986 resultados para 399


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Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1829) constitutes a minor fishery contributing 23.3% to the total ribbonfish catch in Maharashtra. Based on the length data obtained from shrimp trawlers and the traditionally operated bag nets, age and growth of the species have been investigated from Mumbai waters. Growth was studied by various computer-based methods incorporated in FiSAT Programme. The growth parameters L∞ and K (on annual basis) by Gulland-Holt plot were 683.3 mm and 0.87, respectively. As the seasonal temperature variations in coastal waters of Mumbai are not pronounced, the seasonally oscillating growth patterns by ELEFAN and Appledoorn's method were not considered. Following the von Bertalanffy growth model, the fish attains 399.8, 567.2 and 637.4 mm at the end of 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively, and the lifespan of the fish is about 3.3 years.


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多细胞趋磁原核生物(Multicellular magnetotactic prokaryotes,MMPs) 是一类由7~45 个含有磁小体的革兰氏阴性细胞聚集而成的球形或者椭圆形 的细胞聚集体,是研究生命起源与进化、细胞分化和生物矿化的模式生物, 目前仅在大西洋沿岸具有一定盐度的层化水体或沉积物中发现。 本文通过光学显微镜和电子显微镜研究了黄海沉积物MMPs 的超微结 构、运动特点和分裂方式等生物学特征,调查了MMPs 的生态分布特征,并 对其尝试培养。 根据形态差别,黄海沉积物的MMPs 可分为花瓣型MMPs(rosette-like MMPs)、菠萝型MMPs(pineapple-like MMPs)和松球型MMPs(pinecone-like MMPs)。花瓣型MMPs 是由23±4 个卵圆形的细胞螺旋形排列而成的球形聚 集体,直径为5.4±0.8 μm,鞭毛周生。细胞内外膜附近有子弹头形/和方形的 铁氧化物型磁小体。菠萝型MMPs 是由39±9 个方形细胞组成的大小为9.6±1.2 μm ×7.8±0.9 μm 的椭圆形聚集体,鞭毛周生。这类MMPs 由多环细胞组成的, 从椭圆体的赤道面向两极,细胞环的直径变小;在每一环内,细胞像书本似 并列相连;相邻两环的细胞为交错式相连。这种结构比花瓣型MMPs 的更为 紧密。菠萝型MMPs 的磁小体均为子弹头形铁氧化物,磁小体的排列与MMPs 的长轴近似平行。松球型MMPs 是由多个长条形的细胞围绕中心的一个凹陷 辐射排列而成的球形聚集体,直径在9.0~14.2 μm 之间。尼罗红和DAPI 染 色发现三种MMPs 均具有脂类颗粒,花瓣型MMPs 和菠萝型MMPs 在聚集体 的表面具有一层外膜,这说明MMPs 的细胞排列具有高度组织性,在一定程 度证明它属于多细胞生物。 花瓣型MMPs 和菠萝型MMPs 分裂时均保持多细胞形式,但花瓣型 MMPs 沿着聚集体的短轴分开,而菠萝型MMPs 沿着长轴分开。两种MMPs 具有MMPs 典型的逃逸运动,花瓣型MMPs 和菠萝型MMPs 的运动速度分别 为55±26 μm/s 和99±50 μm/s。 黄海花瓣型MMPs 的超微结构、运动方式和分裂特点与大西洋沿岸多个 地区发现的MMPs 相似,花瓣型MMPs 可能是MMPs 的优势类群。菠萝型 MMPs 从整体形态、细胞排列和分裂方式上与花瓣型MMPs 显著不同,是一 类新的MMPs。松球型MMPs 是一类尚未报道的MMPs。 对MMPs 的生态分布调查发现,花瓣型MMPs 广泛分布于砂质沉积物中, 最大丰度出现在氧化还原跃层(redoxcline)。菠萝型MMPs 多分布在砾石沉 积物的表层。两种MMPs 占据不同的生态位,暗示着两者可能具有不同的生 理代谢途径。 对MMPs 的培养发现,在实验室内MMPs 可存活8 个月,MMPs 丰度随 着时间变化出现周期性的变化,推测其繁殖周期可能是10~15 天。 本文为太平洋沿岸MMPs 的首次研究,支持MMPs 在全球广泛分布的观 点,并展示了MMPs 的形态多样性。


