930 resultados para scenarios - future development - Estonia
Autobuses AGA de Colombia S.A. como parte de su proceso empresarial, ha trazado elementos diferenciadores para la proyección y el desarrollo de su proyecto, buscando en forma experimental una línea alternativa frente a la clásica de la administración; dando importancia desde sus inicios, a la participación de las personas involucradas en el proyecto, como eje fundamental de desarrollo del mismo. Bajo una serie de conceptos de pensamiento estratégico y entendiendo la organización como un organismo vivo, esta investigación plantea retos, no sólo para el estudio de este caso, sino para encontrar elementos conceptuales que ayuden a su desarrollo futuro.
The Networks and Complexity in Social Systems course commences with an overview of the nascent field of complex networks, dividing it into three related but distinct strands: Statistical description of large scale networks, viewed as static objects; the dynamic evolution of networks, where now the structure of the network is understood in terms of a growth process; and dynamical processes that take place on fixed networks; that is, "networked dynamical systems". (A fourth area of potential research ties all the previous three strands together under the rubric of co-evolution of networks and dynamics, but very little research has been done in this vein and so it is omitted.) The remainder of the course treats each of the three strands in greater detail, introducing technical knowledge as required, summarizing the research papers that have introduced the principal ideas, and pointing out directions for future development. With regard to networked dynamical systems, the course treats in detail the more specific topic of information propagation in networks, in part because this topic is of great relevance to social science, and in part because it has received the most attention in the literature to date.
Estado del arte que recopila pronunciamientos de diversos autores sobre el papel de la Organización de Naciones Unidas, específicamente la Misión MINUGUA, en el proceso de reconstrucción posconflicto en Guatemala comprendido entre el año 1994 y 2004. Se basa en algunas dimensiones de la democratización como son el Estado de Derecho, la democracia representativa, la preeminencia del poder civil, y el fortalecimiento de la cultura democrática. Así mismo, tiene en cuenta los elementos de la justicia transicional, a saber: verdad, justicia y reparación.
El artículo constituye un primer aporte a la elaboración de una fenomenología del terrorismo. Para ello, aborda el denominado problema defnicional que el terrorismo plantea en el foro académico, identificandosus fuentes y principales consecuencias. Finalmente, propone una definicióncomprehensiva de terrorismo que aspira a servir de marco conceptual para el desarrollo de investigaciones posteriores y como insumo lógico para la formulación de políticas y estrategias anti y contraterroristas.-----The following article offers a primary approach to the elaboration of a phenomenology of terrorism. In that sense, it firstdeals with the definitionalproblem the word ”terrorism” has originated in academic forums. It does so by identifying the source of this problem and its main consequences. Finally, the document proposes a comprehensive definitionof terrorism, which aspires to be useful as a frame of reference for the future development of research in the feld, as well as raw material for the formulation of public policies and anti and counter-terrorist strategies.
Fa més de 10 anys del primer Pla Nacional de Joventut de Catalunya, del pas de les polítiques de suport a l’associacionisme a les polítiques integrals, i amb aquestes la prolífica etapa dels Plans de Joventut i de l’expansió real de les polítiques de joventut al territori català. És a dia d’avui, en un moment de grans esdeveniments en aquest camp, en que es proposa un anàlisi sobre la futura evolució de les polítiques de joventut, basat en l’estudi i la interpretació de la informació existent i les aportacions de 9 persones vinculades al món de les polítiques de joventut
As part of the prevention and social inclusion agenda, the Children's Fund, set up in 2000, has developed preventative services for children at risk of social exclusion. Drawing on a large qualitative dataset of interviews conducted in 2004/05 with children, young people and their parents/carers who accessed Children Fund services, this article analyses key practices and approaches valued by children and parents. These included: specialist support tailored to individual support needs, family-oriented approaches, trusting relationships with service providers, multi-agency approaches and sustainability of services. Finally, the article draws out key lessons for the future development of preventative services.
The origins of the various procurement methods in construction are considered, followed by a discussion of the circumstances for which each procurement system is best suited. The likely future development sin management-based methods are discussed in the context of current research, showing that co-ordination of trade and specialist contractors , more flexible contracting, constructive conflict management and a potential polarization of views about project management in the industry are likely.
The eating disorders provide one of the strongest indications for cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). This bold claim arises from two sources: first, the fact that eating disorders are essentially cognitive disorders and second, the demonstrated effectiveness of CBT in the treatment of bulimia nervosa, which has led to the widespread acceptance that CBT is the treatment of choice. In this paper the cognitive behavioural approach to the understanding and treatment of eating disorders will be described. A brief summary of the evidence for this account and of the data supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of this form of treatment will be provided. Challenges for the future development and dissemination of the treatment will be identified.
Adult skeletal muscle possesses a resident stem cell population called satellite cells which are responsible for tissue repair following damage. Satellite cell migration is crucial in promoting rapid tissue regeneration but is a poorly understood process. Furthermore, the mechanisms facilitating satellite cell movement have yet to be elucidated. Here the process of satellite cell migration has been investigated revealing that they undergo two distinct phases of movement; firstly under the basal lamina and then rapidly increasing their velocity when on the myofibre surface. Most significantly we show that satellite cells move using a highly dynamic blebbing based mechanism and not via lamellopodia mediated propulsion. We show that nitric oxide and non-canonical Wnt signalling pathways are necessary for regulating the formation of blebs and the migration of satellite cells. In summary, we propose that the formation of blebs and their necessity for satellite cell migration has significant implications in the future development of therapeutic regimes aimed at promoting skeletal muscle regeneration.
