492 resultados para Asbestos, Serpentine


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This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the behavior of the heating inside poultry shed through gas hood and underfloor heating. The experiment was conducted in poultry shed belonging to the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tringulo Mineiro Region, Uberlndia city state of Minas Gerais (MG), Brazil. The dimensions of the shed are 24 meters long and 9.6 meters wide and with a ceiling height of 3.2 meters. The temperature was measured with an optical thermometer of Minipa brand, MT 350 model. It was used, to the analysis of temperature behavior, the public domain software FEMM 4.2, which uses finite elements techniques, with data collected from two lots. Underfloor heating is made using hot water flowing through a serpentine type system, which is installed below the bed; this hot water is from solar heaters. An energetic and economic assessment of the warming shed for raising chickens was realized. From the results obtained with the simulations, it may observe that the heating through the floor provides a more homogeneous distribution of temperature when compared with the hood heating. The flow of heat is upwards supplying, thus, the greatest need of heating of the bird, which is the pectoral part.


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Thermal discomfort inside facilities is one of the factors responsible for low productivity of caprines in the Brazilian Northeast region, because inadequate weather conditions can cause elevated rectal temperature, increased respiratory rate, decreased food ingestion and reduced production. The present paper aimed to study the behavior of physiological thermoregulation of the animals (respiratory rate - RR and rectal temperature - RT) at four different times of the day (8 a.m., 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.) and their relation to bioclimatic indexes (Temperature Humidity Index - THI, Black Globe Humidity Index - BGHI and Radiant Heat Load - RHL) in order to determine whether the type of covering used in the animals facilities (ceramic covering - CC, asbestos cement covering - AC and straw covering - SC) interferes with the physiology of thermoregulation. The time of data collection was related to the values of environmental and physiological variables. At 2 p.m. it was found the highest values of Radiant Heat Load on the three types of covering. The values of RT and RR were higher at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., and the straw tile provided better thermal conditions of microclimate for the animals. The increased RR maintained the caprines homeothermy.


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Sequestration of carbon dioxide in mineral rocks, also known as CO2 Capture and Mineralization (CCM), is considered to have a huge potential in stabilizing anthropogenic CO2 emissions. One of the CCM routes is the ex situ indirect gas/sold carbonation of reactive materials, such as Mg(OH)2, produced from abundantly available Mg-silicate rocks. The gas/solid carbonation method is intensively researched at bo Akademi University (AU ), Finland because it is energetically attractive and utilizes the exothermic chemistry of Mg(OH)2 carbonation. In this thesis, a method for producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks for CCM was investigated, and the process efficiency, energy and environmental impact assessed. The Mg(OH)2 process studied here was first proposed in 2008 in a Masters Thesis by the author. At that time the process was applied to only one Mg-silicate rock (Finnish serpentinite from the Hitura nickel mine site of Finn Nickel) and the optimum process conversions, energy and environmental performance were not known. Producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicate rocks involves a two-staged process of Mg extraction and Mg(OH)2 precipitation. The first stage extracts Mg and other cations by reacting pulverized serpentinite or olivine rocks with ammonium sulfate (AS) salt at 400 - 550 oC (preferably < 450 oC). In the second stage, ammonia solution reacts with the cations (extracted from the first stage after they are leached in water) to form mainly FeOOH, high purity Mg(OH)2 and aqueous (dissolved) AS. The Mg(OH)2 process described here is closed loop in nature; gaseous ammonia and water vapour are produced from the extraction stage, recovered and used as reagent for the precipitation stage. The AS reagent is thereafter recovered after the precipitation stage. The Mg extraction stage, being the conversion-determining and the most energy-intensive step of the entire CCM process chain, received a prominent attention in this study. The extraction behavior and reactivity of different rocks types (serpentinite and olivine rocks) from different locations worldwide (Australia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal) was tested. Also, parametric evaluation was carried out to determine the optimal reaction temperature, time and chemical reagent (AS). Effects of reactor types and configuration, mixing and scale-up possibilities were also studied. The Mg(OH)2 produced can be used to convert CO2 to thermodynamically stable and environmentally benign magnesium carbonate. Therefore, the process energy and life cycle environmental performance of the AU CCM technique that first produces Mg(OH)2 and the carbonates in a pressurized fluidized bed (FB) were assessed. The life cycle energy and environmental assessment approach applied in this thesis is motivated by the fact that the CCM technology should in itself offer a solution to what is both an energy and environmental problem. Results obtained in this study show that different Mg-silicate rocks react differently; olivine rocks being far less reactive than serpentinite rocks. In summary, the reactivity of Mg-silicate rocks is a function of both the chemical and physical properties of rocks. Reaction temperature and time remain important parameters to consider in process design and operation. Heat transfer properties of the reactor determine the temperature at which maximum Mg extraction is obtained. Also, an increase in reaction temperature leads to an increase in the extent of extraction, reaching a maximum yield at different temperatures depending on the reaction time. Process energy requirement for producing Mg(OH)2 from a hypothetical case of an iron-free serpentine rock is 3.62 GJ/t-CO2. This value can increase by 16 - 68% depending on the type of iron compound (FeO, Fe2O3 or Fe3O4) in the mineral. This suggests that the benefit from the potential use of FeOOH as an iron ore feedstock in iron and steelmaking should be determined by considering the energy, cost and emissions associated with the FeOOH by-product. AS recovery through crystallization is the second most energy intensive unit operation after the extraction reaction. However, the choice of mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) over the simple evaporation crystallization method has a potential energy savings of 15.2 GJ/t-CO2 (84 % savings). Integrating the Mg(OH)2 production method and the gas/solid carbonation process could provide up to an 25% energy offset to the CCM process energy requirements. Life cycle inventory assessment (LCIA) results show that for every ton of CO2 mineralized, the AU CCM process avoids 430 - 480 kg CO2. The Mg(OH)2 process studied in this thesis has many promising features. Even at the current high energy and environmental burden, producing Mg(OH)2 from Mg-silicates can play a significant role in advancing CCM processes. However, dedicated future research and development (R&D) have potential to significantly improve the Mg(OH)2 process performance.


