968 resultados para retinal endothelial function


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Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Membrantransporter-vermittelten Export von asymmetrischem Dimethyl-L-Arginin (ADMA) aus der Endothelzelle. Da ADMA-Plasmakonzentrationen mit Erkrankungen wie koronaren Herzkrankheiten, Atherosklerose, Bluthochdruck und Endotheldysfunktion in Verbindung gebracht werden, ist ein effektiver ADMA-Export aus der Zelle heraus unabdingbar. Um den Mechanismus hierfür aufzuklären, wurden die immortalisierte Endothelzelllinie EA.hy926 und weitere primäre Endothelzellen (humane Umbilikalvenenendothelzellen und Endothelzellen der großen und kleinen Herzgefäße) auf die Expression basischer Aminosäuretransporter mittels einer qRT-PCR hin untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass alle getesteten Endothelzellen die Aminosäuretransporter hCAT-1, y+LAT1 und y+LAT2 exprimierten. Basierend auf ADMA-Exportdaten, die mit entsprechenden Transporter-überexprimierenden Xenopus laevis-Oozyten gewonnen wurden, wurde festgestellt, dass alle drei Membrantransporter ADMA exportieren konnten. Der physiologisch wichtige Exportweg für intrazellulär anfallendes ADMA scheint dabei der via y+L zu sein, da es sich hierbei um einen aktiven Exportmechanismus handelt, der im Gegentransport von im humanen Plasma reichlich vorhandenen neutralen Aminosäuren und Natriumionen den nach innen gerichteten Natriumgradienten ausnutzt. Die Wichtigkeit des Membrantransportes für die Kontrolle intrazellulärer ADMA-Konzentrationen wurde in vitro durch Entzug von extrazellulären Austauschsubstraten und einer daraus resultierenden Blockade der Transportfunktion gezeigt. Hierbei wurde innerhalb von zwei Stunden ein 2,5-facher Anstieg der intrazellulären ADMA-Konzentration festgestellt, die bei Präsenz von Austauschsubstrat für die Transporter nicht auftrat. Die Relevanz der y+LATs für den ADMA-Export wurde durch Herunterregulation dieser Proteine mittels siRNA sichtbar: Unter diesen Bedingungen konnte ADMA auch in Anwesenheit von Austauschsubstrat für das System y+L weniger effektiv exportiert werden. Eine wichtige Aufgabe des humanen Endothels ist die Bildung bioaktiven Stickstoffmonoxids, das unter anderem eine Vasodilatation der Gefäße bewirkt. Für diese NO-Synthese wird L-Arginin als Substrat von der endothelialen NO-Synthase benötigt. ADMA stellt einen kompetitiven Inhibitor dar, dessen erhöhtes intrazelluläres Vorkommen möglicherweise hemmend auf die NO-Synthase wirken könnte. Es konnten hier allerdings keine Auswirkungen eines um das 4-fache gestiegenen, intrazellulären ADMA-Spiegels auf die Tätigkeit der endothelialen NO-Synthase festgestellt werden. Möglicherweise bedarf es eines noch weiter zu Gunsten des ADMAs verschobenen, intrazellulären L-Arginin:ADMA-Verhältnisses, um eine Hemmung der NO-Synthase festzustellen. Dies könnte bei einem pathologischen Transporterausfall eintreten, der intrazellulär permanent höhere ADMA-Konzentrationen zur Folge hätte. Des Weiteren hätte ein Anstieg der Arginasetätigkeit und damit einhergehend ein Substratdefizit für die NO-Synthase den gleichen Effekt. Der translationale Ansatz mit humanen peripheren mononukleären Blutzellen von Patienten aus der 2. Medizinischen Klinik zeigte die Tendenz einer Korrelation zwischen dem ADMA-Exportvermögen und der Endothelfunktion und brachte zudem die Erkenntnis eines individuell äußerst variablen ADMA-Exportvermögens zutage.