Coupled atmosphere‐ocean general circulation models have a tendency to drift away from a realistic climatology. The modelled climate response to an increase of CO2 concentration may be incorrect if the simulation of the current climate has significant errors, so in many models, including ours, the drift is counteracted by applying prescribed fluxes of heat and fresh water at the ocean‐atmosphere interface in addition to the calculated surface exchanges. Since the additional fluxes do not have a physical basis, the use of this technique of “flux adjustment” itself introduces some uncertainty in the simulated response to increased CO2. We find that the global‐average temperature response of our model to CO2 increasing at 1% per year is about 30% less without flux adjustment than with flux adjustment. The geographical patterns of the response are similar, indicating that flux adjustment is not causing any gross distortion. The reduced size of the response is due to more effective vertical transport of heat into the ocean, and a somewhat smaller climate sensitivity. Although the response in both cases lies within the generally accepted range for the climate sensitivity, systematic uncertainties of this size are clearly undesirable, and the best strategy for future development is to improve the climate model in order to reduce the need for flux adjustment.
This paper reviews the growing interest in an integrated construction project model, and examines the fundamental concept of an integrated project model by discussing the various definitions that have evolved as well as the various approaches to its development. The nature of collaborative communications that the integrated project model needs to support is also discussed, as are the enabling information and communications technologies that may have a role in the realization of the model. The paper concludes with some thoughts on the future development of the integrated construction project model.
Background: Serine proteases are major components of viper venom and target various stages of the blood coagulation system in victims and prey. A better understanding of the diversity of serine proteases and other enzymes present in snake venom will help to understand how the complexity of snake venom has evolved and will aid the development of novel therapeutics for treating snake bites. Methodology and Principal Findings: Four serine protease-encoding genes from the venom gland transcriptome of Bitis gabonica rhinoceros were amplified and sequenced. Mass spectrometry suggests the four enzymes corresponding to these genes are present in the venom of B. g. rhinoceros. Two of the enzymes, rhinocerases 2 and 3 have substitutions to two of the serine protease catalytic triad residues and are thus unlikely to be catalytically active, though they may have evolved other toxic functions. The other two enzymes, rhinocerases 4 and 5, have classical serine protease catalytic triad residues and thus are likely to be catalytically active, however they have glycine rather than the more typical aspartic acid at the base of the primary specificity pocket (position 189). Based on a detailed analysis of these sequences we suggest that alternative splicing together with individual amino acid mutations may have been involved in their evolution. Changes within amino acid segments which were previously proposed to undergo accelerated change in venom serine proteases have also been observed. Conclusions and Significance: Our study provides further insight into the diversity of serine protease isoforms present within snake venom and discusses their possible functions and how they may have evolved. These multiple serine protease isoforms with different substrate specificities may enhance the envenomation effects and help the snake to adapt to new habitats and diets. Our findings have potential for helping the future development of improved therapeutics for snake bites.
To retain competitiveness, succeed and flourish, organizations are forced to continuously innovate. This drive for innovation is not solely limited to product/process innovation but more profoundly relates to a continuous process of improving how organizations work internally, requiring a constant stream of ideas and suggestions from motivated employees. In this chapter we investigate some recent developments and propose a conceptual framework for creative participation as a personality driven interface between creativity and innovation. Under the assumption that employees’ intrinsic willingness to contribute novel ideas and solutions requires a set of personal characteristics and necessary skill that might well be unique to each organizational unit, the chapter then explores personal characteristics associated with creativity, innovation and innovative behavior. Various studies on the correlation between creativity and personality types are also reviewed. The chapter provides a discussion of solutions and future development together with recommendations for the future research.
The use of semiochemicals for the manipulation of the pollen beetle, Meliethes aeneus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), is being investigated for potential incorporation into a push-pull strategy for this pest, which damages oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), throughout Europe. Previous laboratory behavioural studies using volatiles from non-host plants showed that M. aeneus is repelled by the odour of lavender, Lavendula angustifolia Mill. (Lamiaceae), essential oil. This article reports on semi-field and field trials to investigate this behaviour under more realistic conditions. Semi-field experiments were conducted to assess the relative importance of olfaction at different points in host location behaviour by M. aeneus. The results showed that oilseed rape plants treated with lavender odour were less colonised by M. aeneus in comparison with an untreated control, but that the treatment effect was much reduced if the lavender odour was applied after colonisation. The field experiment demonstrated that lavender odour caused a significant reduction in the number of adultM. aeneus infesting the oilseed rape plants in the treatment plots compared to the control plots. Overall, these findings are very encouraging for the future development of a push-pull pest control system.
Polymers are used in many everyday technologies and their degradation due to environmental exposure has lead to great interest in materials which can heal and repair themselves. In order to design new self healing polymers it's important to understand the fundamental healing mechanisms behind the material.Healable Polymer Systems will outline the key concepts and mechanisms underpinning the design and processing of healable polymers, and indicate potential directions for progress in the future development and applications of these fascinating and potentially valuable materials. The book covers the different techniques developed successfully to date for both autonomous healable materials (those which do not require an external stimulus to promote healing) and rehealable or remendable materials (those which only recover their original physical properties if a specific stimulus is applied). These include the encapsulated-monomer approach, reversible covalent bond formation, irreversible covalent bond formation and supramolecular self-assembly providing detailed insights into their chemistry.Written by leading experts, the book provides polymer scientists with a compact and readily accessible source of reference for healable polymer systems.