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Vuoden 2016 alusta alkaen astuu Suomessa voimaan orgaanisen jtteen kaatopaikkakielto, joka rajoittaa voimakkaasti biohajoavan tai muun orgaanisen aineksen sijoittamista kaatopaikalle. Kiellon tavoite on ohjata orgaaniset jtevirrat hydyntmisksittelyyn ja vhent kaatopaikkasijoituksen ympristvaikutuksia. Tmn diplomityn tavoitteena oli orgaanisen jtteen kaatopaikkakieltoon varautumiseksi luoda toimintamalli jtekuormien vastaanottoon, tarkastukseen ja ksittelyyn Keltakankaan jtekeskuksessa. Vuonna 2016 kyttn otettavassa toimintamallissa kaatopaikalle sijoitetaan vain kaatopaikkakelpoiseksi todistettuja teollisuuden jtteit ja asbestijtett, eporgaanisia jakeita sek sekalaisen jtteen lajittelussa tai mekaanisessa ksittelyss syntyvi hydyntmiskelvottomia rejektej. Usea tll hetkell kaatopaikalle sijoitettava jtelaji ohjautuu vaihtoehtoiseen ksittelyyn. Toimintamallin mukaan kaikki jtekeskukseen vastaanotettavat sekalaiset jtekuormat ohjataan tarkastettavaksi, esiksiteltvksi ja tarvittaessa mekaaniseen lajittelulinjastoon kaatopaikkasijoittamisen sijaan. Ongelmallinen jae on hydyntmiskelvoton PVC-muovi, joka nostaa rejektien orgaanisen aineksen pitoisuutta. Niin kauan kuin PVC:lle ei ole olemassa hytykyttkohdetta, se ohjautunee poikkeusluvalla jtteenksittelyn rejektien mukana kaatopaikalle. Aiemmin sekalaisesta jtteest 7080 % on sijoitettu kaatopaikalle, mutta uusi lajittelulinjasto mahdollistaa ksiteltvn jtemr voimakkaan kasvattamisen. Toimintamallin testausvaiheessa vastaanotetuista sekalaisista kuormista luokiteltiin 11 % energiahydynnettviksi kotitalousjtteen kaltaisiksi, 69 % lajittelulinjastossa ksiteltviksi ja 20 % hydyntmiskelvottomaksi kaatopaikkajtteeksi. Kaatopaikalle sijoitettava kokonaisjtemr on uuden toimintamallin myt mahdollista puolittaa, kun sekalaisen jtteen ksittely listn ja useat muut jtelajit ohjautuvat vaihtoehtoiseen ksittelyyn.


