762 resultados para rituals - play and games
Identity metamorphoses in a context of mobility This study has its roots in the current upsurge in student mobility and in the scientific debates about the concepts of identity and intercultural communication. Based on a corpus of interviews with French Erasmus students in Finland, the study blends in theories of postmodern identity, intercultural hermeneutics and discourse analysis to examine how the students construct themselves and diverse ‘othernesses’ (included theirs) when they talk about their experiences. The use of the French pronoun on, pronoun switches, and virtual voices (ex: I said to myself...) allowed to pinpoint the students’ unstable identity metamorphoses in their discourses: integration of liquid and solid selves, infidelity in identification with the French but also with Erasmus ‘tribes’, and games of identity. Though the exchange experience appears as interesting for the students, the results show that many and varied misconceptions about identity, culture, intercultural communication, language use, and strangeness lead the students to evaluate their experiences negatively. The implication of the study is that students should be prepared for their time abroad, not so much in terms of ‘grammars of culture’ (e.g. ‘Finns behave in such and such ways’, ‘the French are...’), but through the development of competences to analyse the identity metamorphoses that take place in intercultural encounters and prevent people from meeting each other as diverse individuals. This could make study abroad one of the best training periods for postmodernity and globalization.
La educación social en sus diversas acepciones (profesión, práctica educativa y estudios universitarios) ha experimentado unos importantes cambios en los últimos años. De una actividad centrada en la solución de problemas concretos dentro de un ámbito específico, se ha ido avanzando hacia la necesidad de estar capacitado para el trabajo en entornos complejos y difusos. El ejercicio de la actividad en estos entornos requiere de un posicionamiento estratégico, de una visión global más allá de un manejo de recetas cerradas y de una perspectiva ética que trascienda el simple cumplimiento de instrucciones. Por ello, capacitar al profesional para el diseño y la aplicación de las acciones socioeducativas es una temática que requiere la integración de multiplicidad de competencias para que cada intervención sea una respuesta que se adapte a la situación, a las capacidades y al contexto de la persona atendida. En el periodo de formación universitaria, el practicum es un espacio de aprendizaje privilegiado donde se ponen en juego todos los conocimientos adquiridos y sirve de trampolín para empezar a ejercer la profesión en un contexto real pero seguro, que más adelante será el escenario cotidiano de la acción profesional
La relaxació és una eina inclusiva dins l’escola que ajuda a treballar la competència emocional. La investigació parteix de l’ús de diferents tècniques de relaxació per poder ajudar, a l’alumnat d’educació infantil, a adquirir un grapat de coneixements per regular les seves emocions i l’estrès. L’estudi té com a objectiu la pràctica de diferents tècniques i jocs en una aula de P4 amb alumnes que presenten Trastorn de l’Espectre Autista. Les dades recollides i analitzades fan possible afirmar que la relaxació dóna beneficis tant a nivell personal com social i permet el treball de les emocions.
A musically stimulating nvironment is of great significance when considering the opportunities for development and learning that are offered to children in day nurseries. Moreover, the quality of musical activities also has great significance for the musical development of growing children. Young children are always striving to create meaning and understanding; they influence and are influenced by the context in which they are situated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the planned music activities in the musical learning environment of seven toddler’s groups in day nurseries, based on four different aspects: the texts of children’s songs, the melodies of children’s songs, the basic elements of music and the use of instrumentation. The data has been gathered by video observation of the planned music activities. The age of the children studied ranged from 11 months to 3 years and 11 months, and on average there were 13 children in each group. The study involved a total of just over 90 children and nine educators. The methodological approaches are hermeneutic as well as videographic, and they are applied to the analysis as required. The approaches are well suited to an understanding of the planned music activities where the individual’s communications and actions are studied. The results of the study show that educators impart a cultural heritage to the children in the form of old traditional songs, but they also act as intermediaries for newer children's songs. They focus on actively on the text content of the children’s songs in their interaction with the children, but do not address the meaning of the text. Furthermore, while the educators use music sessions for the children to develop, among other things, an understanding of language and social skills, they do not use the sessions to develop the children’s musical skills. The educators could, to a much greater extent than they now do, direct the children's attention to the basic elements of music, and conduct meta-cognitive dialogues with the children. They use a large repertoire of children's songs, which are, however, often too demanding for the children’s voices to cope with. In addition, the educators do not plan, in any significant way, activities for the toddlers in order to help them develop the accuracy of their vocal tones. With regard to the use of instruments, the educators focus, in their interaction with the children, is placed on both the usage of the instruments and knowledge about the instruments. Regarding the use of instruments the study shows that the children’s musical expression takes place in an environment that includes both melody and rhythm instruments. It is clear that children are actively interested in the constructed instrument environment, because for long periods of time they independently play and experiment with instruments.
