974 resultados para 2 oxoglutaric acid


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Crystalline spherulitic fiber networks are commonly observed in polymeric and supramolecular functional materials. The elasticity of materials with this type of network is low if interactions between the individual spherulites are weak (mutually exclusive). Improving the elasticity of these materials is necessary because of their important applications in many fields. In this work, the engineering of the microstructures and rheological properties of this type of material is carried out. A small molecule organogel formed by the gelation of N-lauroyl-L-glutamic acid di-n-butylamide (GP-1) in propylene glycol (PG) is used as an example. The elasticity of this material is improved by controlling the thermodynamic driving force, the supersaturation of the gelator, and by using a selected copolymer additive to manipulate the primary nucleation of GP-1. Because of the weak interactions between the GP-1 spherulites, with the same fiber mass, the elasticity of GP-1/PG gel is less than half of those of the other two gels formed by GP-1 and 2-hydroxystearlic acid in solvent benzyl benzoate (BB), which are supported by interconnecting spherulitic fiber networks. This work develops a robust approach to the engineering of supramolecular functional materials especially those with mutually exclusive spherulite fiber networks.


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Phloem turgor pressure (PTP) is the initial driving force for latex flow after a rubber tree is tapped and therefore plays an important role in rubber tree latex production. Variation in PTP with rubber tree clone, age, yield potential and commonly used Ethrel (an ethylene releaser) stimulation have, however, not been comprehensively studied to date. The aim of this study was to investigate these relations and examine whether PTP can be used as an index for rubber tree clone assessment and tapping system optimization. The results showed that: (1) the daily change of PTP in the foliation season suggests that a high PTP can ensure a high latex yield and tapping could be moved forward to midnight or earlier in the night; (2) the decrease of PTP from the basal to distal stem indicates the benefit of a controlled upward tapping system; (3) the logarithmic increase in PTP with rubber tree planting age and age-based mean girth suggests that the preferred age for the commencement of rubber tree tapping is eight years; (4) the change of PTP with regenerated bark age suggests that the regenerated bark could be exploited again after the second year; (5) PTP is positively related to the yield potential of rubber tree clones; (6) although Ethrel stimulation could not significantly increase the initial PTP of a rubber tree, it delays the recovery of PTP after tapping. Therefore, PTP is an indicator of rubber tree latex yield and can be used for tapping system optimization. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Foi estudada a qualidade da carne ovina submetida a diferentes teores de sal no processo de salga, utilizando-se 18 pernas desossadas provenientes de cordeiros &frac12; Ile de France &frac12; Ideal, machos inteiros, com peso vivo médio de 30kg. Os tratamentos constituíram-se em: T1 - controle; T2 - salga a 15% e T3 - salga a 20%. As mantas de carne foram lavadas rapidamente em água corrente para remoção do excesso de sal e secadas à sombra. As análises foram realizadas antes da salga e 67 horas após o início da mesma. As perdas de peso ao cozimento, maciez, cor, umidade (2, 4, 16, 28, 40 e 67 horas após o início da salga) e número de TBARS, substâncias reativas ao ácido 2-tiobarbitúrico, foram realizadas no músculo Semimembranosus. Os diferentes teores de sal não influenciaram (P>0,05) na luminosidade da carne, entretanto os teores de vermelho e amarelo, que foram influenciados (P<0,05). As perdas de peso ao cozimento e a umidade foram menores (P<0,05) nas carnes salgadas. A carne dos tratamentos controle e com 15% de salga, apresentou maior (P<0,05) maciez, em relação à carne do tratamento com 20% de salga. A carne que foi submetida a 20% de salga, apresentou maior oxidação lípidica, não diferindo da salga a 15%. A salga a 15% forneceu melhores resultados com valores de perdas de peso ao cozimento, cor, umidade e número de TBARS semelhante a salga a 20%, porém com maior maciez.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this study, water and eight sanitizing solutions (vinegar at 6, 25, and 50%; acetic acid at 2 and 4%; peracetic acid at 80 ppm, sodium hypochlorite at 200 ppm, and sodium dichloroisocyanurate at 200 ppm) were compared in terms of their effectiveness against the natural microbiota of lettuce. All of the samples were kept in contact with the sanitizing solutions for 15 min, and the effectiveness of a sanitizing agent was evaluated on the basis of the number of decimal reductions of the total aerobic mesophilic count, the mold and yeast count, the total coliform count, and the Escherichia coli count. The average initial levels of these organisms in the samples were 6.94 log(10) CFU/g for aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, 5.62 log(10) CFU/g for molds and yeasts, and 3.25 log(10) CFU/g for total coliforms. of 10 samples analyzed, only 4 contained E. coli, and the average initial level of this microorganism in these 4 samples was 1.64 log(10) CFU/g. Salmonella was not detected in any of the samples tested. The decimal reductions of the populations of aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, molds and yeasts, total coliforms, and E. coli were 0.78, 0.87, 0.82, and >0.14 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in water; 2.89, >3.41, >2.21, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 50% vinegar; 2.42, >3.20, >1.99, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 25% vinegar; 1.83, 2.57, 1.58, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 6% vinegar; 3.91, >3.58, >2.25, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 4% acetic acid; 3.37, >3.53, >2.25, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 2% acetic acid; 1.85, 2,32, 1.44, and >0.20 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 80 ppm of peracetic acid; 2.63, 2.75, 1.91, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 200 ppm of sodium hypochlorite; and 3.23, >3.08, >1.95, and >0.26 log(10) CFU/g, respectively, in 200 ppm of sodium dichloroisocyanurate. Statistical analysis of the results showed that the effectiveness levels for all of the sanitizing agents tested were equivalent to or higher than that for sodium hypochlorite at 200 ppm.


