970 resultados para 5000
人参为五加科植物人参(Panax ginseng C.A.Mey.)的干燥根。红参则是鲜人参洗净后经高温蒸气加热后干燥而制得的产品。有关人参中皂甙、氨基酸、多肽、挥发油、微量元素等成分的研究国内外均有大量的报道。但关于红参中碳、氢、氮元素的研究以及自动定量方法国内外尚未见报道。 1.仪器:1106型元素自动分析仪(意大利)其配套设备包括B-5000型记录仪,微处理机和电子天平。 2.人参样品:1号红参由吉林省抚松县参茸公司提供。2号红参由抚松县漫江参场提供。3号红参为抚松县参场提供。4号红参由延边地区提供。5号红参由集安县新开河参场提供。上述样品均为6年生。
Indexes of sediment grain size, sedimentation rates, geochemical composition, heavy minerals, benthic foraminiferal fauna, indicator species of the Kuroshio Current, paleo-SST and carbonate dissolution of core E017 conformably suggest a great marine environmental change occurring at about 10.1-9.2 cal. kaBP in the southern Okinawa Trough, which may correspond to the strengthening of the Kuroshio Warm Current and re-entering the Okinawa Trough through the sea area off northeast Taiwan. The invasion of Kuroshio current has experienced a process of gradual strengthening and then weakening, and its intensity became more fluctuation during the last 5000 years. Compared to the transition of sediment grain size, geochemical composition and heavy minerals, the foraminiferal faunas show a 900-year lag, which may indicate that the invasion of Kuroshio Current and the consequent sea surface and deep-water environmental changes is a gradual process, and fauna has an obvious lag compared to environment altering. The carbonate dissolution of the Okinawa Trough has had an apparent strengthening since 9.2 cal. kaBP, and reached a maximum in the late 3000 years, which may be caused by the deep-water environmental changes due to the invasion of Kuroshio Current.
本论文通过对冲绳海槽南部的MD05-2908孔、北黄海的B-U35、B-U41、B-L44孔和北黄海的299份表层样中的孢粉组成、堆积速率、有机碳氮同位素的综合研究,分析了北黄海的孢粉来源、传播动力和途径,并与其它古气候记录对比,重建了末次冰消期以来东亚季风的演化。 MD05-2908孔孢粉组合特征显示6800-3800a BP间气候温暖干燥,其间存在着两次明显的温度降低、湿度增加阶段,即6800-6600a BP和5800-4850a BP;3800a BP以后,气候变得比较寒冷湿润,中世纪暖期和小冰期分别位于990-480a BP和480-230a BP。 北黄海表层孢粉百分含量等值线图显示北黄海不同海域孢粉来源不同,北黄 海东部海域(123.5°E以东的陆架区域)孢粉主要来源于鸭绿江;北黄海中部海域(123.5°E-122.6°E的陆架区域)孢粉来源比较复杂,既有来自辽东半岛、沿海岛屿、山东半岛,还有由黄海暖流携带而来的;北黄海西部海域(122.6°E以西的陆架区域)孢粉以黄海沿岸流携带而来的黄河来源的为主。 北黄海表层孢粉百分含量等值线图还显示,北黄海东部海域孢粉分布主要受 鸭绿江冲淡水影响,波浪和潮汐的作用较弱;北黄海中部海域孢粉分布受黄海暖流和辽东沿岸流的分支共同影响;黄海暖流与黄海沿岸流在山东半岛东北部相遇,形成一逆时针方向的涡旋,该涡旋控制着北黄海西部海域孢粉的分布。 B-U35孔、B-U41和B-L44孔孢粉组合特征显示,12830-12350a BP时气候 寒冷干燥,植被以旱生草本植物为主,时间上可能对应YD事件;12350-10100a BP时植被以针叶林为主,林下生长着大量蕨类植物,气候寒冷湿润,可能对应着YD事件;10100-6600a BP时植被以落叶阔叶林为主,伴生大量旱生草本植物,气候温暖干燥;6600-5000a BP时植被以针叶-落叶阔叶混交林为主,旱生草本植物含量下降,相对上一阶段温度有所降低,但气候更湿润,可能对应全新世最佳期;5000-4000a BP时针叶林所占比例扩大,温度再次降低,湿度变化不明显;4000-500a BP旱生草本植物含量增加,气候寒冷干燥;500a BP-至今,受人类活动影响,植被遭到严重破坏。 B-U35孔和B-U41孔淡水水生植物花粉百分含量曲线显示11750a BP以来黄河河口地区沼泽湿地面积几经变化。10100-6600a BP时沼泽湿地范围在上一阶段的基础上进一步扩大;6600-2850a BP间沼泽湿地大面积缩小,水生植物属种式微;2850a BP之后黄河河口地区沼泽湿地面积再次扩大,水生植物重新繁盛。 MD05-2908孔蕨类孢子百分含量被用来作为中国东南部季风演化的代用指标。结果显示6800-3800a BP时夏季风较强,其间有两次夏季风减弱阶段,分别位于6800-6600a BP和5800-4850a BP,3800a BP以来,夏季风明显减弱,此期的夏季风减弱除受太阳辐射量的减少影响外,可能还与El Nino的频繁爆发有关。 B-U35孔和B-U41孔蒿属、藜科、麻黄科百分含量被用来作为中国中北部夏季风演化的代用指标。研究表明,11750a BP以来东亚夏季风强度在10100-6600a BP时,显著加强,6600a BP左右,夏季风开始减弱,4000a BP以后夏季风显著减弱。 将MD05-2908孔、B-U35孔和B-U41孔夏季风代用指标进行对比发现,中晚全新世以来中国南-北湿度变化特征正好相反,东亚夏季风强度变化以及由此引起的雨锋的南进北撤可能是导致中国不同区域中晚全新世以来降雨量不同的主要原因。
大地电磁(MT)方法是一种新发展的地球物理技术,近十年已被国外越来越多的研究者用于海底电磁场的调查,旨在获得海底的电性结构。基于自1990年3月10至1990年3月22日在中日全用KX90-1航次以一海底电位磁力计(OBEM)于31°52.47'N, 129°7.17'E,水深884米处所取得的电磁场资料,通过各种数字信号处理,得到一维大地电磁的测深结果,首次确定了冲绳海槽北部的电性结构如下:层位(向下) 电阻率(欧姆·米) 厚度(千米) 1 0.3 3 2 5000 20 3 0.6 4 4 5000 13 5 100 100 基底 2 ∞,根据已知的冲绳海槽及周转地区的地质地球物理资料,对于所研究地区从以上的电性结构可以得到以下几点主要认识:1、莫霍面埋深或地壳厚度约为27千料;2、岩石圈厚度约40千米;3、软流圈厚度约100千米;4、壳内高导层是由于岩石的熔融或部分熔融;5、热流值大致在60-100毫瓦/米~2。