Denne avhandlinga er resultatet av eit behov for å forske på og utvikle ein didaktikk for tekstilfaget ved Folkekunststudiet, Institutt for folkekultur, Høgskolen i Telemark, Noreg. Studiet med folkekunst som fagfelt er eit relativt ungt studium på høgskolen, som vart etablert i 1984. Problemstillinga i denne avhandlinga er korleis ein kan utvikle ein forskingsbasert didaktikk der dei grunnleggjande prinsippa som særmerkjer den tradisjonelle folkekunsten, vert tekne vare på. I arbeidet med avhandlinga har eg prøvd på å klårgjere problemstillinga ut frå ulike perspektiv. Forskingsarbeidet har fokus på kommunikasjon og arbeidsmåtar i ljos av ulike teoriar. Det er ei hermeneutisk tilnærming som er vald for den didaktiske forståinga. Det fyrste drøftingstemaet har søkjeljos på kommunikasjon og dialog ved vidareføring av tekstil folkekunst. Både estetiske, teoretiske, praktiske og sosiale aspekt er nedfelte i læreplanen for studiet og skal utgjere grunnlaget for kommunikasjon og arbeidsmåtar. I den skapande og kopierande prosessen er det utvikla språklege reiskapar for både den sosiale og den estetiske sida der den teoretiske og praktiske faktoren er integrert. Møte med døme på tekstile tradisjonar så vel som praktisk forming av tekstilar har ført til refleksjon og dialog som involverer kontemplasjon, korrespondens og imaginasjon. Det andre temaet som er drøfta, er vidareføring av tradisjonelt visuelt formspråk. Her er merksemda retta mot kva som har skjedd formalt med ei gruppe tradisjonelle formelement i tekstilar i den institusjonelle vidareføringa over eit lengre tidsperspektiv. Resultatet syner at mange tradisjonelle formelement er borte frå den institusjonelle produksjonen. Formelementa kan ha fått ei meir naturalistisk utforming, eller dei er overførte til andre tradisjonelle tekstilteknikkar enn dei som var utgangspunktet. Rombeforma i den institusjonelle produksjonen er utført i færre variasjonar og kombinasjonar enn i den tradisjonelle produksjonen. Konklusjonen på drøftingstemaet er at spelereglar og spatialitet i høve til den formale komponenten i utvalet med tradisjonelle tekstilar ikkje er vidareført i alle gruppene av institusjonelle produkt. Resultatet kan få innverknad og fylgjer for utforming av ein framtidig didaktikk for faget. Arbeidsmåte og erfaring frå vidareføring av tekstile tradisjonar er det tredje temaet som er drøfta i avhandlinga. Kopiering og skapande prosessar er arbeidsmåtar som er brukte ved studiet i dag, og dei utgjer grunnlag for drøftingar i relasjon til vidareføring og erfaring. Konklusjonen er at i den skapande prosessen korrigerer tradisjonen utforminga, medan i kopiprosessen er eigen stilvilje og improvisering resultat av prosessane. Personar som deltek i prosessane, har sett seg sjølve og si historiske forankring inn i spelet, der visuelt og verbalt språk er resultat av integrasjon av tradisjonar. Dei tre drøftingstemaa utgjer grunnlaget for at didaktikk for folkekunst og tekstil kan bli intersubjektiv forståing av kva ein didaktikk for vidareføring av folkekunst med vekt på tekstil kan vere i utdanninga i dag. Indre og ytre dialog i skapande og kopierande prosessar femner om estetiske, materielle og tekniske faktorar sett i høve til spelereglar, spelerom, spatialitet og samspel i møte med tekstile tradisjonar. Samla utgjer det ein forskingsbasert didaktikk for faget der den overordna intensjonen er samtykke mellom tradisjon og spel.
