910 resultados para pituitary down-regulation
In several species including the buffalo cow, prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha is the key molecule responsible for regression of corpus luteum (CL). Experiments were carried out to characterize gene expression changes in the CL tissue at various time points after administration of luteolytic dose of PGF(2 alpha) in buffalo cows. Circulating progesterone levels decreased within 1 h of PGF(2 alpha) treatment and evidence of apoptosis was demonstrable at 18 h post treatment. Microarray analysis indicated expression changes in several of immediate early genes and transcription factors within 3 h of treatment. Also, changes in expression of genes associated with cell to cell signaling, cytokine signaling, steroidogenesis, PG synthesis and apoptosis were observed. Analysis of various components of LH/CGR signaling in CL tissues indicated decreased LH/CGR protein expression, pCREB levels and PKA activity post PGF(2 alpha) treatment. The novel finding of this study is the down regulation of CYP19A1 gene expression accompanied by decrease in expression of E-2 receptors and circulating and intra luteal E-2 post PGF(2 alpha) treatment. Mining of microarray data revealed several differentially expressed E-2 responsive genes. Since CYP19A1 gene expression is low in the bovine CL, mining of microarray data of PGF(2 alpha)-treated macaques, the species with high luteal CYP19A1 expression, showed good correlation between differentially expressed E-2 responsive genes between both the species. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that PGF(2 alpha) interferes with luteotrophic signaling, impairs intraluteal E-2 levels and regulates various signaling pathways before the effects on structural luteolysis are manifest.
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive type of brain tumor and shows very poor prognosis. Here, using genome-wide methylation analysis, we show that G-CIMP+ and G-CIMP-subtypes enrich distinct classes of biological processes. One of the hypermethylated genes in GBM, ULK2, an upstream autophagy inducer, was found to be down-regulated in GBM. Promoter hypermethylation of ULK2 was confirmed by bisulfite sequencing. GBM and glioma cell lines had low levels of ULK2 transcripts, which could be reversed upon methylation inhibitor treatment. ULK2 promoter methylation and transcript levels showed significant negative correlation. Ectopic overexpression of ULK2-induced autophagy, which further enhanced upon nutrient starvation or temozolomide chemotherapy. ULK2 also inhibited the growth of glioma cells, which required autophagy induction as kinase mutant of ULK2 failed to induce autophagy and inhibit growth. Furthermore, ULK2 induced autophagy and inhibited growth in Ras-transformed immortalized Baby Mouse Kidney (iBMK) ATG5(+/+) but not in autophagy-deficient ATG5(-/-) cells. Growth inhibition due to ULK2 induced high levels of autophagy under starvation or chemotherapy utilized apoptotic cell death but not at low levels of autophagy. Growth inhibition by ULK2 also appears to involve catalase degradation and reactive oxygen species generation. ULK2 overexpression inhibited anchorage independent growth, inhibited astrocyte transformation in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Of all autophagy genes, we found ULK2 and its homologue ULK1 were only down-regulated in all grades of glioma. Thus these results altogether suggest that inhibition of autophagy by ULK1/2 down-regulation is essential for glioma development.
Estrogen-related receptor (ESRRA) functions as a transcription factor and regulates the expression of several genes, such as WNT11 and OPN. Up-regulation of ESRRA has been reported in several cancers. However, the mechanism underlying its up-regulation is unclear. Furthermore, the reports regarding the role and regulation of ESRRA in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are completely lacking. Here, we show that tumor suppressor miR-125a directly binds to the 3UTR of ESRRA and represses its expression. Overexpression of miR-125a in OSCC cells drastically reduced the level of ESRRA, decreased cell proliferation, and increased apoptosis. Conversely, the delivery of an miR-125a inhibitor to these cells drastically increased the level of ESRRA, increased cell proliferation, and decreased apoptosis. miR-125a-mediated down-regulation of ESRRA impaired anchorage-independent colony formation and invasion of OSCC cells. Reduced cell proliferation and increased apoptosis of OSCC cells were dependent on the presence of the 3UTR in ESRRA. The delivery of an miR-125a mimic to OSCC cells resulted in marked regression of xenografts in nude mice, whereas the delivery of an miR-125a inhibitor to OSCC cells resulted in a significant increase of xenografts and abrogated the tumor suppressor function of miR-125a. We observed an inverse correlation between the expression levels of miR-125a and ESRRA in OSCC samples. In summary, up-regulation of ESRRA due to down-regulation of miR-125a is not only a novel mechanism for its up-regulation in OSCC, but decreasing the level of ESRRA by using a synthetic miR-125a mimic may have an important role in therapeutic intervention of OSCC and other cancers.
