916 resultados para solar radiation software
Solar radiation sustains and affects all life forms on Earth. The increase in solar UV-radiation at environmental levels, due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, highlights serious issues of social concern. This becomes still more dramatic in tropical and subtropical regions where radiation-intensity is still higher. Thus, there is the need to evaluate the harmful effects of solar UV-radiation on the DNA molecule as a basis for assessing the risks involved for human health, biological productivity and ecosystems. In order to evaluate the profile of DNA damage induced by this form of radiation and its genotoxic effects, plasmid DNA samples were exposed to artificial-UV lamps and directly to sunlight. The induction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer photoproducts (CPDs) and oxidative DNA damage in these molecules were evaluated by means of specific DNA repair enzymes. On the other hand, the biological effects of such lesions were determined through the analysis of the DNA inactivation rate and mutation frequency, after replication of the damaged pCMUT vector in an Escherichia coli MBL50 strain. The results indicated the induction of a significant number of CPDs after exposure to increasing doses of UVC, UVB, UVA radiation and sunlight. Interestingly, these photoproducts are those lesions that better correlate with plasmid inactivation as well as mutagenesis, and the oxidative DNA damages induced present very low correlation with these effects. The results indicated that DNA photoproducts play the main role in the induction of genotoxic effects by artificial UV-radiation sources and sunlight. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the variation of solar radiation data between different data sources that will be free and available at the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC). The comparison between data sources will be carried out for two locations: Stockholm, Sweden and Athens, Greece. For the desired locations, data is gathered for different tilt angles: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° facing south. The full dataset is available in two excel files: “Stockholm annual irradiation” and “Athens annual irradiation”. The World Radiation Data Center (WRDC) is defined as a reference for the comparison with other dtaasets, because it has the highest time span recorded for Stockholm (1964–2010) and Athens (1964–1986), in form of average monthly irradiation, expressed in kWh/m2. The indicator defined for the data comparison is the estimated standard deviation. The mean biased error (MBE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) were also used as statistical indicators for the horizontal solar irradiation data. The variation in solar irradiation data is categorized in two categories: natural or inter-annual variability, due to different data sources and lastly due to different calculation models. The inter-annual variation for Stockholm is 140.4kWh/m2 or 14.4% and 124.3kWh/m2 or 8.0% for Athens. The estimated deviation for horizontal solar irradiation is 3.7% for Stockholm and 4.4% Athens. This estimated deviation is respectively equal to 4.5% and 3.6% for Stockholm and Athens at 30° tilt, 5.2% and 4.5% at 45° tilt, 5.9% and 7.0% at 60°. NASA’s SSE, SAM and RETScreen (respectively Satel-light) exhibited the highest deviation from WRDC’s data for Stockholm (respectively Athens). The essential source for variation is notably the difference in horizontal solar irradiation. The variation increases by 1-2% per degree of tilt, using different calculation models, as used in PVSYST and Meteonorm. The location and altitude of the data source did not directly influence the variation with the WRDC data. Further examination is suggested in order to improve the methodology of selecting the location; Examining the functional dependence of ground reflected radiation with ambient temperature; variation of ambient temperature and its impact on different solar energy systems; Im pact of variation in solar irradiation and ambient temperature on system output.
This thesis evaluates different sites for a weather measurement system and a suitable PV- simulation for University of Surabaya (UBAYA) in Indonesia/Java. The weather station is able to monitor all common weather phenomena including solar insolation. It is planned to use the data for scientific and educational purposes in the renewable energy studies. During evaluation and installation it falls into place that official specifications from global meteorological organizations could not be meet for some sensors caused by the conditions of UBAYA campus. After arranging the hardware the weather at the site was monitored for period of time. A comparison with different official sources from ground based and satellite bases measurements showed differences in wind and solar radiation. In some cases the monthly average solar insolation was deviating 42 % for satellite-based measurements. For the ground based it was less than 10 %. The average wind speed has a difference of 33 % compared to a source, which evaluated the wind power in Surabaya. The wind direction shows instabilities towards east compared with data from local weather station at the airport. PSET has the chance to get some investments to investigate photovoltaic on there own roof. With several simulations a suitable roof direction and the yearly and monthly outputs are shown. With a 7.7 kWpeak PV installation with the latest crystalline technology on the market 8.82 MWh/year could be achieved with weather data from 2012. Thin film technology could increase the value up to 9.13 MWh/year. However, the roofs have enough area to install PV. Finally the low price of electricity in Indonesia makes it not worth to feed in the energy into the public grid.
