874 resultados para strategic performance measurement
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.
Coastal Carolina University reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis, major accomplishments, strategic planning and performance measurement.
Clemson University reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis, major accomplishments, strategic planning and performance measurement.
Clemson University Public Service Activities reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis, major accomplishments, strategic planning and performance measurement.
The South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes expenditures, major accomplishments, strategic planning and performance measurement.
Francis Marion University reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis, major accomplishments, strategic planning and performance measurement.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The second edition of An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis is designed to be a general introduction for those who wish to study efficiency and productivity analysis. The book provides an accessible, well-written introduction to the four principal methods involved: econometric estimation of average response models; index numbers, data envelopment analysis (DEA); and stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). For each method, a detailed introduction to the basic concepts is presented, numerical examples are provided, and some of the more important extensions to the basic methods are discussed. Of special interest is the systematic use of detailed empirical applications using real-world data throughout the book. In recent years, there have been a number of excellent advance-level books published on performance measurement. This book, however, is the first systematic survey of performance measurement with the express purpose of introducing the field to a wide audience of students, researchers, and practitioners. Indeed, the 2nd Edition maintains its uniqueness: (1) It is a well-written introduction to the field. (2) It outlines, discusses and compares the four principal methods for efficiency and productivity analysis in a well-motivated presentation. (3) It provides detailed advice on computer programs that can be used to implement these performance measurement methods. The book contains computer instructions and output listings for the SHAZAM, LIMDEP, TFPIP, DEAP and FRONTIER computer programs. More extensive listings of data and computer instruction files are available on the book's website: (www.uq.edu.au/economics/cepa/crob2005).
Este artigo apresenta o caso do modelo de mensura????o de desempenho existente na Secretaria de Estado da Fazenda do Rio Grande do Sul. Mediante abordagem explorat??ria e descritiva, baseada em entrevistas em profundidade, comparamos as similaridades entre o modelo vigente na Secretaria e as principais caracter??sticas citadas nos estudos desses modelos aplicados ?? iniciativa privada. Encontramos como semelhan??as: a dissocia????o entre recompensa e esfor??o; negocia????o de metas; e mecanismos sociais de puni????o. A an??lise das s??ries trimestrais dos indicadores de desempenho, na compara????o meta/realizado entre 2005-2008 (14 trimestres, at?? junho/2008), fornece evid??ncias iniciais de que os funcion??rios da Secretaria t??m atingido em m??dia 91,46% das metas. Isso sugere a exist??ncia de folga or??ament??ria e, portanto, de baixo incentivo ao desempenho.