Chromatin acetylation is attributed with distinct functional relevance with respect to gene expression in normal and diseased conditions thereby leading to a topical interest in the concept of epigenetic modulators and therapy. We report here the identification and characterization of the acetylation inhibitory potential of an important dietary flavonoid, luteolin. Luteolin was found to inhibit p300 acetyltransferase with competitive binding to the acetyl CoA binding site. Luteolin treatment in a xenografted tumor model of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), led to a dramatic reduction in tumor growth within 4 weeks corresponding to a decrease in histone acetylation. Cells treated with luteolin exhibit cell cycle arrest and decreased cell migration. Luteolin treatment led to an alteration in gene expression and miRNA profile including up-regulation of p53 induced miR-195/215, let7C; potentially translating into a tumor suppressor function. It also led to down regulation of oncomiRNAs such as miR-135a, thereby reflecting global changes in the microRNA network. Furthermore, a direct correlation between the inhibition of histone acetylation and gene expression was established using chromatin immunoprecipitation on promoters of differentially expressed genes. A network of dysregulated genes and miRNAs was mapped along with the gene ontology categories, and the effects of luteolin were observed to be potentially at multiple levels: at the level of gene expression, miRNA expression and miRNA processing.
Background: In the violaxanthin (V) cycle, V is de-epoxidized to zeaxanthin (Z) when strong light or light combined with other stressors lead to an overexcitation of photosystems. However, plants can also suffer stress in darkness and recent reports have shown that dehydration triggers V-de-epoxidation in the absence of light. In this study, we used the highly stress-tolerant brown alga Pelvetia canaliculata as a model organism, due to its lack of lutein and its non-photochemical quenching independent of the transthylakoidal-ΔpH, to study the triggering of the V-cycle in darkness induced by abiotic stressors. Results: We have shown that besides desiccation, other factors such as immersion, anoxia and high temperature also induced V-de-epoxidation in darkness. This process was reversible once the treatments had ceased (with the exception of heat, which caused lethal damage). Irrespective of the stressor applied, the resulting de-epoxidised xanthophylls correlated with a decrease in Fv/Fm, suggesting a common function in the down-regulation of photosynthetical efficiency. The implication of the redox-state of the plastoquinone-pool and of the differential activity of V-cycle enzymes on V-de-epoxidation in darkness was also examined. Current results suggest that both violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE) and zeaxanthin-epoxidase (ZE) have a basal constitutive activity even in darkness, being ZE inhibited under stress. This inhibition leads to Z accumulation. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that V-cycle activity is triggered by several abiotic stressors even when they occur in an absolute absence of light, leading to a decrease in Fv/Fm. This finding provides new insights into an understanding of the regulation mechanism of the V-cycle and of its ecophysiological roles.
