436 resultados para tibial dyschondroplasia


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Superficial nerve injuries are very common during varicose vein surgery. In contrast, deep nerve injuries are rare and reported especially when surgery involves the small saphenous vein (SSV). The deep motor nerves most commonly injured are the tibial nerve and the peroneal nerve, which are directly or indirectly affected by extrinsic compression, stretching, or healing process involvement. In this report, two cases of common fibular nerve injury after SSV stripping are described, including treatment used and patient outcomes. Nerve damage mechanisms, anatomy, and prevention strategies are also discussed. In conclusion, fibular nerve damage may occur during SSV stripping. Preventive measures include careful preoperative ultrasonographic investigation of the anatomy of the vein, determining location of the saphenopopliteal joint, and careful dissection far from fibular nerve and restricted to the popliteal fossa.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar as repercussões clínicas, biomecânicas e histomorfométricas do ácido zoledrônico em tíbias de ratas osteoporóticas, após ooforectomia bilateral. MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, prospectivamente, 40 ratas da linhagem Wistar (Rattus novergicus albinus). Com 60 dias de vida, os animais foram aleatorizados em dois grupos de acordo com o procedimento cirúrgico: ooforectomia bilateral (O) (n=20) e pseudo-cirurgia (sham) (P) (n=20). Após 30 dias, os animais foram divididos em quatro subgrupos, de acordo com a administração de 0,1mg/kg de ácido zoledrônico (AZ) ou água destilada (AD): OAZ (n=10), OAD (n=10), PAZ (n=10) e PAD (n=10). Após 12 meses, os animais foram eutanasiados e suas tíbias analisadas. No estudo clínico foi considerado o peso dos animais; no estudo biomecânico foram realizados ensaios compressivos e na análise histomorfométrica foi determinada a área trabecular óssea. RESULTADOS: Os grupos O tiveram aumento de peso significativamente maior que os grupos P (p=0,005). Os grupos OAZ e PAZ tiveram aumento, não significativo, de peso quando comparados aos grupos OAD (p=0,47) e PAD (p=0,68). Os grupos com ácido zoledrônico e com água destilada suportaram carga máxima, semelhante (p=0,2), no momento em que ocorreu fratura. Nos grupos com ácido zoledrônico verificou-se o aumento não significante da área trabecular óssea quando comparados aos grupos com água destilada (p=0,21). Houve correlação positiva entre a área trabecular e a carga máxima (p=0,04; r=0,95). CONCLUSÃO: O ácido zoledrônico não influiu significativamente no peso dos animais. Os resultados mostraram aumento, não significante, tanto da resistência óssea diafisária tibial, como da área trabecular óssea.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar dois novos métodos com o método tradicional da neurorrafia término-lateral. MÉTODOS: Os ratos foram separados em quatro grupos. No grupo A-E o nervo peroneal foi seccionado e o coto distal foi suturado à lateral do nervo tibial com dois pontos de nylon 10-0. No grupo A-D duas abas de epi-perineuro abraçaram o nervo doador. No grupo B-D foi realizada sutura com um único ponto abraçando o nervo doador. O grupo B-E foi o controle. Após seis meses foram observados massa do músculo tibial cranial e morfometria do coto distal do nervo peroneal. RESULTADOS: Foi encontrada menor massa muscular nos grupos A-D, A-E e B-D quando comparados com o grupo B-E (p<0.0001) e mesma massa quando comparados entre si (p>0,05). Os grupos A-D, A-E e B-D apresentaram menor número de fibras nervosas quando comparados ao grupo B-E (p=0,0155; p=0,016; p=0,0021) e mesmo número quando comparados entre si. CONCLUSÃO: Os três tipos de neurorrafia não apresentaram diferenças relacionadas à massa muscular e número de fibras nervosas sugerindo que a sutura abraçante com apenas um ponto apresente grande potencial em áreas cirúrgicas mais profundas.