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Chemical investigation of Hyptidendron canum stems resulted in the isolation of betulinic, ursolic and euscaphic acids. From the leaves were isolated 3β-O-β-galactopiranosilsitosterol, ursolic aldehyde, and mixtures of maslinic acid and 2α-hydroxyursolic acid, α and β-amyrin, uvaol and erythrodiol, sitosterol and stigmasterol, spathulenol and globulol. Hexane and chloroform leave fractions as well as ursolic and betulinic acids showed antifungal activities against the yeast form of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis.


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The insecticidal activity of hexane extracts from the roots and leaves of Aristolochia malmeana was evaluated against Anticarsia gemmatalis larvae by topical application. Extract from the roots was the most active and caused 50% mortality in larvae at 308.4 mu g/mu L. From this extract, a clerodane diterpene, (-)-kolavenic acid, and three lignans, (-)-kusunokinin, (-)-hinokinin, and (8S,8'R,9S)cubebin, were isolated by chromatography and partition procedures and then evaluated for their insecticidal activities either individually or in pairs. (-)-Kusunokinin showed higher activity against A. gemmatalis (LD10 = 9.3, LD50 = 230.1 mu g/mu L) than the crude extract, and its activity was dosedependent, whereas the other constituents did not exhibit any significant activity. Together with (-)kusunokinin and (-)-hinokinin, (-)-copalic acid, (-)-2-oxokolavenic acid, (-)-ent-6-beta-hydroxy-copalic acid, (8R,8'R,9R)- and (8R,8'R,9S)-cubebins, (-)-fargesin, and (-)-phillygenin were isolated from the hexane extract of the leaves. The compounds were identified on the basis of spectroscopic analysis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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(Nota sobre a germinação de sementes de Vochysia tucanorum tratadas com reguladores vegetais). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta germinativa sob luz branca e escuro de sementes de Vochysia tucanorum Mart. tratadas com GA3 e CEPA. Sementes recém-coletadas de uma área de Cerrado foram armazenadas durante 14 dias em duas temperaturas (25 ± 2 °C e 7 ± 1 °C). Após o período de armazenamento, as sementes foram pré-tratadas com água destilada (controle), ácido giberélico (GA3), ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico (CEPA) e uma mistura de GA3 + CEPA; em seguida, as sementes foram semeadas em placas de Petri sobre papel filtro umedecido com água destilada e colocadas para germinar em escuro e sob luz branca. Os resultados sugerem que as sementes não são fotoblásticas nem dormentes, no entanto um comportamento fotoblástico emerge quando as sementes foram previamente armazenadas em baixa temperatura e embebidas em soluções de GA3 e CEPA. em geral, não houve diferença entre as temperaturas de armazenamento de 7 °C e 25 °C. A germinação sob luz branca de sementes pré-tratadas com CEPA + GA3 e CEPA foi antecipada, em comparação com o controle de água destilada, sendo que o efeito da mistura CEPA + GA3 foi mais pronunciado do que o de CEPA sozinho. Assim, a taxa de germinação de sementes de V. tucanorum, sob luz branca, pode ser melhorada pela embebição das mesmas em soluções de CEPA ou de CEPA + GA3.


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Cashew apple nectar is a secondary product from the production of cashew nuts and possesses an exotic tropical aroma. Aroma volatiles in pasteurized and reconstituted (from concentrate) Brazilian cashew apple nectars were determined using GC-MS and split, time-intensity GC-olfactometry (GC-O/GC-FID. Methional, (2)-1,5-octadien-3-one, (2)-2-nonenal, (E,Z)-2,4-decadienal, (E,E)-2,4-decadienal, beta-damascenone, and delta-decalactone were identified for the first time in cashew apple products. These compounds plus butyric acid, ethyl 3-methylbutyrate, 2-methylbutyric acid, acetic acid, benzaldehyde, homofuraneol, (E)-2-nonenal, gamma-dodecalactone, and an unknown were the most intense aroma volatiles. Thirty-six aroma volatiles were detected in the reconstituted sample and 41 in the pasteurized sample. Thirty-four aroma active components were common to both samples. Ethyl 3-methylbutyrate and 2-methylbutyric acid were character impact compounds of cashew apple (warm, fruity, tropical, sweaty). Using GC-pFPD, 2-methyl-3-furanthiol and bis(2-methyl-3-furyl) disulfide were identified for the first time in cashew apple. Both were aroma active (meaty).


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O objetivo do experimento foi verificar o efeito do nitrogénio no solo, parcelado de diferentes formas e aplicado durante o período de "verão", combinado com pulverização foliar de ureia e/ou ácido giberélico, sobre a produção e qualidade de Setaria anceps Stapf cv. Kazungula. O nitrogênio (60 kg/ha/ano) foi aplicado segundo quatro formas de parcelamento: Testemunha (sem nitrogênio), N20M40 (20 kg/ha de N em novembro + 40 kg/ha de N em março), N30M30 (30 kg/ha de N em novembro + 30 kg/ha de N em março), F20M40 (20 kg/ha de N em fevereiro + 40 kg/ha de N em março). No início do período de "inverno" foram aplicados os quatro tipos de pulverizações foliares: Testemunha (sem ácido giberélico ou uréia), uréia a 2%, ácido giberélico a 50 ppm e uréia a 2% + ácido giberélico a 50 ppm. Os resultados revelaram que o parcelamento do nitrogénio no solo não influiu no aumento da produção de matéria seca do capim setária no período de "verão", apesar de proporcionar um incremento da mesma no corte de "inverno". Observou-se, ainda, uma boa distribuição da produção de matéria seca entre "verão" e "inverno", apresentando essa última estação 34,52% da produção total anual, em média. Os diferentes tipos de pulverização não influíram significativamente sobre a produção de matéria seca e a composição química bromatológica da forrageira no período de "inverno".