A series of experiments were conducted to identify the factors that affected the growth and survival of the settling flounder larvae Paralichthys olivaceus. Settling larvae 24 days after hatching (DAH) were reared in 10-l experimental tanks up to 40 DAH, and two of the following factors were changed as controlled factors in each experiment: light regime (24L:0D or 12L:12D), prey density (1500, 3000, or 5000 Artemia l(-1)), shelter (sand or no sand) and stocking density (5, 10, or 15 fish l(-1)). Early settling larvae (24-35 DAH) experienced little mortality (less than 10% of the overall mortality) that was not significantly affected by above factors. In contrast, late settling larvae (36-40 DAH) suffered high cannibalistic mortality which was significantly influenced by each of the above factors. Larvae experienced significantly lower mortality at 10 fish l(-1) level than at other densities. Larvae at 15 fish l(-1) level had higher mortality than at 5 fish l(-1) when all other factors were identical. Larvae at 3000 and 5000 Artemia l(-1) treatments survived significantly better than at 1500 Artemia l(-1), but no significant differences in larval mortality were found between the two higher densities. Larvae suffered higher mortality at low prey density or at the absence of sand when they were exposed to longer photoperiod. Low stocking density significantly improved the growth of the settling larvae. The average daily instantaneous growth rate (G) at 5 and 15 fish l(-1) treatments were 0.050 and 0.034, with the coefficient of variation (CV) in final length at 16.4 and 23.5, respectively. Daily instantaneous growth rate increased significantly from 0.033 in the 1500 Artemia l(-1) to 0.041 and 0.045 in the 3000 and 5000 Artennia l(-1), respectively, but no significant difference in larval growth existed between the two higher prey densities. These findings suggested that the optimal prey density for growth and survival of the settling flounder larvae at a stocking density of 5 - 15 fish l(-1) was around 3000 Artemia l(-1) . Larvae that were exposed to 24L showed 20% increase in growth ( G = 0.046, CV = 18.7) than those exposed to 12L ( G = 0.037, CV = 20.5). Longer exposure to light significantly improved larval growth, provided sufficient food was available. Sand substrate did not show significant effects on larval growth, possibly because the larvae spent most of the time swimming or feeding in the water column during this stage. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Triterpane and sterane biomarkers in the YA13-1 condensates from Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
Triterpanes and steranes in condensates from the YA13-1 gas field, Qiongdongnan Basin, were monitored. The YA13-1 condensates have unusual biomarker distributions dominated by terpanes and steranes derived from higher plants. Anomalously abundant 1 got-oleanane and remarkably abundant bicadinanes are present in the YA13-1 condensates, whereas the 17alpha-hopane contents are extremely low. Taraxastane and significantly abundant 17alpha-diahopanes occur in the condensates. In addition, a number of unknown C-29 and C-30 pentacyclic triterpanes including previously unreported compounds were detected in the condensates, some of which are significantly abundant. The unknown compounds may be terrestrial biomarkers. C-29 homologues are relatively predominant among the regular and rearranged steranes. The diasterane concentrations are markedly higher than those of regular steranes. The maturity of the YA13-1 condensates is relatively high, at the peak to late oil generation stage (corresponding to 0.85-1.10% Ro), based on sterane and terpane and including bicadinane maturity parameters (i.e. T/(T-1 + R) and 2T/R bicadinane ratios). The above maturity assessment result is different from that based on diamondoid maturity parameters (%Ro = 1.60-1.70) [Org. Geochem. 25 (1996) 179], which can be explained by a contribution of hydrocarbons from two sources at different depths. The YA13-1 condensates were probably generated from the Yacheng and Lingshui coal-bearing source rocks buried both in the Qiongdongnan Basin (3400-5000 m) and in the Yinggehai Basin (>5000 m). The possible contribution of lower maturity hydrocarbons from the Yacheng and Lingshui Formations (3400-4100 m) in the Qiongdongnan Basin to the YA13-1 gases and condensates should not be neglected. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We report an apparently novel toxic effect of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense, manifested by inhibition of the egg hatching success of the scallop, Chlamys farreri. The hatching rate of C. farreri approached only 30% of controls when its fertilised eggs were exposed for 36 h to A. tamarense cells or cellular fragments at a concentration of 100 cells/ml, and the hatching rate was just 5% after exposure to A. tamarense of 500 cells/ml. Similar exposures of the fertilised scallop eggs to two other algal species, the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and the raphidophyte Heterosigma carterae, resulted in no such toxicity or inhibitory effects.. Likewise, exposure of eggs to standard STX toxin. as well as to A. tamarense cell contents (supernant of re-suspended algal cells following ultrasonication and centrifugation), did not elicit this inhibitory response. However, exposure of the scallop eggs to cell cultures, intact algal cells, or cell fragments of A. tamarense produced marked toxicity. The alga also influenced larvae at early D-shape stage of scallop. The survival rates began to decrease significantly after exposed for 6 days at concentration of 3000 cells/ml and above: no larvae could survive after 14-day exposure to A. tamarense at 10,000 cells/ml or 20-day at 5000 cells/ml. The results indicated the production of novel substances from A. tamarense which can cause adverse effects on egg hatching and survival of the scallop larvae, The experiment also found that the developmental stages before blastula was the developmental period most sensitive to the A. tamarense toxin(s) and the alga at early exponential stage had the strongest effect on egg hatching comparing with other growth phases. The adverse effect of A. tamarense on early development of scallops may cause decline of shellfish population and may have further impact on marine ecosystem. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A series of experiments was conducted to evaluate the effects of diet, stocking density, and environmental factors on growth, survival, and metamorphosis of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum larvae. These experiments examined the following factors: diet (Isochrysts spp., Chlorella spp., and a mixture of Isochrysis spp. and Chlorella spp. [ 1: 1 w/w]), stocking density (5, 10, 15, and 20 larvae ml(-1)), light intensity (un-shaded, partially shaded, and fully shaded), water filtration (unfiltered and sand-filtered), water exchange (50% and 100% once every other day, 25%, 50%, and 100% once daily; 50% and 100% twice daily), and the use of substrate (with and without sand as the substrate). Results indicated that Chlorella spp. could replace 50% of Isochrysis spp. as a food source for the Manila clam larvae without affecting growth, survival, and metamorphosis. Larval growth decreased significantly with increasing stocking density. A density of 5-10 larvae ml(-1) appeared to be optimal for normal growth of Manila clam larvae. Neither diet nor stocking density used in the study had a significant effect on larval survival. Under partially shaded (light intensity = 1000-5000 lx) and fully shaded (light intensity <500 lx) conditions, larval growth was significantly faster than under direct sunlight (un-shaded). A water exchange rate of 50% twice daily provided optimum larval growth. Larvae grew significantly faster in the unfiltered water than in the sand-filtered water. Using sand as the substrate in the culture system significantly depressed the metamorphosis rate. The type and particle size of sand used as the substrate did not significantly affect growth and metamorphosis rates of the larvae. (C) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.
