891 resultados para species-level trends
Background: The temporal and geographical diversification of Neotropical insects remains poorly understood because of the complex changes in geological and climatic conditions that occurred during the Cenozoic. To better understand extant patterns in Neotropical biodiversity, we investigated the evolutionary history of three Neotropical swallowtail Troidini genera (Papilionidae). First, DNA-based species delimitation analyses were conducted to assess species boundaries within Neotropical Troidini using an enlarged fragment of the standard barcode gene. Molecularly delineated species were then used to infer a time-calibrated species-level phylogeny based on a three-gene dataset and Bayesian dating analyses. The corresponding chronogram was used to explore their temporal and geographical diversification through distinct likelihood-based methods. Results: The phylogeny for Neotropical Troidini was well resolved and strongly supported. Molecular dating and biogeographic analyses indicate that the extant lineages of Neotropical Troidini have a late Eocene (33-42 Ma) origin in North America. Two independent lineages (Battus and Euryades + Parides) reached South America via the GAARlandia temporary connection, and later became extinct in North America. They only began substantive diversification during the early Miocene in Amazonia. Macroevolutionary analysis supports the "museum model" of diversification, rather than Pleistocene refugia, as the best explanation for the diversification of these lineages. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that: (i) current Neotropical biodiversity may have originated ex situ; (ii) the GAARlandia bridge was important in facilitating invasions of South America; (iii) colonization of Amazonia initiated the crown diversification of these swallowtails; and (iv) Amazonia is not only a species-rich region but also acted as a sanctuary for the dynamics of this diversity. In particular, Amazonia probably allowed the persistence of old lineages and contributed to the steady accumulation of diversity over time with constant net diversification rates, a result that contrasts with previous studies on other South American butterflies.
Trabajo realizado por: Reyes, C., Schiavi, A., Aguilar del Soto,
Primula apennina Widmer is endemic to the North Apennines (Italy). ISSR were used to detect the genetic diversity within and among six populations representative of the species distribution range. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed both at population (PPB = 75.92%, HS = 0.204, Hpop = 0.319) and at species level (PPB = 96.95%, HT = 0.242, Hsp = 0.381). Nei gene diversity statistics (15.7%), Shannon diversity index (16.3%) and AMOVA (14%) detected a moderate level of interpopulation diversity. Principal coordinate and bayesian analyses clustered the populations in three major groups along a geographic gradient. The correlation between genetic and geographic distances was positive (Mantel test, r = 0.232). All together, these analyses revealed a weak but significant spatial genetic structure in P. apennina, with gene flow acting as a homogenizing force that prevents a stronger differentiation of populations. Conservation measures are suggested based on the observed pattern of genetic variability. P. apennina belongs to Primula subsect. Euauricula which includes 15 species distributed on the whole Alps and Apennines. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out using AFLP markers in order both to clarify the relationships among the species of subsection Euauricula that remained unresolved in previous works and to make some hypoteses on their evolutive dynamics. NJ, PCO and BAPS analyses strongly confirmed the monophyly of P. subsect. Euauricula and all the species form strongly supported clades. NJ tree topology suggested a simultaneous fragmentations of ancestral species in a large number of isolated populations that survived in refugia along the unglaciated margins of the Alps in response to the Pleistocene climatic oscillations.
The present PhD thesis was focused on the development and application of chemical methodology (Py-GC-MS) and data-processing method by multivariate data analysis (chemometrics). The chromatographic and mass spectrometric data obtained with this technique are particularly suitable to be interpreted by chemometric methods such as PCA (Principal Component Analysis) as regards data exploration and SIMCA (Soft Independent Models of Class Analogy) for the classification. As a first approach, some issues related to the field of cultural heritage were discussed with a particular attention to the differentiation of binders used in pictorial field. A marker of egg tempera the phosphoric acid esterified, a pyrolysis product of lecithin, was determined using HMDS (hexamethyldisilazane) rather than the TMAH (tetramethylammonium hydroxide) as a derivatizing reagent. The validity of analytical pyrolysis as tool to characterize and classify different types of bacteria was verified. The FAMEs chromatographic profiles represent an important tool for the bacterial identification. Because of the complexity of the chromatograms, it was possible to characterize the bacteria only according to their genus, while the differentiation at the species level has been achieved by means of chemometric analysis. To perform this study, normalized areas peaks relevant to fatty acids were taken into account. Chemometric methods were applied to experimental datasets. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of analytical pyrolysis and chemometric analysis for the rapid characterization of bacterial species. Application to a samples of bacterial (Pseudomonas Mendocina), fungal (Pleorotus ostreatus) and mixed- biofilms was also performed. A comparison with the chromatographic profiles established the possibility to: • Differentiate the bacterial and fungal biofilms according to the (FAMEs) profile. • Characterize the fungal biofilm by means the typical pattern of pyrolytic fragments derived from saccharides present in the cell wall. • Individuate the markers of bacterial and fungal biofilm in the same mixed-biofilm sample.