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This thesis describes an ancillary project to the Early Diagnosis of Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer in Prior Asbestos Workers study and was conducted to determine the effects of asbestos exposure, pulmonary function and cigarette smoking in the prediction of pulmonary fibrosis. 613 workers who were occupationally exposed to asbestos for an average of 25.9 (SD=14.69) years were sampled from Sarnia, Ontario. A structured questionnaire was administered during a face-to-face interview along with a low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) of the thorax. Of them, 65 workers (10.7%, 95%CI 8.1212.24) had LDCT-detected pulmonary fibrosis. The model predicting fibrosis included the variables age, smoking (dichotomized), post FVC % splines and post- FEV1% splines. This model had a receiver operator characteristic area under the curve of 0.738. The calibration of the model was evaluated with R statistical program and the bootstrap optimism-corrected calibration slope was 0.692. Thus, our model demonstrated moderate predictive performance.


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The plant family Apocynaceae accumulates thousands of monoterpene indole alkaloids (MIAs) which originate, biosynthetically, from the common secoiridoid intermediate, strictosidine, that is formed from the condensation of tryptophan and secologanin molecules. MIAs demonstrate remarkable structural diversity and have pharmaceutically valuable biological activities. For example; a subunit of the potent anti-neoplastic molecules vincristine and vinblastine is the aspidosperma alkaloid, vindoline. Vindoline accumulates to trace levels under natural conditions. Research programs have determined that there is significant developmental and light regulation involved in the biosynthesis of this MIA. Furthermore, the biosynthetic pathway leading to vindoline is split among at least five independent cell types. Little is known of how intermediates are shuttled between these cell types. The late stage events in vindoline biosynthesis involve six enzymatic steps from tabersonine. The fourth biochemical step, in this pathway, is an indole N-methylation performed by a recently identified N-methyltransfearse (NMT). For almost twenty years the gene encoding this NMT had eluded discovery; however, in 2010 Liscombe et al. reported the identification of a -tocopherol C-methyltransferase homologue capable of indole N-methylating 2,3-dihydrotabersonine and Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) suppression of the messenger has since proven its involvement in vindoline biosynthesis. Recent large scale sequencing initiatives, performed on non-model medicinal plant transcriptomes, has permitted identification of candidate genes, presumably involved, in MIA biosynthesis never seen before in plant specialized metabolism research. Probing the transcriptome assemblies of Catharanthus roseus (L.)G.Don, Vinca minor L., Rauwolfia serpentine (L.)Benth ex Kurz, Tabernaemontana elegans, and Amsonia hubrichtii, with the nucleotide sequence of the N-methyltransferase involved in vindoline biosynthesis, revealed eight new homologous methyltransferases. This thesis describes the identification, molecular cloning, recombinant expression and biochemical characterization of two picrinine NMTs, one from V. minor and one from R. serpentina, a perivine NMT from C. roseus, and an ajmaline NMT from R. serpentina. While these TLMTs were expressed and functional in planta, they were active at relatively low levels and their N-methylated alkaloid products were not apparent our from alkaloid isolates of the plants. It appears that, for the most part, these TLMTs, participate in apparently silent biochemical pathways, awaiting the appropriate developmental and environmental cues for activity.


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The Johns-Manville Company was founded in 1901with the merging of the H.W. Johns Manufacturing Company and the Manville Covering Company. Both companies made building materials using asbestos. The new company was based in New York, New York, and made products such as insulation and roofing materials, automotive sheet packing for cylinders, asbestos/cement, acoustical and magnesia products. Significant restructuring has occurred over the years as the company shifted from production of asbestos products to other types of building materials, such as fibre glass and forest products. Since 2001, the Johns-Manville Company has been owned by Berkshire Hathaway. The company began operations in Canada in 1918 in Asbestos, Quebec, where the Jeffrey Asbestos Mine was located. A Canadian plant opened in Port Union, Scarborough Township, in 1956, and another in North Bay, Ontario, in 1957. Both of these plants have since closed. The company currently has two plants in Canada, in Innisfail, Alberta, and Cornwall, Ontario.