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Pentaerithrityltetranitrat (PETN) ist ein organisches Nitrat und wird in der Klinik zur Behandlung der Angina Pectoris eingesetzt. PETN hat, wenn direkt verabreicht, kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck. Diese Arbeit wurde konzipiert, um einen potentiellen „perinatalen Programmierung“-Effekt von PETN in spontan-hypertensiven Ratten (SHR), einem Rattenmodel der genetischen Hypertonie, zu testen. Die F0-Elterntiere wurden mit PETN (50 mg/kg/Tag) während der Schwangerschaft und der Laktation behandelt; die F1-Nachkommen bekamen nach der Ablaktation normales Haltungsfutter. Der Blutdruck wurde an den Nachkommen vom 3. Monat bis zum 8. Monat nach der Geburt gemessen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung hatte kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck in den männlichen SHR-Nachkommen. Dagegen zeigten die weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Behandlungsgruppe eine persistente Reduktion des Blutdrucks. Der systolische Blutdruck war in den weiblichen Nachkommen in der PETN-Gruppe etwa 13 mmHg niedriger im 4. Monat und etwa 10 mmHg niedriger im 8. Monat als in den Kontrolltieren. Dieser lang-anhaltende Effekt ging mit einer substanziellen Änderung der Genexpression einher, die auch beim 8. Monat noch nachzuweisen war. In den Aorten der weiblichen F1-Nachkommen wurde Veränderungen an Genexpression der α-adrenergen Rezeptoren sowie Endothelin-Rezeptoren festgestellt, die aber funktionell von minimaler Bedeutung für die PETN-Wirkung waren. Hingegen war eine klare Rolle des StickstoffmoNOXid (NO) zu sehen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung führte zur Heraufregulation der endothelialen NO-Synthase (eNOS) und der GTP-Cyclohydrolase I (GCH-1). GCH-1 ist für die Biosynthese des Tetrahydrobiopterins, eines essentiellen eNOS-Kofaktors, entscheidend, und dadurch auch für die eNOS-Funktionalität. Zusätzlich wurden auch anti-oxidative Enzyme wie die mitochondriale Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD2), die Glutathion-Peroxidase 1 (GPx1) und die Hem-Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) heraufreguliert, und die Superoxid-produzierende NADPH-Oxidase NOX1 herunterreguliert. Dies kann zur Verminderung vom oxidativen Stress und Erhöhung der NO-Bioverfügbarkeit führen. Letztlich wurde auch ~ 74 ~ die Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) durch maternale PETN-Behandlung heraufreguliert, die auch zur Heraufregulation der SOD2, GPx1 und eNOS beitragen kann. Im Organbad-Experiment wurde die Acetylcholin-induzierte, Endothel-abhängige Vasodilatation in der Aorta der weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Gruppe verstärkt. Diese verbesserte Endothelfunktion, was vermutlich aus der Genexpressionsänderung resultiert, stellt sehr wahrscheinlich einen Schlüsselmechanismus der Blutdrucksenkung in den Nachkommen der PETN-behandelten F0-Tiere dar.


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Angiotensin II induziert intrazellulär die Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies, welche DNA-Schäden erzeugen können. Um die Hypothese zu prüfen, dass durch Angiotensin II induzierte DNA-Schäden für die erhöhte Krebsinzidenz hypertensiver Menschen verantwortlich sind, wurde eine vierwöchige Behandlung von Mäusen mit Angiotensin II (0,6 μg/kg/min) durchgeführt. Mit der Alkalischen Elution wurden in Zellen aus verschiedenen Organen der Mäuse die Menge an DNA-Einzelstrangbrüchen und oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen bestimmt. In der Niere wurde außerdem mit dem BigBlue® Mutations-Assay die Entstehung von Mutationen analysiert. In keinem der analysierten Organe konnte eine Erhöhung der DNA-Schäden oder eine Erhöhung der Mutationsfrequenzen durch die Angiotensin II-Behandlung nachgewiesen werden. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen geben somit keinen Hinweis auf eine DNA-schädigende und mutagene Wirkung von Angiotensin II.rnBei der Entstehung und dem Krankheitsverlauf von Arteriosklerose spielen reaktive Sauerstoffspezies ebenfalls eine noch nicht genau geklärte Rolle. Um zu ermitteln, ob oxidative DNA-Schäden die Entstehung der Arteriosklerose begünstigen, wurde die Endothelfunktion von Wildtyp- und reparaturdefizienten Ogg1-/--Mäusen verglichen. Entgegen der Vermutung, dass oxidative DNA-Modifikationen die Endothelfunktion verschlechtern, zeigen die Untersuchungen, dass Ogg1-/--Mäuse, die höhere Spiegel an oxidativen DNA-Modifikationen in ihrem Genom haben, eine signifikant bessere Endothelfunktion besitzen als Wildtyptiere. Dieser Befund weist auf eine neuartige, von der DNA-Reparatur unabhängige Funktion von OGG1 hin.rn