Resveratrol is a non-flavonoid polyphenol which belongs to the stilbenes group and is produced naturally in several plants in response to injury or fungal attack. Resveratrol has been recently reported as preventing obesity. The present review aims to compile the evidence concerning the potential mechanisms of action which underlie the anti-obesity effects of resveratrol, obtained either in cultured cells lines and animal models. Published studies demonstrate that resveratrol has an anti-adipogenic effect. A good consensus concerning the involvement of a down-regulation of C/EBPa and PPAR. in this effect has been reached. Also, in vitro studies have demonstrated that resveratrol can increase apoptosis in mature adipocytes. Furthermore, different metabolic pathways involved in triacylglycerol metabolism in white adipose tissue have been shown to be targets for resveratrol. Both the inhibition of de novo lipogenesis and adipose tissue fatty acid uptake mediated by lipoprotein lipase play a role in explaining the reduction in body fat which resveratrol induces. As far as lipolysis is concerned, although this compound per se seems to be unable to induce lipolysis, it increases lipid mobilization stimulated by beta-adrenergic agents. The increase in brown adipose tissue thermogenesis, and consequently the associated energy dissipation, can contribute to explaining the body-fat lowering effect of resveratrol. In addition to its effects on adipose tissue, resveratrol can also acts on other organs and tissues. Thus, it increases mitochondriogenesis and consequently fatty acid oxidation in skeletal muscle and liver. This effect can also contribute to the body-fat lowering effect of this molecule.
A grelina é um ligante endógeno do receptor secretagogo do hormônio do crescimento (GHSR), potente estimulador da liberação do hormônio de crescimento (GH), ingestão alimentar, e adiposidade. Além disso, sua ação hormonal inclui regulação do metabolismo energético cardíaco. Entretanto, a hipernutrição no início da vida leva ao desenvolvimento da obesidade, induz hipertrofia cardíaca, compromete a função cardíaca, e gera insuficiência cardíaca na vida adulta. Avaliar proteínas chaves no processo de sinalização da grelina no remodelamento cardíaco no coração de camundongos obesos após a hipernutrição na lactação. A obesidade foi induzida por redução de ninhada e camundongos adultos (180 dias) foram divididos em: grupo hiperalimentado, GH com obesidade decorrente de hipernutrição na lactação e controle, GC. Cardiomiócitos (cmi) do ventrículo esquerdo foram analisados por microscopia de luz e estereologia, o conteúdo e fosforilação de proteínas cardíacas: receptor de grelina (hormônio do crescimento secretagogo receptor 1a, GHSR-1a), proteína quinase-B (AKT e pAKT), phosphatidil inositol 3-quinase (PI3K), proteína quinase ativada por AMP (AMPK e pAMPK), m-TOR, pmTOR, Bax, Bcl2 e actina foram analizados por western blotting. A expressão gênica do GHSR-1a foi analisada por PCR em tempo real. A respirometria de alta resolução dos cardiomiócitos foi analisada por oxígrafo OROBOROS. Significância estatística (P< 0,05) determinada por teste t-Student não-pareado. Nossos dados demonstram que a hipernutrição na lactação induz aumento no peso corporal, iniciado aos 10 dias de idade, persistindo até os 180 dias de idade. A glicemia, peso do fígado, e da gordura visceral foram maiores no grupo GH. Além disso, o grupo GH também apresentou aumento no peso do coração e razão peso do coração/CT (comprimento da tíbia), indicando hipertrofia e remodelamento cardíaco, aumento na expressão e conteúdo de GHSR-1a no coração, associado ao maior conteúdo de PI3K e maior conteúdo e fosforilação de AKT, diminuição no conteúdo de Bcl2. Em contraste, o conteúdo e fosforilação da AMPK e mTOR no coração não foram diferentes entre os grupos. Os níveis de grelina plasmático no GH foram menores. A respiração do GH com grelina foi menor que no GC com grelina. A incubação das fibras cardíacas com grelina resultou em aumento do fluxo respiratório após adição de citocromo c nos grupos com grelina, indicando dano à membrana mitocondrial e extravazamento de citocromo c. Os grupos GC com grelina e GH sem grelina apresentaram RCR menor comparado ao GC sem grelina, indicando desacoplamento mitocondrial. Nossos resultados mostram que a hipernutrição na lactação induz diminuição do nível de grelina plasmática e aumento da expressão do GHS-R1a no cardiomiócito do animal quando adulto. Tal processo determina aumento da sensibilidade a grelina no coração, processo que ocorre independentemente de variações do AMPK e mTOR. Sugerimos uma redução no efeito protetor da ação da grelina na AMPK. Também, demonstramos que o remodelamento do miocárdio nestes animais adultos associa-se a GHSR-1a, PI3K, e fosforilação da AKT, mas não com AMPK e mTOR na vida adulta.