高原急性影响中 ,出现体重暂时性下降 ,食欲减退等现象。随习服的产生 ,代谢变化明显减弱或消失。人类在5000m以上时代谢变化变得更为明显并不断发展则体脂和蛋白储备明显减少 ,血液中红细胞大量增加、血液粘稠度增大等。与此同时也产生一系列神经内分泌改变。下丘脑 腺垂体 甲状腺轴是调节体内代谢的重要因素之一 ,因而HPT轴低氧应答的研究对低氧习服和内环境的适应性反应有着重要价值。
黑颈鹤的种群总量有5000~6000 只个体,主要分布在青藏高原和云贵高原,分布区约22 ×105km2 ,占有面积约5400 km2 。青藏高原北部和西部为其繁殖区,越冬区主要在雅鲁藏布江河谷中段、喜马拉雅山脉南坡及云贵高原部分区域,青藏高原东部为其迁徙途径之地。越冬时以家族、同种群及混合群(主要与灰鹤Grus grus 和斑头雁A nser indicus) 形式集群活动。繁殖期分化为非繁殖群和繁殖对(Breeding pair) 两种类型。繁殖对能否成功地占有领域是繁殖成败的关键。笔者认为该物种依IUCN(1994) 标准应列为易危级(Vulnerable ,VU)
Adaptation to hypoxia is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), a heterodimeric transcription factor consisting of an oxygen-regulated a-subunit and a constitutively expressed beta-subunit. How animals living on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau adapt to the extreme hypoxia environment is known indistinctly. In this study, the Qinghai yak which has been living at 3000-5000 m attitude for at least two millions of years was selected as the model of high hypoxia-tolerant adaptation species. The HIF-1 alpha ORFs (open reading frames) encoding for two isoforms of HIF-1 alpha have been cloned from the brain of the domestic yak. Its expression of HIF-1 alpha was analyzed at both mRNA and protein levels in various tissues. Both its HIF-1 alpha mRNA and protein are tissue specific expression. Its HIF-1 alpha protein's high expression in the brain, lung, and kidney showed us that HIF-1 alpha protein may play an important role in the adaptation to hypoxia environment. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, plays all important role in body energy homeostasis. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), an endemic and keystone species living only at 3000-5000 in above sea level oil Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is a typically high hypoxia and low temperature tolerant mammal with high resting metabolic rate (RMR), non-shivering thermogenesis (NST), and high ratio of oxygen utilization to cope with harsh plateau environment. To explore the molecular mechanism of ecological acclimation in plateau pika, we first cloned pika leptin cDNA and compared its mRNA expression in different altitudes (3200 and 3900 in) using real-time RTPCR (Taqman probe) technology. The full-length pika leptin cDNA was 3015 with 504 bp open-reading frame encoding the precursor peptide of 167 amino acids including 21 residues of signal peptide. Pika leptin was 70-72% homologous to that of other species and was of similarly structural characteristics with other species. The pika-specific genetic diversity in leptin sequence occurred at twenty sites. With the increase in attitude, there were larger fat store and high level of ob gene expression in plateau pika. Our results indicated that leptin is sensitive to cold and hypoxia plateau environment and may play one of important roles in pika's ecological adaptation to harsh plateau environment. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effects of hypoxia on the levels of essential macroelements and trace elements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn) in the heart muscles of Wistar rats and plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry. Unlike the rat, the plateau pika is tolerant to hypoxia. The levels of K, Na, and the trace element Mn were not significantly changed in rat or pika hearts after exposure to hypoxia for 1, 10, or 25 d at simulated altitudes of 5000 and 7000 m. Other minerals (Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and Fe) were significantly affected by hypoxia and the levels followed different time-courses under different hypoxic regimes in these two animals. There were marked differences between the rat and pika in myocardial accumulation of essential elements such as Ca, which was increased to high levels in the rat but not affected in the pika. The results suggest that hypoxia affects animal physiological mechanisms by regulating the levels of essential elements.