Die Phylogenie der Westpaläarktischen Langohren (Mammalia, Chiroptera, Plecotus) – eine molekulare Analyse Die Langohren stellen eine Fledermausgattung dar, die fast alle westpaläarktischen Habitate bist zum Polarkreis hin besiedeln und in vielerlei Hinsicht rätselhaft sind. In der Vergangenheit wurden zahlreiche Formen und Varietäten beschrieben. Trotzdem galt für lange Zeit, dass nur zwei Arten in Europa anerkannt wurden. Weitere Arten waren aus Nordafrika, den Kanaren und Asien bekannt, aber auch deren Artstatus wurde vielfach in Frage gestellt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation habe ich mittels molekularer Daten,der partiellen Sequenzierung mitochondrialer Gene (16S rRNA und ND1), sowie der mitochondrialen Kontrollregion, eine molekular Analyse der phylogenetischen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb und zwischen den Linien der westpaläarktischen Langohren durchgeführt. Die besten Substitutionsmodelle wurden berechnet und phylogenetische Bäume mit Hilfe vier verschiedener Methoden konstruiert: dem neighbor joining Verfahren (NJ), dem maximum likelihood Verfahren (ML), dem maximum parsimony Verfahren (MP) und dem Bayesian Verfahren. Sechs Linien der Langohren sind genetisch auf einem Artniveau differenziert: Plecotus auritus, P. austriacus, P. balensis, P. christii, P. sardus, und P. macrobullaris. Im Falle der Arten P. teneriffae, P. kolombatovici und P. begognae ist die alleinige Interpretation der genetischen Daten einzelner mitochondrialer Gene für eine Festlegung des taxonomischen Ranges nicht ausreichend. Ich beschreibe in dieser Dissertation drei neue Taxa: Plecotus sardus, P. kolombatovici gaisleri (=Plecotus teneriffae gaisleri, Benda et al. 2004) and P. macrobullaris alpinus [=Plecotus alpinus, Kiefer & Veith 2002). Morphologische Kennzeichen, insbesondere für die Erkennung im Feld, werden hier dargestellt. Drei der sieben Arten sind polytypisch: P. auritus (eine west- und ein osteuropäische Linie, eine sardische Linie und eine aktuell entdeckte kaukasische Linie, Plecotus kolombatovici (P. k. kolombatovici, P. k. gaisleri und P. k. ssp.) und P. macrobullaris (P. m. macrobullaris und P. m. alpinus). Die Verbreitungsgebiete der meisten Arten werden in dieser Arbeit erstmals ausschließlich anhand genetisch zugeordneter Tiere dargestellt.Die Untersuchung der ökologischen Einnischung der nun anerkannten Formen, insbesondere in Gebieten sympatrischer Verbreitung, bietet ein spannendes und lohnendes Feld für zukünftige Forschungen. Nicht zuletzt muss sich die Entdeckung eines beachtlichen Anteils kryptischer Diversität innerhalb der westpaläarktischen Langohren auch bei der Entwicklung spezieller Artenschutzkonzepte widerspiegeln.