Estimation of individual egg production (realized fecundity) is a key step either to understand the stock and recruit relationship or to carry out fisheries-independent assessment of spawning stock biomass using egg production methods. Many fish are highly fecund and their ovaries may weigh over a kilogram; therefore the work time can be consuming and require large quantities of toxic fixative. Recently it has been shown for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) that image analysis can automate fecundity determination using a power equation that links follicles per gram ovary to the mean vitellogenic follicular diameter (the autodiametric method). In this article we demonstrate the precision of the autodiametric method applied to a range of species with different spawning strategies during maturation and spawning. A new method using a solid displacement pipette to remove quantitative fecundity samples (25, 50, 100, and 200 milligram [mg]) is evaluated, as are the underlying assumptions to effectively fix and subsample the ovary. Finally, we demonstrate the interpretation of dispersed formaldehyde-fixed ovarian samples (whole mounts) to assess the presence of atretic and postovulatory follicles to replace labor intensive histology. These results can be used to estimate down regulation (production of atretic follicles) of fecundity during maturation.
O óleo de peixe é rico em ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (AGPI) n-3 e vem sendo apontado como anti-inflamatório associado à melhora de diversas doenças de natureza inflamatória. No presente estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a influência do óleo de peixe sobre a inflamação pulmonar e hiper-reatividade em camundongos ativamente sensibilizados desafiados com ovoalbumina (OVA). Camundongos A/J machos foram alimentados com dieta standard-chow (SC) ou dieta rica em óleo de peixe (Px) durante 8 semanas. Após 4 semanas do início da dieta, cada grupo foi subdividido aleatoriamente para ser desafiado com salina (SC-SAL e PX-SAL) ou ovoalbumina (SC-OVA e PX-OVA). A função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) foi avaliada através de pletismografia invasiva, na condição de aerolização ou não com metacolina 24 horas após o último desafio antigênico. Foi realizado lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) para contagem de leucócitos e quantificação de eotaxina-2. A deposição de muco e de matriz peribronquiolar e o infiltrado de eosinófilos foram quantificados no tecido pulmonar. Foram avaliados interleucina (IL)-13 através de imunohistoquímica e NFκB, GATA-3 e PPARγ, por western-blotting. O desafio com OVA resultou em aumento da infiltração de eosinófilos, elevada produção de citocinas inflamatórias, remodelamento pulmonar, produção de muco e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas. Detectou-se aumento na expressão dos fatores de transcrição NFκB e GATA-3 nos camundongos do grupo sensibilizado e desafiado com OVA em comparação aos controles. Todas essas alterações foram atenuadas nos camundongos que receberam dieta com óleo de peixe. Expressão elevada de PPARγ foi detectada nos pulmões dos camundongos dos grupos alimentados com óleo de peixe. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que a ingestão de óleo de peixe atenuou as características clássicas do quadro asmático através da modulação da síntese de mediadores inflamatórios, via regulação negativa de NFκB e GATA-3 e regulação positiva de PPARγ. O óleo de peixe parece ser uma terapia alternativa para o controle e tratamento da asma.