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Lapprciation de la puissance cancrogne des fibres damiante chrysotile repose en grande partie sur des jugements subjectifs et incertains des experts et des analystes en raison des rsultats htrognes et quivoques dtudes pidmiologiques et toxicologiques srieuses. Lapproche probabiliste baysienne en valuation de risques peut formaliser limpact des jugements subjectifs et de leurs incertitudes sur les estimations de risques, mais elle est encore peu utilise en sant publique. Le prsent travail examine la possibilit dappliquer lapproche baysienne dans une rcente licitation dopinions dexperts pour estimer la toxicit du chrysotile, le degr de consensus et de divergence, ainsi que les niveaux dincertitude des experts. Les estimations des experts concordaient assez bien sur la diffrence de toxicit entre chrysotile et amphiboles pour les msothliomes. Pour le cancer du poumon, les valuations probabilistes taient bien plus disparates. Dans ce cas, les jugements des experts semblaient influencs diffrents degrs par des biais heuristiques, surtout les heuristiques daffect et dancrage lis la controverse du sujet et lhtrognit des donnes. Une mthodologie rigoureuse de prparation des experts lexercice dlicitation aurait pu rduire limpact des biais et des heuristiques sur le panel.


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tude de cas / Case study


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INTRODUCCIN. El presente trabajo explora las condiciones de trabajo saludables ms frecuentemente estudiadas en Colombia y Europa en el perodo 2002 a 2012. OBJETIVO. Este trabajo busca definir los avances en investigacin de las condiciones de trabajo saludables que presentaron Colombia y Europa en el perodo 2002 a 2012, a travs de: el anlisis del concepto de salud en el trabajo desde diferentes enfoques e investigaciones; el anlisis los modelos sobre condiciones saludables en el trabajo; as como la revisin, consolidacin y anlisis documental alrededor del estado del arte de la investigacin sobre los aspectos relacionados con las condiciones psicosociales del trabajo. METODO. Investigacin documental, a travs de la bsqueda en base de datos y posterior consolidacin, sistematizacin y anlisis de la literatura cientfica que evaluaban aspectos relacionados con las condiciones de trabajo saludable, en Colombia y Europa, durante el perodo 2002-2012. RESULTADOS. En la revisin documental se encontr que la implementacin de ambientes saludables a nivel organizacional es un esfuerzo y compromiso de los empresarios, los trabajadores y la sociedad para mejorar el bienestar de las personas en el trabajo que representa una responsabilidad social empresarial, as como una ventaja competitiva sostenible en el sector econmico. De igual manera, se resalta el avance que presenta Europa y Espaa en el desarrollo de estudios nacionales de las condiciones detrabajo saludables frente a Colombia que an no ha tenido investigaciones de representatividad nacional.