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Erhöhte arteriosklerotische und thrombotische Vorfälle sind ein Hauptgrund für die gesteigerten Zahlen kardiovaskulärer Todesfälle von Patienten mit chronisch entzündlichen Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoiden Arthritis (RA). Diese erhöhte Mortalität ist nicht auf die traditionellen Risikofaktoren, wie Alter, Geschlecht, Bluthochdruck oder Diabetes zurückzuführen. Man nimmt an, dass die systemische Entzündung einen nicht-traditionellen Risikofaktor für die erhöhten kardiovaskulären Todesfälle von RA-Patienten darstellt. Da die derzeitige Behandlung der RA zum Teil schwere Nebenwirkungen zur Folge haben kann, war es das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit, die Zusammenhänge zwischen RA und Arteriosklerose (AS) näher zu untersuchen, sowie die neue antiinflammatorische Substanz Galiellalacton (Gal) für die Behandlung der AS zu charakterisieren.rnIn dem chronisch inflammatorischen Tiermodell der TTP-defizienten Mäuse, dessenrnPhänotyp dem einer humanen RA-Erkrankung ähnelt, konnte eine verschlechterternEndothelfunktion, die als ein erstes Symptom einer erworbenen AS gilt, nachgewiesen werden. Dies konnte auf eine erhöhte Stabilität der Nox2-mRNA zurückgeführt werden, die unabhängig von der erhöhten Expression des Entzündungsmarkers TNFα war. Diese gesteigerte Nox2-Menge führte wiederum zu einer erhöhten Bildung von reaktiven Sauerstoff- und Stickstoffspezies und somit zu einer verringerten Menge an bioaktivem Stickstoffmonoxid, welches die endotheliale Dysfunktion (eDF) bedingte.rnAls ein traditioneller Risikofaktor für das Auftreten von kardiovaskulären Ereignissen gilt unter anderem eine Diabeteserkrankung. Durch die Ausbildung einer Nitrattoleranz bei der Therapie mit organischen Nitraten wie NTG, ISMN oder ISDN kommt es zu der Entwicklung einer eDF. PETN, ein weiteres organisches Nitrat zeigt diese Nebenwirkung nicht. PETN, vermittelt seinen antioxidativen Effekt über die Nrf2-abhängige Induktion der HO-1-Promotoraktivität.rnDie Behandlung von arteriosklerotischen Mäusen (ApoE-/-- und ApoE-/-TFPI+/--Mäuse) mit dem antiinflammatorischen Pilzsekundärmetaboliten Gal zeigte eine verringerte mRNA-Expression von arteriosklerotischen und inflammatorischen Mediatoren, sowie eine reduzierte Thrombenbildung durch eine verringerte Plättchenadhäsion.rnZusammenfassend konnte gezeigt werden, dass inflammationsabhängiger oxidativerrnStress ein Hauptgrund für die entzündungsgetriebene Artheriogenese ist und Galrneine neue Leitsubstanz für die Behandlung dieser Erkrankung ist.


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Endothelial dysfunction is a marker for development and progression of atherosclerosis. Statin therapy improves endothelial function in cardiovascular patients by reducing LDL-cholesterol and by pleiotropic effects. B-group vitamin supplementation restores endothelial function mainly by reducing homocysteine-induced oxidative stress. Thus, we evaluated the effect of rosuvastatin, B-group vitamins and their combination on endothelial function in high-risk cardiovascular patients.


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We examined the impact of physical activity (PA) on surrogate markers of cardiovascular health in adolescents. 52 healthy students (28 females, mean age 14.5 ± 0.7 years) were investigated. Microvascular endothelial function was assessed by peripheral arterial tonometry to determine reactive hyperemic index (RHI). Vagal activity was measured using 24 h analysis of heart rate variability [root mean square of successive normal-to-normal intervals (rMSSD)]. Exercise testing was performed to determine peak oxygen uptake ([Formula: see text]) and maximum power output. PA was assessed by accelerometry. Linear regression models were performed and adjusted for age, sex, skinfolds, and pubertal status. The cohort was dichotomized into two equally sized activity groups (low vs. high) based on the daily time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA, 3,000-5,200 counts(.)min(-1), model 1) and vigorous PA (VPA, >5,200 counts(.)min(-1), model 2). MVPA was an independent predictor for rMSSD (β = 0.448, P = 0.010), and VPA was associated with maximum power output (β = 0.248, P = 0.016). In model 1, the high MVPA group exhibited a higher vagal tone (rMSSD 49.2 ± 13.6 vs. 38.1 ± 11.7 ms, P = 0.006) and a lower systolic blood pressure (107.3 ± 9.9 vs. 112.9 ± 8.1 mmHg, P = 0.046). In model 2, the high VPA group had higher maximum power output values (3.9 ± 0.5 vs. 3.4 ± 0.5 W kg(-1), P = 0.012). In both models, no significant differences were observed for RHI and [Formula: see text]. In conclusion, in healthy adolescents, PA was associated with beneficial intensity-dependent effects on vagal tone, systolic blood pressure, and exercise capacity, but not on microvascular endothelial function.