Cannabinoid CB1 receptors peripherally modulate energy metabolism. Here, we investigated the role of CB1 receptors in the expression of glucose/pyruvate/tricarboxylic acid (TCA) metabolism in rat abdominal muscle. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD), a flavoprotein component (E3) of alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes with diaphorase activity in mitochondria, was specifically analyzed. After assessing the effectiveness of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (3 mg kg(-1), 14 days) on food intake and body weight, we could identified seven key enzymes from either glycolytic pathway or TCA cycle-regulated by both diet and CB1 receptor activity-through comprehensive proteomic approaches involving two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/LC-ESI trap mass spectrometry. These enzymes were glucose 6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), enolase (Eno3), lactate dehydrogenase (LDHa), glyoxalase-1 (Glo1) and the mitochondrial DLD, whose expressions were modified by AM251 in hypercaloric diet-induced obesity. Specifically, AM251 blocked high-carbohydrate diet (HCD)-induced expression of GPI, TPI, Eno3 and LDHa, suggesting a down-regulation of glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways under glucose availability. AM251 reversed the HCD-inhibited expression of Glo1 and DLD in the muscle, and the DLD and CB1 receptor expression in the mitochondrial fraction. Interestingly, we identified the presence of CB1 receptors at the membrane of striate muscle mitochondria. DLD over-expression was confirmed in muscle of CB1-/- mice. AM251 increased the pyruvate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activity in C2C12 myotubes, and the diaphorase/oxidative activity in the mitochondria fraction. These results indicated an up-regulation of methylglyoxal and TCA cycle activity. Findings suggest that CB1 receptors in muscle modulate glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways and mitochondrial oxidative activity by targeting DLD.
植物激素乙烯作为一种信使分子调节控制果实完熟。ACC合成酶是植物体内乙烯生物合成途径的限速酶,其反义RNA的表达将能有效地抑制乙烯的生物合成而延缓果实完熟,利用反转录PCR技术克隆获得了ACC合成酶多基因家族成员之一LE-ACC2阅读框架约1.7kb的cDNA,经酶切图谱和序列分析鉴定无误后,反向连入植物表达载体pBin437中构建成组成型表达ACC合成酶反义RNA的双元载体。经农杆菌途径转化番茄“丽春”品种,获得了60株抗卡那再生杭株,PCR检测证明有6株为转基因植株,Southern杂交和Northern杂交分析进一步确证了外源基因的插入及其转录活性。反义番茄果实的乙烯释放受到明显抑制,表现出更好的耐储保鲜特性,并且与对照相比,在果实品质上没有明显差别。大田培育Fl和F2代转化番茄植株,反义番茄纯合品系的筛选工作正在进行之中。 同时,本研究利用已经获得的ACC合成酶和PG的cDNA克隆,构建了两个嵌合转化基因载体pPGACC1、pPGACC10,它包括1300bp的ACC合成酶cDNA编码序列,并分别含有反向与正向的250bp的5’端PG基因片断。酶切图谱和序列分析鉴定无误后,以pBin437为植物表达载体构建了双元载体pBPGACC1和pBPGACC10,分别表达PG正义RNA和反义RNA,并均表达ACC合成酶反义RNA。经农杆菌转化番茄子叶,植株的再生培育有待进行。通过对转基因植物的分析,我们期望阐明用单一嵌合基因表达载体通过反义抑制与抑制作用实现对内源两同源基因——PG和ACC合成酶下降调节的可能性,并可望得到具有更好耐储效果且品质优良的番茄品系。
Except for the complement C1q, the immunological functions of other C1q family members have remained unclear. Here we describe zebrafish C1q-like, whose transcription and translation display a uniform distribution in early embryos, and are restricted to mid-hind brain and eye in later embryos. In vitro studies showed that C1q-like could inhibit the apoptosis induced by ActD and CHX in EPC cells, through repressing caspase 3/9 activities. Moreover, its physiological roles were studied by morpholino-mediated knockdown in zebrafish embryogenesis. In comparison with control embryos, the C1q-like knockdown embryos display obvious defects in the head and cramofacial development mediated through p53-induced apoptosis, which was confirmed by the in vitro transcribed C1q-like mRNA or p53 MO co-injection. TUNEL assays revealed extensive cell death, and caspase 3/9 activity measurement also revealed about two folds increase in C1q-like morphant embryos, which was inhibited by p53 MO co-injection. Real-time quantitative PCR showed the up-regulation expression of several apoptosis regulators such as p53, mdm2, p21, Box and caspase 3, and down-regulation expression of hbae1 in the C1q-like morphant embryos. Knockdown of C1q-like in zebrafish embryos decreased hemoglobin production and impaired the organization of mesencephalic vein and other brain blood vessels. Interestingly, exposure of zebrafish embryos to UV resulted in an