Exploiting solar energy technology for both heating and cooling purposes has the potential of meeting an appreciable portion of the energy demand in buildings throughout the year. By developing an integrated, multi-purpose solar energy system, that can operate all twelve months of the year, a high utilisation factor can be achieved which translates to more economical systems. However, there are still some techno-economic barriers to the general commercialisation and market penetration of such technologies. These are associated with high system and installation costs, significant system complexity, and lack of knowledge of system implementation and expected performance. A sorption heat pump module that can be integrated directly into a solar thermal collector has thus been developed in order to tackle the aforementioned market barriers. This has been designed for the development of cost-effective pre-engineered solar energy system kits that can provide both heating and cooling. This thesis summarises the characterisation studies of the operation of individual sorption modules, sorption module integrated solar collectors and a full solar heating and cooling system employing sorption module integrated collectors. Key performance indicators for the individual sorption modules showed cooling delivery for 6 hours at an average power of 40 W and a temperature lift of 21°C. Upon integration of the sorption modules into a solar collector, measured solar radiation energy to cooling energy conversion efficiencies (solar cooling COP) were between 0.10 and 0.25 with average cooling powers between 90 and 200 W/m2 collector aperture area. Further investigations of the sorption module integrated collectors implementation in a full solar heating and cooling system yielded electrical cooling COP ranging from 1.7 to 12.6 with an average of 10.6 for the test period. Additionally, simulations were performed to determine system energy and cost saving potential for various system sizes over a full year of operation for a 140 m2 single-family dwelling located in Madrid, Spain. Simulations yielded an annual solar fraction of 42% and potential cost savings of €386 per annum for a solar heating and cooling installation employing 20m2 of sorption integrated collectors.
Distributed energy and water balance models require time-series surfaces of the meteorological variables involved in hydrological processes. Most of the hydrological GIS-based models apply simple interpolation techniques to extrapolate the point scale values registered at weather stations at a watershed scale. In mountainous areas, where the monitoring network ineffectively covers the complex terrain heterogeneity, simple geostatistical methods for spatial interpolation are not always representative enough, and algorithms that explicitly or implicitly account for the features creating strong local gradients in the meteorological variables must be applied. Originally developed as a meteorological pre-processing tool for a complete hydrological model (WiMMed), MeteoMap has become an independent software. The individual interpolation algorithms used to approximate the spatial distribution of each meteorological variable were carefully selected taking into account both, the specific variable being mapped, and the common lack of input data from Mediterranean mountainous areas. They include corrections with height for both rainfall and temperature (Herrero et al., 2007), and topographic corrections for solar radiation (Aguilar et al., 2010). MeteoMap is a GIS-based freeware upon registration. Input data include weather station records and topographic data and the output consists of tables and maps of the meteorological variables at hourly, daily, predefined rainfall event duration or annual scales. It offers its own pre and post-processing tools, including video outlook, map printing and the possibility of exporting the maps to images or ASCII ArcGIS formats. This study presents the friendly user interface of the software and shows some case studies with applications to hydrological modeling.
Neste trabalho foi calculada teoricamente a radiação solar direta normal para Porto Alegre e vizinhanças. Para tal fim foi feito um levantamento da insolação horária em Porto Alegre, entre os anos de 1968 a 1982 e, a partir destes como não se dispunha de dados experimentais, calculou-se a radiação solar global efetiva, com o auxílio de uma expressão do tipo Angstrom. A posse destes dados permitiu calcular a radiação direta normal, que se apresenta em forma de tabelas e gráficas. Como um resultado adicional, calculou-se a percentagem de dias aproveitáveis ou não para distintas hipóteses de uso da Energia Solar. Com o intuito de comprovar a validade dos cálculos desenvolvidos, compararam-se os dados de radiação difusa, calculados a partir dos de direta normal, com os obtidos por outras teorias.
