moniliformis Benth.


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A necessidade de se conhecer mais sobre o Bioma Cerrado torna-se cada vez mais urgente, devido à sua destruição acelerada. Este trabalho realizou o levantamento florístico-fitossociológico de uma área de cerrado sensu stricto na Fazenda Santa Cecília, município de Patrocínio Paulista, nordeste do Estado de São Paulo (20º 46' 2 S e 47º 14' 24 W, 836 m de altitude e Neossolo Quartzarênico). em 30 parcelas de 10 x 10 m, foram amostrados 511 indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos de PAP > 15 cm, pertencentes a 30 famílias, 38 gêneros e 53 espécies. As famílias com maior riqueza específica foram Fabaceae (sete espécies), Myrtaceae (cinco espécies), Vochysiaceae (quatro espécies), Annonaceae (três espécies) e Caesalpiniaceae (três espécies), totalizando 45% das espécies. As espécies de maior valor de importância (IVI) foram: Qualea grandiflora (62,38), Dalbergia miscolobium (22,24), Styrax camporum (21,86), Ocotea corymbosa (18,02), Qualea parviflora (14,97) e Qualea multiflora (11,46). A comunidade arbórea apresentou densidade de 1.703 indivíduos por hectare, índice de Shannon (H') de 3,05 e índice de similaridade de Jaccard (ISj) de 45% quando comparado com área próxima de cerrado.


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Seeds of Caesalpinea ferrea Mart. ex Tu. var. leiostachya Benth. present low and irregular germination due to dormancy caused by the impermeability of the tegument. With the purpose to determine an efficient method to accelerate and uniformize seed germination, they were submitted to different immersion periods (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 minutes) in sulfuric acid (95-98%), influence emergency and vigor (first count, speed index, medium time and relative frequency of emergency, length and dry matter of the seedlings). The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions with an experimental design of completely randomized, with seven treatments and four replications. The pre-conditioning of the seeds with immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid was efficient to overcoming seed dormancy, by increasing the percentage and speed emergency, the first count of emergency, length and dry matter of seedlings and reduction in the medium time for emergency. The efficiency of this chemical treatment with concentrated sulfuric depends on the immersion time, and 10 to 20 minutes were the most adequate to provide larger emergency uniformity percentages and vigor.


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Juazeiro (Zizyphus joazeiro Mart.) é uma árvore brasileira típica dos sertões nordestinos. Endêmica da Caatinga, ela ocorre nos diversos Estados do Nordeste do Brasil e apresenta grande potencial econômico e é importante para a região semi-árida. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a melhor profundidade de semeadura para a emergência de plântulas de Zizyphus joazeiro. O experimento foi realizado em casa-de-vegetação, tendo como substrato areia lavada e esterilizada contida em bandejas de plástico, com 4 repetições de 25 unidades de dispersão cada uma, nas seguintes profundidades (um, dois, três, quatro e cinco centímetros). A semeadura de juazeiro em ambiente protegido deve ser feita na profundidade entre 1,0 e 1,6cm, resultando em elevado aproveitamento das unidades de dispersão. A profundidade de 1cm resultou em menor tempo para a germinação total.


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This research aimed to study competition effects of legumes intercropping and weeds on seeds yield and quality of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The experiment was carried out in a Rhodic Nitisol, under field condition in Botucatu region, São Paulo State, Brazil. Ten treatments were tested: sorghum (cv. A-6304) intercropped with Dolichos lablab L., Mucuna aterrima (Piper et Tracy) Holland, Canavalia ensiformis D. C. or Crotalaria juncea L., that were sown in the same time of sorghum or 20 days after the sorghum sowing, and sorghum weed-free and sorghum without weeding. The experimental design employed was the completely randomized blocks with four replications. There were evaluated sorghum seeds yield and some characteristcs of seed quality: purity, hectolitric weight, 1000 seeds weight, insect infestation, germination and vigor (by first counting of germination test and accelerated ageing test). The competition caused by legumes intercropping and weeds affected the yield and the physical and physiological characteristics of sorghum seeds, but the intensity of prejudicial effects depended on the time and the species of legume intercropping.


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To study plant growth and yield of cauliflower, two field trials were carried out: the first spring-summer (Oct. 07, 2006 to Jan. 28, 2007) and the second autumn-winter (Apr. 04, 2007 to Jul. 09, 2007). The experimental design was randomized complete blocks in 4 x 4 factorial design with three replications. The following factors: line spacing (0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2 m) and plant spacing (0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 m). The used cultivar was cv. Verona 284. The characteristics, number of leaves by plant, diameter of stem, diameter of inflorescence, inflorescence mass and yield were evaluated. With the reduction in spacing, were observed lower numbers of leaves, stem diameter, diameter and mass of the inflorescence, but there was an increase in yield. The maximum yield (23 t ha(-1)) was obtained with 0.6 x 0.4 m, ie, in higher plant population (41,667, plants ha(-1)).


