966 resultados para Adriatic Coast (Croatia)
The Brazilian East coast was intensely affected by deforestation, which drastically cut back the original biome. The possible impacts of this process on water resources are still unknown. The purpose of this study was an evaluation of the impacts of deforestation on the main water balance components of the Galo creek watershed, in the State of Espírito Santo, on the East coast of Brazil. Considering the real conditions of the watershed, the SWAT model was calibrated with data from 1997 to 2000 and validated for the period between 2001 and 2003. The calibration and validation processes were evaluated by the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient and by the statistical parameters (determination coefficient, slope coefficient and F test) of the regression model adjusted for estimated and measured flow data. After calibration and validation of the model, new simulations were carried out for three different land use scenarios: a scenario in compliance with the law (C1), assuming the preservation of PPAs (permanent preservation areas); an optimistic scenario (C2), which considers the watershed to be almost entirely covered by native vegetation; and a pessimistic scenario (C3), in which the watershed would be almost entirely covered by pasture. The scenarios C1, C2 and C3 represent a soil cover of native forest of 76, 97 and 0 %, respectively. The results were compared with the simulation, considering the real scenario (C0) with 54 % forest cover. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients were 0.65 and 0.70 for calibration and validation, respectively, indicating satisfactory results in the flow simulation. A mean reduction of 10 % of the native forest cover would cause a mean annual increase of approximately 11.5 mm in total runoff at the watershed outlet. Reforestation would ensure minimum flows in the dry period and regulate the maximum flow of the main watercourse of the watershed.
Many soils have a hard-setting behavior, also known as cohesive or "coesos". In such soils, the penetration resistance increases markedly when dry and decreases considerably when moist, creating serious limitations for plant emergence and growth. To evaluate the level of structure degradation in hard-setting soils with different texture classes and to create an index for assessing soil hardness levels in hard-setting soils, six soil representative profiles were selected in the field in various regions of Brazil. The following indices were tested: S, which measures soil physical quality, and H , which analyzes the degree of hardness and the effective stress in the soil during drying. Both indices were calculated using previously described functions based on data from the water-retention curves for the soils. The hard-setting values identified in different soils of the Brazilian Coastal Tablelands have distinct compaction (hardness) levels and can be satisfactorily measured by the H index. The S index was adequate for evaluating the structural characteristics of the hard-setting soils, classifying them as suitable or poor for cultivation, but only when the moisture level of the soil was near the inflection point. The H index showed that increases in density in hard-setting soils result from increases in effective stress and not from the soil texture. Values for Bd > 1.48 kg dm-3 classify the soil as hard-setting, and the structural organization is considered "poor".
Selostus: Nuoria maita Viikin pelloilla
O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa-Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Leite, Coronel Pacheco, MG, objetivando avaliar formas de fornecer 6 kg de concentrado para vacas em pastagem de coast-cross: A - quantidade fixa, e B - quantidade variável (9, 6 e 3 kg/vaca/dia, respectivamente na primeira, segunda e terceira fase da lactação). O delineamento foi o de blocos ao acaso e duas repetições de pastagem, com os tratamentos organizados em parcelas divididas. Nas parcelas, consideraram-se os critérios de distribuição de ração, e nas subparcelas, as fases de lactação. O fornecimento variável de concentrado favoreceu (P < 0,05) a taxa de lotação da pastagem na primeira fase de avaliação. As produções diárias de leite obtidas foram de 21,5 (±2,8) e 25,5 (±2,6) kg/vaca (P < 0,05), 64,5 (±7,1) e 96,9 (±10,3) kg/ha (P < 005), na primeira fase de avaliação; 19,8 (±2,4) e 20,6 (±2,3) kg/vaca (P > 0,05), 93,1 (±10,8) e 94,8 (±10,9) kg/ha (P > 0,05) na segunda; 14,2 (±2,2) e 13,4 (±2,3) kg/vaca (P > 0,05) e 102,2 (±12,4) e 93,8 (±10,5) kg/ha (P > 0,05) na terceira, respectivamente em relação a A e B. A dose variável mostrou ser a mais indicada para suplementar vacas Holandesas em pastagem coast-cross.
O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em avaliar os efeitos de três doses de nitrogênio (N), 100, 250 e 400 kg/ha/ano, aplicadas em pastagem de coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) sobre a produção de leite em duas lactações de vacas da raça Holandesa. A pastagem foi irrigada na seca e manejada sob pastejo rotativo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdividas (nas parcelas, doses de N; nas subparcelas, fases da lactação), com oito animais por tratamento e duas repetições de área. Os teores de proteína bruta do pasto foram semelhantes (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. A taxa de lotação da pastagem foi inferior (P<0,05) na menor dose de N. Não foi observada diferença (P>0,05) na produção diária de leite por animal. As produções de leite por área foram mais elevadas (P<0,05) nas duas maiores doses de N. A aplicação de 100 kg/ha/ano de N foi a que proporcionou maior quantidade de leite por quilograma de N.
O experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o aumento na densidade energética de um concentrado quando se usa uma fonte comercial de gordura protegida, fornecida para vacas da raça Holandesa em pastagem de coast-cross-1 (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.), durante o terço inicial da lactação. Foram utilizadas 14 vacas, todas no início da lactação e recebendo 9, 6 e 3 kg/vaca/dia de concentrado (23,5% de proteína bruta e 80% de NDT), no terço inicial (até 90 dias), médio (91 a 180 dias) e final (de 181 a 273 dias), respectivamente. Esses animais foram distribuídos, usando blocos casualizados, em dois tratamentos (sete vacas cada) determinados pelo fornecimento ou não de 700 g/vaca/dia da gordura protegida. Usou-se cerca eletrificada para auxiliar no manejo da pastagem, que se baseou em pastejo rotativo, com um dia de ocupação dos piquetes e o período de descanso variando de 25 a 32 dias no verão e no inverno, respectivamente. As produções médias de leite nos três períodos avaliados aumentaram (P<0,05) de 18,4, 15,2 e 13,7 kg/vaca/dia para 21,3, 17,1 e 14,4 kg/vaca/dia, com o suprimento de gordura protegida nos primeiros 90 dias do experimento. A taxa de lotação média das pastagens foi de 4,6 vacas/ha, o que possibilitou produções médias diárias de leite, no decorrer do experimento, de 72,4 kg/ha corrigido para 3,5% de gordura para o tratamento testemunha, e de 80,4 kg/ha com o uso da gordura protegida.
Organic geochemical and stable isotope investigations were performed to provide an insight into the depositional environments, origin and maturity of the organic matter in Jurassic and Cretaceous formations of the External Dinarides. A correlation is made among various parameters acquired from Rock-Eval, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data and isotope analysis of carbonates and kerogen. Three groups of samples were analysed. The first group includes source rocks derived from Lower Jurassic limestone and Upper Jurassic ``Leme'' beds, the second from Upper Cretaceous carbonates, while the third group comprises oil seeps genetically connected with Upper Cretaceous source rocks. The carbon and oxygen isotopic ratios of all the carbonates display marine isotopic composition. Rock-Eval data and maturity parameter values derived from biomarkers define the organic matter of the Upper Cretaceous carbonates as Type I-S and Type II-S kerogen at the low stage of maturity up to entering the oil-generating window. Lower and Upper Jurassic source rocks contain early mature Type III mixed with Type IV organic matter. All Jurassic and Cretaceous potential source rock extracts show similarity in triterpane and sterane distribution. The hopane and sterane distribution pattern of the studied oil seeps correspond to those from Cretaceous source rocks. The difference between Cretaceous oil seeps and potential source rock extracts was found in the intensity and distribution of n-alkanes, as well as in the abundance of asphaltenes which is connected to their biodegradation stage. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous potential source rock samples a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons with their alkyl derivatives were indicated, whereas in the oil seep samples extracts only asphaltenes were observed.
Standard practice of wave-height hazard analysis often pays little attention to the uncertainty of assessed return periods and occurrence probabilities. This fact favors the opinion that, when large events happen, the hazard assessment should change accordingly. However, uncertainty of the hazard estimates is normally able to hide the effect of those large events. This is illustrated using data from the Mediterranean coast of Spain, where the last years have been extremely disastrous. Thus, it is possible to compare the hazard assessment based on data previous to those years with the analysis including them. With our approach, no significant change is detected when the statistical uncertainty is taken into account. The hazard analysis is carried out with a standard model. Time-occurrence of events is assumed Poisson distributed. The wave-height of each event is modelled as a random variable which upper tail follows a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD). Moreover, wave-heights are assumed independent from event to event and also independent of their occurrence in time. A threshold for excesses is assessed empirically. The other three parameters (Poisson rate, shape and scale parameters of GPD) are jointly estimated using Bayes' theorem. Prior distribution accounts for physical features of ocean waves in the Mediterranean sea and experience with these phenomena. Posterior distribution of the parameters allows to obtain posterior distributions of other derived parameters like occurrence probabilities and return periods. Predictives are also available. Computations are carried out using the program BGPE v2.0
This paper focuses on the analysis of a judicial defixio (AIJ557) found in 1912 in the River Kupa, a tributary of the Save, near Sisak (Siscia, Pannonia Superior), that invokes the river god Savus, as well as the ancient Latin goddess Tacita Muta. Among the targets, some of whom are specially stated to come from the western Mediterranean, we pay special attention to Lucius Licinius Sura, Hispanus. We also investigate the religious horizon implicit in the ritual offering, as well as the social and historical context of the information.
In this study, the population structure of the white grunt (Haemulon plumieri) from the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula was determined through an otolith shape analysis based on the samples collected in three locations: Celestún (N 20°49",W 90°25"), Dzilam (N 21°23", W 88°54") and Cancún (N 21°21",W 86°52"). The otolith outline was based on the elliptic Fourier descriptors, which indicated that the H. plumieri population in the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula is composed of three geographically delimited units (Celestún, Dzilam, and Cancún). Significant differences were observed in mean otolith shapes among all samples (PERMANOVA; F2, 99 = 11.20, P = 0.0002), and the subsequent pairwise comparisons showed that all samples were significantly differently from each other. Samples do not belong to a unique white grunt population, and results suggest that they might represent a structured population along the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
Spatio-temporal variability in settlement and recruitment, high mortality during the first life-history stages, and selection may determine the genetic structure of cohorts of long-lived marine invertebrates at small scales. We conducted a spatial and temporal analysis of the common Mediterranean Sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus to determine the genetic structure of cohorts at different scales. In Tossa de Mar (NW Mediterranean), recruitment was followed over 5 consecutive springs (2006-2010). In spring 2008, recruits and two-year-old individuals were collected at 6 locations along East and South Iberian coasts separated from 200 to over 1,100 km. All cohorts presented a high genetic diversity based on a fragment of mtCOI. Our results showed a marked genetic homogeneity in the temporal monitoring and a low degree of spatial structure in 2006. In 2008, coupled with an abnormality in the usual circulation patterns in the area, the genetic structure of the southern populations studied changed markedly, with arrival of many private haplotypes. This fact highlights the importance of point events in renewing the genetic makeup of populations, which can only be detected through analysis of the cohort structure coupling temporal and spatial perspectives.