Salmonella and Campylobacter are common causes of human gastroenteritis. Their epidemiology is complex and a multi-tiered approach to control is needed, taking into account the different reservoirs, pathways and risk factors. In this thesis, trends in human gastroenteritis and food-borne outbreak notifications in Italy were explored. Moreover, the improved sensitivity of two recently-implemented regional surveillance systems in Lombardy and Piedmont was evidenced, providing a basis for improving notification at the national level. Trends in human Salmonella serovars were explored: serovars Enteritidis and Infantis decreased, Typhimurium remained stable and 4,[5],12:i:-, Derby and Napoli increased, suggesting that sources of infection have changed over time. Attribution analysis identified pigs as the main source of human salmonellosis in Italy, accounting for 43–60% of infections, followed by Gallus gallus (18–34%). Attributions to pigs and Gallus gallus showed increasing and decreasing trends, respectively. Potential bias and sampling issues related to the use of non-local/non-recent multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data in Campylobacter jejuni/coli source attribution using the Asymmetric Island (AI) model were investigated. As MLST data become increasingly dissimilar with increasing geographical/temporal distance, attributions to sources not sampled close to human cases can be underestimated. A combined case-control and source attribution analysis was developed to investigate risk factors for human Campylobacter jejuni/coli infection of chicken, ruminant, environmental, pet and exotic origin in The Netherlands. Most infections (~87%) were attributed to chicken and cattle. Individuals infected from different reservoirs had different associated risk factors: chicken consumption increased the risk for chicken-attributed infections; animal contact, barbecuing, tripe consumption, and never/seldom chicken consumption increased that for ruminant-attributed infections; game consumption and attending swimming pools increased that for environment-attributed infections; and dog ownership increased that for environment- and pet-attributed infections. Person-to-person contacts around holiday periods were risk factors for infections with exotic strains, putatively introduced by returning travellers.
The relationship and phylogeny of the western Palearctic harvestmen family Trogulidae is investigated. The traditional system of seven genera and approximately 40 species appeared to be artificially composed but a phylogenetic approach and a comprehensive revision has long been sought after. Species are poorly characterised due to their uniform morphology and species evaluation is furthermore complicated by the variability of the few characters used for species delineation. To meet these demands a molecular genetic analysis is accomplished using the nuclear 28S rRNA gene and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. This analysis incorporates most genera and species of Trogulidae as well as a comprehensive set of Nemastomatidae and Dicranolasmatidae as outgroup taxa. Phylogenetic results of Bayesian analysis, Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Neighbor Joining are compared with distributional data, morphological characters and results of canonical discriminant analysis of morphometric characters and general congruence of these data sets is shown. To demonstrate the applicability of this method the revision of two species-groups within Trogulus is set out in detail. The Trogulus hirtus species-group and the Trogulus coriziformis species-group are revised. The former is in the central and north-western Balkan Peninsula. T. tricarinatus ssp. hirtus is raised to species level and four new species are described (T. karamanorum [man.n.], T. melitensis [man.n.], T. pharensis [man.n]; T. thaleri [man.n.]). The Trogulus coriziformis species-group is confined to the western Mediterranean area. T. coriziformis, T. aquaticus are re-described, T. cristatus and T. lusitanicus are re-established and four species are described as new (T. balearicus, T. huberi, T. prietoi, T. pyrenaicus). In both species-groups two further cryptic species probably exist but were not described. The species groups are shown to represent different phylogenetic levels and this information is used for the revisional work on the genus Trogulus as well as for the generic system of Trogulidae. Family status of Dicranolasmatidae is rejected and Dicranolasma is shown to be best incorporated within Trogulidae. Calathocratus, Platybessobius and Trogulocratus appear to be polyphyletic and are best to be united within Calathocratus, the oldest name of this set. The cryptic diversity within Trogulidae, especially in Trogulus and the composed genus Calathocratus rates to 150-235% and is thereby remarkably high for a group of the generally well researched European fauna. Genetic features of the group such as heteroplasmy, the possibility of major gene rearrangements and usability of the cytochrome b gene for phylogenetic studies in Opiliones are outlined.