The formation of civilization, one of great marks in the history of human's society development, has been remained one of the hottest topics in the world. Many theories have been put ford to explain its causes and mechanisms. Although more attentions have been paid to its development, the role of environmental change should not be ignored. In this paper, the level of ancient farming productivity was analyzed, the mechanisms and the process of Chinese ancient civilization formation was explored, and some causes why Chinese ancient civilization shows many different features from other 5 ancient civilizations of the world was analyzed. The main results and conclusions are presented as followed. 1. Compared with the productivity level of other five ancient civilizations, the productivity of ancient China characterized by a feature of extensive not intensive cultivation was lower than that of other five ancient civilizations whose agriculture were based on irrigation. 2. The 5 5000 a B.P. cold event may have facilitated the formation of Egypt and Mesopotamian ancient civilizations and also have had an influence on the development of Neolithic culture in China. 3. The 4 000 a B.P. cold event, which may be the coldest period since the Younger Dryas cold event and signifies the changes from the early Holocene Climate Optimum to late Holocene in many regions of the world, resulted in the great migration of the Indo-European peoples from north Europe to other part of the World and the collapses of ancient civilizations in Egypt, Indus and the Mesopotamian and the collapse of five Neolithic cultures around central China. More important than that is the emergence of Chinese civilization during the same period. Many theories have been put ford to explain why it was in Zhongyuan area not other places whose Neolithic cultures seem more advanced that gave rise to civilization. For now no theory could explain it satisfiedly. Archaeological evidence clearly demonstrate that war was prevailed the whole China especially during the late Longshan culture period, so it seemed war has played a very important role in the emergence of China ancient civilization. Carneiro sees two conditions as essential to the formation of complex societies in concert with warfare, i.e. population growth and environmental circumscription. It was generally through that China couldn't evolved into the environmental circumscription and population pressure because China has extensive areas to live, but that depends on situations. The environmental circumscription area was formed due to the 4000a B.P. cold event and companied flooding disasters, while the population pressure is formed due to three factors; 1) population grow rapidly because of the suitable environment provided by the Holocene Optimum and thus laid its foundations for the ancient human population; 2) population pressure is also related to the primitive agricultural level characterized by extensive not intensive cultivation; 3) population pressure was mainly related to the great migrations of people to the same areas; 4) population pressure was also related to productivity decrease due to the 4 000a B.P. cold event. 4. When population pressure is formed, war is the most possible way to solve the intensions between population and the limited cultivated land and then resulted in the formation of civilization. In this way the climate change during the 4 000a B.P. cold event may have facilitated the emergence of Chinese ancient civilization. Their detailed relations could also be further understood in this way: The first birth places of China ancient civilization could be in Changjiang areas or (and) Daihai area, Shandong province rather than in central China and the emergence time of ancient civilization formed in central China should be delayed if the 4 000a B.P. cold event and companied flooding disasters didn't occurred.