Neste trabalho experimental, apresenta-se várias propostas para a construção de sensores termoelétricos para a medida da radiação solar. 0s sensores construídos segundo estas propostas obedecem 4 configurações geométricas, e têm seus princípios de funcionamento de acordo com dois sistemas: Preto e Branco e de Grande Capacidade Calorífica. 0s materiais utilizados são facilmente encontrados no mercado brasileiro, e a técnica de construção é simples e assegura a reprodutibilidade dos instrumentos. Uma das grandes vantagens oferecidas por alguns destes instrumentos é a possibilidade da utilização de instrumentos auxliares de leitura, baratos e comuns no mercado brasileiro. Enfim, os instrumentos construídos para este trabalho são considerados bons, fornecem um sinal de saída alto e um custo relativamente baixo, quando comparado aos instrumentos importados.
Os impactos das variações climáticas tem sido um tema amplamente pesquisado na macroeconomia mundial e também em setores como agricultura, energia e seguros. Já para o setor de varejo, uma busca nos principais periódicos brasileiros não retornou nenhum estudo específico. Em economias mais desenvolvidas produtos de seguros atrelados ao clima são amplamente negociados e através deste trabalho visamos também avaliar a possibilidade de desenvolvimento deste mercado no Brasil. O presente trabalho buscou avaliar os impactos das variações climáticas nas vendas do varejo durante período de aproximadamente 18 meses (564 dias) para 253 cidades brasileiras. As informações de variações climáticas (precipitação, temperatura, velocidade do vento, umidade relativa, insolação e pressão atmosférica) foram obtidas através do INMET (Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia) e cruzadas com as informações transacionais de até 206 mil clientes ativos de uma amostra não balanceada, oriundos de uma instituição financeira do ramo de cartões de crédito. Ambas as bases possuem periodicidade diária. A metodologia utilizada para o modelo econométrico foram os dados de painel com efeito fixo para avaliação de dados longitudinais através dos softwares de estatística / econometria EViews (software proprietário da IHS) e R (software livre). A hipótese nula testada foi de que o clima influencia nas decisões de compra dos clientes no curto prazo, hipótese esta provada pelas análises realizadas. Assumindo que o comportamento do consumidor do varejo não muda devido à seleção do meio de pagamento, ao chover as vendas do varejo em moeda local são impactadas negativamente. A explicação está na redução da quantidade total de transações e não o valor médio das transações. Ao excluir da base as cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro não houve alteração na significância e relevância dos resultados. Por outro lado, a chuva possui efeito de substituição entre as vendas online e offline. Quando analisado setores econômicos para observar se há comportamento diferenciado entre consumo e compras não observou-se alteração nos resultados. Ao incluirmos variáveis demográficas, concluímos que as mulheres e pessoas com maior faixa de idade apresentam maior histórico de compras. Ao avaliar o impacto da chuva em um determinado dia e seu impacto nos próximos 6 à 29 dias observamos que é significante para a quantidade de transações porém o impacto no volume de vendas não foi significante.
MACHADO, Antônio V. et al. Estudio del Secado de Anacardo (Anacardium occidentale L.) mediante Secador Solar de Radiación Directa. Información Tecnológica, v. 21, n. 1, p. 31-37, 2010.
Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces
The employment of flexibility in the design of façades makes them adaptable to adverse weather conditions, resulting in both minimization of environmental discomfort and improvement of energy efficiency. The present study highlights the potential of flexible façades as a resource to reduce rigidity and form repetition, which are usually employed in condominiums of standardized houses; as such, the work presented herein contributes to field of study of architectural projects strategies for adapting and integrating buildings within the local climate context. Two façade options were designed using as reference the bionics and the kinetics, as well as their applications to architectural constructions. This resulted in two lightweight and dynamic structures, which cater to constraints of comfort through combinations of movements, which control the impact of solar radiation and of cooling in the environment. The efficacy and technical functionality of the façades were tested with comfort analysis and graphic computation software, as well as with physical models. Thus, the current research contributes to the improvement of architectural solutions aimed at using passive energy strategies in order to offer both better quality for the users and for the sustainability of the planet
The amount of solar energy made available for the production of a sabid seed varied as a function of the time of the year, the face of the plant in which, the position in the plant on which and the position in the pod in which it was produced.Variation in solar energy availability as a consequence of the time of the year was a direct consequence of latitude. At 21degrees5'22 S the highest amounts of Global Solar Radiation (GSR) reaching the site where the experiment was conducted took place during the months from November through February. During these months there were no marked differences between any two of the amounts of GSR reaching faces North (N), South (S), West (W) East (E). From February through November (period during which the sabid plants of this study flowered and the resulting seeds matured and were harvested) the total GSR's were the lowest and marked differences were found between faces N and S, with face N receiving much more GSR than face S. During that period, faces W and E received practically the same amount of GSR and it was much less than that received by face N and much more than the one received by face S.The amount of biological energy made available for the development of a seed seemed also to vary according to a dry matter partitioning strategy by the plant -the central third of the plant seemed to be the one receiving the highest amounts of energy, followed either by the upper or the lower third of the plant- it was not very clear which third of the plant immediately followed the central one. The partitioning of biological energy at the pod level also seemed to follow a strategy by which the central seeds would be the ones to receive more, followed by the proximal seeds and these by the distal ones.This availability of energy seemed to have a direct effect on seed size, weight and on the percentage of seeds which showed a degree of dormancy deep enough to prevent their germinating under the conditions of a standard germination test.The implications of these results for the improvement of methods for the overcoming of dormancy of sabia seeds are discussed.
O crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma planta dependem da intensidade, qualidade e duração da radiação solar. Por esse fator ser de importância vital às plantas, o presente trabalho objetivou fazer uma avaliação sobre sua variação, bem como sobre a sua disponibilidade no interior do ambiente protegido durante o ciclo do tomateiro nas estações verão-outono em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido de janeiro a junho de 2003 no Campus da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (latitude 31°52'S; longitude 52°21'W e altitude de 13m), em estufa plástica disposta no sentido Leste-Oeste, com área de 180m². A cultivar utilizada foi Flora-dade, semeada em 24/01/03, transplantada no dia 28/02/03, sendo a última colheita em 12/06/03. Avaliou-se a radiação solar global externa (Rgext) e interna (Rgint), transmitância, radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) e o albedo da cultura a partir de sensores eletrônicos conectados a um datalloger. Durante o ciclo da cultura, o total de Rgext foi 1161,21MJ m-2, enquanto a Rgint foi 881,85MJ m-2. A Rgint e a RFA apresentaram valores médios diários de 8,5MJ m-2 dia-1 e 3,4MJ m-2 dia-1, respectivamente. A transmitância média da cobertura plástica à radiação solar global foi de 76%. O albedo médio diário da cultura foi 0,23, com albedo de 0,17 nos estádios iniciais, 0,26 no período de máximo crescimento e 0,23 no final do ciclo.
Com este trabalho, o objetivo foi estimar a radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (PAR) e correlacioná-la com a massa de matéria seca (MMSPA) da grama-esmeralda (Zoysia japonica Steud.), em superfícies com diferentes exposições e declividades. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Bacia Hidrográfica Experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural, FCAV/UNESP, Brasil, onde foram utilizadas as superfícies (H; 10 N; 30 N; 50 N; 10 S; 30 S; 50 S; 10 L; 30 L; 50 L; 10 O; 30 O e 50 O). Para a obtenção da radiação solar global, foi instalada uma estação meteorológica automatizada, onde a PAR (variável dependente) foi obtida por meio da equação y = a + bx, e a radiação global foi a independente. Para comparação de médias da MMSPA, utilizou-se o teste de Tukey, a 5% de probabilidade, e para verificar a relação existente PAR/MMSPA, o coeficiente de correlação linear simples. O resultado mostrou que o acúmulo desses efeitos na PAR aumenta com a exposição norte e decresce com a sul, sendo a exposição 50 N a mais indicada para taludes, não havendo correlação entre a PAR e a MMSPA para as superfícies avaliadas para o período estudado.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)