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Las actividades de mantenimiento automotriz en el sector de autopartes conlleva el uso de agentes qumicos bajo diversas circunstancias de exposicin, tanto en las condiciones de manipulacin de productos qumicos como a las caractersticas propias de cada actividad de mantenimiento asociado a las tareas especficas del trabajo. Tradicionalmente la evaluacin de contaminantes qumicos desde la visin de la Higiene Ocupacional incluye la evaluacin cuantitativa de la exposicin mediante tcnicas instrumentales concretas y estandarizadas, determinando el nivel de concentracin en aire a la cual un trabajador se ve expuesto y que, en comparacin con valores lmites permisibles (VLPs), inducen el establecimiento de medidas de control y vigilancia, segn el nivel de riesgo caracterizado. Sin embargo es evidente la limitacin de la implementacin de esta sistemtica en particular en micros y pequeas empresas que carecen de los recursos suficientes para abordar la problemtica de forma objetiva. En este contexto diversas metodologas de evaluacin cualitativa o subjetiva se han desarrollado por distintas organizaciones en el mundo con el fin de disminuir la brecha entre el establecimiento de medidas de control y la valoracin del riesgo, ofreciendo alternativas confiables para la toma de decisiones preventivas sin la necesidad de acudir a mediciones cuantitativas. Mediante la presente investigacin se pretende validar la efectividad en el uso de una herramienta de evaluacin simplificada del riesgo qumico propuesta por el INRS (Institut National de Recherche et de Scurit Francs) mediante la determinacin del perfil de exposicin potencial a contaminantes qumicos de la poblacin laboral de 36 almacenes de autopartes ubicados en el barrio la Paz de la ciudad de Bogot, Colombia, divididos segn nfasis de actividades en Partes Externas, Partes Elctricas e Inyeccin, Partes Mecnicas, Partes Mltiples, a travs de un estudio de corte transversal. El estudio permiti Jerarquizar el riesgo potencial, valorar el riesgo va inhalatoria y drmica para finalmente construir el perfil de exposicin potencial a contaminantes qumicos de trabajadores. La informacin de las variables de anlisis fue consolidada en una herramienta informtica diseada para tal fin, la cual facilito la administracin de los datos y su respectivo anlisis. Con base en los hallazgos fue posible establecer los productos qumicos que de acuerdo a las condiciones de trabajo y circunstancias de exposicin sugieren medidas especficas para la disminucin del riesgo potencial de acuerdo a la calificacin global de los agentes, permitiendo deducir la viabilidad de la aplicacin de herramientas de valoracin cualitativa para la evaluacin del riesgo qumico como estrategia de prevencin primaria.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar los sectores econmicos con mayor susceptibilidad de exposicin a agentes qumicos carcingenos, categorizados en el grupo 1 por la Agencia Internacional para la Investigacin del Cncer IARC (formaldehdo, polvo de madera, benceno y slice cristalina) afiliadas a una Administradora de riesgos Laborales (ARL) en Colombia entre el periodo 2011 a 2014. Mtodo: Estudio de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo con datos histricos obtenidos desde 2011 hasta 2014. De acuerdo con el nmero de mediciones que se realiz en cada rea y cargo de las empresas objeto de estudio, se utiliz la medicin basal para determinar el estado inicial y evaluar de manera concurrente la exposicin de estos cuatro agentes qumicos. Resultados: En total se obtuvieron 201 mediciones de higiene industrial para cuatro agentes qumicos carcingenos. Los resultados mostraron que ndice de riesgo de la exposicin a agentes qumicos carcingenos en diferentes empresas, se encuentra en algunos casos en niveles altos o crticos dado que superar los valores mximos permisibles definidos por la Conferencia Americana de Higienistas Industriales de Gobierno (ACGIH). Conclusin: Los trabajadores de diferentes empresas en Colombia estn expuestas a diferentes tipos de concentraciones por agentes qumicos cancergenos. Las concentraciones ambientales obtenidas en el ambiente laboral en algunos casos excedieron las concentraciones mximas permitidas, por lo que se recomienda que las empresas e instituciones del pas fortalezcan las medidas de prevencin, vigilancia y control para minimizar los riegos a que pueden estar expuestos sus trabajadores.


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The objective of this work was to analyze mechanical, physical and thermal performance of roofing tiles produced with several formulations of cement-based matrices reinforced with sisal and eucalyptus fibers. The physical properties of the tiles were more influenced by the fiber content of the composite than by the type of reinforcement. The type of the fiber was the main variable for the achievement of the best results of mechanical properties. Exposure to tropical climate has caused a severe reduction in the mechanical properties of the composites. After approximately four months of age under external weathering the toughness of the vegetable fiber-cement fell to 53-68% of the initial toughness at 28 days of age. The thermal performance showed that roofing tiles reinforced with vegetable fiber are acceptable as substitutes of asbestos-cement sheets. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This research was motivated by the requirement of asbestos s replacement in building systems and the need to generate jobs and income in the country side of the state of Bahia, Brazil. The project aimed at using fibers from licuri leaves (syagrus coronata), an abundant palm in the region, to produce composites appropriate for the sustainable production of cement fibre reinforced products in small plants. The composites were produced in laboratory using Portland cement CP-II-F32, sand, water, licuri palm fiber contents of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% by weight of binder (two different fiber length) and metakaolin. The latter was chosen as an additional binder for its efficiency to reduce the alkalinity of cementitious matrixes therefore preventing the degradation of vegetable fibers. The characterization of the composite components was carried out by sieving and laser particle size analyses, thermal analysis, fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The composites performance was evaluated by 3- point-bending tests, compressive strength, ultrasound module of elasticity, free and restrained shrinkage, water capillarity absorption and apparent specific gravity. It has been found that the addition of fibers increased the time to onset of cracking over 200.00% and a 25% reduction in cracks opening in the restrained shrinkage test. The capillary absorption reduced about 25% when compared to fiber-free composites. It was also observed with regard to flexural strength, compressive strength and specific gravity, that the addiction of fibers did not affect the composite performance presenting similar results for compounds with and without fibers. In general it can be stated that the reinforced composite fibers of palm licuri presents physical and mechanical characteristics which enable them to be used in the intended proposals of this research