在峨眉山大火成岩省(ELIP)产出许多岩浆Cu-Ni-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床,如金宝山、杨柳坪、力马河、白马寨,以及大槽-阿布郎当矿化岩体。根据成矿元素组成特征,这些矿床可以区分为多种不同矿化类型,有以铂族元素为主贫铜镍的矿床,如金宝山Pt-Pd矿床;有含较高铂族元素和铜镍的矿床,如杨柳坪Ni-Cu-PGE矿床;也有贫铂族元素富铜镍的矿床,以力马河和白马寨Ni-Cu矿床最为典型。造成峨眉山大火成岩省中Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床矿化类型变异的原因是什么?它们的母质岩浆性质如何,产生于怎样的熔融程度?既然能形成岩浆硫化物矿床,造成硫化物熔离的原因有哪些,什么因素起到了关键作用?这些矿化类型多样的Ni-Cu-PGE矿床的成矿岩浆有何差异?产生差异的原因是什么?带着这些疑问,通过借鉴国内外Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床研究的经验,本文以金宝山铂钯矿、力马河镍矿及大槽-阿布郎当岩体的地球化学研究为基础,结合近几年来前人对杨柳坪,白马寨等矿床的系统研究,本文试图解决上述疑问。现在取得的主要认识有: 1) 根据成矿元素组成特征,可以把峨眉山大火成岩省中(ELIP)存在的Ni-Cu-PGE岩浆硫化物矿床分成多种不同的矿化类型,包括PGE矿床(例如金宝山Pt-Pd矿),Ni-Cu-PGE矿床(例如杨柳坪矿床),Ni-Cu矿床(例如力马河和白马寨矿床),以及弱矿化或不含矿的超镁铁质堆晶岩体(例如大槽-阿布郎当岩体)。通过对ELIP中几种类型Cu-Ni-PGE矿床成矿母岩浆的研究发现,它们均具有类似峨眉山苦橄岩的成分特征,表明母岩浆形成于较高程度的地幔部分熔融,并富集Ni和PGE。 2)硫化物熔离的多阶段性是导致矿床类型变异的一个重要因素。早期结晶矿物的分离结晶导致了金宝山母岩浆出现S的饱和,少量的浸染状硫化物被携带进入岩浆通道中发生了沉淀,继续富集PGE,形成了金宝山矿体。杨柳坪的母岩浆先发生了少量早期硫化物熔离丢失,PGE弱亏损的岩浆在后期上升过程中由于强烈的地壳混染,发生了大量硫化物熔离并发生堆积,形成杨柳坪矿体。力马河和白马寨的母岩浆在早期发生了较多的硫化物丢失,PGE强烈亏损的岩浆发生了二次以上的硫化物熔离,形成了力马河和白马寨矿体。 3) R因子(岩浆与熔离硫化物的比例)是决定ELIP中Cu-Ni-PGE矿床矿化类型变异的重要因素。金宝山矿床具有极高的R值(>10000),杨柳坪和朱布矿床具有中等的R值(2000~5000),而力马河矿床近似为在经过R=2000的硫化物熔离之后,残余岩浆再经过R=200的硫化物熔离。 4) 地壳混染程度的差异可能是造成ELIP中Ni-Cu-PGE矿床矿化类型发生变异的关键因素。金宝山矿床的地壳混染程度较低,可能主要是早期橄榄石和铬铁矿的分异结晶导致了岩浆中硫化物出现了饱和。对于大槽-阿布郎当矿化岩体,只是在岩体边缘的局部出现了硫化物熔离,可能是围岩混染造成的。对于杨柳坪Ni-Cu-PGE矿床、力马河和白马寨Ni-Cu矿床,从微量元素蛛网中明显的Nb-Ta负异常,高放射成因187Os丰度的初始Os同位素组成(γOs(t)=100~120),S同位素等反映出显著的地壳混染,因而出现大量硫化物熔离。