975 resultados para 3D imaging


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Previous MRI-volumetric studies in schizophrenic psychoses have demonstrated more or less pronounced volume reductions of the hippocampus in patients. Correspondingly, neuropathological examinations on the brains of schizophrenics showed diverse structural changes of the hippocampus. Employing a high-resolution 3D-MPRAGE sequence, we found volume reductions in most hippocampal subregions of schizophrenic patients, which, however, did not reach significant levels. An analysis of co-registered diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data revealed significant alterations of the inter-voxel coherences in single hippocampal subdivisions of these patients, supporting the assumption of characteristic microstructural tissue changes relevant for the pathogenesis of schizophrenic psychoses. Our results argue for the usage of additional MRI modalities like DTI in order to detect subtle regional alterations of hippocampal structure in schizophrenics.


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BACKGROUND Delayed enhancement (DE) MRI can assess the fibrotic substrate of scar-related VT. MDCT has the advantage of inframillimetric spatial resolution and better 3D reconstructions. We sought to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of integrating merged MDCT/MRI data in 3D-mapping systems for structure-function assessment and multimodal guidance of VT mapping and ablation. METHODS Nine patients, including 3 ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM), 3 nonischemic cardiomyopathy (NICM), 2 myocarditis, and 1 redo procedure for idiopathic VT, underwent MRI and MDCT before VT ablation. Merged MRI/MDCT data were integrated in 3D-mapping systems and registered to high-density endocardial and epicardial maps. Low-voltage areas (<1.5 mV) and local abnormal ventricular activities (LAVA) during sinus rhythm were correlated to DE at MRI, and wall-thinning (WT) at MDCT. RESULTS Endocardium and epicardium were mapped with 391 ± 388 and 1098 ± 734 points per map, respectively. Registration of MDCT allowed visualization of coronary arteries during epicardial mapping/ablation. In the idiopathic patient, integration of MRI data identified previously ablated regions. In ICM patients, both DE at MRI and WT at MDCT matched areas of low voltage (overlap 94 ± 6% and 79 ± 5%, respectively). In NICM patients, wall-thinning areas matched areas of low voltage (overlap 63 ± 21%). In patients with myocarditis, subepicardial DE matched areas of epicardial low voltage (overlap 92 ± 12%). A total number of 266 LAVA sites were found in 7/9 patients. All LAVA sites were associated to structural substrate at imaging (90% inside, 100% within 18 mm). CONCLUSION The integration of merged MDCT and DEMRI data is feasible and allows combining substrate assessment with high-spatial resolution to better define structure-function relationship in scar-related VT.


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The acquisition of conventional X-ray radiographs remains the standard imaging procedure for the diagnosis of hip-related problems. However, recent studies demonstrated the benefit of using three-dimensional (3D) surface models in the clinical routine. 3D surface models of the hip joint are useful for assessing the dynamic range of motion in order to identify possible pathologies such as femoroacetabular impingement. In this paper, we present an integrated system which consists of X-ray radiograph calibration and subsequent 2D/3D hip joint reconstruction for diagnosis and planning of hip-related problems. A mobile phantom with two different sizes of fiducials was developed for X-ray radiograph calibration, which can be robustly detected within the images. On the basis of the calibrated X-ray images, a 3D reconstruction method of the acetabulum was developed and applied together with existing techniques to reconstruct a 3D surface model of the hip joint. X-ray radiographs of dry cadaveric hip bones and one cadaveric specimen with soft tissue were used to prove the robustness of the developed fiducial detection algorithm. Computed tomography scans of the cadaveric bones were used to validate the accuracy of the integrated system. The fiducial detection sensitivity was in the same range for both sizes of fiducials. While the detection sensitivity was 97.96% for the large fiducials, it was 97.62% for the small fiducials. The acetabulum and the proximal femur were reconstructed with a mean surface distance error of 1.06 and 1.01 mm, respectively. The results for fiducial detection sensitivity and 3D surface reconstruction demonstrated the capability of the integrated system for 3D hip joint reconstruction from 2D calibrated X-ray radiographs.