Diplomityössä tutkitaan mobiilisovellusten keskitettyjä jakelukanavia. Nämä uudet jakelukanavat ovat mahdollistaneet sovellusten uuden tyylisen ja helpon jakelun. Työssä tutkitaan itsenäisen kehittäjän näkökulmasta sovelluksen kehitystä Android-, iOS- ja Windows Phone -ohjelmistoalustoilla, ja sen julkaisua App Storessa, Google Playssa ja Windows Phone Marketplacella. Tavoitteena on tutkia huomataanko esimerkkisovelluksen kehityksessä ja julkaisussa merkittäviä eroja jakelukanavien välillä. Prosesseissa havaittiin eroja, mutta ei kuitenkaan niin merkittäviä, että jokin jakelukanava voitaisiin nostaa selkeästi toisten edelle helpompana tai rajoitteista vapaampana vaihtoehtona.
’Bry sig om’ förekommer flitigt i sammanhang där människor vårdar och tar hand om varandra såväl i det vardagliga naturliga vårdandet som i det professionella vårdandet. ’Bry sig om’ är ett språkligt uttryck i människors vardagsspråk som hör samman med ’små vardagliga saker’ som är av betydelse. ’Bry sig om’ har även tydlig förbindelse med vårda och ansa i Erikssons caritativa vårdteori men har inte tidigare varit föremål för klinisk vårdvetenskaplig forskning vilket är bakgrunden till denna studie. Inom Erikssons caritativa vårdteori utgörs grundordningen av kärnbegreppen caritas, enheten människa, hälsa, lidande och vårdande. I den här avhandlingen är syftet att vidga förståelsen för kärnbegreppet vårdandet genom att utforska innebörden i praxisbegreppet ’bry sig om’. Studien har en hermeneutisk ansats och är en sammanläggningsavhandling med fyra delstudier i form av begreppsanalys och tre empiriska studier. Materialet i begreppsutredningen är etymologisk ordbok och svenska ordböcker. I de empiriska delstudierna består materialet av självbiografisk text skrivet av en patient och händelser som patienter och vårdare varit med om vilket förstås som betydelsefullt material för klinisk vårdvetenskaplig forskning. Den nya förståelsen gestaltas i ett tankemönster där ’bry sig om’ framträder som en inre etisk hållning där människan som är på plats kan finnas till och därmed betyda något för en annan människa. Att betyda något för en annan människa är uttryck för det naturliga omsorgsfulla vårdandet där patienten förnimmer en kärleksfull hållning i vårdarens varsamma kärleksfulla händer och varma röst. ’Bry sig om’, har sin grundval i det naturliga omsorgsfulla vårdandet som konstituerar människan som människa. Det som framkommit i avhandlingen är möjligheten att undersöka praxisbegrepp inom vårdvetenskapen där ’bry sig om’ bidragit till att synliggöra vårdandet och därmed innebörden och meningen i ansandet, lekandet och lärandet på ett nytt och annorlunda sätt ur ett kliniskt vårdvetenskapligt perspektiv.
With caring science as its foundation and by means of the perioperative dialogue, the intended contribution and overall aim of this present thesis is to describe what play is and could be in the caring reality, an ideal model. The perioperative dialogue is the nurse anaesthetists’ pre-, intra- and post-operative dialogues with the children they care for in connection with anesthesia. The thesis is composed according to Schopenhauer’s notion that the road to science presupposes the world seen as performances, and has an all-pervading hermeneutic approach. The performances of the thesis are: the performance of all performances, the empirical performance, the transcendental performance and the universal performance. The performance of all performances originates in the theoretical perspective of the thesis and describes what play and its characteristics are. This performance is realized through the hermeneutic interpretation of the etymology and original meaning of the word play along with texts from caring science, philosophy, anthropology and the history of religion. The empirical performance originates in four empirical studies where caring is organized as a perioperative dialogue. In study I, the material was collected with the help of participating observations and semi-structured interviews, in study II, with the help of the critical incident method and in study III, with the help of conversation interviews. In study IV, play develops into a clinical caring science research method. The research participants consist of children with special needs, children with a pronounced fear of anaesthesia, parents of children with severe autism and nurse anaesthetists. The empirical performance relates in what way play manifests in a perioperative child context by interpreting the results from the empiric in the light of the characteristics of play. The transcendental performance is enacted in the playhouse of health and presents a picture of the essence of play, the playing. In the playhouse of health, the light, winged movement of play is actualized when what was previously too difficult, too heavy and pinioned instead is as easy as anything. The eye of love and compassion knows the art of deciphering the secret script where the Other’s holiness resides, even if mere glimpses of it appear. The universal performance depicts three caring acts where the entrance consists of entering play, the ideal of which is realized in the unmasked openness face to face, that which protects the playing human being against encroachment and an unwanted audience. In the second caring act, entering play plays on to the finely-tuned interplay between human beings in the winged play of beauty and dignity. In the third caring act, the world’s deepest plays are staged on the stage of caring, in the sense that the innermost being of each individual, the universal will joins in and allows individuals to live as playing human beings who are at home with themselves and the world. The captivating, graceful and friendly play works from within itself, as long as it illumined by the light of claritas can play undisturbed on the stage of caring where it – like an unclouded mirror of its own ideal watches over children’s health.
My dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between the Swiss peasants and nobles in Friedrich Schiller’s play Wilhelm Tell (1804). Changes to this relationship are of particular interest. Communication in the play is examined via a micro-analysis based on Penelope Brown’s and Stephen C. Levinson’s theoretical framework Politeness: Some universals in language usage. (1978, 1987). Brown and Levinson distinguish between positivepoliteness and negative-politeness strategies and their distinction is useful for my argument, since they claim that the use of positive-politeness strategies reflects the speaker’s intention to minimize the distance between the interlocutors (Brown and Levinson 1987: 103). Negative-politeness strategies, by contrast, result in social distancing (Brown and Levinson 1987: 130). In accordance with Brown’s and Levinson’s theory, it can be argued that the distribution of positive-politeness and negative-politeness strategies reflects changes in the distance between the fictional interlocutors as representatives of their social classes in Wilhelm Tell. The analysis of the communication in the play highlights that existing conflicts within the social groups are resolved and replaced with solidarity (cf. ‘Claim ’common ground’ and ‘Claim in-group membership with H’) before the peasants and noblemen appear on stage simultaneously in III, 3. In the scene in question, Geßler forces Tell to shoot the apple off his son’s head. Although both nobles and peasants are present, they do not communicate with each other. Thus, communication between the social classes occurs for the first time in IV, 2. This scene is crucial with regard to the changes in the relationship between the social classes in the play. The younger generation, with Rudenz as a representative of the nobility and Melchthal as a representative of the peasants, break with the prevailing conventions and initiate a new type of cooperation based on mutual helping and equality in the right and the duty to protect the country from the violent oppressors representing Habsburg (cf. ‘Convey that S and H are cooperators’, ‘Claim reflexivity’ and ‘Claim reciprocity’). The linguistic analysis reveals the crucial role of the Swiss nobility in the development of the social utopia, as well as the non-contribution of Wilhelm Tell. In fact, Tell never communicates with the Swiss noblemen. The role of the nobility and the role of Wilhelm Tell are further investigated in a comparison between Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and four of Schiller’s historical sources. These sources, which contain earlier, non-dramatic versions of the establishment of the Swiss Confederation, are the following: Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft compiled by Petermann Etterlin (1507), Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten Landen vnd Völckeren Chronik wirdiger thaaten beschreybung (1548) written by Johann Stumpf, Chronicon Helveticum of Aegidius Tschudi (the publication of Iselin from 1734 and 1736) and Johannes von Müller’s Geschichten schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft (1786). Thecomparison sheds light on the fact that both Tschudi and von Müller emphasize unity among the Swiss and cooperation in their attempt to defeat the enemy. However, Schiller has reinforced the role of the nobility in the cooperation. In addition, the comparison between Schiller’s play and the historical sources reveals profound differences with regard to the role of Wilhelm Tell. In all of Schiller’s sources, Tell is present at Rütli, whereas he is absent from Rütli in Schiller’s play. In the play in general, Tell is conspicuously separated from the other peasants. Explanations of my linguistic results, which correspond to the above mentioned differences between the roles of the figures in Wilhelm Tell and the depictions in Schiller’s sources, are found by comparing the path of Schiller’s Swiss towards an egalitarian perspective with the kind of social evolution depicted by the German philosopher Johann Benjamin Erhard in his essay Über das Recht des Volks zu einer Revolution (1795). Aiming at considering Schiller’s social utopia within the larger cultural framework of the German response to the French Revolution, the comparison suggests that both authors depict the need for social change in terms of a change in social hierarchies (Erhard 1970: 95-96, cf. Foi 2005: 225). Erhard’s essay thus helps explain the political intention of Schiller’s play to keep the ideals of the French Revolution as crucial aims but profoundly change the means towards freedom and equality. In his attempt to claim the political resistance of the nobles and peasants as just, however, Schiller sacrificed the figure of Wilhelm Tell. Guilty of the murder of Geßler, Tell was no longer suitable for the righteous revolution imagined by Schiller (cf. Bloch 2008: 215 and Schulz 2005: 228). This explains Tell’s absence in the Rütli scene, his isolation in the plot, as well as his non-contribution to the social utopia. Together, the linguistic analysis and contextualisation of Schiller’s play support my hypothesis that Wilhelm Tell describes a process of change in the relationship between peasants and nobles. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic proved to be fruitful for all areas of the research involved.