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Prevention of coronary artery disease (CAD) and reduction of its mortality and morbidity remains a major public health challenge throughout the "Western world". Recent evidence supports the concept that the impairment of endothelial function, a hallmark of insulin resistance states, is an upstream event in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and its main corollaries: atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis is currently thought to be the consequence of a subtle imbalance between pro- and anti-oxidants that produces favourable conditions for lesion progression towards acute thrombotic complications and clinical events. Over the last decade, a remarkable burst of evidence has accumulated, offering the new perspective that bioavailable nitric oxide (NO) plays a pivotal role throughout the CAD-spectrum, from its genesis to the outcome after acute events. Vascular NO is a critical modulator of coronary blood flow by inhibiting smooth muscle contraction and platelet aggregation. It also acts in angiogenesis and cytoprotection. Defective endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) driven NO synthesis causes development of major cardiovascular risk factors (insulin resistance, arterial hypertension and dyslipidaemia) in mice, and characterises CAD-prone insulin-resistant humans. On the other hand, stimulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and NO overproduction causes metabolic insulin resistance and characterises atherosclerosis, heart failure and cardiogenic shock in humans, suggesting a "Yin-Yang" effect of NO in the cardiovascular homeostasis. Here, we will present a concise overview of the evidence for this novel concept, providing the conceptual framework for developing a potential therapeutic strategy to prevent and treat CAD.


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Although rare, stent thrombosis remains a severe complication after stent implantation owing to its high morbidity and mortality. Since the introduction of drug-eluting stents (DES), most interventional centers have noted stent thrombosis up to 3 years after implantation, a complication rarely seen with bare-metal stents. Some data from large registries and meta-analyses of randomized trials indicate a higher risk for DES thrombosis, whereas others suggest an absence of such a risk. Several factors are associated with an increased risk of stent thrombosis, including the procedure itself (stent malapposition and/or underexpansion, number of implanted stents, stent length, persistent slow coronary blood flow, and dissections), patient and lesion characteristics, stent design, and premature cessation of antiplatelet drugs. Drugs released from DES exert distinct biological effects, such as activation of signal transduction pathways and inhibition of cell proliferation. As a result, although primarily aimed at preventing vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration (ie, key factors in the development of restenosis), they also impair reendothelialization, which leads to delayed arterial healing, and induce tissue factor expression, which results in a prothrombogenic environment. In the same way, polymers used to load these drugs have been associated with DES thrombosis. Finally, DES impair endothelial function of the coronary artery distal to the stent, which potentially promotes the risk of ischemia and coronary occlusion. Although several reports raise the possibility of a substantially higher risk of stent thrombosis in DES, evidence remains inconclusive; as a consequence, both large-scale and long-term clinical trials, as well as further mechanistic studies, are needed. The present review focuses on the pathophysiological mechanisms and pathological findings of stent thrombosis in DES.