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The analysis and reconstruction of forensically relevant events, such as traffic accidents, criminal assaults and homicides are based on external and internal morphological findings of the injured or deceased person. For this approach high-tech methods are gaining increasing importance in forensic investigations. The non-contact optical 3D digitising system GOM ATOS is applied as a suitable tool for whole body surface and wound documentation and analysis in order to identify injury-causing instruments and to reconstruct the course of event. In addition to the surface documentation, cross-sectional imaging methods deliver medical internal findings of the body. These 3D data are fused into a whole body model of the deceased. Additional to the findings of the bodies, the injury inflicting instruments and incident scene is documented in 3D. The 3D data of the incident scene, generated by 3D laser scanning and photogrammetry, is also included into the reconstruction. Two cases illustrate the methods. In the fist case a man was shot in his bedroom and the main question was, if the offender shot the man intentionally or accidentally, as he declared. In the second case a woman was hit by a car, driving backwards into a garage. It was unclear if the driver drove backwards once or twice, which would indicate that he willingly injured and killed the woman. With this work, we demonstrate how 3D documentation, data merging and animation enable to answer reconstructive questions regarding the dynamic development of patterned injuries, and how this leads to a real data based reconstruction of the course of event.


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Reconstruction of shape and intensity from 2D x-ray images has drawn more and more attentions. Previously introduced work suffers from the long computing time due to its iterative optimization characteristics and the requirement of generating digitally reconstructed radiographs within each iteration. In this paper, we propose a novel method which uses a patient-specific 3D surface model reconstructed from 2D x-ray images as a surrogate to get a patient-specific volumetric intensity reconstruction via partial least squares regression. No DRR generation is needed. The method was validated on 20 cadaveric proximal femurs by performing a leave-one-out study. Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrated the efficacy of the present method. Compared to the existing work, the present method has the advantage of much shorter computing time and can be applied to both DXA images as well as conventional x-ray images, which may hold the potentials to be applied to clinical routine task such as total hip arthroplasty (THA).


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BACKGROUND: Gray matter lesions are known to be common in multiple sclerosis (MS) and are suspected to play an important role in disease progression and clinical disability. A combination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, double-inversion recovery (DIR), and phase-sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR), has been used for detection and classification of cortical lesions. This study shows that high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) magnetization-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo (MPRAGE) improves the classification of cortical lesions by allowing more accurate anatomic localization of lesion morphology. METHODS: 11 patients with MS with previously identified cortical lesions were scanned using DIR, PSIR, and 3D MPRAGE. Lesions were identified on DIR and PSIR and classified as purely intracortical or mixed. MPRAGE images were then examined, and lesions were re-classified based on the new information. RESULTS: The high signal-to-noise ratio, fine anatomic detail, and clear gray-white matter tissue contrast seen in the MPRAGE images provided superior delineation of lesion borders and surrounding gray-white matter junction, improving classification accuracy. 119 lesions were identified as either intracortical or mixed on DIR/PSIR. In 89 cases, MPRAGE confirmed the classification by DIR/PSIR. In 30 cases, MPRAGE overturned the original classification. CONCLUSION: Improved classification of cortical lesions was realized by inclusion of high-spatial resolution 3D MPRAGE. This sequence provides unique detail on lesion morphology that is necessary for accurate classification.


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The combination of scaled analogue experiments, material mechanics, X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) and Digital Volume Correlation techniques (DVC) is a powerful new tool not only to examine the 3 dimensional structure and kinematic evolution of complex deformation structures in scaled analogue experiments, but also to fully quantify their spatial strain distribution and complete strain history. Digital image correlation (DIC) is an important advance in quantitative physical modelling and helps to understand non-linear deformation processes. Optical non-intrusive (DIC) techniques enable the quantification of localised and distributed deformation in analogue experiments based either on images taken through transparent sidewalls (2D DIC) or on surface views (3D DIC). X-ray computed tomography (XRCT) analysis permits the non-destructive visualisation of the internal structure and kinematic evolution of scaled analogue experiments simulating tectonic evolution of complex geological structures. The combination of XRCT sectional image data of analogue experiments with 2D DIC only allows quantification of 2D displacement and strain components in section direction. This completely omits the potential of CT experiments for full 3D strain analysis of complex, non-cylindrical deformation structures. In this study, we apply digital volume correlation (DVC) techniques on XRCT scan data of “solid” analogue experiments to fully quantify the internal displacement and strain in 3 dimensions over time. Our first results indicate that the application of DVC techniques on XRCT volume data can successfully be used to quantify the 3D spatial and temporal strain patterns inside analogue experiments. We demonstrate the potential of combining DVC techniques and XRCT volume imaging for 3D strain analysis of a contractional experiment simulating the development of a non-cylindrical pop-up structure. Furthermore, we discuss various options for optimisation of granular materials, pattern generation, and data acquisition for increased resolution and accuracy of the strain results. Three-dimensional strain analysis of analogue models is of particular interest for geological and seismic interpretations of complex, non-cylindrical geological structures. The volume strain data enable the analysis of the large-scale and small-scale strain history of geological structures.


