891 resultados para 2011-2012
Objective: To examine sociodemographic and dental factors for associations with dental sealant placement in children and adolescents aged 6-18 years old. Methods: Secondary data analysis of 2011-2012 NHANES data was conducted. Multiple logistic regression models were used to assess relationships between predictor variables and sealant presence. Results: More than a third (37.1%) of children and adolescents have at least one sealant present; 67.9% of children compared with 40.4% of adolescents. Racial/ethnic differences exist, with Non-Hispanic black youth having the lowest odds of having sealants. Sealant placement odds vary by presence of dental home; the magnitude of the odds varies by age group. Those with untreated decay have lower odds of having sealants than those who do not have untreated decay (child OR: 2.6, 95% CI: 1.83-3.72; adolescent OR: 3.9, 95% CI: 2.59-6.07). Conclusion: Disparities exist in odds of sealant prevalence across racial/ethnic groups, income levels, and dental disease and visit characteristics. Further research is necessary to understand the reasons for these differences and to inform future interventions.
The University of South Carolina Sumter reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
Trident Technical College is required to submit an annual accountability report to the Governor and General Assembly that contains the school’s mission, objectives to accomplish the mission, and performance measures that show the degree to which objectives are being met. Also included are an executive summary, organizational profile and elements of the Malcolm Baldridge Award criteria.
The South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, organization chart, statistics, strategic planning, HR information, and key agency-specific results.
The Commission on Lawyer Conduct at the South Carolina Justice Department investigates complaints of lawyer misconduct and incapacity made against lawyers who are licensed to practice law in South Carolina. It annually publishes a report of activities. Included in the reports are status of complaints, disposition of concluded complaints and commission activities.
Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
The National Scholars Program at the Clemson University provides a select number of freshmen with an extraordinary educational experience that includes the following: a competitive four-year scholarship, summer study abroad, academic seminars that explore critical thinking and leadership, and ongoing enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The National Scholars Program publishes an annual report with information about the program and profiles of the senior scholars.
Los socorristas de traumatizados en el área pre-hospitalaria en la ciudad de Machala, carecen de profesionales con formación académica de tercer nivel, en su mayoría son bachilleres con cursos básicos de primeros auxilios Objetivo.- Determinar el impacto de un programa educativo en el nivel de conocimiento de los protocolos de atención en trauma, usados por los socorristas que laboran en atención pre-hospitalaria de la ciudad de Machala. Métodos.-Realizamos un estudio cuasi experimental con dos grupos: Grupo estudio (n: 46) y grupo control (n: 45). Muestra obtenida de forma no aleatoria por conveniencia. Los socorristas fueron evaluados al inicio del estudio por un test previamente establecido, al grupo de estudio se aplicó un programa educativo, al grupo control no se lo intervino. Dos meses después se evaluó el impacto del programa. Resultados.- El programa educativo mejora el conocimiento global un 43% en el grupo de estudio. El impacto del programa de la atención pre-hospitalaria demostró un incremento en conocimientos: en respiratorio 56%; 67.9% en circulatorio y el 19.2% en neurológico; pero disminuye: en vía aérea 10.9% y 7.6% en la exposición de la víctima. El Riesgo relativo luego de la intervención es de 4.45 y se necesita aplicar el programa educativo a dos personas para mejorar una (NNT -2.4). Conclusión.- El programa educativo es útil para mejorar el conocimiento sobre atención pre-hospitalaria en trauma, sin lograr en los participantes alcanzar el nivel esperado por lo heterogéneo de su formación académica
The University of South Carolina Lancaster reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
Each year South Carolina State University produces an annual accountability report for the South Carolina General Assembly and the Budget and Control Board. Included is an executive summary, agency discussion and analysis, and strategic planning documents.
The University of South Carolina at Union reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
The University of South Carolina Salkehatchie Campus reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.
O Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas formula e implementa políticas públicas que refletem, em cada momento, a distribuição de poder entre as grandes potências. Tendo como pano de fundo o terceiro mandato de Portugal no Conselho de Segurança no biénio 2011-2012, recentemente concluído, são discutidas as novas configurações de poder que resultaram da intervenção militar no Kosovo (1999) e a reação do Conselho de Segurançaa esta nova realidade, em particular a emergência de novas formas de cooperação entre o Conselho de Segurança e outras organizações internacionais com responsabilidades em termos de segurança internacional. Esta alteração estrutural no funcionamento do Conselho de Segurança representa um grande desafio para Portugal. Neste artigo são discutidas estratégias que permitem aumentar a visibilidade política do nosso país no Conselho de Segurança, como país europeu que integra uma comunidade de valores e comunga de uma agenda normativa, e que se pretende afirmar na nova ordem internacional que tem como característica principal a descentralização dos polos de decisão.
South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Bank Annual Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2011-2012
The South Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Bank reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, organizational profile including leadership system, program descriptions and budgets, and program results.