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There is increasing evidence to suggest that chronic activation of the endothelin-1 system can lead to heterologous desensitization of the glucose-regulatory and mitogenic actions of insulin with subsequent development of glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, impaired endothelial function and exacerbation of cardiovascular disease. Effects are mediated through a variety of mechanisms that include attenuation of key insulin signalling pathways and decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrates IRS-1, SHC and G alpha q/11. Other actions involve hemodynamic changes leading to reduced delivery of insulin and glucose to peripheral tissues as well as enhanced hepatic glycogenolysis, decreased glucose-transporter translocation and modulation of various adipokines that regulate insulin action. Overall the data suggest that ET-1 antagonists may provide an effective means of improving cardiac dysfunction and favourably influencing glucose tolerance in obese humans and patients with early insulin sensitivity where there is clear evidence for activation of the ET-1 system. Although most effects of ET-1 that modulate mechanisms leading to glucose intolerance appear to involve the ETA receptor subtype recent data indicates that combined ETA/ETB receptor antagonists may function as effectively as selective ETA blockers. Prospective trials are needed to assess whether ET-1 antagonists, either alone or in combination, are superior to other more conventional therapies such as insulin sensitizers and to evaluate effects of combined treatments on the development of insulin resistance and the progression of diabetes. Early screening of patients at risk for evidence of ET-1 activation would help to identify subjects who may benefit most from such treatment.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To describe the effects of arginine vasopressin other than its vasoconstrictive and antidiuretic potential in vasodilatory shock. RECENT FINDINGS: Arginine vasopressin influences substrate metabolism by stimulation of hepatic glucose release, gluconeogenesis, ureogenesis and fatty acid esterification. Although arginine vasopressin is a secretagogue of different hormones, only prolactin increases during arginine vasopressin therapy. Plasmatic and cellular coagulation are affected by arginine vasopressin, resulting in thrombocyte aggregation. Therefore, platelet count typically decreases following arginine vasopressin infusion in critically ill patients. In addition, arginine vasopressin reduces bile flow and may increase bilirubin concentrations. Despite its potential to decrease serum sodium, no change in electrolytes was observed in critically ill patients receiving arginine vasopressin. Although arginine vasopressin is an endogenous antipyretic, body temperature is not decreased by central venous arginine vasopressin infusion. In addition, arginine vasopressin modulates immune function through V1 receptors. Compared with norepinephrine, arginine vasopressin may have protective effects on endothelial function. Net arginine vasopressin effects on gastrointestinal motility seem to be inhibitory and are dose dependent. SUMMARY: Except for its antidiuretic and vasoconstrictive actions, the effects of arginine vasopressin in patients with vasodilatory shock have so far only been partially examined. Potential influences of arginine vasopressin on metabolism and immune, liver and mitochondrial function remain to be assessed in future studies.


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BACKGROUND: Circulating progenitor cells have been implicated with maintaining vascular integrity. Low counts are found in adults with high cardiovascular risk and are associated with impaired endothelial function. It remains unknown whether psychosocial risk factors are independently related to counts of circulating progenitor cells. METHODS: We investigated a random sample of 468 adult industrial employees (mean age 41.2 years, 89% men) of Caucasian origin. Cardiovascular risk factors (blood pressure, LDL, HDL and C-reactive protein), health behavior (smoking, alcohol and physical exercise), psychological variables (effort-reward imbalance social support, negative affectivity) and interaction terms served as predictors of circulating progenitor cells (CD34+ CD31dim) as enumerated by flow-cytometry. FINDINGS: Psychosocial variables were independently associated with progenitor cell counts. The association with risk factors increased with age (explained variance in 18-36 year olds R(2)=0.17, p=0.55; age 36.1-46 R(2)=0.32, p=0.001; age>46 R(2)=0.27, p<0.001). Data revealed a shift from a larger association between behavioral and psychosocial variables and cell counts to a stronger association between biological variables and cell counts in older individuals. A significant interaction was observed between smoking and effort-reward imbalance in middle-aged subjects, those with both risk factors present had lower cell counts. In older employees, the interaction between biological risk factors and smoking was related to lower cell counts. INTERPRETATION: In working middle-aged and older men, psychosocial risk factors were related to circulating counts of progenitor cells. Smoking interacted negatively with psychosocial risk factors (middle-aged men) or with biological risk factors (older employees).


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The indications for screening and TSH threshold levels for treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism have remained a clinical controversy for over 20 years. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction is a common finding in the growing population of older adults, occurring in 10–15% among those age 65 and older, and may contribute to multiple common problems of older age, including cardiovascular disease, muscular impairment, mood problems, and cognitive dysfunction (1). In 2004, both the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (2) and a clinical consensus group of experts (3) concluded that the existing evidence about the association between subclinical hypothyroidism and cardiovascular risks, primarily cross-sectional or case-control studies (4), was insufficient. For example, a frequently cited analysis from the Rotterdam study found a cross-sectional association between subclinical hypothyroidism and atherosclerosis, as measured by abdominal aortic calcification (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1–2.6) and prevalent myocardial infarction (MI) (odds ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.3–4.0) (5). Conversely, the prospective part of this study included only 16 incident MIs; the hazard ratio (HR) for subclinical hypothyroidism was 2.50, with broad 95% CIs (0.70–9.10). Potential mechanisms for the associations with cardiovascular diseases among adults with subclinical hypothyroidism include elevated cholesterol levels, inflammatory markers, raised homocysteine, increased oxidative stress, insulin resistance, increased systemic vascular resistance, arterial stiffness, altered endothelial function, and activation of thrombosis and hypercoagulability that have all been reported to be associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (1, 6).