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Purpose: Congenital uterine anomalies often remain asymptomatic until they cause problems, for example during pregnancy. We studied the diagnostic aspects of two- and three-dimensional ultrasound and MRI. Materials and Methods: 63 women referred for suspected uterine anomalies were studied: In the first group (until July 2008) with 2 D-US and MRI, in the second group (from August 2008) additionally with 3 D-US; these women also had diagnostic or therapeutic operative confirmation. In the third group, only 3D-US was used. Results: In all women 3D-US was possible and successful. The most common anomaly was a subseptate uterus, while a septate uterus was less frequent, and uterus bicornis (unicollis) and uterus didelphys (bicornis bicollis) were rare. The women in the first two groups all underwent at least diagnostic hysteroscopy, and some (subseptate or septate uterus) underwent operative hysteroscopy. After preoperative volume imaging, laparoscopies were required less often. 3D-US diagnoses as judged by intraoperative findings were correct in 100 % of cases, while the MRI diagnoses in the same group were correct in only 7/13 cases. Conclusion: Since the introduction of volume imaging (MRI, later 3 D-US), laparoscopy during hysteroscopic septum resection was not necessary in the majority of cases. 3D-US brings the diagnostics of uterine anomalies back into the hands of the gynecologist and can provide the gynecological surgeon with a higher subjective degree of certainty during operative hysteroscopy.


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Postmortem MRI (PMMR) examinations are seldom performed in legal medicine due to long examination times, unfamiliarity with the technique, and high costs. Furthermore, it is difficult to obtain access to an MRI device used for patients in clinical settings to image an entire human body. An alternative is available: ex situ organ examination. To our knowledge, there is no standardized protocol that includes ex situ organ preparation and scanning parameters for postmortem MRI. Thus, our objective was to develop a standard procedure for ex situ heart PMMR examinations. We also tested the oily contrast agent Angiofil® commonly used for PMCT angiography, for its applicability in MRI. We worked with a 3 Tesla MRI device and 32-channel head coils. Twelve porcine hearts were used to test different materials to find the best way to prepare and place organs in the device and to test scanning parameters. For coronary MR angiography, we tested different mixtures of Angiofil® and different injection materials. In a second step, 17 human hearts were examined to test the procedure and its applicability to human organs. We established two standardized protocols: one for preparation of the heart and another for scanning parameters based on experience in clinical practice. The established protocols enabled a standardized technical procedure with comparable radiological images, allowing for easy radiological reading. The performance of coronary MR angiography enabled detailed coronary assessment and revealed the utility of Angiofil® as a contrast agent for PMMR. Our simple, reproducible method for performing heart examinations ex situ yields high quality images and visualization of the coronary arteries.


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INTRODUCTION Native-MR angiography (N-MRA) is considered an imaging alternative to contrast enhanced MR angiography (CE-MRA) for patients with renal insufficiency. Lower intraluminal contrast in N-MRA often leads to failure of the segmentation process in commercial algorithms. This study introduces an in-house 3D model-based segmentation approach used to compare both sequences by automatic 3D lumen segmentation, allowing for evaluation of differences of aortic lumen diameters as well as differences in length comparing both acquisition techniques at every possible location. METHODS AND MATERIALS Sixteen healthy volunteers underwent 1.5-T-MR Angiography (MRA). For each volunteer, two different MR sequences were performed, CE-MRA: gradient echo Turbo FLASH sequence and N-MRA: respiratory-and-cardiac-gated, T2-weighted 3D SSFP. Datasets were segmented using a 3D model-based ellipse-fitting approach with a single seed point placed manually above the celiac trunk. The segmented volumes were manually cropped from left subclavian artery to celiac trunk to avoid error due to side branches. Diameters, volumes and centerline length were computed for intraindividual comparison. For statistical analysis the Wilcoxon-Signed-Ranked-Test was used. RESULTS Average centerline length obtained based on N-MRA was 239.0±23.4 mm compared to 238.6±23.5 mm for CE-MRA without significant difference (P=0.877). Average maximum diameter obtained based on N-MRA was 25.7±3.3 mm compared to 24.1±3.2 mm for CE-MRA (P<0.001). In agreement with the difference in diameters, volumes obtained based on N-MRA (100.1±35.4 cm(3)) were consistently and significantly larger compared to CE-MRA (89.2±30.0 cm(3)) (P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS 3D morphometry shows highly similar centerline lengths for N-MRA and CE-MRA, but systematically higher diameters and volumes for N-MRA.