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This paper aimed to evaluate the performance of hybrids of muskmelon on different substrates. Five substrates were evaluated: S(1) = coconut husk fiber, S(2) = sand; S(3) = 1/2 sand and 1/2 crushed of sugarcane, S(4) = 1/2 sand and 1/2 of peanut shell, and S(5) = 1/3 sand, 1/3 of crushed sugarcane and I of peanut shell and four hybrids of muskmelon (Bonus N(o). 2, Louis, Fantasy Jab and 2007 # 16). The plants were cultivated in plastic pots of 13 dm(3), which were filled with these substrates; they were arranged in plants spacing of 1,0 x 0,5 m between plants. The Fertirrigation was done by dripping, using a nutrient solution for the culture. The experimental design was a randomized blocks, in a 5 X 4 factorial design with four replications. The characteristics evaluated were: total production, average transverse and longitudinal diameter of fruit, fruit shape index; mesocarp thickness; average transverse and longitudinal diameter of the locule; index format locule; mass of fresh fruit; soluble solids, pH; titratable acidity; C vitamin; firmness of flesh; tracery of shell; and maturation index. The optimal substrate for muskmelon cultivation is a combination of 50% sand + 50% peanut shell. The hybrid Fantasy performed better compared to other hybrids.


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The work had as objective to evaluate the provenances of seeds to verify the efficiency of different tests of vigor for identification of the physiological potential in four lots of seeds of mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.). The study it was developed in the Laboratory of Analysis of Seeds and in the Experimental Fishery of Ornamental and Forest Plants - UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP. Four lots of seeds proceeding from three São Paulo localities had been used: lots I and II, collected in the city of Jaboticabal in 2000 and 2001, respectively, lot III: collected in Saint Rita do Passo Quatro and it crowds IV: collected in Luiz Antonio, both in 2001. The seeds used in all the tests had been escarificadas with sulfuric acid during 50 minutes, and washed in current water during 15 minutes. They had been evaluated: seed moisture, test of germination, test of first counting, index of germination speed, emergency in fishery, index of emergency speed. The seeds moisture of the seeds in the different lots had presented small variations (9,2 10.0%). Statistical differences for the germination percentage, emergency in fishery and index of speed of emergency in the different studied lots had not been verified. The tests of first counting and index of germination speed had revealed adequate for evaluation of the physiological potential of the lots. The seeds of lot III proceeding from the city of Santa Rita do Passo Quatro, had presented superior physiological potential to the too much studied lots.


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Cubiu is a native Amazon plant that has attracted attention for its nutritional and pharmaceutical industries. The goal this paper was to evaluate the effect of priming on germination and seedling emergence from of three varieties of cubiu seeds: Santa Luzia, Thais and Musquet, using five priming conditions: water for 12 and 24 h, solutions of PEG 6000 and 0.35 Mol KNO3 for 24 and 48 h at 25 degrees C. Unprimed seeds were considered as control. After priming, seeds conditioned or not, were evaluated by means of tests: germination, speed of germination, seedling emergence and speed of emergence. The variety Thais had the best physiological quality, and priming in KNO3 which provided greater effects on germination and seed vigor cubiu.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The ground pods of mesquite (GPM) was submitted to different thermal treatments for two hours after wanted temperature stabilization, for making of the treatments: A = ground pods of mesquite without heat treatment (approximately 30 degrees C); B = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 60 degrees C; C = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 80 degrees C; D = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 100 degrees C and E = The ground pods of mesquite treated at 120 degrees C. Soon after, samples were collected for accomplishment for chemical analyses and in vitro digestibility. A completely randomized design with three replications was utilized. The DM, CP, NFE, CF, ADF, celluloses, lignin, ash and CE values, did not were affected (P>0.05) by temperature. It was observed a quadratic effect (P<0.01) on the contents of EE, decreasing linear effect (P<0.01) on the CC and increasing linear effect on the NDF (P<0.01) and Hemicellulose (P<0.05) contents. The in vitro dry matter digestibility and the in vitro organic matter digestibility were not affected (P>0.05) by temperature. on the other hand the in vitro protein digestibility level, showed a quadratic effect (P<0.05), decreasing after 54 degrees C.