increase in mRNA expression of C1q-like, whereas over-expression of C1q-like was not enough resist to the damage. Furthermore, C1q-like transcription was up-regulated in response to pathogen Aeromonas hydrophila, and embryo survival significantly decreased in the C1q-like morphants after exposure to the bacteria. The data suggested that C1q-like might play an antiapoptotic and protective role in inhibiting p53-dependent and caspase 3/9-mediated apoptosis during embryogenesis, especially in the brain development, and C1q-like should be a novel regulator of cell survival during zebrafish embryogenesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Recent evidences suggested that oxidative stress may play a significant role in the pathogenesis of MCs toxicity. In the present study, the acute effects of microcystins on the transcription of antioxidant enzyme genes were investigated in liver of crucian carp i.p.-injected with 50 mu g MC-LReq per kg body weight (BW). We reported the cDNA sequences for four kinds of antioxidant enzyme (GSH-PX, CAT, Cu/Zn SOD, and GR) genes, and evaluated the oxidant stress induced by MCs through analyzing the transcription abundance of antioxidant enzyme genes using real-time PCR method. The time-dependent change of relative transcription abundance and expression of the antioxiclant enzyme genes were determined at 1, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h. The transcription abundance varied among antioxiclant enzymes, with GSH-PX and GR down-regulation, and CAT and SOD significantly upregulation. Based on these data, we tentatively concluded that the oxidant stress was induced by MCs, and caused the different response of the antioxiclant enzyme genes. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: U19/EAF2 is a potential tumor suppressor exhibiting frequent down-regulation and allelic loss in advanced human prostate cancer specimens. U 19/EAF2 has also been identified as ELL-associated factor 2 (EAF2) based on its binding to ELL, a fusion partner of MLL in acute myeloid leukemia. U19/EAF2 is a putative transcription factor with a transactivation domain and capability of sequence-specific DNA binding. Methods: Yeast-two-hybrid-screening was used to identify U19/EAF2-binding partners. Co-immunoprecipitation and mammalian 1-hybrid assay were used to characterize a U19/EAF2-binding partner. Results: FB1, an E2A fusion partner in childhood leukemia, was identified as a binding-partner of U19/EAF2. FB1 also binds to EAF1, the only homologue of U19/EAF2. FB1 also interacts and co-localizes with ELL in the nucleus. Interestingly, FB1 inhibited the transcriptional activity of U19/EAF2 but not EAF1. Conclusions: FB1 is an important binding partner and a functional regulator of U19/EAF2, EAF1, and/or ELL. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The parasitic copepod Sinergasilus major is an important pathogen of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. To understand the immune response of grass carp to the copepod infection, suppression subtractive hybridization method was employed to characterize genes up-regulation during the copepod infection in liver and gills of the fish. One hundred and twenty-two dot blot positive clones from infected subtracted library were sequenced. Searching available databases by using these nucleotide sequences revealed that 23 genes are immune-related, including known acute-phase reactants, and four novel genes encoding proteins such as source of immunodominant MHC-associated peptides (SIMP), TNF receptor-associated factor 2 binding protein (T2BP), poliovirus receptor-related protein 1 precursor, glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP). The differential expression of seven immune genes, i.e. GARP, alpha-2-macroglobulin, MHC class I, C3, SIMP, T2BP, transferrin, as a result of infection was further confirmed by RT-PCR, with the up-regulation of alpha-2-macroglobulin, MHC class I, C3, SIMP and T2BP in the liver of infected fish, and down-regulation of SIMP in the gills of infected fish. The present study provides foundation for understanding grass carp immune response and candidate genes for further analysis.