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There are few electrophysiologic studies in wild animals. The aim of this study was to determine normal data for motor nerve conduction studies and repetitive stimulation in sciatic-tibial and ulnar nerves in clinically normal captive coati. Eight adult ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua), two females and six males weighing 68 kg, were used. Average nerve conduction velocity was 70.81 m/sec (standard deviation [SD] = 3.98) and 56.93 m/sec (SD = 4.31) for the sciatic-tibial and ulnar nerves, respectively. Repetitive stimulation responses demonstrated minimal variations of the area of the compound muscle action potentials at low (3 Hz) and high (20 Hz) frequencies. The maximal obtained decremental area response was 8%. These normal data of conduction studies may be used in assessing abnormalities for clinical diagnosis. In addition, the obtained normal repetitive stimulation data were similar to dogs and humans and may be used for post- and presynaptic disturbances of the neuromuscular transmission in coatis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho objetivou avaliar, quantificar e padronizar a ocorrência dos reflexos espinhais em bezerros da raça holandesa de 15 a 90 dias de idade, os quais foram submetidos a avaliação nos membros torácicos (reflexo carpo radial, reflexo bicipital, reflexo tricipital e reflexo flexor) e nos membros pélvicos (reflexo patelar, reflexo tibial cranial, reflexo gastrocnêmio, reflexo ciático e reflexo flexor). Para quantificação da resposta involuntária frente ao reflexo realizado, padronizou-se a ausência do reflexo como sendo o algarismo 0; resposta discreta do reflexo como sendo l e a presença evidente da resposta como sendo 2. Os reflexos mais evidentes e constantes foram os reflexos flexor, carpo radial, patelar e tricipital. Os reflexos menos evidentes e menos freqüentes foram os reflexos tibial cranial, bicipital, gastrocnêmio e ciático.


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Fez-se a avaliação qualitativa e semiquantitativa dos reflexos espinhais em ovinos, utilizando-se 51 animais da raça Suffolk, machos e fêmeas, entre quatro e cinco meses de idade. Usaram-se os reflexos bilaterais dos membros torácicos, extensor carpo-radial, bicipital, tricipital e flexor, e pélvicos, isquiático, gastrocnêmio, patelar, tibial cranial e flexor, sendo zero indicativo de ausência de reflexo, 1= reflexo discreto e 2= reflexo evidente. Nos membros torácicos, as melhores respostas foram obtidas no flexor (99,0%) e no extensor carpo-radial (87,3%), seguidos de valores menos expressivos no bicipital (11,8%) e no tricipital (2,0%), com grau 2 de avaliação. Nos membros pélvicos, todos os ovinos produziram respostas em grau 2 para o reflexo flexor. Verificam-se também respostas evidentes nos reflexos patelar (98,0%) e isquiático (81,4%). Apenas 20,6% dos animais apresentaram resposta evidente ao reflexo tibial cranial, e nenhum ovino respondeu ao reflexo gastrocnêmio de forma satisfatória.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: In this study, we evaluated the results of spontaneous osteoneogenesis of the frontal sinus with autogenous bone plug versus obliteration with heterogeneous (human) bone in monkeys (Cebus apella).Materials and Methods: Eight young adult male C apella monkeys underwent an ostectomy of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus, removal of the sinus mucosa, and inner decortication of the bony walls and then were divided into 2 groups of 4 each, as follows. Group I monkeys underwent obliteration of the nasofrontal ducts with a free segment of frontallis muscle and corticocancellous heterogeneous bone, followed by full obliteration of the sinus with corticocancellous heterogeneous bone (Dayton Regional Tissue Bank, Dayton, OH). Group II monkeys underwent obliteration of the nasofrontal ducts with a frontal muscle segment and tibial autogenous bone plug, without full obliteration of the frontal sinus. In all animals, the sinus anterior wall was repositioned and fixed with 1.0 plate and screws. The monkeys were killed after 180 days, and routine laboratory procedures were followed for hematoxylin-eosin staining and histologic evaluation of the specimens.Results: the 2 studied techniques were both effective in obliterating the frontal sinus with newly formed bone. The nasofrontal ducts were obliterated by new bone formation or fibrous tissue (1 animal only).Conclusions: Both methods used for frontal sinus obliteration were effective; the heterogeneous bone (human bone) was well tolerated and presented low antigenicity. The nasofrontal duct obliteration with autogenous muscle associated with autogenous tibial bone (group II) or with heterogeneous bone (group I) was effective, isolating the frontal sinus from the nasal cavity. The spontaneous obliteration resulted, in the period analyzed, in earlier bone maturation compared with the obliteration by heterogeneous bone. (C) 2003 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a severe X-linked recessive disorder characterized by the progressive loss of muscular strength. Mdx mutant mice show a marked deficiency in dystrophin, which was related to muscle membrane stability. The aim of this study was to verify the possible protective anti-inflammatory effect of citrus oil on mdx muscle fibers. Thus, adult male and female mdx mice (014/06-CEEA) were divided into control and citrus-treated. After 60 days of treatment, one ml of blood was collected for creatine kinase (CK) test. Diaphragm, sternomastoideus, anterior tibial and gastrocnemius muscles were removed and processed according to histological routine methods. The observed alterations indicate a direct effect of citrus. Recent studies have improved the diagnosis of muscular diseases but with no definitions of efficient treatments. Intervention with several therapies is important to many patients presenting muscular dystrophy, which enables them to live longer and be more active, while there is no development of gene therapies.


