920 resultados para research methods - non-active role-playing method
BACKGROUND: The hospital environment has many occupational health risks that predispose healthcare workers to various kinds of work accidents. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to compare different methods for work accidents investigation and to verify their suitability in hospital environment. METHODS: For this purpose, we selected three types of accidents that were related with needle stick, worker fall and inadequate effort/movement during the mobilization of patients. A total of thirty accidents were analysed with six different work accidents investigation methods. RESULTS: The results showed that organizational factors were the group of causes which had the greatest impact in the three types of work accidents. CONCLUSIONS: The methods selected to be compared in this paper are applicable and appropriate for the work accidents investigation in hospitals. However, the Registration, Research and Analysis of Work Accidents method (RIAAT) showed to be an optimal technique to use in this context.
Two passive methods in the assessment of intradomiciliary infestation by Rhodnius ecuadoriensis were tested: (i) the Gomes Nuñez sensor box (GN), (ii) sheets of white typing paper and (iii) one active timed manual method. The study was carried out in the Alto Chicama River Valley, Province of Gran Chimú, Department of La Libertad. The study design consisted of an initial searching of triatomines inside of the domestic environment by the manual capture active procedure (man/hour) covering all the studied houses. Then, matched pairs of GN boxes and paper sheets were simultaneously installed in the bedrooms of 207 households distributed in 19 localities. A comparative prospective trial of these passive detection devices were monitored at 2, 4 and, finally 6 months follow-up. Parasitological Trypanosoma rangeli and/or T. cruzi infections were investigated in two houses with high level of infestation by R. ecuadoriensis. 16.9% of the 207 households investigated by an initial active manual method were infested with R. ecuadoriensis. The proportion of infested houses fluctuated from 6.2 to 55.5% amongst the 19 localities investigated. T. rangeli natural infection was detected in R. ecuadoriensis specimens collected in two households. Parasite rates in the bugs ranged from 16.6 to 21.7% respectively. The most striking fact was an average rate of salivary gland infection ranging from 7.4 to 8.3%. At the end of the sixth month period, a cumulative incidence of 31.4% of positive GN boxes against 15.9% for paper sheets was recorded. All three methods combined detected domestic infestation in 129 (62.3%) of the 207 houses studied in the 19 localities. The range of houses infested varies from 6.7% to 92.9%. In areas with low bug density infestation rates, the methodology experienced in our studies, seems to be the best choice for investigations on domestic R. ecuadoriensis populations.
Este estudo insere-se no âmbito da Geometria e pretende compreender a influência dos recursos didáticos utilizados no reconhecimento de propriedades e relações geométricas em figuras planas. De acordo com o objetivo do estudo formulamos duas questões orientadoras que se articulam entre si. - Que fragilidades apresentam os alunos, no reconhecimento de propriedades geométricas em figuras planas? - Que contributos resultam da utilização de materiais manipuláveis, na visualização espacial e investigação de propriedades geométricas? Com este estudo pretendemos reunir informação que contribua para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre o raciocínio geométrico dos alunos. Em termos metodológicos segue um método de investigação misto, com recolha de informação qualitativa de natureza interpretativa e quantitativa, na modalidade de estudo de caso. A recolha de dados foi realizada numa turma de 4.º ano do ensino básico onde foi desenvolvida a experiência didática. A informação recolhida resultou da observação direta e as fontes dos dados foram as produções dos alunos, as notas de campo, registos fotográficos, vídeo e áudio. A docente assumiu o papel de investigadora e orientadora das tarefas propostas aos alunos tendo estes desempenhado um papel ativo na construção do seu próprio conhecimento. Os resultados obtidos permitem evidenciar as fragilidades dos alunos no reconhecimento de propriedades geométricas de figuras planas em diferentes posições. Destacam ainda os contributos da utilização da Mira e do Tangram, no estudo da simetria e no desenvolvimento da visualização espacial para a concretização de aprendizagens concretas, motivadoras e significativas.