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Chromosomal homologies have been established between the Chinese muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi, MRE, 2n = 46) and five ovine species: wild goat (Capra aegagrus, CAE, 2n = 60), argall (Ovis ammon, OAM, 2n = 56), snow sheep (Ovis nivicola, ONI, 2n = 52), red goral (Naemorhedus cranbrooki, NCR, 2n = 56) and Sumatra serow (Capricornis sumatraensis, CSU, 2n = 48) by chromosome painting with a set of chromosome-specific probes of the Chinese muntjac. In total, twenty-two Chinese muntjac autosomal painting probes detected thirty-five homologous segments in the genome of each species. The chromosome X probe hybridized to the whole X chromosomes of all ovine species while the chromosome Y probe gave no signal. Our results demonstrate that almost all homologous segments defined by comparative painting show a high degree of conservation in G-banding patterns and that each speciation event is accompanied by specific chromosomal rearrangements. The combined analysis of our results and previous cytogenetic and molecular systematic results enables us to map the chromosomal rearrangements onto a phylogenetic tree, thus providing new insights into the karyotypic evolution of these species.


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The growth hormone (GH) gene family represents an erratic and complex evolutionary pattern, involving many evolutionary events, such as multiple gene duplications, positive selection, the birth-and-death process and gene conversions. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced GH-like genes from three species of New World monkeys (NWM). Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggest monophyly for NWM GH-like genes with respect to those of Old World monkeys (OWM) and hominoids, indicating that independent gene duplications have occurred in NWM GH-like genes. There are three main clusters of genes in putatively functional NWM GH-like genes, according to our gene tree. Comparison of the ratios of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions revealed that these three clusters of genes evolved under different kinds of selective pressures. Detailed analysis of the evolution of pseudogenes showed that the evolutionary pattern of this gene family in platyrrhines is in agreement with the so-called birth-and-death process.


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Inteins are internal segment peptides which can self-splicing at the protein level. Although inteins are found in all three domains of life, they are not evenly distributed among species and proteins. So the evolution of intein have been capturing much at


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 目的 观察500μmol/ L 丙泊酚对大鼠海马CA1 区电刺激诱发的兴奋性突触后电流 ( EPSC) 的影响,分析丙泊酚的可能作用机制。方法 断头法分离Wistar 大鼠(13~19 d) 海马半脑, 用切片机切出400μm 厚度的海马脑片,全细胞膜片钳技术记录CA1 区锥体神经元EPSC。实验分 两组:脂肪乳剂组( n = 6) 和丙泊酚组( n = 10) 。先以50μmol/ L 印防己毒素预孵脑片30 min 后,记录 基础EPSC 10 min ,然后加入450μl 脂肪乳剂或丙泊酚(相当于500 μmol/ L ) , 继续记录EPSC 40 min ;继而以配对刺激代替单刺激,观察EPSC2/ EPSC1 比率的变化;改变膜钳制电压( - 80~ + 60 mV) ,观察电流2电压( I2V) 曲线的变化。结果 脂肪乳剂对EPSC 无影响,500μmol/ L 丙泊酚降低 大鼠海马CA1 区EPSC 值,25~30 min 左右达最大抑制效果,EPSC 幅值下降至基础值的6715 % ,明 显低于脂肪乳剂组( P < 0105) ;而且500μmol/ L 丙泊酚明显降低EPSC2/ EPSC1 比率,也使I2V 曲线 左移,降低反转电位至- 35 mV 左右。结论 500μmol/ L 丙泊酚对大鼠海马CA1 区兴奋性突触传 递产生抑制作用,这可能与其增强突触前膜、突触后膜GABAA 受体活性有关。


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除虫菊酯越来越广泛地被应用于农业和家庭昆虫防治,主要通过作用于膜结合蛋白而对动物起神经毒性.迷迭香因其抗氧化功能而被应用于很多商业化的除虫菊酯产品中.本实验以大鼠大脑突触体ATP酶为研究对象,对除虫菊酯和迷迭香的药理学进行了研究.用Percoll梯度离心法分离突触体,通过检测无机磷的量来测定总ATP酶和Mg2+-ATP酶活性.结果表明,除虫菊酯在浓度为10 μmol/L时总ATP酶和Mg2+-ATP酶分别降低到对照的80.3%和46.9%.迷迭香在浓度为0.3~30 μmol/L时几乎不影响ATP酶活性,当浓度上升到3 000 μmol/L时,总ATP酶活性降低到66.8%,而Mg2+-ATP酶活性降低到54.5%. 10 μmol/L 除虫菊酯和30 μmol/L迷迭香混合物引起总ATP酶和Mg2+-ATP酶分别降低到72.9%和33.4%.结论: 1) 除虫菊酯能抑制大鼠大脑ATP酶活性; 2) 迷迭香只在高浓度下才对ATP酶有抑制作用; 3) 迷迭香能增强除虫菊酯对ATP酶的抑制作用.图3参19


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