Im Laufe der Evolution müssen Sauerstoff-metabolisierende Organismen eine Reihe von Anpassungen entwickelt haben, um in der zytotoxischen oxidativen Umgebung der sauerstoff-haltigen Erdatmosphäre überleben zu können. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführten vergleichenden Analysen mitochondrial kodierter und kern-kodierter Proteome mehrerer hundert Spezies haben ergeben, dass die Evolution eines alternativen genetischen Codes in Mitochondrien eine moderne Adaptation in diesem Sinne war. Viele aerobe Tiere und Pilze dekodieren in Abweichung vom genetischen Standard-Code das Codon AUA als Methionin. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass diese Spezies dadurch eine massive Akkumulation der sehr leicht oxidierbaren Aminosäure Methionin in ihren Atmungskettenkomplexen erreichen, die generell ein bevorzugtes Ziel reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies sind. Der gewonnene Befund lässt sich widerspruchsfrei nur unter Annahme einer antioxidativen Wirkung dieser Aminosäure erklären, wie sie erstmals 1996 von R. Levine anhand von Oxidationsmessungen in Modellproteinen postuliert worden war. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird diese Hypothese nun direkt mittels neuartiger Modellsubstanzen in lebenden Zellen bestätigt. Die durchgeführten bioinformatischen Analysen und zellbiologischen Experimente belegen, dass kollektive Proteinveränderungen die Triebkraft für die Evolution abweichender genetischer Codes sein können.rnDie Bedeutung von oxidativem Stress wurde darüber hinaus auch im Referenzrahmen einer akuten oxidativen Schädigung im Einzelorganismus untersucht. Da oxidativer Stress in der Pathogenese altersassoziierter neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie der Alzheimerschen Krankheit prominent involviert zu sein scheint, wurden die Auswirkungungen von Umwelt-induziertem oxidativem Stress auf den histopathologischen Verlauf in einem transgenen Modell der Alzheimerschen Krankheit in vivo untersucht. Dabei wurden transgene Mäuse des Modells APP23 im Rahmen von Fütterungsversuchen einer lebenslangen Defizienz der Antioxidantien Selen oder Vitamin E ausgesetzt. Während die Selenoproteinexpression durch die selendefiziente Diät gewebespezifisch reduziert wurde, ergaben sich keine Anzeichen eines beschleunigten Auftretens pathologischer Marker wie amyloider Plaques oder Neurodegeneration. Es war vielmehr ein unerwarteter Trend hinsichtlich einer geringeren Plaquebelastung in Vitamin E-defizienten Alzheimermäusen zu erkennen. Auch wenn diese Daten aufgrund einer geringen Versuchstiergruppengröße nur mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden dürfen, so scheint doch ein Mangel an essentiellen antioxidativen Nährstoffen die Progression in einem anerkannten Alzheimermodell nicht negativ zu beeinflussen.rn
I investigated the systematics, phylogeny and biogeographical history of Juncaginaceae, a small family of the early-diverging monocot order Alismatales which comprises about 30 species of annual and perennial herbs. A wide range of methods from classical taxonomy to molecular systematic and biogeographic approaches was used. rnrnIn Chapter 1, a phylogenetic analysis of the family and members of Alismatales was conducted to clarify the circumscription of Juncaginaceae and intrafamilial relationships. For the first time, all accepted genera and those associated with the family in the past were analysed together. Phylogenetic analysis of three molecular markers (rbcL, matK, and atpA) showed that Juncaginaceae are not monophyletic. As a consequence the family is re-circumscribed to exclude Maundia which is pro-posed to belong to a separate family Maundiaceae, reducing Juncaginaceae to include Tetroncium, Cycnogeton and Triglochin. Tetroncium is weakly supported as sister to the rest of the family. The reinstated Cycnogeton (formerly included in Triglochin) is highly supported as sister to Triglochin s.str. Lilaea is nested within Triglochin s. str. and highly supported as sister to the T. bulbosa complex. The results of the molecular analysis are discussed in combination with morphological characters, a key to the genera of the family is given, and several new combinations are made.rnrnIn Chapter 2, phylogenetic relationships in Triglochin were investigated. A species-level phylogeny was constructed based on molecular data obtained from nuclear (ITS, internal transcribed spacer) and chloroplast sequence data (psbA-trnH, matK). Based on the phylogeny of the group, divergence times were estimated and ancestral distribution areas reconstructed. The monophyly of Triglochin is confirmed and relationships between the major lineages of the genus were resolved. A clade comprising the Mediterranean/African T. bulbosa complex and the American T. scilloides (= Lilaea s.) is sister to the rest of the genus which contains two main clades. In the first, the widespread T. striata is sister to a clade comprising annual Triglochin species from Australia. The second clade comprises T. palustris as sister to the T. maritima complex, of which the latter is further divided into a Eurasian and an American subclade. Diversification in Triglochin began in the Miocene or Oligocene, and most disjunctions in Triglochin were dated to the Miocene. Taxonomic diversity in some clades is