BACKGROUND: The detection of psychosocial distress is a significant communication problem in Southern Europe and other countries. Work in this area is hampered by a lack of data. Because not much is known about training aimed at improving the recognition of psychosocial disorders in cancer patients, we developed a basic course model for medical oncology professionals. METHODS: A specific educational and experiential model (12 hours divided into 2 modules) involving formal teaching (ie, journal articles, large-group presentations), practice in small groups (ie, small-group exercises and role playing), and discussion in large groups was developed with the aim of improving the ability of oncologists to detect emotional disturbances in cancer patients (ie, depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorders). RESULTS: A total of 30 oncologists from 3 Southern European countries (Italy, Portugal, and Spain) participated in the workshop. The training course was well accepted by most participants who expressed general satisfaction and a positive subjective perception of the utility of the course for clinical practice. Of the total participants, 28 physicians (93.3%) thought that had they been exposed to this material sooner, they would have incorporated the techniques received in the workshop into their practices; 2 participants stated they would likely have done so. Half of the doctors (n = 15) believed that their clinical communication techniques were improved by participating in the workshop, and the remaining half thought that their abilities to communicate with cancer patients had improved. CONCLUSIONS: This model is a feasible approach for oncologists and is easily applicable to various oncology settings. Further studies will demonstrate the effectiveness of this method for improving oncologists skills in recognizing emotional disorders in their patients with cancer.
Paper presented as "key note" at the Doctorate Conference on Technology Assessment in June 2011, at FCT-UNL, Monte de Caparica.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ambiente, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Este trabalho de investigação visa estudar e compreender a responsabilidade social de três bibliotecas públicas da margem sul do Tejo, analisando de que forma estas contribuem para o desenvolvimento de cidadãos civicamente mais ativos. Neste sentido, determina-se que modelo de responsabilidade social aplicam, que meios utilizam para incentivar o envolvimento cívico e que parcerias estabelecem. O método de recolha de dados utilizado foi a entrevista, tendo esta sido realizada aos responsáveis de cada bibliotecas em análise. Os resultados evidenciam que não existe uma política formal de responsabilidade social, mas sim ações que se assemelham a modelos práticos de RS que se classificam nas Teorias Integrativas. Relativamente às iniciativas desenvolvidas pelas bibliotecas públicas para a promoção da cidadania, estas vão de encontro ao Manifesto da IFLA/UNESCO para as Bibliotecas Públicas, podendo dizer-se que as suas ações se encontram confinadas à responsabilidade legal da organização. As bibliotecas identificam os seus stakeholders, mas é necessário que estes possuam um papel mais ativo no desenvolvimento de iniciativas que respondam às suas expetativas e necessidades. Efetuam-se cinco recomendações para melhorar o desempenho das bibliotecas públicas no domínio da responsabilidade social e da cidadania: implementar políticas de responsabilidade social; respeitar os interesses dos stakeholders; apostar na formação em responsabilidade social; investir na aprendizagem ao longo da vida; e inovar, no sentido de desenvolver atividades que vão além do cumprimento do Manifesto da IFLA/UNESCO para as Bibliotecas Públicas.
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
The occupational risks in the nanotechnology research laboratories are an important topic since a great number of researchers are involved in this area. The risk assessment performed by both qualitative and quantitative methods is a necessary step for the management of the occupational risks. Risk assessment could be performed by qualitative methods that gather consensus in the scientific community. It is also possible to use quantitative methods, based in different technics and metrics, as indicative exposure limits are been settled by several institutions. While performing the risk assessment, the information on the materials used is very important and, if it is not updated, it could create a bias in the assessment results. The exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles risk was assessed in a research laboratory using a quantitative exposure method and qualitative risk assessment methods. It was found the results from direct-reading Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) equipment and the CB Nanotool seem to be related and aligned, while the results obtained from the use of the Stoffenmanager Nano seem to indicate a higher risk level.