This pro gradu –thesis discusses generating competitive advantage through competitor information systems. The structure of this thesis follows the structure of the WCA model by Alter (1996). In the WCA model, business process is influenced by three separate but connected elements: information, technology, and process participants. The main research question is how competitor information can be incorporated into or made into a tool creating competitive advantage. Research subquestions are: How does competitor information act as a part of the business process creating competitive advantage? How is a good competitor information system situated and structured in an organisation? How can management help information generate competitive advantage in the business process with participants, information, and technology? This thesis discusses each of the elements separate, but the elements are connected to each other and to competitive advantage. Information is discussed by delving into competitor information and competitor analysis. Competitive intelligence and competitor analysis requires commitment throughout the organisation, including top management, the desire to perform competitive intelligence and the desire to use the end products of that competitive intelligence. In order to be successful, systematic competitive intelligence and competitor analysis require vision, willingness to strive for the goals set, and clear strategies to proceed. Technology is discussed by taking a look into the function of the competitor information systems play and the place they occupy within an organization. In addition, there is discussion about the basic infrastructure of competitor information systems, and the problems competitor information systems can have plaguing them. In order for competitor information systems to be useful and worthy of the resources it takes to develop and maintain them, competitor information systems require on-going resource allocation and high quality information. In order for competitor information systems justify their existence business process participants need to maintain and utilize competitor information systems on all levels. Business process participants are discussed through management practices. This thesis discusses way to manage information, technology, and process participants, when the goal is to generate competitive advantage through competitor information systems. This is possible when information is treated as a resource with value, technology requires strategy in order to be successful within an organization, and process participants are an important resource. Generating competitive advantage through competitor information systems is possible when the elements of information, technology, and business process participants all align advantageously.
Electrical keyboard instruments and computer-aided music-making generally base on the piano keyboard that was developed for a tuning system no longer used. Alternative keyboard layout offers at least easier playing, faster adopting, new ways to play and better ergonomics. This thesis explores the development of keyboard instruments and tunings, and different keyboard layouts. This work is preliminary research for an electrical keyboard instrument to be implemented later on.
The recent emergence of a new generation of mobile application marketplaces has changed the business in the mobile ecosystems. The marketplaces have gathered over a million applications by hundreds of thousands of application developers and publishers. Thus, software ecosystems—consisting of developers, consumers and the orchestrator—have emerged as a part of the mobile ecosystem. This dissertation addresses the new challenges faced by mobile application developers in the new ecosystems through empirical methods. By using the theories of two-sided markets and business ecosystems as the basis, the thesis assesses monetization and value creation in the market as well as the impact of electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) and developer multihoming— i. e. contributing for more than one platform—in the ecosystems. The data for the study was collected with web crawling from the three biggest marketplaces: Apple App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Store. The dissertation consists of six individual articles. The results of the studies show a gap in monetization among the studied applications, while a majority of applications are produced by small or micro-enterprises. The study finds only weak support for the impact of eWOM on the sales of an application in the studied ecosystem. Finally, the study reveals a clear difference in the multi-homing rates between the top application developers and the rest. This has, as discussed in the thesis, an impact on the future market analyses—it seems that the smart device market can sustain several parallel application marketplaces.
Tämä tutkielma käsittelee loogisia pelejä, etenkin pelaajien voittostrategioita loogisissa peleissä. Voittostrategia on strategia, jolla kahden pelaajan pelissä pelaaja voittaa pelasipa toinen pelaaja millaisia siirtoja tahansa. Tutkielman alkupuolella todistetaan, että missä tahansa kahden pelaajan äärellisessä pelissä Gn(A;W) toisella pelaajista on voittostrategia. Pääpaino on esittää logiikan ja pelien välinen yhteys. Tämä yhteys on nimeltään logiikan strateginen tasapaino, ja se muodostuu kolmesta loogisesta pelistä. Tutkielmassa esitellään tarkasti näiden pelien kulku, ja tarkastellaan milloin toisella pelaajista on voittostrategia kyseisissä loogisissa peleissä. Tutkielma mukailee Jouko Väänäsen teosta Models and Games ja osittain L.Kirbyn ja J.Parisin artikkelia Accessible Independence Results for Peano Arithmetic.