strongly linked to habitat shifts and can not be observed in old but ecologically invariable lineages such as the non-monophyletic T. maritima.rnrnChapter 3 is a collaborative revision of the Triglochin bulbosa complex, a monophyletic group from the Mediterranean region and Africa. One new species, Triglochin buchenaui, and two new subspecies, T. bulbosa subsp. calcicola and subsp. quarcicola, from South Africa were described. Furthermore, two taxa were elevated to species rank and two reinstated. Altogether, seven species and four subspecies are recognised. An identification key, detailed descriptions and accounts of the ecology and distribution of the taxa are provided. An IUCN conservation status is proposed for each taxon.rnrnChapter 4 deals with the monotypic Tetroncium from southern South America. Tetroncium magellanicum is the only dioecious species in the family. The taxonomic history of the species is described, type material is traced, and a lectotype for the name is designated. Based on an extensive study of herbarium specimens and literature, a detailed description of the species and notes on its ecology and conservation status are provided. A detailed map showing the known distribution area of T. magellanicum is presented. rnrnIn Chapter 5, the flower structure of the rare Australian endemic Maundia triglochinoides (Maundiaceae, see Chapter 1) was studied in a collaborative project. As the morphology of Maundia is poorly known and some characters were described differently in the literature, inflorescences, flowers and fruits were studied using serial mictrotome sections and scanning electron microscopy. The phylogenetic placement, affinities to other taxa, and the evolution of certain characters are discussed. As Maundia exhibits a mosaic of characters of other families of tepaloid core Alismatales, its segregation as a separate family seems plausible.
Adaptive radiation is usually thought to be associated with speciation, but the evolution of intraspecific polymorphisms without speciation is also possible. The radiation of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria (LV) is perhaps the most impressive example of a recent rapid adaptive radiation, with 600+ very young species. Key questions about its origin remain poorly characterized, such as the importance of speciation versus polymorphism, whether species persist on evolutionary time scales, and if speciation happens more commonly in small isolated or in large connected populations. We used 320 individuals from 105 putative species from Lakes Victoria, Edward, Kivu, Albert, Nabugabo and Saka, in a radiation-wide amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genome scan to address some of these questions. We demonstrate pervasive signatures of speciation supporting the classical model of adaptive radiation associated with speciation. A positive relationship between the age of lakes and the average genomic differentiation of their species, and a significant fraction of molecular variance explained by above-species level taxonomy suggest the persistence of species on evolutionary time scales, with radiation through sequential speciation rather than a single starburst. Finally the large gene diversity retained from colonization to individual species in every radiation suggests large effective population sizes and makes speciation in small geographical isolates unlikely.
Information about the welfare and husbandry of pet and laboratory fish is scarce although millions of fish are sold in pet shops and used in laboratory research every year. Inadequate housing conditions can cause behavioural problems also in fish since they are complex animals with sophisticated behaviour. In this study, we investigated the influence of environmental complexity on compartment preference and behaviour in zebrafish (Danio rerio) and checker barbs (Puntius oligolepis). For the preference test, large aquaria were divided by two semi-transparent walls of Plexiglas into an empty compartment, a structured compartment enriched with plants and clay pots, and a smaller compartment in-between, where food was provided. For observation, the empty and structured compartments were divided into six zones of similar size by defining three vertical layers and two horizontal areas (back vs. front area). Seven groups of six to nine zebrafish and seven groups of seven or eight checker barbs were observed on four days each (within a time period of ten days) to assess compartment use and activity, and to assess behavioural diversity and use of zones within compartments. Both zebrafish and checker barbs showed a significant preference for the structured compartment. Nevertheless, in neither species did behavioural diversity differ between the empty and structured compartment. Zebrafish used all zones in both compartments to the same extent. Checker barbs, however, used the structured compartment more evenly than the empty compartment, where they mainly used the lower and middle zones. These results suggest that zebrafish and checker barbs have a preference for complex environments. Furthermore, they indicate that the behavioural and ecological needs of fish may vary depending on species, and recommendations for husbandry should be specified at species level. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Mucormycosis is an emerging cause of infectious morbidity and mortality in patients with hematologic malignancies. However, there are no recommendations to guide diagnosis and management. The European Conference on Infections in Leukemia assigned experts in hematology and infectious diseases to develop evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of mucormycosis. The guidelines were developed using the evidence criteria set forth by the American Infectious Diseases Society and the key recommendations are summarized here. In the absence of validated biomarkers, the diagnosis of mucormycosis relies on histology and/or detection of the organism by culture from involved sites with identification of the isolate at the species level (no grading). Antifungal chemotherapy, control of the underlying predisposing condition, and surgery are the cornerstones of management (level A II). Options for first-line chemotherapy of mucormycosis include liposomal amphotericin B and amphotericin B lipid complex (level B II). Posaconazole and combination therapy of liposomal amphotericin B or amphotericin B lipid complex with caspofungin are the options for second line-treatment (level B II). Surgery is recommended for rhinocerebral and skin and soft tissue disease (level A II). Reversal of underlying risk factors (diabetes control, reversal of neutropenia, discontinuation/taper of glucocorticosteroids, reduction of immunosuppressants, discontinuation of deferroxamine) is important in the treatment of mucormycosis (level A II). The duration of antifungal chemotherapy is not defined but guided by the resolution of all associated symptoms and findings (no grading). Maintenance therapy/secondary prophylaxis must be considered in persistently immunocompromised patients (no grading).
Ninety strains of a collection of well-identified clinical isolates of gram-negative nonfermentative rods collected over a period of 5 years were evaluated using the new colorimetric VITEK 2 card. The VITEK 2 colorimetric system identified 53 (59%) of the isolates to the species level and 9 (10%) to the genus level; 28 (31%) isolates were misidentified. An algorithm combining the colorimetric VITEK 2 card and 16S rRNA gene sequencing for adequate identification of gram-negative nonfermentative rods was developed. According to this algorithm, any identification by the colorimetric VITEK 2 card other than Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Acinetobacter sp., Burkholderia cepacia complex, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia should be subjected to 16S rRNA gene sequencing when accurate identification of nonfermentative rods is of concern.
Species of the family Pasteurellaceae play an important role as primary or opportunistic animal pathogens. In veterinary diagnostic laboratories identification of this group of bacteria is mainly done by phenotypic assays while genetic identification based on housekeeping genes is mostly used for research and particularly important diagnostic samples. MALDI-TOF MS seems to represent a promising alternative to the currently practiced cumbersome, phenotypic diagnostics carried out in many veterinary diagnostic laboratories. We therefore assessed its application for animal associated members of the family Pasteurellaceae. The Bruker Biotyper 3.0 database was complemented with reference spectra of clinically relevant as well as commensal animal Pasteurellaceae species using generally five strains per species or subspecies and tested for its diagnostic potential with additional, well characterized field isolates. About 250 strains comprising 15 genera and more than 40 species and subspecies were included in the study, covering most representatives of the family. A high discrimination at the genus and species level was observed. Problematic discrimination was only observed with some closely related species and subspecies. MALDI-TOF MS was shown to represent a highly potent method for the diagnosis of this group of animal pathogens, combining speed, precision and low running costs.
Pasteurella multocida is commonly found in the oral cavity of cats and dogs. In humans it is known as an opportunistic pathogen after bites from these animals. Phenotypic identification of P. multocida based on biochemical reactions is often limited and usually only done on a species level, even though 3 subspecies are described. For molecular taxonomy and diagnostic purposes a phylogenetic analysis of the three subspecies of P. multocida based on their 16S rRNA (rrs) gene sequence was therefore carried out. We found P. multocida subsp. septica on a distinguished branch on the phylogenetic tree of Pasteurellaceae, due to a 1.5% divergence of its rrs gene compared to the two other, more closely related subspecies multocida and gallicida. This phylogenetic divergence can be used for the identification of P. multocida subsp. septica by rrs gene determination since they form a phylogenetically well isolated and defined group as shown with a set of feline isolates. Comparison to routine phenotypic identification shows the advantage of the sequence-based identification over conventional methods. It is therefore helpful for future unambiguous identification and molecular taxonomy of P. multocida as well as for epidemiological investigations.