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The muscles can perform the same function in a specific segment (muscles of fast and slow contraction), and at the same time be antagonistic in relation to muscular action (flexors or extensors). The present research aimed to study the morphology, frequency and metabolism of fiber types and the contractile characteristics of extensor and flexors muscles of rabbit. We studied muscles anterior tibialis (AT), flexor digitorum supeficialis (FDS), extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and posterior tibialis (PT). The muscles were submitted to the techniques HE, NADH-TR and myofibrillar ATPase. In EDL and PT extensor muscles, the frequencies of red (SO + FOG) and white fibers (FG) were 68.77% and 31.23% versus 58.87% and 41.13%, respectively. In the AT and FDS flexor muscles, these frequencies were 75.14% and 24.86% versus 73.89% and 26.11%, respectively. In extensor muscles, the percentage of slow contraction fibers was 8.05% in EDL and 9.74% in PT, and in fast contraction, 91.95% in EDL and 90.26% in PT. In flexors, the slow contraction frequencies were 12.35% in AT and 8.17% in FDS, and in fast contraction, 87.65% and 91.83%, respectively. Skeletal muscles with antagonistic muscular actions (flexors and extensors) the morphological, contractile and metabolic characteristics are identical.


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In a previous study, we showed that the Polybia paulista wasp venom causes strong myonecrosis. This study was undertaken to characterize the myotoxic potency of mastoparan (Polybia-MPII) isolated from venom (0.25 mu g/mu l) and injected in the tibial anterior (TA) muscle (i.m.) of Balb/c mice. The time course of the changes was followed at muscle degenerative (3 and 24 h) and regenerative (3, 7, and 21 days) periods (n = 6) after injection and compared to matched controls by calculation of the percentage of cross-sectional area affected and determination of creatine kinase (CK) activity (n = 10). The results showed that although NIP was strongly myotoxic, its capacity for regeneration was maintained high. Since the extent of tissue damage was not correlated with the CK serum levels, which remained very low, we raised the hypothesis that the enzyme underwent denaturation by the peptide. Evidence suggested that MP induced the death of TA fibers by necrosis and apoptosis and had the sarcolemma as its primordial target. Given its amphiphilic polycationic nature and based on the vast spectrum of functions attributed to the peptide, we suggest that MP interaction with cell membrane impaired the phosphorylation of dystrophin essential for sarcolemma mechanical stability, and disturbed Ca2+ mobilization with obvious implications on sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial functioning. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.