This data article is referred to the research article entitled The role of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, and polysaccharides in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots under postharvest physiological deterioration by Uarrota et al. (2015). Food Chemistry 197, Part A, 737746. The stress duo to PPD of cassava roots leads to the formation of ROS which are extremely harmful and accelerates cassava spoiling. To prevent or alleviate injuries from ROS, plants have evolved antioxidant systems that include non-enzymatic and enzymatic defence systems such as ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase and polysaccharides. In this data article can be found a dataset called newdata, in RData format, with 60 observations and 06 variables. The first 02 variables (Samples and Cultivars) and the last 04, spectrophotometric data of ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, tocopherol, total proteins and arcsined data of cassava PPD scoring. For further interpretation and analysis in R software, a report is also provided. Means of all variables and standard deviations are also provided in the Supplementary tables (data.long3.RData, data.long4.RData and meansEnzymes.RData), raw data of PPD scoring without transformation (PPDmeans.RData) and days of storage (days.RData) are also provided for data analysis reproducibility in R software.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (Especialidade de Geologia)
This study examines the impact of macro-liquidity shocks on the returns of UK stock portfolios sorted on the basis of a series of micro-liquidity measures. The macro-liquidity shocks are extracted on the meeting days of the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee relative to market expectations embedded in futures contracts on the 3-month LIBOR during the period June 1999- December 2009. We report definitive evidence that these shocks are transmitted to the cross-section of liquidity-sorted portfolios, with most liquid stocks playing a very active role. Our results emphatically document that the shocks-returns relationship has reversed its sign during the recent financial crisis; the standard inverse relationship between interest rate surprises and portfolios’ returns before the crisis has turned into positive during the crisis. This finding confirms the inability of interest rate cuts to boost returns in the shortrun during the crisis, because these were perceived by market participants as a signal of a deteriorating economic outlook.
Background: Retrospective analyses suggest that personalized PK-based dosage might be useful for imatinib, as treatment response correlates with trough concentrations (Cmin) in cancer patients. Our objectives were to improve the interpretation of randomly measured concentrations and to confirm its efficiency before evaluating the clinical usefulness of systematic PK-based dosage in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. Methods and Results: A Bayesian method was validated for the prediction of individual Cmin on the basis of a single random observation, and was applied in a prospective multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial. 28 out of 56 patients were enrolled in the systematic dosage individualization arm and had 44 follow-up visits (their clinical follow-up is ongoing). PK-dose-adjustments were proposed in 39% having predicted Cmin significantly away from the target (1000 ng/ml). Recommendations were taken up by physicians in 57%, patients were considered non-compliant in 27%. Median Cmin at study inclusion was 754 ng/ml and differed significantly from the target (p=0.02, Wilcoxon test). On follow-up, Cmin was 984 ng/ml (p=0.82) in the compliant group. CV decreased from 46% to 27% (p=0.02, F-test). Conclusion: PK-based (Bayesian) dosage adjustment is able to bring individual drug exposure closer to a given therapeutic target. Its influence on therapeutic response remains to be evaluated.
El proyecto de investigación desarrollado durante el período de la beca se inserta en el marco del proyecto de investigación titulado "Especialidad de formación, especialidad de empleo y resultados de inserción laboral" (ESFOREM). La primera línea de investigación desarrollada se centró en el análisis macroestadístico de la relación entre la formación y el empleo en el caso de los jóvenes españoles a partir del análisis estadísitico de los datos proporcionados por la Encuesta ETEFIL (INE, 2005). El propósito de la investigación era cotejar en qué medida los jóvenes con nivel educativo no universitario estaban trabajando de aquello para lo cual se habían formado específicamente según el Catálogo Nacional de Cualificaciones (adecuación normativa) y hasta qué punto la no correspondencia entre el empleo (según su nivel y especialidad) y la formación (según su nivel y especialidad) suponía una fracaso respecto a su inserción laboral. Enfoques dominantes sobre la relación entre formación y empleo parten del supuesto normativo de que la correspondencia entre especialidad de formación y especialidad de empleo es la situación óptima y se postula que la dinámica del mercado de trabajo tiende a propiciarla. El proyecto ESFOREM tenía una segunda línea de investigación que planteaba un análisis cualitativo de dos subsectores específicos. Esta tesis doctoral se inserta en la segunda línea de investigación desarrollada y tiene como propósito analizar y explicar, mediante una estrategia de investigación cualitativa un caso específico de modalidad de relación en la que no existe correspondencia entre formación y empleo, de forma tal de poder analizar y explicar el papel activo que los agentes e instituciones tienen en la configuración de la relación. El caso seleccionado ha sido del "empleo de cuidado en domicilio depersonas en situación de dependencia", con el objetivo de contribuir a profundizar en el estudio de un sector de empleo que es cada vez más emergente y que está fuertemente feminizado. Dicho estudio se realiza a nivel comparado y municipal entre Montevideo y Barcelona.