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O babaçu (Orbignya phalerata) é uma típica palmeira das matas de transição dos ecossistemas Amazônia/Cerrado e Amazônia/Caatinga, sendo de grande importância econômica, social e ambiental nestas regiões. Os produtos advindos dos babaçuais possibilitam renda para uma das camadas mais pobres da região amazônica e um dos entraves para a obtenção eficiente destes produtos é a colheita dos cocos de babaçu, que atualmente se faz no sistema extrativista. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o desenvolvimento e projeto de uma colhedora de babaçu adaptável ao ambiente de trabalho da agricultura familiar e as características das matas de transição amazônicas. Para tal foram realizados estudos de literatura que nortearam as decisões e simplificações de projeto, assim como foram realizados os cálculos e desenhos da nova colhedora. O projeto foi realizado através de ferramentas de engenharia que apresentaram como resultados o memorial de cálculo que descreve o caminho técnico para o dimensionamento dos elementos constituintes da colhedora e a partir destes os desenhos detalhados dos elementos da nova máquina. Pelos desenhos detalhados suas considerações e decisões concluí-se que a colhedora de babaçu apresenta-se passível de ser construída com materiais nacionais de baixo custo, além de fácil operação, manutenção e com mínimo efeito sobre os babaçuais naturais.


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The sugarcane is a widely adapted species to tropical climate and has made key role in economic development in Southeast and Northeast. The ability to adapt in different environments can be evaluated through the growth analysis and yield. This study aimed to evaluate the growth and yield of four sugarcane varieties (RB92579 and SP79-1011, RB931530 and RB93509) in the third ratoon. The experiment was conducted at the CECA/UFAL, Rio Largo (28 degrees 02'09 '' S, 35 degrees 49'43 '' W and 127m). The experimental design was randomized blocks. Was evaluated monthly the number of plants, height, leaf area index and stem diameter. The quality of raw material, dry matter and yield were evaluated at 360 DAC. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and means compared to each other by Tukey test. The results showed that the maximum tillering occurred at 90 DAC for all varieties, and the RB92579 showed greater tillering and greater height at 360 DAC. The variety RB931530 had superior diameter than the others. The RB92579 and RB93509 were higher than the others on the sugar production, dry matter and yield, however, differed ech only on the matter. Varieties RB92579 and RB931530 had similar levels of Brix, PCC and ATR. Since this latter variable responsible for developing the pricing of sugarcane industry.


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This paper evaluated the effect of different herbicides applied isolated and mixed on two species of dayflower (Commelina benghalensis and Commelina villosa). Both species were grown under pot conditions with a capacity of 14 L. Three stems with 10 cm were planted per pot. The herbicides application was made using a stationary spray system, to provide a spray volume of 200 L ha(-1), with spray tip XR 110.02VS, when the plants were with dimensions of 25-35 cm for C. benghalensis and 30-35 cm for C. villosa. The mixture saflufenacil more effective control of C. benghalensis were saflufenacil + glyphosate (48 + 720 g ha(-1)) and, saflufenacil + (glyphosate + imazethapyr) with and without the addition of ammonium sulfate (24 + 623 g ha(-1)). The combination of carfentrazone + glyphosate (20 + 720 g ha(-1)) were also effective in the C. benghalensis control. The saflufenacil mixture allowed plant control of C. villosa, where saflufenacil + glyphosate (24 + 720 g ha(-1)) with the addition of ammonium sulfate, showed a good visually control of this species. The application of 2,4-D (720 g ha(-1)) and 2,4-D + glyphosate (720 + 720 g ha(-1)) provided the best visual controls of C. benghalensis e C. villosa. All chemical treatment regardless of Commelina species reduced the dry mass of dayflower.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect two hybrids of maize, cultivated on "safrinha" conditions, in different rates of 08-28-16 formula. The treatments consisted of two hybrids of maize (DKB747 e CO32) cultivated in no-tillage system (SPD) and five rates of fertilizer 08-28-16 (100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 kg ha(-1)). The randomized block design was used, with subdivided splots and four replications. The maize was sowed on 02/03/2006 using seeder pneumatic of mechanics traction, with four individual lines, spaced of 0.45 m During maize flowering period, morphologic components were evaluated; the harvest occurred on 150 days after the sowing, when the production components were evaluated. The hybrid of maize DKB747 showed greater efficiency, while the hybrid of maize CO32 was more responsive to rates used. NPK rates on 08-28-16 fomula above 300 kg ha(-1) are not necessary to the hybrid CO32 cultivated on "safrinha" conditions, in Botucatu region, state of São Paulo.