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Endothelial dysfunction is recognized as the primum movens in the development of atherosclerosis. Its crucial role in both cardiovascular morbidity and mortality has been confirmed. In the past, research was hampered by the invasive character of endothelial function assessment. The development of non-invasive and feasible techniques to measure endothelial function has facilitated and promoted research in various adult and paediatric subpopulations. To avoid user dependence of flow-mediated dilation (FMD), which evaluates nitric oxide dependent vasodilation in large vessels, a semi-automated, method to assess peripheral microvascular function, called peripheral arterial tonometry (Endo-PAT®), was recently introduced. The number of studies using this technique in children and adolescents is rapidly increasing, yet there is no consensus with regard to either measuring protocol or data analysis of peripheral arterial tonometry in children and adolescents. Most paediatric studies simply applied measuring and analysing methodology established in adults, a simplification that may not be appropriate. This paper provides a detailed description of endothelial function assessment using the Endo-PAT for researchers and clinicians. We discuss clinical and methodological considerations and point out the differences between children, adolescents and adults. Finally, the main aim of this paper is to provide recommendations for a standardised application of Endo-PAT in children and adolescents, as well as for population-specific data analysis methodology.


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BACKGROUND Low testosterone, acute and chronic stress and hypercoagulation are all associated with hypertension and hypertension-related diseases. The interaction between these factors and future risk for coronary artery disease in Africans has not been fully elucidated. In this study, associations of testosterone, acute cardiovascular and coagulation stress responses with fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor in African and Caucasian men in a South African cohort were investigated. METHODS Cardiovascular variables were studied by means of beat-to-beat and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Fasting serum-, salivary testosterone and citrate coagulation markers were obtained from venous blood samples. Acute mental stress responses were evoked with the Stroop test. RESULTS The African group demonstrated a higher cardiovascular risk compared to Caucasian men with elevated blood pressure, low-grade inflammation, chronic hyperglycemia (HbA1c), lower testosterone levels, and elevated von Willebrand factor (VWF) and fibrinogen levels. Blunted testosterone acute mental stress responses were demonstrated in African males. In multiple regression analyses, higher circulating levels of fibrinogen and VWF in Africans were associated with a low T environment (R(2) 0.24-0.28; p≤0.01), but only circulating fibrinogen in Caucasians. Regarding endothelial function, a low testosterone environment and a profile of augmented α-adrenergic acute mental stress responses (diastolic BP, D-dimer and testosterone) were associated with circulating VWF levels in Africans (Adj R(2) 0.24; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS An interdependence between acute mental stress, salivary testosterone, D-dimer and vascular responses existed in African males in their association with circulating VWF but no interdependence of the independent variables occurred with fibrinogen levels.


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BACKGROUND: Omentin is a visceral fat-derived adipokine associated with endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Impaired endothelial function is a major cause of portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis. The aim was to assess associations of omentin with systemic markers of endothelial function, namely arginine and asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) and complications of portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Systemic omentin was measured by ELISA in portal venous serum (PVS), systemic venous serum (SVS) and hepatic venous serum (HVS) of 40 patients with liver cirrhosis and 10 liver-healthy controls. ADMA and arginine were determined in SVS of the patients by ELISA. RESULTS: Omentin is elevated in PVS and tends to be increased in SVS and HVS of patients with liver cirrhosis compared with controls. Omentin is principally expressed in visceral fat, and PVS omentin tends to be higher than SVS levels. Lower HVS than PVS omentin suggests that omentin may be partly removed from the circulation by the liver. Omentin in serum is not associated with stages of liver cirrhosis defined by CHILD-POUGH or MELD score and is not affected in patients with ascites. HVS omentin tends to be reduced in patients with large varices compared with patients without/with small varices. Arginine/ADMA ratio is reduced in patients with massive ascites but is not associated with variceal size. Further, Arginine/ADMA ratio does not correlate with omentin. CONCLUSION: Current data show that PVS omentin is increased in liver cirrhosis but is not associated with complications of portal hypertension