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PURPOSE The aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of 3D time-of-flight (TOF-MRA) and contrast-enhanced (CE-MRA) magnetic resonance angiography at 3 T for detection and quantification of proximal high-grade stenosis using multidetector computed tomography angiography (MDCTA) as reference standard. METHODS The institutional ethics committee approved this prospective study. A total of 41 patients suspected of having internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis underwent both MDCTA and MRA. CE-MRA and TOF-MRA were performed using a 3.0-T imager with a dedicated eight-element cervical coil. ICA stenoses were measured according to the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial criteria and categorized as 0-25 % (minimal), 25-50 % (mild), 50-69 % (moderate), 70-99 % (high grade), and 100 % (occlusion). Sensitivity and specificity for the detection of high-grade ICA stenoses (70-99 %) and ICA occlusions were determined. In addition, intermodality agreement was assessed with κ-statistics for detection of high-grade ICA stenoses (70-99 %) and ICA occlusions. RESULTS A total of 80 carotid arteries of 41 patients were reviewed. Two previously stented ICAs were excluded from analysis. On MDCTA, 7 ICAs were occluded, 12 ICAs presented with and 63 without a high-grade ICA stenosis (70-99 %). For detecting 70-99 % stenosis, both 3D TOF-MRA and CE-MRA were 91.7 % sensitive and 98.5 % specific, respectively. Both MRA techniques were highly sensitive (100 %), and specific (CE-MRA, 100 %; TOF-MRA, 98.7 %) for the detection of ICA occlusion. However, TOF-MRA misclassified one high-grade stenosis as occlusion. Intermodality agreement for detection of 70-99 % ICA stenoses was excellent between TOF-MRA and CE-MRA [κ = 0.902, 95 % confidence interval (CI) = 0.769-1.000], TOF-MRA and MDCTA (κ = 0.902, 95 % CI = 0.769-1.000), and CE-MRA and MDCTA (κ = 0.902, 95 % CI = 0.769-1.000). CONCLUSION Both 3D TOF-MRA and CE-MRA at 3 T are reliable tools for detecting high-grade proximal ICA stenoses (70-99 %). 3D TOF-MRA might misclassify pseudo-occlusions as complete occlusions. If there are no contraindications for CE-MRA, CE-MRA is recommended as primary MR imaging modality.


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Diseases of paranasal sinuses and nasal passages in horses can be a diagnostic challenge because of the complex anatomy of the head and limitations of many diagnostic modalities. Our hypothesis was that magnetic resonance (MR) imaging would provide excellent anatomical detail and soft tissue resolution, and would be accurate in the diagnosis of diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nasal passages in horses. Fourteen horses were imaged. Inclusion criteria were lesions located to the sinuses or nasal passages that underwent MR imaging and subsequent surgical intervention and/or histopathologic examination. A low field, 0.3 tesla open magnet was used. Sequences in the standard protocol were fast spin echo T2 sagittal and transverse, spin echo T1 transverse, short-tau inversion recovery (STIR) dorsal, gradient echo 3D T1 MPR dorsal (plain and contrast enhanced), spin echo T1 fatsat (contrast enhanced). Mean scan time to complete the examination was 53 min (range 39-99 min). Lesions identified were primary or secondary sinusitis (six horses), paranasal sinus cyst (four horses), progressive ethmoid hematoma (two horses), and neoplasia (two horses). The most useful sequences were fast spin echo T2 transverse and sagittal, STIR dorsal and FE3D MPR (survey and contrast enhanced). Fluid accumulation, mucosal thickening, presence of encapsulated contents, bone deformation, and thickening were common findings observed in MR imaging. In selected horses, magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool in diagnosing lesions of the paranasal sinuses and nasal passages.


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Accurate three-dimensional (3D) models of lumbar vertebrae are required for image-based 3D kinematics analysis. MRI or CT datasets are frequently used to derive 3D models but have the disadvantages that they are expensive, time-consuming or involving ionizing radiation (e.g., CT acquisition). In this chapter, we present an alternative technique that can reconstruct a scaled 3D lumbar vertebral model from a single two-dimensional (2D) lateral fluoroscopic image and a statistical shape model. Cadaveric studies are conducted to verify the reconstruction accuracy by comparing the surface models reconstructed from a single lateral fluoroscopic image to the ground truth data from 3D CT segmentation. A mean reconstruction error between 0.7 and 1.4 mm was found.